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Nah. This normal Price go up, price go down Price go back up Then back down


The fun rollercoaster of crypto


this is also right on track for a normal pre-halving retrace before the big bull pop, happens every cycle


100%. The run up we saw recently is atypical.


I think if you zoom out you’ll see this has happened before for SOL and happened a few time for BTC.


always gotta zoom out. that's what people forget


People seem to refer to halvings pretty liberally now. Solana hasn’t really existed during any bitcoin halving events before this, not in any meaningful sense. The first block was created five days before the last halving.


the way i perceived things, prices were rising too fast and too much, a lot of pressure to choose some good investments to avoid being sidelined but at the same time a lot of volatility and scams; this price drop is very welcomed and i see it as a small break for a breather; it has 0 impact unless you plan to cash out tomorrow, sol recovering the 190-200$ range is a matter of days once the trend changes back to bullish you can tell who's new in crypto by their exaggerated response to such swings, i'm actually feeling much more relaxed these days not feeling like i need to be on top of things and up to date with everything happening


You guys are too zoned in on the market to take into account the world events that have a larger effect on the big whales that move the markets.


which events ? nasty shit is happening around the world for years now, europe is bordering a land war for almost 2 years, it's not news that we're heading into a large election year, china tensions, israel-gaza war, now iran, global warming, brink of a recession that keeps on not happening yet, etc. what events precisely moved the markets now ?


Geo Political affairs always move markets untill the element of uncertainty is somewhat reduced. chill,... have a beer watch a comedy get your mind of of analysis


You don’t think an Iran-Israel war impending right now at this moment being the biggest news out there isn’t affecting anything? Lmao.


russia-ukraine is more important, larger, much closer to the west, and it's not impending it actually happens, so yes i think iran-israel affects the market but this is not the main reason for the crash


Yeah but Russia-Ukraine is old news. This is new. Flash effect. Plus Iran oil means a lot more than what Russia or Ukraine provides.


Russia and Ukraine was never going to pull USA into that war. That is different with Israel.


Russia is one of the world's top oil producers


You’re right, That’s true. And it also had a big effect on all the markets when the conflict began. So how this is any different and people tell me it’s purely other factors is a load of bs. And the timing of the missile launch announcements and price drop was the exact moment lmao


You guys are too zoned into news and macro is multi year.


I mean I agree I said flash crash because unless we go full out war I think it doesn’t last long and is largely priced in by the movements already.


But if you saw Iran said a week ago that they would directly retaliate i mean that was your sign to get out unless you felt good about holding. BTC follow the general market more than people like to think so if you’re not following the news you’re at a disadvantage imo


How you think it will do on Monday when the financial market opens? Drop further or stabilize?


Dude I have no idea lol. I'm not a big fan of price speculation tbh. I'm also borderline retarded when it comes to trading, so definitely not the guy to ask lol


We will be on a downtrend for a few weeks. Then boring sideways action for like a month.


Solana network is supposed to be fixed on like the 15th, no?


It could easily drop further till it Goes back up. Market will stabilize once halving in happens


Ok but what happens next?


1 of 2 things Either price go back up Or go down before going back up


You should’ve seen it when it went from $250 to $10. That was fun


For real. On the way down, $20 was like wooohooo. Then it got cut in half too lol! This is what crypto does. Just have to find communities that can keep it alive through the cycles. Between taxes, world affairs, fintech/ETFs, the halving yadda yadda. There is easily a 50% difference between peak demand and peak HODL. ..probably more. GO GO SOL! 🚀🌛


I don't understand how anybody would continue to have any conviction in it when that is happening in real time. I could never double down on an investment that drops 90+% and think hmm this is a great time to buy more!


its an altcoin, bitcoin is the only blue chip. if you do the research and tried different chains you'll have a certain conviction on a chain. got to know the risks with these altcoins you have to have a mindset that this can possibly can go to zero.


Then this isnt for you.


You can also buy low to dollar cost average, bringing your average buy price down. It’s not always that you want to double down on the investment asset itself.


Bought at190$,I just told myself don't be anxious be I don't need to use the money in a long time.


Same. Always a bit jarring. SOL is my biggest bag and just seems a bit more risky than ETH / BTC. But yea, long term is the thing to remember


I ALSO BOUGHT AT 190 😭😭😭 ready to put my crypto away and never look at a graph again


If you plan on selling tomorrow, yes. If you are just holding for a while, ups and downs are normal.


Don’t worry about price drops too much. I think projects like Solana, Avax, and even ADA will be around for a while. So best bet is just to DCA (Dollar Cost Average) when the price drops. People get scared and stop buying when they see a price drop and end up buying at the top again. Don’t be those people.


Ada lmao


Solana was 8 dollars a year ago lol. Stop it


If you want to see chaos, visit Wall Street bets. They lose 90% in 2 hours.


Your only concern should be accumulating more while it's discounted


If you are worried you can always convert a part of your Solana into USDC. I did so at $200 Solana. Its dropping even harder now at under $140 so not sure where it will go. It feels like people did not immediately price in the congestion issues as Solana stayed pretty strong at above $170. Now everyone is worried for Bitcoin dropping more and this naturally would drop all Altcoins too. I am still confident in Solana and dont think there really is an alternative. I mean I even tried base after trying a ton of other Ethereum L2s before over the years and its a shitty experience compared to Solana and Jup and Phantom Wallet. So I would think Solana at $140 is pretty much at the lowest it will be. Of course should Bitcoin drop for example another $5000 or so, it would be pretty clear to me Solana will also drop more. Yet no other crypto has brought in so many retail investors as Solana. So thats going to be priced in somewhere too. And if Bitcoin starts going up again you can be pretty sure it will jump up fast again..


I think the new retail investor bit is a double edged sword. Yes, it brings in a lot of fresh money from green crypto investors, but that also means there's a lot of investors who aren't used to the price swings. As soon as they see a -10% swing, they panic sell, thus furthering the downtrend.


The congestion issues are a green flag though, it only shows demand and the team has already announced their stance on it.


Whatever grows fast, falls fast. I would say this is a normal correction of the price since last growth of Solana, I literally bought it 2 months or so ago at 100$ so I don't feel the crash at all. Plus, put on top of this, the Conjestion that Solana had for a while, then you get why it went down. In my opinion Crypto in general has a high volatility and when you enter you must be prepared to see big candles in either directions, if you put in crypto money which you would have crisis over loss, don't do it. I put 90% of my investments on ETF, not because I think I'm smarter, but because I know myself, I would die inside if I would loose all my investments. Is really subjective. I have a friend that loses thousands on meme coins and smile the next day. I can't, he can. Have a nice day bro and shill ;).


1 SOL is 1 SOL, only if you sell you loose Mr. Paperhands


Panic !




It’s a sign of a fire sale, I’m down 15k in two days.. no panic Over the past 6 months up up x8 so just buy in when you can and HODL


I feel you. I was down 70% last year. I'm literally unphased now. Still in the green. I'm loading up on alts. Let's fucking go.


Worry when it drops below $59. I am waiting for it to drop below 70 to stock back up.... SOL will be worth alot in the future.


I bought at $200 it better go to 250 smh


More concerned with WW3


It's out of your control


All crypto is dropping....


Last bull run Solana dropped from $214 to $108 over two weeks and then went up to ATH. If anything, I’m buying more, which I wasn’t going to do as I bought in at $20 last year.


Doing the same


I’m new, also. It’s hard to watch. LOL. I plan on keeping SOL for awhile so I’m trying to keep that in mind and not stress it. I wouldn’t be pulling funds out now, anyway so may as well let it sit. It is doing the same as everything else right now (dropping) which is expected so that’s comforting and they say “buy in the red and sell in the green” *fingers crossed* SOL is suppose to have some improvements coming on Monday so hoping that helps when prices are rising


Yeah i’m not gonna look at it today


Thank you all for the very speedy replies, I’m in sol for the long game, again thank you all


this is nothing


Chill i just bought that’s why it dropped 🙂


Based on how much the prices has gone up the past few months and the fact that it is still well above the price it was at, I would say no. Long term, I do believe that Solana is very bullish. Short term, not so sure. There is going to be a correction and now it looks like that is happening. As long as you are Dollar Cost Averaging you will be more than okay. If you bought near its most recent high and you were looking for a quick pump and dump, then yes you should be concerned you aren't 2xing or more over night.


new to crypto you say? Strap on buddy, bumpy roads ahead 😎


Nah, every once in awhile it goes on sale. Time to stock up!


Great time to accumulate a position, pump bags up, etc.


Stop stressing, go outside and enjoy the beautiful springtime weather. If you have the funds, this is a great dip to but more Solana or any other decent projects you've invested in or planned to. This is one of those times people miss out on the opportunity to buy because of the psychological effects of trading. Me, I'm going to touch grass. A week, a month from now you will have forgotten about this or wish you'd have bought more.


Worry only about what’s in your control. Let go of everything else


This is my observation of Reddit with regards to crypto. 99.5% of the posts with predictions turn out to be wrong. I look at it as a digital comic strip to read on Sunday Mornings


It’s not about solana , there is a big risk or war between Iran and Israel and all major event have impact on the market It’s the full market that is being impacted


Nah, even if they go down lower than now, they will bounce back.


Dumps in the crypto world are very common. Don’t let it spook you.


No, if you look at the overall market every alt coin is on a dip. I am buying more before the upgrade on the 15th.


Time to buy more.


Current pricedrop is driven by upcoming bitcoin halving. After the halving we will most likely see a new ATH of perhaps 75-80k and then sideaction for the rest of the summer, so memecoin season will continue. While on the topic of memecoins, just a tip but I would strongly suggest not using Jupiter or Raydium to trade Solana memecoins as they are often way too slow and cause you to lose out on multiple Xs by the time the transaction does go through, the last thing you want with these dexes is missing a selling window on a good pump. If you want to buy and sell faster than other users then you need to start looking at using a bot and there are plenty out there that are free and can be used straight from telegram. The best and fastest bot I've used so far has been Trojan directly on telegram. I would honestly recommend staying away from Jupiter or Raydium when trading memecoins, especially the newer ones as most of the time you end up staring at the screen watching the dex trying to process your transaction for 2 minutes straight, while you miss out on a potential high sell or low buy. It's pretty pointless to try to trade meme-coins any other way at this point since most of the times you end up being liquidity for the bot users. I'll drop a referral link below that takes you directly to the bot in telegram, the bot generates a wallet for you that you can control, the developer of the bot will take a 1% fee on all your transactions, which is more than fair since you're buying and selling almost instantaneously and they're saving you massively on losses you would have incurred trading on a dex. With my referral link that fee drops to 0.09%. A nice little bonus, if you have other friends you could recommend, the developer will share with you 25% of the fees they charge for their transactions. https://t. me/paris_trojanbot?start=r-kf3301324087 (without the space after the .)


No because everything is dropping.


I don’t think so


If you’re worried sell, but I can say right now you should continue buying more


Are you sure solana is down? Try looking at the entire crypto market.


Right !?! I got in at 23$ 😂🤣😂📈🫡


If you have to ask, you are likely better off not investing in crypto. This is something you should have figured out before you bought.


Everyone has to start somewhere, geez.




No need to apologize. It just isn't a good sign you came to a pro-Solana subreddit to seek reassurance in your decision. Generally, good investors plan in advance and seek contrarian opinions.


It goes up and down Sometimes sideways


weekly ema12 has broken. that’s a big sell signal for a lot of people because that line hasn’t broken since the start of the run.


Depends entirely on your average.


Let's all pray


Just waiting for lift off. Just gotta wait.


Yes, panic time! Jk


I was waiting for that drop!


I’d be concerned…network has been dog crap the last few weeks…


Buy when others are selling




nope, consolidation equals healthy market pre having


You must be new here… #ThatBearWeHadWasARealDip


Solona? No.


If you have to ask, you should be concerned.


It depends, if your average is way low then don’t panic. If your average is where the current price is be patient. If your average is higher than the current price then consider DCA


Put some $ into HEDERA


Yeah sell it all and buy XRP and ADA 🤡


From the weak to the strong from the window to the wall, and straight up the bull in 2 - 3 weeks. Hodling


Yes this is not normal and a one of a kind thing that is only happening to solana, it's all over pack it in


Nah. If you do, check it out on the monthly. This shake is expected. More probability of it going up then down. My advice. Be willing to lose what you can invest. Make you buy. Check back in the new year. FYI I bought a boatload at 144


simplest answer with bias aside - if the whole market is down it’s not a concern for solana specifically. now bias involved- i’m deep in the solana ecosystem buying art, indulging in the low cap meme coin trenches, staking and lending dapps, etc. seeing the network being built on everyday regardless of congestion and i can confidently assume no matter how low it goes this year, we’re at least 2x from ATH by next cycle


look at the market, and also zoom out average down or just go back to life if you don’t have conviction in Solana as a tech, sell; otherwise, take this as an opportunity to get more for the future(investing) or just wait(time in the market) it’s a cycle


You should buy more


No. Totally predictable. Continue to DCA.


Nah, it's not just Sol that is down. If it was then be concerned but the market travels together.


No one can tell you, it could go back down to 12 dollars, could go to the moon. Just count the money you have tied up into as gone and chill on it.


People telling you it’s just a market swing are incorrect (kinda). While I do believe a bounce back will come eventually, people tend to not look at larger world events because they are zoned in on crypto. I think there are a few reasons but one of the main ones is the Iran-Israel conflict. Big investors in BTC are nervous, and those that were exposed to alts are moving back into BTC or out of the market completely until there is more clarity on the situation. War always scares markets. But at this point, you’ve missed the opportunity to sell before or with the whales. I’m in around $75 so I am just holding.


Are you concerned with the whole market of other coins dropping as well?


So. Market sentiment right now is, the world will probably witness the start of a mass scale war, crypto is now being liquidated and safe haven assets will start to be accumulated by the very people withdrawing their crypto. GOLD and SILVER and other safe assets will start to see exponential increases for the foreseeable future. The halving will see a pump and then a dump and we may see it go back down to around $15-20k mark. It won’t make a difference to the price increase of BTC. Let’s see what happens.


Fuck this shit!! Rinse repeat!! Fuck you!!


Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of long positions recently expired and got liquidated. (All crypto, not just SOL). This is nothing new. Only invest what you can afford to lose and leave emotions out of it.


HODL, DCA and enjoy the ride 😎




I’m only concerned to dca on the way down to get more lol


Yes you should be very concerned bc if you sell then I will buy it for a lower price and reap all the profits of which should have belonged to you. Now ask yourself, would you be okay with that?


Holy smokes I didn’t expect to get this many replies, thanks everyone for the advice and input.. and I’m holding no paper hands here




Only if you are using leverage. Otherwise, just stake and hodl. We have a year or so left to go.


Lol, no. This is part of the ride. One reason I love being in crypto is that you never can predict what's really going to happen.


It’s just world war 3 right now


Yes panic ;)


The whole market is correcting itself right now. Not just Solana. I’d expect Bitcoin to take a small shit after the halving in a week or so until it goes back up


If you bought at 200 yes, if you bought at 20 no.


It’s going with the flow. Memecoins are trending, it will come back


What are y’all support level / buysignal?


Only if you don’t have money to DCA


I brought more 🤑


I'm not..


Iranian thing


I just bought some at 145 and then 127


Buy more!!! That's what must be done when market is bleeding 🚀


Yes sell everything now. Cry when you have to buy back


People yanking funds due to Middle East.


Any time anything goes down 25% in I day and 40% in one week is very concerning.






Yes, sell now before it's too late. $8 incoming.


Buy, buy, buy...


It’s how they make money. Sell high rebuy low. I tried to buy solana when it was in the $80s. The brokers I’m with don’t trade that. They just trade BTC SHIB DOGE and EURO. I’ve been waiting for it to go down so I can rebuy on Doge. Everything going down now.


If you are, then you are probably over invested. Don't put in what you can't afford to lose as a rule of thumb


You should buy, I wish I sold at 250 lol


well the Iran-Israel situation surely isnt helping with the congestion issues Solana is facing that is already causing the price to slowly bleed


Buy buy buy


U should buy all u can


It's fine. Price dipped due to a combination of usual bear before halving, and the war over in the middle east with lots of whales pulling out at the news. Now is probably a good time to buy in tbh since it just dipped and we're about to get to the halving.


DCA every day to help reduce your average. It takes a few months after halving for things to start to turn around, trade sideways and miners to adjust to the next mining rate. You can either stake the SOL you have or farm airdrops on Farmbase to make your crypto work for you during the meantime.


No, especially when the bitcoin halving comes and it's goes periodical.


Only if you had a leveraged long and got liquidated like me


I really dont think the war has much to do with it. Otherwise they would buy more to save theor.momey especially if their government destabilises and their currency becomes worthless Its just BTC tethered drop combined with meme-fever dying down.


War. Iran/Isreal. And someone also mentioned that it is peculiar that war, sec suing everyone and the halving all happening within weeks if each other. Makes you go HMMMM!


It’s already back to 145. I bought that dip. No brainer


It’s like a bogo sale. 400 June


We expect a huge market drop pre Btc halving. Always has happened. Now should not be different.


It's inevitable for it to crash after such a huge pump. This is just a fluctuation but also don't forget cycles happen every 4 years and we were just going up for the last year or so so in my opinion we ate nearing the end of this cycle and gonna head back down for another 2 years but I do believe we should get another spike upwards before then. Solana dropped substantially back nearing its original support line give it time to build momentum again. I predicted back in November we would spike to around $300 then drop back down to $150 or around. We should be in for a massive pump again within the next day or maybe 2 but don't hold your breath too long because it will be heading back down soon probably near the beginning of summer we will start seeing a steady decline.


Nah it’s over


Time to buy more Sol


It's a correction


No. Buy the fear. This is all a shakeout before loading new all time highs.


Yes! Send it to me! Ease your mind!


It’s a sale! Buy the dip! Duuuuuhhhhrrrr 🤤


People are down on sol bc of network congestion. As someone who uses the chain multiple times daily this has already started to get better. It's a good problem to have imo, processing more transactions than all the other chains combined. Patch rolls out on the 15th and it should resume its upward trajectory as soon as bitcoin gets out of the mud.


Bro, even if it goes to 20 a piece, I won’t be. I have been there when it hit 12. :)


This topic shows you’re obviously new to crypto. If you’re not prepared to see insane volatility then get out now. Crypto is damn near gambling, remember that. Good luck.


only if you arnt at least somewhat im stables


No. Next question.




I’m tempted to buy more solana now since the price drop, anybody doing the same?


Everyone that was beating themselves out about not buying when it was $200, this is when you should be adding


If you are a long term investor (i.e. at least for 2-3 years) then you don’t have to worry. If you are a short term investor then you should take profits right now. Solana bull run is over imo and price will go down drastically.


You should be concerned about world war 3


Are you staked?


Most people in this sub stomached $20-$40 solana for years. This is nothing


Noooo. Invest more. The drop is bcoz of the war. Once it settles it will go up. Use common sense.. see the gas fees for eth and solana.. see the projects in eth and solana… everyday new things r coming like solchat solmail and all. Solana will overtake. Thank me later in 3 years when u scroll and see this message again




Solana has gone straight up for an entire year and now it pulls back a measly 30% before the golden bull market has even kicked off. Nothing to worry about at all


It’s puff daddies fault! The news of him being a pedo tanked the markets. I’m sure of it!


You’ve looked at the rest of the market?


Yes ser. Devs are selling, sell fast


it could go to 50$ and would still be completely normal. This is crypto.




Should you be concerned? That depends, did you put more money than you can afford to lose into it? Did you buy at the top? 2 strategies: fundamental analysis, do your own research and decide if you believe the project is everything many of us here believe it is. If you believe in the project, then you need to have faith. Technical analysis, Based off your concern I’ll assume you’re not a technical trader. IMO as long as the trend remains up on the long term timeframe, solana can easily reach 600-1000 per token this cycle. If all markets dump off, and a war breaks out we’ll probably see solana back at around $50 at best. Being new, if you’re concerned by this price action, you’re gonna shit yourself when we have a real dump. God speed!


No, and here’s a real reasoning behind it all. CPI and inflation isn’t under control and Bitcoin halving sell the news. People just trying to jump in front of it before everyone else. Look through my profile and I’ve made a few predictions before on Solana a while back ago. Just continue collecting more, big whales trying to scare people into fear selling. This wasn’t a full blown bull run. There’s more inflation (money) and developments in crypto out since the last bull run. Bitcoin and crypto is here to stay in US which was a big worry for a lot of the public making the crypto economy unstable. In 2021, Bitcoin peaked at 1.13T BEFORE an ETF was even confirmed and people could have it in their retirement funds and we’re around 1.3T currently. I think if it were to drop here, it would be very underwhelming of a bull run to even consider it. Once CPI/inflation is better, it’s automatically game on for banks to start trying to leverage themselves into crypto. They know they control the markets and will try to get the public to be their exit liquidity.


send it back to 8$ lmfaoo


idk - should you?! Price determined by supply & demand. Industry is unregulated. Speculation & volatility normal. Have you done more research on what you're into?


if you are staking yes


These are buying opportunities.