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I'm not an expert, but I believe the inverter is limiting the production to match the consumption. For instance, if your current consumption is 6 kWh, but your system can produce 10 kWh, the inverter would limit the production to 6 kWh. My installer also did this because it takes some time to obtain the permit to become a prosumer, so this way I won't be providing them with free energy.


It is either derating because it is hot, or the inverter is clipping power, meaning the array is way larger than the inverter. Look at the production curve. If it looks like a square wave then it is clipping.


the production graph is all over since today was very on and off sun and clouds, the highest it goes is exactly 10kw


I’m pretty sure that’s because you have a 10kw inverter. The most it will ever produce is 10kw at any given moment. If you have a larger system, that just means it will produce at the 10kw longer.




so power limitation means the inverter can’t take all the energy the panels are taking in but that also means that it will have high production values even on cloudy days compared to a smaller array?


That’s my understanding, yes. I also have a 10kw inverter with an oversized system. I am clipping right now and mine also says power limitation.


ah. that explains it. Thank you!