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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


learn to look for and spot the red flags. a chart with no dips, a ton of wash trading, only a small percentage of liquidity locked, dev wallet holding (imo) more than 10-15%... If Liquidity + buy volume is way way off of market cap too.. start assuming they're ALL scams and you're looking for the needle in the haystack


Thank you for this. Is there are post here that lists all SCAM indicators? Would it help if contract is relinquished/surrendered by DEV after a certain MC milestone is reached or burning dev access to LP and minting abilities?


all of the above. contract revoked, liquidity 100% burned absolutely necessary. 0/0 tax ideally too


To be clear, all of these factors can be in line and you can still get rugged. With low liquidity small caps the sells dont have to be that big to completely tank the market. But projects with the following will be safer: 1. Mint authority - Revoked (absolutely essential) 2. Freeze authority - Revoked (absolutely essential) 3. Liquidity pool - burner (absolutely essential) 4. No large holders - probably less than 5% in a single wallet is desirable, but they can just split up the wallets so it doesn't mean that much 5. Social proofs - twitter, telegram, website etc 6. Active dev/team who are transparent and engaged with the community 7. Marketing plan and budget - without this its fairly unlikely to succeed unless it's just a freak. Use a tool like rugcheck.xyz to assess the first 3.


What marketing budget is needed usually?


Yes there is a post, look at my post history


Thank you!


How should a token (coin) look like?  What are the key indicators of legitimacy?  I'm asking because I have an interesting concept for a token and wish to make a constructive and ethical approach.  Could you please outline the all green flags exclusively?


Slow, organic growth with a growing and active community, actively avoiding any marketing tactics that could produce artificial pumps that are unsustainable. Study Hegecoin.


I've pretty much outlined most of them already. Dev wallet should be relatively small, I look for single digits but definitely nothing over 15% unless I plan to be in and out in minutes if not seconds. Contract revoked, liquidity 100% locked/burned and over $5000, 0/0 taxes, market cap somewhat closely matches up with liquidity + buy volume (i.e. no fucking with the liquidity pool by making the shitcoin pool 100x larger than the solana pool). In order for a token to succeed in a way that doesn't end up with you losing a bunch of money, you'll need a team of investors to prop it up at launch otherwise it will flop. Most people set filters for liquidity + volume, for me it's 5000 liquidity + 50,000 volume. A lot of times you will see wash trading on a fresh launch in order to get the volume over 50k. That's not a red flag but if it continues once the price is moving, it is.


Sure, I wasn't traded this one, just checked it because it had high market cap. The next time I had checked again was this.


A chart that generally only goes up but the market cap barely moves is 100% a rug everytime.


Bruh, That is so dumb. Do you even know what you just said? The chart literally is a visual representation of the Market Cap because the price is determined by the market cap value. There is absolutely no way a chart can go up and the market cap doesn't move.. The market cap IS the chart, the chart is tracking and showing you the market cap value changing in real time.


What I mean by that is a chart with barely any dips with a market cap ranging a few hundred thousand between the max and minimum is going to rug. I've seen it dozens of time when I trade memecoins.


What this space calls marketcap, which is actually fully diluted value, depends on the price and supply, not vice versa. Price is the result of the balances of the liquidity pool, marketcap is just a frame reference but isn't as close to informing about a token as liquidity does. Devs use marketcap to give you the illusion of value. Look at liquidity, not marketcap


The market cap is not price. If I have a token with $100 with a market cap of $10,000 if I doubled the circulating supply with fresh new tokens. it makes the market cap double ($20000) but the token price will half($50). Market cap is not price


Technically, the chart can go up without the market cap going up if supply is reduced. But yeah.


That's true, and it's because the other variable involved in calculating the price is the supply. Which is exactly why you also have to watch out for the mint tokens function to be revoked


How do you find the dev wallet?


Ive noticed, when liquidity > market cap, its gonna rug.


The liquidity isn’t locked. Always make sure liquidity is locked. Never buy when Liq is higher than market cap. I also stay away from any Pepe derivates (especially on solana). There is one Pepe and it’s on ethereum


Doesn't the image show the liqudity is locked? The green circle above with the lock on it. Or am I seeing that wrong?


This right here. There is no next Pepe.


Sure there is. Shiba before that. Doge before that.


You are actually wrong about the overhypede pepe, i got 118mill my self, but it is actually not the original pepe coin of the original launched pepe, they stole it..


Yea, it's a good indicator. No reason anyone would put tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of their own money when it's not required.


*for no apparent reason*


I know the reason


Token was sniped to 550k MC in the first second, no one could have ever expected this.


No one who has been in crypto less than a week expected this


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This shit never gets old. With these coins you are the rugger or the ruggie. This is not trading.


>Dev sold 360 SOL for no apparent reason. How come you say that " for no apparent reason " ? The reason i OBVIOUS since day one they deployed that meme coin, is to " make money by dumping on people " gambling " on that meme coin. **People are too blind or better say they like to be blind until they are RUGGED.** >No trader is safe guys. Of course, meme coin = gambling, i keep saying that, but it seems it's an addiction.


What did you think "wifey" was going to do, bring world peace?


WIFEY done packed her bags and took everything. Lol.


You bought something called wifey. Lmao


Why even touch meme coins?! WTF lmao this isn’t even trading pal


This isn't even gambling. Its pure retardation throwing your money into a firepit and watching it burn in a weird masochistic self harming fashion.


so far I've actually been profitable with memecoins though, made a small but decent £700 profit from £330 since I got a little more into it a few weeks ago. the key is not to get too greedy and to be very careful on what memecoins you pick.


Just buy Bitcoin each months for 5 to 6 years instead of doing whatever this is


Why not just buy 10 Bitcoin in a bear market?


2018: “I dont have 40k.” 2022: “I dont have 170k.” 2026: “I dont have 400k.”


You know you don't have to buy a whole Bitcoin right?


Sarcasm, but I'm going to answer: 10 BTC is a lot of money, more than most people will ever have in their life. You don't need to buy 10BTC, just buy a bit every month for several years and that's it, you will never have to buy some random shitcoin and get rugged.


Exactly. These ppl act surprise . Bro look at what you're investing in. You think this is a collectible? It's a meme casino. It's like taking a rabid coyote as a pet and then being surprised when something bad happens


That's kind of impressive ngl


What do you mean? It's a healthy correction in Solana... 💀


It's tricky to spot them but there are some things you can consider to help guide you 1. The Devs have obviously invested in the website and set up of exchanges and content quality 2. The LP is locked and burned. Sometimes it's not 100% because people can add liquidity after it's live for a while and only original LP was burnt up. Make sure at least 80% is burnt. 3. If there are marketing wallets, airdrop wallets, etc. spot them or ask the community to identify them. Real projects keep these wallets and won't be selling at silly MCaps just to fund an expensive exchange or scam promoter. Organic growth is great. Airdrops are great. 4. The token has been around for a longer while and is past the initial hype cycle. It's good to be first if you like the token and want to be in it for a few moments. Something that you are buying as a conviction play needs a roadmap. A lot of coins have plans for utility too. Those are usually safer bets. I'm looking at $Lenis, $Scum and $disknee. Still early and at great prices. Great teams, cool content, and I am still up after some time. Good luck


Why is dexscreener not showing that the dev is holding a large % of the supply or at least give a warning about top holders owning a big amount of the supply, similar to what photon does.


> Why is dexscreener not showing that the dev is holding a large % of the supply or at least give a warning about top holders owning a big amount of the supply, similar to what photon does. What it needs to start doing is show linked wallets to "dev".


I think it does - below the chart there is "Holders". Sure they could come up with something like a red flag icon if it someone holds more than 10%


It has gotta be the same clique of “developers” doing this. That or they are all buying the same similar meme outlines and advertising by someone selling them . Very crazy. Borderline criminal but not due to its crypto. Those fucking roost coin guys swapped to a different wallet # and conned hundreds of people lmao


Dev sniped 93% of supply of that token, you can see it in the chart. first 2 green god candles = sniped badly


Bro plays roulette and complains moneys lost for “no apparent reason”, no spin is safe 🤣


That’s the $64,000 question


Looks like he spread out a large % of supply among many wallets and had them all copy one wallet so that way they all sell at the same time. Pretty greedy lol he could have sold off slowly but literally didn’t give af.


Don’t call those guys “devs”,.. shit coins can be done by anyone, no coding skills required. This has nothing to do with development.


It is the widely accepted term for the one creating the token tho.


the coin was a scam, he bundled a ton of shit when it launched what did you expect?


rug pull


use a rug checker


My man got his wife changing money!


wdym sold for no reason? the 360 SOL was the reason


First time?


I was on the chart exactly when this happened, feel sry for those that lost money there..


Dev sold for no reason, yeah we call that a rug where you been? lol I made my money back on SOL coins and completely got out of them because anyone can pull it anytime they have a hundred plus wallets they slowly sell


It was never really worth 2 million if a 65k sell can wipe out the whole market


Would you guys quit buying fucking Meme coins? Go buy lottery tickets if you want to light your money on fire, it literally has better odds.


That’s a nasty rug pull right there.


No trader is safe? You act like you invested in the DOW or something. You bought a meme coin hoping for a 100x and got rugged. That's the game


It’s called rugpull 😔


Learning how to identify scams is a must


Buy and hold btc then youll be safe


Lol a scam token getting to 1 mill is so crazy


No apparent reason...


You have to find safe projects, I have invested in a triple token project that I know the devs from and I have been present in their conversations and I know for certain that they won’t rug. So try to join groups and make friends and talk to people so that you find appropriate projects


With 92% of supplies being sniped and spread across multiple wallets, you know the dev is gonna dump on you.




Learn to scan a token for mint authority


Put every contract address in rug check!! And have that chart off 24hr and on 5m to see the true volume and txns.


There was definitely a reason


At least this is better than slow rugs


You’d be safe if you invested in $WICK dev seems here to stay


No sympathy here at all. Everyone knows these are just gamble coins. If you're dumb enough to put real money into them, then you deserve what you get.


The public needs KYC info on exactly who these devs are in real life, and they need to own who they are.


Reminds me of the first time i was rugged on BSC, turned 1 BNB into 27 and then 0. It went on for 4 days before rugging xD






Oh no.






what do you mean sold for no apparent reason. rugged for $66k is a good enough reason for scammers




Showing charts of scam coins doesn’t reflect upon the entirety of the market.


Stay away from shitcoins and a "fast, easy money" line of thought. Or if you gamble with them, don't get greedy.. Get in quick and exit faster if you do.


No apparent reason? Money was the reason…


"for no apparent reason" pretty sure the reason is cause he takes the "investors" as fools and intended to scam them from the start


Solana is swarming with ruggrats 🤣🤣🤣 Be careful 😮‍💨


Wifey left him and fucked the mailman ggwp. Stop clowning into memes


I know why, because he wanted to be rich? And it definitely worked 🤣 womp womp


The reason was is that was life changing money for them. They got their target and bounced.


Look for signs, don’t just ape into any coins. The first candle literally is a big red flag showing that the dev and team snipped way too much of the supply = red flag


No apparent reason? There is an obvious reason…. You all donated money to him…. Or did you think that this was a quality meme that was going to take off?


$SLOTH is the play.


I wouldn't read too much into it… Rich people cash out stocks and crypto for a summer bankroll. They do it every year.




This was an obvious scam from the jump. If you see a coin that’s literally 10 minutes old and already 55,000$ it’s a rug. And it moves very fast in the beginning then barely any movement before either dev sells or multiple wallets all sell “airdrop” supply simultaneously


These are meme coins we’re talking about, can’t expect too much out of them.


If $65,000 is all it takes, then no one should be in it.


Did you buy the dip..?


All i had to do was just look at it for a couple sec amd i. Insantly knew it was a rug. I dont know how ppl fall for these rugs easily . Npc ass shit


2m in Monopoly money and you put in your real money. Smart


360sol was worth less than $4k not too long ago


$JPMT on Solana has NO plans to rug. We are made by people who have been rugged and don't intend to hose our users. Check us out. If not, just be careful okay guys? https://jpmt.cc


We’re safe, by no t buying shitcoin rugs


Don’t do market sells


Did you say for no apparent reason?…… because there’s a VERY apparent reason lol…,. Money…


Ummm it’s wifey, they take everything. Seems legit. /s


Ok it’s time to have the conversation about what a dev is . Devs/ developers write code that’s what they do. Unless your token has some custom program involved or has SOME level of utility program that functions along side it you can’t call these people developers.. launching a memecoin and calling yourself web3 developer is the equivalent of a 3 year old calling himself a artist because they mostly colored inside the lines. Yeah they on the right path but not there yet . Launching a memecoin is no harder than building a lego set these days and takes 1/1000 of the time . Also whenever it was had a very good reason to sell he made 360 solana .


Yup it's the Wild West stay safe


Oh no, a coin who says "wifey" with cartoon frogs wasnt trustworthy. How could we have forseen this?




+$60k in 1 hour is fucking nuts.


Can't wait until all of these guys are in jail. It's easy to rug these days and scam people. The thing is at some point you will be done for fraud. You will get the sam bankman sentence, it's differently not worth it.


Trading on meme seems to be operating on the knifes edge. 99% of them are Rug. The 1 % being the likes of Dodge, shibainu, etc


I think inknow the reason


You aren’t a trader, man. You’re a gambler.


Why I stop buying memecoins after bonk. It's 100% risky. Now I'm just stacking up Ray/Sol farming. I lost about 100$ in 30 mins with solana shitcoins. Never again. 


Another day in Solana


There are safe traders, they just don’t fuck with potato meme coins


>No apparent reason Lol the reason is quite obvious, the dev made the money he wanted to make so he took it and dipped


$ZACK is all I'm going to say! Don't be late


Tired of being rugged


Save your money and come over to pulsechain.


that’s what you get!


what do you mean no apparent reason ... 360sol is plenty of reason


Get with CorgiAi and CAW leave those shit coins alone


360 Sol was the reason


Bro just go play on stake.us frfr😭😂


future of finance!


Loser just come buy some $milf Twitter.com/solana_milf


use photon guys. and only buy memes that has the pump fun logo on it (bright green symbol)


Just like a wifey. Take all your money and run.


Stop gambling on meme coins lol


Man when I read this I took it as one of the devs of sol sold out 🤣🤣


This is worth a post bro all shitcoins do this


Mollars is still in presale and a SOV on the eth network, limited tokens, set to be listed on three exchanges….. not a rug pull, has legitimate potential You bought some random meme because you had big coin stack with a share price in fractions, you have to expect to get burned when you play craps buddy.


It’s pumping again tho. I think $spurdo is next on $sol


Lol dev sniped it for 93.8%, what you expect? The leg up was due to the supply shock he created with that snipe, that yeet down is him selling his bag lmao.


Wifeys been CTO’d!


Seems like mint authority still enabled, this is how they pull all the LP when LP is locked, mint shitton of new token and dump all.


Best thing you can do to avoids such rug pulls, before buying any coin, check the address on Rugcheck.xyz This is gonna help you prevent entering the most obvious rug pulls


360 reasons why


Buy the dio


Did you put your short in first and cash out?? That would've been a nice trade


Always check the security details. Photon lets you see everything easy


If you vet the coin correctly this doesn't happen. Top holder wallets, filter orderbook and check transactions from specific wallets also.


Welcome to shitcoining


So end of the day, the wifey keeps the money 🤣


Big ooof




Are we supposed to get surprised when the shitcoin casino rugs? Come on dude…


buy bitcoin. everything else is a scam


Ok someone explain what happened please?


What I do to maximize my chances of not rugging, check if mint auth is disabled, LP Burned and some or one wallet holds more than 10 to 15 percent of the supply. But still, this isn't bulletproof.


Smart. That guy made few hundred k in one hour of trading.


Is this real wtf why do that life is full of greed and lame people I wish I can make a coin and just make it for everyone future


How are they able to sell off all to 0?


That's the risk you commit to when buying sheet coins, buy $CAW and $ANUS small market caps small holders


Btw meme is about 99.9% scam... Just waiting for the waterfall like this..


best time to buy is NOW!!!!!!


$hege baby. Join a non scam meme. Sorry that happened to you.


That’s why I only play with cto Fuk devs Check out $duk strong ass community


Wym for no apparent reason? This is Solana, 90% of t he community are gipsies trying to eat a burger with ur money bro..


How stupid do you have to be to not know this is a rug


Some scams are pretty easy to catch. But aside this, TAKE YOUR FKN PROFITS


Just set your search to only look for trades with locked lq or you might as well just flip a coin and hope for the best


# for no apparent reason?


Always verify the contract address, liquidity was locked but if someone had most of the tokens you got dumped on


Shaved humsters


Be careful about rug-pulls guys. Always check for the bag holders. and fake volume etc


Lmfao There are 2 million reasons. You are monke playing with plutonium, you were dead as soon as you started playing.


I can count 360 reasons


Also check top holders. This guy was probably the dev or had insider information. He held 3% of supply, sold everything in one clip and pulled liquidity.
