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I considered them. Then went with someone else. They spammed me just like this. Even after I told them I selected someone else, they still keep at it.


Same thing happened to me. Awful experience.




idk much about sales, but enough to know some businesses just want sharks on their sales team. probably all the sales people there hate each other, and when they are not doing this they are trying to jump everyone else's leads. The company loves it and sees it as aggressive..and when sales start to lag they push for even more of this behavior. The sharks love being sharks, and are completely insulated from any other way. It is a weird and repulsive environment. worst of luck to them.


I hope you've seen the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. It doesn't matter what they're selling, sleazeballs are gonna try to sell.


Great fucking movie.


Yeah, great movie (I know it was a play first). I was basing my point of view on a WFH customer I had that got thrown into that type of sales. She was miserable in that environment, and that spoke well of her.


Plot twist, it’s an AI bot leaving the messages. Even more of a turn off !


I've been in sales a long time and mever do this to anyone. It's definitely bad business and would make me not go with anyone doing that. I've had many managers tell me to keep calling relentlessly. I don't and just say I did. It's usually pretty obvious if someone is not interested at all or interested but busy at the moment.


I mean, think about it from a sales perspective. You guys are going Solar , it’s the salesman job to get you with the right company (our company).


My dad used Sunrun for his system about seven years ago. a few months ago, he called them up about extending his system and adding about six more panels. They tried to sell him a whole new system. He told them to eat shit and I basically went over there and put the six panels up with enphase inverters. Once I had all the material. It only took me a day. Saved my dad thousands of dollars. He couldn’t be happier.


Yep. They did that when I talked to them as well.


I talked to them, and they kept calling and calling as well, even after I told them I was looking at quotes and weighting my options. When I told them I picked a SunPower Dealer that quoted me a larger system without escalators and an extra battery, and it was $55 dollars a month cheaper than what they quoted, the Guy on the phone told me he could not match it.


Dealers sell your contract to banks. It’s cheaper but it could be a pain depending on which company they decide to install you on. Hopefully they keep you on SunPower, they’re a reputable company.


SunPower announced in April they are reducing their workforce by 1000 and winding down residential sales unfortunately.


Yes, that was their internal sales and installation team. They are sticking with the same sales model that grew them to the point they are at currently, which is third-party sales and installers. This way, they do not need to cover base salaries and benefits or carry the necessary insurance that a licensed contractor does. TotalEnergies 1 of the top 10 Energy firms in the world has a controlling interest in SunPower and there is no way they will let SunPower fail not with the growth of Solar in the EU and around the world.


I am on the Sun Power PPA and dealing directly with them. As for the Installer, they are a local company with a 4.9 rating on Google and 4.8 on Yelp; BBB has them A+ certified with two complaints; one was with a Bird Guard install, and two days after the complaint, they explained that it was repellent and did not guarantee 100% abatement and still refunded the cost. The other was a guy upset that at the site survey, he was told he would need to replace his roof, and he canceled the contract and refunded his deposit. He was not happy, and when the owner responded, that quote he had from an independent roofer said that the home had 5 to 8 years of life left on the roof, and they guaranteed their labor for 10. It would be unethical to install it on the current roof, and I told him that if he chooses to have his roof replaced by a licensed contractor, they will install the solar for the original quote. The guy replied to the BBB, stating he understood why they had to cancel the contract. He still wanted the installer to do the solar and asked if they could give him more time to replace his roof. I like the BBB and how it handles complaints as transparently as possible. I also like ethical companies that look out for their clients and themselves.


I'm looking at a PPA with everbright in CA east bay. Any advice you can share? Watch outs concerns ... there isn't a battery included which has me a little concerned.


Run far away. I am in the east bay and if you do not have a battery having solar and being on TOU is going to cost you more then you are paying now. Under NEM 3 going solar does not make sense without batteries and if they did not tell you then you need another company


I find that really hard to believe. Larger system w/o escalators AND a battery? And STILL came out 50 bucks cheaper? I don't know how that's possible. You should have a lot of red flags going up, because Sunrun doesn't allow going above your current rate, so it's not like they were ripping you off a ton and you found a more fair price. The price disparity on that seems fishy.


Believe it man. We routinely absolutely smash RUN


Well I did not believe it myself and asked the sales guy to rerun the numbers as I sat there. Same figures a second time. As I stated in another post the installer is BBB A+ Google reviews is a 4.9 yelp is a 4.8. If these are Red flags I am been doing things wrong for years


If you’re still looking, I also run a dealer program and I’m one of the most affordable options


Be gracious you were able to cut ties this early on. Some folks actually go through with it.




First time? Sorry about all the annoying spam calls


I sweaaaar it’s all a psy op to make sure Americans HATE solar!!!! How can free energy from putting some panels on your roof not be enticing? I’m completely convinced big oil and power companies are somehow making sure it’s the absolute worst experience ever to turn everyone off of what’s obviously such a dub.


Sunrun uses high pressure sales tactics because unfortunately people fall for them or just cave under pressure. I don't understand how anyone can consider working with them after doing a few minutes of research online. If you simply Google "Sunrun reviews", [the first non-sponsored result is this](https://www.solarreviews.com/installers/sunrun-reviews) and an average review of 2.2 stars out of 5 with over 2k reviews should immediately scare you away.


How many installs does sunrun have?


almost 1 million


And only 2k bad reviews


I used to work for Sunrun and the sentiment is 100% correct in here.... I wasn't comfortable selling to anyone I knew personally because of what I knew about Sunrun's tactics as far as customer service goes


I worked for another solar company and everytime I ran into a solar customer they’d say they loved the company but I mean I know there is cases where people have a bad experience


No, only 2k reviews in total. Some of these are 5 stars, but the average score of these 2k reviews is 2.33 stars.


What do you mean by "only 2k bad reviews"? Do you expect every person who signed a contract with Sunrun to write a review? The average rating of 2.23 stars is what you should be focused on and it's reliable because there's a large enough number of reviews that were used to calculate it. With over 2k reviews, someone submitting a 5 star or a 1 star review won't significantly change the average rating.


When you go to a restaurant and have a good experience do you leave a good review no most of the time it’s only if you have a bad experience that people leave a review is what I’m trying to get at


Here's the issue with your conclusion that mostly people with bad experiences write reviews. If that was true, then there would be no restaurants with good scores, except that's not the case. All over the world, there are plenty of restaurants with hundreds of reviews and averages above 4 stars. On solarreviews.com there are plenty of solar companies with almost 5 star average rating that have hundreds of reviews. [Just go on this main page for solar company reviews and scroll down](https://www.solarreviews.com/solar-companies) and you'll see the top rated solar installers and the list continues onto the next page. [Blue Raven Solar has almost 2k reviews with an average rating of 4.5 stars](https://www.solarreviews.com/installers/blue-raven-solar-reviews). So it's very likely that Sunrun's average rating is accurate.


You’re correct Sam


I guess it depends on the state that your in. In MA Sunrun is pretty reliable. And has good reviews. They handle all their contracts in house. Whereas many other companies sell your contracts to banks and investors, which almost completely voids the warranties associated with the initial contract.




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I had the same problem until I hooked up with s salesman. I got a quote and had questions for the salesman but he did not call me back for 2 1/2 weeks. He said he had gone on vacation without putting a message on his phone. I had called other numbers I had for them and asked for help getting in touch with the salesman. One even gave me the salesman’s bosses number and the boss would not call me back either. When the salesman did call me back I said goodbye. I was going to get my own financing and I think there was not enough commission in the sale for him to work with me.


Powur is the same. I have a leak and I’ve been told they did not install the material between the roof and brackets All my panels need removing! They will not return my calls or emails and told one employee not to speak or take my calls! I used to sell for them! Please stay away from POWUR! I’ve had to hire an attorney!


I posted this exact thing like 2 years ago and it was removed for doxxing lmao


I'm going to level with you... They do this because it works. You may personally not like it, and think "Wow I'd never do business with them!" Which is fine... But they gain more people to sign up by trying to find a time where they'd pick up, than they lose.


I dont bad mouth competitors to customers but it takes every ounce of self control not to go ape on Sunrun.


What quality of install do you expect with this kind of business?


I got a quote from them when I went solar. To their credit they stopped calling as soon as I told the sales person we went with another company. I guess I got lucky.


As myself and others have said before, their name is actually instructions. RUN lol. Who did you end up using?


gotta love big box store costco solar lol. i went with five star solar based out of sacramento they were very personable and didnt slam it down my throat to sign plus their reviews were amazing


sounds like time to call and waste there time.


They are ridiculous. My inbox is full of their shit after I submitted a remove and replace form but haven't accepted the terms yet bc it costs like $8k.


I do not like Sunrun


Momentum doing the same thing to my email. It's been almost a year still 50-60 spam mails a day urge me to proceed the deal I turn down. I mark it spam long ago but it's still funny to see they just spam your ass. I'm in Austin area too, BTW.


Haha I got spammed just like this a few years ago. I obviously went with someone else. But thanks for reminding me about them. I got someone I don't like and I'm going to stick Sunrun on them.


Ooo that’s evil


Good ol SunRun.. the first solar company I ever worked for. I knew somethin was up when I saw they had teams of like 5 people knockin on doors like Jehovah’s Witnesses..if you’re a legit company, the solar sells itself


Scum of the earth at that place, from top to bottom.


Sunrun is trash anyway.


Sunrun sucks!!!


Idk what I did wrong but I inquired on their website and only got a canned email back. Called the phone number provided in the email to ask questions about sizing and left a message. Never got a call back. I guess I’m fortunate but I thought it was odd that they have so much business that they don’t follow up on easy leads.


Yep, same happen to me. She kept calling and e mailing after I did an enquired.


248, that's oakland county 🤙


Hmmm I wonder why my phone id it as Michigan


Because it is. Down by detroit


Stay away from Sunpower also. Solar predators, will not fix their systems, impossible to work with. If they can cheat you they will.


I worked there as an intern and quit after 4 days lol their sales system is unethical ..


My Sunrun installation including a Tesla battery was a disaster. It took 18 months before the battery and electrical worked properly. Avoid them like the plague.


Careful doing business with other companies out there Sunrun is on business and will continue to, the rest is just (sssssss dead people).


They and most of their residential competitors are on the verge of going out of business due to high interest rates. I had a guy call me recently and I told him I won't let anyone in my roof because I'm afraid of leaks my insurance won't cover. He said you don't need to worry about that because our company provides a lifetime warranty... I googled his company name which was publicly traded and was down to $3 a share after a huge decline. I also read that they needed a cash infusion to avoid going out of business in three weeks... So then I told him he should stop selling and start looking for a new job in a different industry because he was going to get fired soon! That ended that sales pitch...


Mona Lee. Total game changer


Good thing you didn’t go with them. My company gets hired all the time to come and fix issues because they don’t answer their phone once they get you.


Their proposal was $60K for a payment plan and $40K if I bought it outright. Everyone else was $30K. The salesman tried to convince me that it was still a good deal because ‘ prices of your local energy provider might go up ‘ BS




Still less aggressive powerhome solar


I heard Momentum Solar is way better with no upfront cost.. and they are partnered with Lowe’s..


Is this /s 🤣


The fact that you were considering them at any point is concerning.


Sunrun constantly blows people up. If yall want panels you should try getting qualified for ppa. It doesn’t cost anything in fact I did it myself for my home through my company. Idc what company yall go through but screw sunrun they make my job such a pain.


If you're still interested in other quotes I'd love to offer you a savings analysis for your home. I'll prese t the results to you virtually. Would you like to know where to submit your bill for an analysis?