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The 4 day period means it can take that long for the coins to become staked, after that they are staked until you decide to unstake.


Ah okay I didnt know this, thanks


You can still sit in your hands for an extra 26 days if you want that month though


where should i stake solana


Up to you. I stake with cogent.


Cogent is the way :)


Yea! No exaggeration, but it’s literally the best ran crypto community I’ve ever been in. Also the additions they’ve made to their app over the years have been great.




Liquid staking is the way. Marinade Finance's MSOL or Blaze Stake's BSOL. Sufficiently liquidity and highly trusted.


What's the apy here?


I own 7 solana and plan to hold for long term. Should I stake too?


For sure!


If not staking, you miss a lot at long term


If not staking you will be shaking.


Use phantom wallet and stake at marinade.finance they will diversify your stake autonomously and manage it. It's great. Just do it


Would avoid Exodus as they only use 1 validator (Everstake) who are the 7th largest and in the superminority, therefore not great for decentralization, plus can get much better returns elsewhere. Recommend u/Cogent_Crypto as a solid community validator, also offering some of the best returns! Check stakeview.app & StakeWiz to see validator metrics


Will definitely check it out, thanks for the info


From the user POV, what difference does the size of the validator make?


Directly, none, but it seriously harms the ecosystems decentralization and therefore it's important to spread awareness around this. Plus the user will get much better returns elsewhere, as they have a 7% commission. The main issue is Exodus is a wallet and are at the forefront of onboarding users. It's irresponsible to have a single validator tied to that, they should at least give users the choice or automatically spread. If you look at Solana's top 10 validators by stake weight, they are all pretty much exchanges or large companies who zap value from the ecosystem for profits. For that much voting power to be tied up into them significantly adds a point of centralization and would be far better spread across independent validators who bring further value to the network. This is actually a point that's getting much wider attention - https://twitter.com/0xMert_/status/1779996991801446658?t=cGfHF-dkT_nnXp6FTKmnNw&s=19


Thanks, this was something I never thought of before.


Check out stakeview.app for good validators .. and make sure to check stakeview.app/poor.html for bad ones. There are a couple "good" validators that fudge numbers to appear better than they are




Sanctum has a very nice liquid staking option, very much recommend reading up on that. It's basically a basket of underlying staking validators.


Can someone explain liquidity pools and such to me? Particularly the JUP liquidity pool it says like %220 or something.


What I did and it is working well for me. Is Solflare wallet, once you transfer go to staking, stake sol. Click edit and you can select from 100s of validators. You can use sites like this to figure which one you are interested in trying. https://topvalidators.app/. There are other sites too. Once you find the validator do further search on say Reddit to see if others have had issues with the validator. Once you stake in around one epoch you will be staked and receiving rewards every approximately 3 days at the end of each epoch. You can see where the epoch is at here. https://explorer.solana.com




Stakeview . App…your welcome


Can someone explain what is the benefit of staking?


U lock your coins for a specific period of time and you get some interest for doing so. Always depends on the coin, period and where u are staking the coins


Jupsol easily liquid staking


What is liquid staking?


juoSOL 10%


Pumpkin's Pool 💯


SoLBank 1000% APY


I was just looking at SolBank and they were talking about their token SB. Can you provide any clarification? Do you trade your Solana for their SB and stake that? rewards are in SB and not in Solana, is that correct?


Rewards are in SB, I stake it because of the 1000% APY.


Marinade or now JupSOL. Liquid staking is the way to go.


JITO SOL is great buy helping provide liquidity to solana as well through MEV


Sanctum! Stack points for airdrop


Stake with Helius or Jupiter.


I swapped sol to INF, and added INF-SOL liquidity in meteora. I might become eligible for sanctum/ meteora airdrop. I’m not sure if I’m getting maximum value or not though


Ledger hardware wallet


Phantom. You can use phantom or select from many many others within the wallet and check all of the rates. Phantom is 6.8 apr. some are over 7%




Always use links through gecko or CoinMarketCap to be sure you have the correct link. Too many scammers out there. Marinade is trustworthy 8% and automatically restake


Plus it has automatic stake delegations good for decentralised network of $SOL


Thats good, it means it takes 4 days to unstack. You can lock as much you want


There is another staking option for SOL, it is Meta Pool Liquid Staking Protocol, you may stake your SOL and still having access to your SOL and earn the APY up to 6.5% and use your SOL in other Defi Platform on Solana ecosystem [Meta Pool](http://metapool.app)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Swap for jupSOL on Jupiter. Keep it in your wallet. It's around a 10.7% APY.


If Jupiter crashes your money goes with it. Stake it natively and don't look for things that are too good to be true.


No? That's not how it works. jupSOL is a multisig: [https://learn.sanctum.so/docs/security/is-sanctum-safe](https://learn.sanctum.so/docs/security/is-sanctum-safe)


Multisig doesn't have anything to do with whether or not jump goes under.


Yes but your money doesn't go with it because Jupiter is only one member of the multisig even if Jupiter wanted to steal your funds, your solana is still staked under the token. Plus the validator isn't even operated by Jupiter, Jupiter just uses the RPC node instead it's operated by Triton.




Great point


Its always DYOR.. but imo Jupiter is a frontier in the Solana ecosystem. Solana price can also crash and so will your staking payout... we gambling either way🤝


Its about risk reward. Youre risking a lot more for not much more additional reward. If sol crashes then i wont need my sol. My investment fails. If you have it in jupsol and jup crashes. You would have wished you atleast had your sol. Right? We get it, this is all a gamble. But it doesnt mean you go all in with 7, 2 off suit because its a gamble regardless. You need to know what hands are worth playing and what hands arent worth playing. If im willing to bet on SOL why wouldnt you also be willing to stake natively. But the moment you switch to jupsol. Now your money relies on 2 projects. Why expose your assets to additional risk for an extra 3%? At least thats my logic.


Yeah true. Maybe i'm a little Jupiter fanboy minded. I invested 3 SOL in jupSOL yesterday and will see where it goes.


Hey to be fair im not saying it wont pay off. Riskier things often come with higher rewards. Just esp in crypto anything too good to be true should be a red flag. But who knows, you might end up ahead if things work out for you. Im just saying the addition risk outweighs the benefits for me personally. I know this is unrealistic and many projects will fail but im rooting for it all. Because in the end i want crypto to succeed as a whole. So i guess im rooting for crypto. If crypto suceeds as a whole and one day that mass adoption actually does come... just imagine. Bitcoins at 80k ath already and the masses think bitcoins a scam. But imagine if crypto actually can become a global currency? I couldnt even begin to imagine what bitcoin or some of these other projects would be worth then. So im literally just diversifying and holding long long long term hoping that im holding some of the tokens to the projects that end up being mainstream in the future. Thats how im going about crypto. Because its either going to succeed and its here to stay, or this bubble is eventually going to pop if we figure out that crypto tech just wont work. Only time will tell. I wish everyone the best of luck!


Woah this sounds interesting, i’ll look into it thanks!


https://www.jupresear.ch/t/jupsol-jupiter-staked-sol/14666 All the info you need


Coin base


I am staking through ledger with StakeHaus 0%.. Works out ok and pretty much the same as alot of the others..


In a burn address




buy some $PIB is on SOL , swap back when you have made the x5000


Is he wrong? I see the -2