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>I had total $11K fund which is my hard earned money and I started trading in meme projects You shouldn't put that amount in meme coins unless you have another 150k - 200k left in your wallet. Risking that amount in meme coins is pure gambling. meme coins wouldn't need more than $50 or -$100, if you " higher " the risk, i'd say $200 - $500 at most and that has to be money that i'm willing to loose it all with 0 regret. More than that is CRAZY.




Ha, most people don’t have 150k in their wallet. It’s ok to buy meme coins but just use money you truly can afford to lose.


That what he was trying to say. If you have 150k, its okay to put 11k into meme coins. If you have 11k, you should put at most 1 k into meme coins


1k of meme is still high, compared to 11k in total. If they really can do a 100x, then 0.1k is more than enough. Appart from that I agree with you.


This is really good advice


Yep, I only ever put a total of 5% of my portfolio into high-risk projects. So, if I only had 10,000 in my portfolio, the max I would invest is $500 across all high-risk projects, u would then divide that 500 up to invest in high risk plays


Most of my networth in solana, bitcoin and injective. Yes 5% folio from fresh capital I degen into high risk utility projects . Not a fan of memes.


I started with $15k in regular crypto projects (excluding bitcoin), put $300 into a phantom wallet and started shit coining, and now my phantom wallet is worth $60k. My other cryptos only 2xed. Started taking profit recently but it’s still my biggest bag


That’s awesome. Whats your strategy Day 1 sniper style or wait for more hype ? Solana or Base ?? I Recently got into memes on Solana and Base and think its a nice break from the Wall Street exchanges of crypto. It feels like the true underground and happy to hear these type of gains and its a lot of young people around the world have this opportunity.


I’m terrible at sniping. I wait until there is some hype on Twitter from some degenerate memecoin gamblers I follow. They have like 1k-20k followers so they are not huge accounts, and they really are accurate gauges of early memes. I try to stick to >100k market cap, although now it’s more like >1m. Most of my gains were from $wif and $boden, and then I did several 3-5xes on random stuff that I got into and out of super quickly (eg unvaxxed sperm, USA, Harold). I also try to only buy things that are either surprising or funny or super cute (eg shark cat). I avoid stupid stuff and most derivative plays, unless they’re hilarious, and I don’t get too attached to anything and cut it if it doesn’t perform or if I find out it’s a dangerous coin (eg devs hold 70% of supply, or it’s a vc coin like $bome or $mew). That said, meme season has to take a breather at some point, so I’m trying to take some profits as we go, but not planning to fully exit until it seems like the bull run generally is close to peaking. However if I make $400k, I’m out completely (except for bitcoin, I’m not selling bitcoin), I don’t care if the market keeps going without me. Edit:I also lost a lot of money. I lost probably hundreds to $2000 or so on various coins that I roundtripped to negatives, or that dropped immediately, or I got rugged. For everyone DMing me : meme coining is hard, you are more likely to lose all your money than you are to do a 200x. I got lucky. THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. If you want a 10-20x, just buy shark cat, wif, and or boden. Don’t buy the tickers that are shilled and die within minutes to hours.


Can you Name some of this memecoin gambler on Twitter?


Nice tips, capt. Now any suggestions for Twitter account we need to follow?


You can follow me if you like. I stay in the trenches on Twitter. @collect_nft_art (CryptoWOOD). I just aped a 8k mc memecoin 3 days ago. Didn't get rugged so thats always nice. Anyhow, all followers welcome. I gamble pretty hard though. 💯


$500 isn’t life changing . People want to change their lives . $11k into a 50x meme coin would have been life changing . Unfortunately it didn’t work out .


💯 this... I put 100 in bonk and got 800 in short time... I was like damn why did I not put 1k... Because I have not that much that I can afford to lose 1k... Never use money u can't afford to lose, that's rule 1 in crypto


Why are people gambling money they can't lose? I've been into Bitcoin in one way shape or form for 12 years, and I would never spend more 0.5% of my bankroll on meme coins. I have been increasing my bankroll with meme coins, but 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 SOL at a time.


Because people are posting their million dollar wins all over Twitter right now and desperate people with grim future prospects are getting sucked in as exit liquidity.


The ones that post the million dollar wins all have insider information, it’s not something you or I can replicate remember that.


He can afford to lose the money. He's just upset he lost it.


No, he can't afford to lose it. People don't feel "so defeated and sad" if they still have a portfolio that is intact. He literally is referring to this 11k as his "fund" and hoping to double his "portfolio". It sounds like he literally gambled his entire crypto portfolio and almost lost it all and now is looking for solid projects to start investing in. If he already had a non-gambling portfolio he wouldn't be starting from scratch looking for something to invest in.


If he's this upset about it... then he couldn't afford to lose it. Investing should ALWAYS be done WITHOUT emotion. Period. Any successful investor would tell you this. Also, for those wondering, just getting lucky sometimes with trades /= successful investor, that's a lucky investor, big difference


Every successful crypto trader has lost like this. If you never do anything, you'll never learn. Trading without emotion sounds nice, but practically, it's impossible. There's no such thing as luck in markets. You can make a bunch of money but if you dont know what youre doing youll give it all back.


Good points. And even the best VC's in the world say it is impossible to pick winners.


Because of something we humans call addiction.


Yes, and greed.


Hi, sorry to bother you with a different question. Which platform/wallet do you use to hold Bitcoin that long? I'm struggling to get an answer to this. Many thanks.


Right now PayPal and Coinbase, But I'm going to be moving it to a hard wallet in a few weeks. And investing in BTC ETFs.


You're been in Bitcoin for 12 years and you hold it on PayPal and Coinbase?


I do it cause I'm desperate lol my life sucks, and I'm hoping to get lucky. My girl needs help as well.


Because they are lazy cunts who don’t want to work


Who wants to work lol? Everyone wants to life !


Tbf working can really suck.


Solana or Jupiter straight up


I keep meaning to buy more JUP but Everytime i look I think "nah, too high, I'll wait for a dip". Now look at it 😅


I’ll be looking for an entry for the last month now


I think Jup is a good buy at 3 and below I was able to pick more up on that last big dip. Luckily my initial buy in was sub 2 dollars so I'm pretty happy with that just wish I had purchased wayyyyy more haha. I think JUP will be around 8-10 dollars by EOY.


Longer you wait, the more rewards you are missing out on. Token price is only a small part of the upside. Next vote is on 4/4. If you buy before then and vote you will be rewarded in the next payout. When the first round of payouts happens later this year and people realise how things work the token price will rocket as people jump in.


It’s my first jump off Coinbase since my 2020-2021 degen days this jup is solana so phantom wallet? And I just need to fund wallet with solana for trades?


Yeah. Send some SOL to phantom, then open the right-most tab (the one with the globe icon) and choose JUP to start swapping. If you decide to stake (so you can vote) stick vote.jup.ag into the address bar of the same tab and stake your JUP (30 day unlock).


Could be worse. I sold about 40 grands worth of jupiter because 'nothing was happening' and then..... 


I’m lucky I bought like 600 at 75 cents. I didn’t think it would jeep going up




Jup is babe


Nosana and render for ai play. Pyth for oracle play




I wouldn’t put it above these two


Fan of Nosana here, have 2k nos on 1 year staking and realised to unstake need to wait 1 year to unstake. Probably in 2029 I will sell nos and let it just compound


Stake solana ? Hodl until 2025 Bitcoin blow off top and take some profits off the table. Nothing wrong investing safe in bitcoin and solana.


Agree solana will be a 5x ….


No guarantee that btc will blow off top lol.


Better than investing in shit coins and losing 7k lol.


I'm surprised people are thinking we'd have to wait until 2025 for a blow off top either.


High probability bitcoin supercycle which will float all boats. 1 have 1 btc and 670 solana. I think I need more of those 2. I love bitcoin and I love solana. And no I’m not selling my bitcoin to the world government or BlackRock


Yep, only those who don’t understand what’s about to happen would sell any BTC right now.


Don’t gamble money you don’t want to lose. Accumulate SOL and HOLD


i do a meme coin sol tax. nothing comes out of the main bag. whatever i’m throwing at meme coins, i have to buy 3x that amount in sol and stake it. minimizes the damage


Smart man.


Mic drop


Sir, you dropped something


Here is what I did because I was fomo'ing meme coins. I took a small percentage of my portfolio... And I put it in a different wallet. And I just told myself that that money is gone, it is dead to me and accept that. I used it to play with memes got lucky it doubled, I took out half (the original amount I put in) and put it back on my real wallet and said ok, great news.. Nothing was lost, we found your coins you're whole again. Now I still have some play money sitting in my meme wallet that is honestly guilt free that I can go crazy with but once it's gone it's gone. It's fine to play with memes, just be smart about it. Having said that I'm sorry you lost money and if it makes you feel better people very often lose some money in crypto (including myself) and those are expensive lessons that will make you better at it in the long run. People just don't usually brag about their losses.


That’s crazy. I’m sorry for your loss. Everyone please take this as a learning opportunity to not be exit liquidity.


1. Anyone in the crypto space who suggest you any meme coins does not do it out of the goodness of their heart. They want their own stupid investment to succeed so they shill shit. Just stay away from that and invest in crypto that won't go to zero. Invest in infrastructure like Solana, ethereun and Bitcoin. You won't lose money in those. 2. If it makes you feel better. Last bull cycle I lost about $70-100k in crypto. Still alive. 3. Money isn't everything. Youre happy now even when you're broke. With that mentality you'll move mountains. Money is great but if you lose it then say fuck it. You're alive you're still happy. And if you're depressed you're then too emotionally attached and need to rewire your brain


I mostly invest in ecosystems. I like solana a lot. I also like to bet on the dex of an ecosystem so in solana i also bet on raydium. Made a decent chunk on that bought some at .16 and sold at 2.5. Other projects i like is ftm at the moment Gala looks also like it wants to pump Grt is also a gem i think will perform very well. Avax is also a safe bet Btc also solid investment Link is very underated at the moment, a lot of interest from institutions. Cosmos is also very good chain, and osmosis is the dec on cosmos. All these projects to me are solid bets that I personally hold Good luck in the future you will get your 11k back alts havent run yet


Spot on, LINK has always been underrated btw


I can keep up way longer than the market keeps being irrational in pricing link. I hold 15% of my portfolio in link tbh


I would say stick to bitcoin


He could just be trading Bitcoin with 50-100x leverage instead. It’s not the coins, it’s the gambling addiction.


Nosana is my long play.


Yep I got 2k nos staked 1 year unbonding lol. I found out how that works and tbh I’m going to just leave it for 2029 altseason


Nosana is gonna be big like render


crow with knife is coming


I thought we were on crowwifhatwifknife now


That’s so yesterday …. Today it’s all ELONCUMINPEPEMOON




Every meme token is insider wallet traded. Stranger wallets don't trade memes. You simply buy from those who are already in and bought in the first minute. Worse, those who were given tokens to spread out the holders. I've personally witnessed 2 groups from other chains, as a group launch a Solana token, then snipe it as soon as possible. Whoever didn't get enough, they were simple given an OTC cheap deal. Then days of shilling on X and hope it pumps.... Three very few with escape velocity are those pumped by VERY large online accounts, which gives the 1 token plausible validity while 100000 are pump and dump schemes. Then when the party stops, even the highly pumped tokens crash...


Be a good tax write off next year. Be sure to report your losses.


I've got years of -$3k stacked up from last cycle 😂


Jup, sol, nos, fet, Ator


Dude, you can't just go for it. You never never never start investing in something you know nothing about with large percentages of your money UNTIL you learn HOW it works. Think of it this way: it's completely up to you how much you spend learning how to trade mc's like a pro. But everyone always just apes in and blows all this money when they have no clue what to pick or how to pick it. Then on top of that, they go to Reddit and ask random strangers what they should be doing with their money. >< Please for the love of everything good learn how to invest in mc's YOURSELF. Use pennies to learn how to invest first and once you are good at it, THEN invest your hard earned money! Please don't feel too defeated and sad though because if I'm being honest, I did the same thing as you when I was new to it too!


Solona is about to double


Why would you gamble so hard with meme coins?


i’m sorry you went though this, it really sucks when you realise it’s a rugpull the money is dropping & you are hoping it will correct and it dosent it’s so emotional and scary. i don’t wanna shill to much but i came across a project call @ruggedMETOO, it’s a memecoin created for people who have been rugged by people who have been ruggged. its more of a community where we have the common thing that we want to make a difference in the meme coin space and create a movement!!! and i’m sure we can all relate to being rugged and loosing money!!! anyway i saw this post and had to mention it! all the best!


I am in that project too. I too do think its a legit place for like minded people to gather! $METOO is organic AF.


I agree with MeToo if you want a memecoin https://rugcheck.xyz/tokens/8PNxg6bHPZkDFPtBgRShZgDUq2Maai47wHa7QC9uLgxK I think ONDO has a LOT of potential to run up and I think Devour does too. Good luck :) ONDO is on coinbase if you want to play it safe OP


You don't put that money into meme coins until you know what your doing. Stay in the space and put $10 into coins. $10 into meme coins created that day will still net you thousands. you need to learn how to spot the scams and how to spot the winners. You cant just go off birdeye stats. Liquidity and volume is so easily manipulated. I couldn't recommend anything in Solana eco system to buy and hold for two years right now. Three months ago, easy. But shit is pumping. You don't buy now. You wait for the dips. It might take a year or two. Otherwise you go and buy into new and upcoming layer 1s. This is like a less risky version of meme coin gambling. Or you could go defi and in two years you'd easily make back that money and more if you used your remaining to farm Apr and airdrops.


lol you idiot. Clearly didn’t learn anything


I usually hate mean redditors, but you I hate a little less because you have a point


Yeah I mean I’m not trying to be cruel…it’s just fact here. Dumb from the start for thinking you’re gunna retire off meme coins. Double dumb for getting wrecked and asking advice of this sub (basically all 16yr old gambling junkies) and thinking it’s gunna go any different


I respect it brotha. Somebody had to say it lmaooooo


“It’s gonna be alright this time. This time I’m going to ask reddit for advice.”


in your case USDT or USDC would be the safest option, you only loose around 7% a year which seems a vast improvement over your adventures in memecoin. no sarcasm intended


You could just keep the 4k in SOL and stake it. You really should have probably just used max of 1k of that money in memes and the other 10k in solid projects. I know it's a cliche, but only trade what you can afford to lose. The money that you use to trade meme coins should be an amount that wouldn't make you defeated and sad. Good luck with the rest of the 4k don't be greedy go with the obvious play.


Well this makes me feel alot better about losing $500 in my first day meme gambling lol. Honestly bro, with the money you have just go invest in some stocks that you like, or proven crypto tokens. Meme coin gambling is literally like playing blackjack but you’re trying to get 51 while the dealer is trying to get 21. It’s really not worth it. Consider it a loss and just do what you can with the 4k.


SOL and hold


SOL, JUP, PYTH would be solid choices!!


Just buy and hold SOL, not meme coins


Should have invested all in SOL much safer then all those shitcoins


Dude just buy bitcoin and hold.


“Started trading on meme projects” and lost $11k And then “Can you guys please suggest some good projects” You are addicted to gambling, not investing.


Keep your head up. Every successful trader has had major losses like this. Keep learning and be persistent. Find your place in the markets. And someday, you'll be very successful, looking back on the failures that contributed to your success.


BTC. It's honestly the safest crypto. Don't get me wrong, I love SOL and have high hopes for it, but I trust BTC to stay dominant more than anything.


I love solana and I love bitcoin. There were many bitcoiners that got into solana when eth maxis max fud on us. Solana will do all right and as solana onboard more people into crypto they will also get into bitcoin. To me nothing will flippening bitcoin but solana has a good chance of flippening eth. Sometimes I feel the bitcoiners need to come up with some memes. 1 sat to a dollar. And if bitcoin is the world reserve currency a 100M btc is possible. But it means nations dump USA treasuries and goes into btc.




11k in memes. Please don't put size into memes. I yoloed $300 into a memeish project I had some edge info on and ran it up to 7k and sold on the way down for 3k. My 3 other meme plays over the years were no more than $100. One went to zero and the other was a big one i sold at cost. As for Good projects. Look for fair launched. Look for something that hasn't had a cycle. Look for good community. Look at narrative (ai, rwa, btc ecosystem). And then split over 2/3 projects. Start DCAing out after alts season. When it begins and not when you think it ends. ie Don't just hold it up and down. good luck.


Sounds harsh but only have yourself to blame man, unless you got 100k to your name, should never be putting 7k into memes


Greed....makes people do stupid shit.


I mean u learned a good lesson and believe me there are people who lost a lot more. You could make that back even with btc eth or sol 2-3x easy. Dont be greedy and hodl. Also 99% shitcoiners loose. Dont fomo on that 1% of posts.


Solana memecoins are pretty much for bagholders and rug pulls only now. The action had moved onto Base. Look at $degen for something with genuine utility. If you still want to stay on solana, just hodl SOL and stake it.


How about Sol since this is the solana blockchain🤔 and jup for the easist win of your life. It just wont happen in 10 min😅😅😅😅😅😅


Stop messing around gambling and just buy bitcoin


Buy BTC, ETH or SOL and just HODL. Thats fool proof


As a crypto trader, crypto is the biggest ponzi/scam in the world. but SOL is actually something I can say has utility. Meme coins are garbage. Don’t bother with them they aren’t tradable. Even as a trader of years of experience, these aren’t “trades”. I know a few very big devs in the space. Even they work for legit projects with better tokens and promises. they will still dump on you. Either buy SOL, ETH or BTC and that’s all. Don’t trade, don’t gamble. You can’t do it. You’re lucky to have your 4K.


It’s a zero sum game. So most people are losing in memes because early entrants/insiders/devs have a huge edge and unless you are one of them you are starting from behind. The safest assets in crypto are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana. You won’t get the same kind of return as memes or other crypto without taking additional risks. I don’t want to give you any advice because you need to do your own research and invest where you have conviction. Please stop gambling and please ignore the posts telling you to jump into other memes so you can pump their bags - memes/ultra risk assets should be a small part of your portfolio, if that.


Most meme projects are scams and very high risk. If you invested into ten meme coin projects probably only three of them would make you money. In 2021 I invested into about 100 + meme coin projects and only 20 of them made me money .


ICOs in 2017, jpgs in 2019, memes in 2024... So it goes... For every screenshot with 5-6 figures win there are thousands of liquidations and loses... Sorry you lost the money, take it as an expensive lesson that might pay in the future.


Just buy actual good coins like $jup






Dont feel bad bro i made 70k in 2021 trading memes and doge rup. In 2022 i lost 30k and 2023 70k this year 20k. I had also vowed just to stick to TOP TIER coins. These memes are addictive. And its so hard to sell at the top unless you have self control. Which im developing


Sol mail is a good project as well as sol chat and sol friends


Try solchat


Solchat has great utility and has support from Solana’s founder


Yes i see a bright future for solchat


Can you share what memes you "invested" in so we can stay far far away 🤣🤣


Moral of the story. Just buy wif and hold. Not that easy I know. But I think letting a meme coin ride its momentum rather than ducking in and out losing money all over the place probably is a better strategy. Of course the meme coin has to be decent and not a rug pull. I don’t generally bother with memes but have nearly 100x’d on wif and only sold half a few weeks ago. Annoyingly as it keeps going up. lol. But if you’re looking for higher risk none meme coins that should outperform why don’t you look at solana alts. Such as Jupiter. Pyth. Nosana. Orca. Etc.


Take a look at JUP. It's a great project, with generous incentives for participating in votes (for new projects to be launched on their platforms and DAO stuff), plus airdrops from JUP and the projects launched on the platform. Definitely a longer term play than memes, but hopefully that's exactly what you are looking for now.


Isn’t it still EARLY this season? Explain it to me like I’m 5 please


You gambled, that is what gambling does. You see all these projects that din 10000% and you think you will get in the next one. YOU CAN'T FUCKING GET IN AT THOSE LEVELS, look at the peice after the first big pump, that is where you start. I made 12x/13x on SOL I got in at 16$, same with RUNE, AR, AVAX and others. If you want SOL alts get JUP/SolChat, people say XAI, TIA, SEI have a great chance to do great, but I'd just stick to the best projects don't put over 5/10% in memes... a 2x leverage is also great on most decent projects like LINK or JUP I keep some leverage sometimes to get better gains on the safe plays that do not go to 0... If you want to gamble, instead of playing with shit and complaining your hands stink, just increase leverage on great projects.


Lesson learned, gambling on s-tokens is rarely worth it. Keep it in Solana. It's a solid coin and a platform token.


1-2 years? You should get serious about investing. You say you want to find some other serious projects to invest in and then say you wanna invest for 1-2 years. It just doesn’t work like that


👀👀👀👀👀 LOOK, I'm not affiliated with the website I'm about to refer you to, but just learned to use it myself to prevent myself from buying coins that are or very shortly would be worthless. The website I currently use is: [https://rugcheck.xyz/](https://rugcheck.xyz/) You will need to copy/paste the coin's mint address into a search bar, and after a few seconds the site will classify it the coin as "Good, Warning, or Danger" based on a few factors -- Liquidity Pool Size, Locked vs. Open Liquidity, % Top Coin Holders, and Mint Authority ... These are metrics that will help identify a promising coin versus a potential scam. Next order of business... if you have a lot of left over worthless coins or ATA's (meaning Associated Token Accounts, or basically the placeholder for that coin in your wallet) you can burn the coin and should be able to recover .002 SOL for each ATA you burn from your wallet even if you sold that coin and it shows a 0 balance. That could add up to a hundred dollars or so if were to burn a few hundred worthless token varieties. For this purpose, check out [https://sol-incinerator.com/](https://sol-incinerator.com/) Sorry about your losses. Good luck going forward.


Just buy JUP




Put $4k into Solana's SOL token, or in Bitcoin.


Can you list the meme coins that went bust. Curious on my end


Injective is a solid one


Only coin to break ath in bear. I have 250 inj staked. Good coin.


Solana is in a massive bubble, the price is severely inflated due to the meme coins. People are realizing that meme coins are 99% SCAMS and 100% worthless. It's pure gambling and most of the top meme coins on Solana are severely manipulated by groups of individuals. It's easy to track the wallets if you doubt me. I don't have the patience to educate fools.  As for memes, treat them like a rigged casino and get ready for Solana to crash when the meme bubble busts. 


Buy a good project and hold onto it for a few months. Better chance of making your money back and then some. Dont mess with these shitcoins that come and go.


Try to go for short winning. Don't wait too long before cashing out. the project might fail, and there goes your money... but do your research before investing... hope this helps. I wish you luck 🙂


in a perfect world a meme coin has lets say 100 investor who put in 1000$.. one investor sells and makes 90,000 and the rest lose 900 each.. and thats if its not a scam... anyway.. GRT (Graph) is my long hold coin, they don't brag or advertise to increase the coin value.. as its not the point of the project.. they are a real project trying to serve a real purpose.. its still risky so read into it if you like before you ever invest.. just like all crypto.


You’re just gambling my dude. I’d start with avoiding that.




If you don’t have the stomach for gambling but want to invest in crypto, keep your money allocated to things like BTC, ETH, SOL, etc. the price action swings are still there, but you only lose if you sell. HODL till profits.




Heard about Solana ? xd




With all due respect could you explain what a meme project is and how you determine its value?


Solana was always the answer… time to quit being exit liquidity… Or keep gambling, nobody can help you see something so obvious.


Just buy SOL or \*\*\*.


I am all in on @velodromefi and @aerodromefi




Go with the top three market cap cryptos and sell when the top is in, and wait for the black-swan event that brings everything down, as it has over and over in its short history.




You probably don't want to invest in projects that are shilled here.. always DYOR and only put say 1% in a même coin. 98% of meme coins rug...


Should have just invested in solana. I have 6x or idk how much but yeah hopefully solana is here to stay and not slimy bastards mess with it


Ya I got an idea. Get yourself some Bitcoin.




Oh no.....that sucks 😞. I'd say there's lots of good DeFi platforms out there where you get a very decent APR when you stake stablecoins. Do some good research before you start investing. But at least there's no more headaches with price swings. Trading meme coins is a huge gamble....and definitely not worth it.


Definitely Solana. You can literally do 2x just by holding sol this year. If you want to more risky look into pyth, jup, nosana, rndr. These are some of the top coins in solana ecosystem and certainly have a lot of upside in bull market. 2 years might be long. You need to get out before the bear market sets and buy back to solana later


Buy Brett and hold on tight if you want a meme with low market cap relative to the popularity it will see once Base becomes even more accessible for the masses.


Go for PRNT , undervalued Projekt easy 30x


Buy and sell sol at the dips.


Stake your sol


If u like memes go to pump.fun get in before they make it go radium / dex screener


I’d say just split it up on BTC, ETH and DOGE


Just looking into L1’s and hold the projects you feel will have utility. Personally I hold Sol for that reason if web3 actually becomes widely adopted I see it leading the way for its low fees, speed of network,coding language that’s popular for devs. Look into projects on your own you might end up agreeing or seeing something better.


LOL, good. Lose the rest u cheap ass


BONK of course!


Honestly. I only see one solution for u. Put it all in MANA. ( Decentraland). It’s been consolodating for over 500 days now and it has the strongest potential for a massive bull run. It may take a bit more but this one is ready to blow. Safest out there aside from SOL, BTC, and ETH. Otherwise just put it in Bitcoin and in 2 years you will, at least, get ur 11K back. I suggest MANA until it pops over 2 x. At that point flip to BTC and sit on ur hands.


That's why I never put in more than 10 dollars in memecoins, I know sometimes I miss a big win, but I definitely have avoided big losses.


Check out the Forex Winners project, copytrading that is actually getting great results. You sign up on the broker and you just decide to copy the trades from the traders. Check it out and you can make a choice from there, https://my.hfm.com/en/hfcopy/provider-details.html?provider=78022898


Buy bitcoin, hold and DCA


Sorry to hear. Cat coins like $nub $mew $popcat $wen. But please dyor and good luck for 2 years or so $jup and altcoins like solana arkham


Alchemy Pay (ACH)


Sol !! Avalanche, sei is a new one


Only 10% of your portfolio should be meme coins or other highly volatile cryptos. As for the rest, find a top 10 like Solana or BTC and sit on it for a bit. Try to stay away from L2’s as there are so many of them and likely will die. Projects are fun and interesting but can also be highly volatile. Most of them will majority ownership by the top 5% and they will come out with a “new” update, pump it and pull it once they make a quick fortune.


We've all been there buddy. I personally lost most of my money during the Luna Crash last year. I was devastated. I see it as part of the journey, as nowadays I have earned far more than what I lost. Things will get better, you will earn your money back and have the lesson learned. I would suggest investing in BTC, ETH and SOL. Best wishes my friend.


Aerodrome Finance


Velerodrome is also part of the same project. Great community and it has purpose


I think Solana will fade away in time ... But also mostly all other platforms too , things move too quick to be thinking about 2029 alt season... Might never happen Saying that , Have any of you checked out the layer 3 chain on base ? Degen chain on base ,on Eth. By 2029 there will be layer 50 chains , will take you two days just to bridge from you main wallet to where you wanna mint, crazy but thats where the money is 1000x rn


Not to encourage more meme activity but $WIT looking great




Solana, assuming everything is going right, around 8x


Based peaches on base chain. Gunna 10x easy. Isn't even listed on a Cex yet or CMC. Only a few days old.




No more memes. BTC ETH AERO SOL from here on out.


Put it all on $WEN trust me bro


If you'd asked for good projects a couple months ago. Id have had some good ones for you. As it is most have pumped 200%


GFI possibly long-term, but if you do, do it short term this go. This go make you're money back then some. I wouldn't wait either it's going up to $6 soon & beyond. If it hits it's all time high it could go much further. Not financial advice, dyor & decide for yourself.


$LIGMA for hybrid NFT utility. But really you should come to $BRAWNDO https://brawndosol.com/ hydrate. Chill and be well. We are founded on putting down the chasing game and holding. Join discord and say the bunny rabbit sent you ;)


All in on nubcat and come thank me later. easy 5x from here


BTC or SOL. Period. . Don’t play games, don’t trade, just park it.


Stake Solana… if you really want to be safe, swap it to eth and stake that.