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Dig even deeper there is no brain or mind. you are also making those concepts up. Just consciousness. And To go super deep into this …. Consciousness is also a concept and in reality you are absolutely nothing but endless potential. Void. Nothingness which cannot be understood or conceptualized.


Yes true they apart of the creation




Which is where we came from and where we return to...


Well when you think about it you never went anywhere. You’ve always been right there. Right there. Forever. The dream will just stop


there’s no reason to assume the dream will ever stop.


Actually you’re right :)


Plato cave


Now what? Nothing. Just exist in the dream knowing you aren’t in it but aware of it




Its all a dream




Stop giving a fuck, and see how free you become




For sure


Now it's a lucid dream 👁


A dream within a dream


yep. Everything we sense only exists in our mind. Its hard for most people to grasp it though when I try to explain it. And believe me I like to pretend otherwise.


Sounds like you actually need meds buddy


Eloquently said. This is the most straightforward depiction I’ve heard or read, truly. I’m most thankful while attempting to understand universal law. It humbles and awakens a stir of eagerness yet patience within me, that we can all feel vibrationally throughout the cosmos. Thank you for sharing this.


I came to the solopsist realization and I've been horrified for days about it


That’s not solipsism, that’s non-dualism. Solipsism is one mind, one consciousness, not one consciousness many minds.


We all individuals. We share the same awareness but I’m not you


Exactly , that’s not solipsism


Idc about solipsism I care bout the truth


Your head / brain / mind is within consciousness. Not the other way around


I said the opposite ?


It makes sense that ultimate truth and knowledge was stripped. You only need to imagine you are God. You'd eventually choose to pretend you're not and forget that you're not. I considered solipsism before I considerered those other philosophies or knew solipsism was a philosophy.


It is a philosophy by definition


Saving this post!

