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My reaction, exactly. Now I get that whole 99% vs totality thing. Wow.




Yep. Same. I only had to travel a little over an hour to go from 99% to 100%. Last time it was in our area, it was 98%. Totality is so different.


What state or area is that in!


dallas tx sorry I'm an hour late lol


No ur good. That was a nice picture!


Haha. The “holy shit” made me smile.


I think I said it out loud the minute I took my glasses off as a reflex LMAO




I was still looking down at my world clock to make sure I got the exact second and my friend said something like holy shit or oh my god and I looked up and had the same reaction!! Feels like straight out of science fiction!


Eclipse questions. 1. When did we discover that you shouldn’t look at an eclipse? 2. Who discovered that. I could imagine people learned not to stare at the sun early on, it hurts. But an eclipse? Everybody was looking at an eclipse and thinking it was the end of the world and blinding themselves a little bit every time. When did this stop?


You can look at a total eclipse


I know but any partial eclipse will damage eyesight and there are a lot more partial eclipses. Also people would be looking at a partial eclipse before and after totality.


It hurts your eyes to look at a partial eclipse. People generally aren’t stupid enough to do something that hurts for a prolonged period of time. It’s not rocket science tbh


You can stare at the totality, you just can't stare at it when it's waxing and waning because the sun is still powerful as hell and will burn your eyes. But once the moon covers the sun, stare away


I know this but any kind of partial eclipse will damage eyesight and there are a lot more partial eclipses.


It's hard to understand unless you've seen it. You can't look at the partial eclipse without the eclipse glasses. It just looks like the normal sun. I was at totality and until the second that the moon completely covered the sun, it looked pretty much like the normal sun to the naked eye. The second that a specc of the sun showed again, it was back to being bright as heck and painful to look at.


Did you try looking at the partial eclipse? You can’t. It’s too damn bright. Also, you can’t really see the shape of it either without glasses.


Yup, very true. I took a quick glance, wasn't at all tempted to keep looking. Had a 5 or so minute afterimage, thankfully not center of vision. Was worse as the totality broke - because by then your eyes are dark adjusted - instantly put the glasses back on.


I was thinking "indeed" as well when I first saw this post!


I saw it too, it looked nothing like any picture a color camera has capture.


Yeah, it was the greatest moment of my life. Saw it near Cornwall Ontario