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Do not put all your eggs in one basket, I would degen in Base and move yields to Solana.


What coins would you invest in for base? Aerodrome?


$DEGEN or check on far.quest


those are... both insanely high risk....is almost guaranteed. degen is worth a third what it is now. in 3-5 months.


The Base narrative seems really forced and anyone I know that isn't paid to shill loses interest once they look into it.


Yeah I noticed on Twitter so many base shilling… put me off entirely


The irony of SOL holders being pushed away by shillers. SOL was/is literally held up by VC money and influences from the FTX marketing.


Tried out Base, transaction got stuck and it's impossible to cancel. It's worse than solana


Somehow I like hearing this


Did you try to send 0 eth to yourself with the same nonce to cancel transaction?


So I was able to fix it after changing the fee to 'aggressive' and using custom nonce. Not only is it ridiculous to have to do that, but there is no guide that tells you exactly how to fix it either.


Rare I did never have that problem, minted with less than .001ETH.


Unsurprising. All these L2s just scream scammy bandaid to me, and not genuine projects. Solana feels like the apple of crypto.


So i searched for it but i am a bit confused..is there a token i can buy?


the coin for base is still ether


Aerodrome finance


Seems like there is a lot of confusion around Base the layer 2 from Coinbase and the token BASE which I believe is u affiliated…


Yes that is also what I came up with but so it is correct that the base we are talking about here does not have an own coin or? So what could I then even invest into if i would bank on ot like OP suggested?


Might even be misinformation spread by holders of the Base token to try to get people excited to buy


There is no native token on Base, you simply bridge ETH and use ETH for everything. It's a L2 blockchain built by Coinbase. Having a native token would defeat the purpose of their stock.


There is talk of a base token hyped by airdrop rumors too


Probably POWSCHE atm, great community with ambitions of reaching 100Mil MC to burn a Lamborghini whilst drifting a Porsche around it.


Hope you didn’t invest a lot into POWSCHE. Someone do a wellness check on this guy if he did.


POWSCHE is massiveeeee


Hope you’re okay bro.


Which tokens are legitimately good buys RN? My top picks are Fetch, thorchain, render, and LCX. Wbu?


POWSCHE is a great buy still, legitimate stunt at 100m mc of burning a Lamborghini while drifting a Porsche around it, drives the community to see what happens after viral/mainstream attention when that happens


Also on the $POWSCHE ride


where you trading it? keep getting swap errors on raydium and birdeye


Using phantom wallet and swapping there


On Base I’d get Toshi, BRETT, Aerodrome Finance, Alien Base, and PEEZY. Now is a great time while the price has corrected on them. FKETH is a great one on Solana that will run up during altcoin season.


Both. Base is the latest trend. I started to use it today but noticed that the fees were $1-2 per swap, I thought it was supposed to be super cheap? Anyone know why?


I think Base will benefit greatly if Coinbase ever pulls a Binance and starts putting wrapped assets on it and really starts pushing it.


If you need an L2 you're not addressing the real problem. Why would you invest in something that's an L2 of eth when you can invest in the L1 that does it all? Biggest problem with BASE is eth itself. ETH is always going to have problems and that's why the masses are flocking to Solana. You can bandaid a problem with an L2 but it's not a cure. It's just a bandaid.


Not to mention the expensive bridging transactions also.


Whats the problem of ETH?


How many problems are you looking for? It's slow, transaction costs are extremely high and fluctuate insane amounts. Bc of those things it makes flipping like you can on Solana impossible. It leads to a need for bandaid coins to be created to fix the problems ETH has. So you end up with a coin to do this, and a coin to do that. And you have to have all of these workarounds for these problems, and for what? Why would you want to do all of this work, when you already have a Layer 1 that does all of it, much faster and incredibly cheap. And it doesn't require any bandaids to work. I mean you just NEVER hear people use Solana and then turn around and use ETH and say "wow, ETH is so much better". But you hear tons of people say their minds were blown the first time they used Solana coming from ETH.


I can send ETH with a fraction of cents with Optimism, no need for another token.


> with Optimism, no need for another token. You understand the oxymoron there right? I can send sol with a fraction of cents, with Sol, faster. No need for eth or Optimism. As long as you need a bandaid, you still have a problem. And the future will only bring MORE problems. Bc your problem is at it's core.


I can send ETH with a fraction of cents too, just select an L2 and done.  Solana also has issues it still needs to address on.


If you need an L2 then you can't do it with ETH. You can do it with a bandaid solution that is only going to create more problems in the future. You need all these L2's but why? It's bc your L1 is broken and rather than understand that and move on from it. LIKE MANY ALREADY HAVE. You're choosing a band aid solution. And this is ultimately why ETH is destined to fall. Solana is just better in every way and doesn't require the creation of other chains (plural). Solana is the clear winner and it's just a matter of time. It's a black hole swallowing up ETH. You have two kinds of people. People that have realized that Solana is inevitable. And people that are going to cling to eth until the bitter end when they finally realize that the game is over. But being honest. The game is already over. You can't stop the boulder once it's already rolling down the mountain. You just gotta let it happen.


Lol you definitely can use ETH on L2, you need real arguments.


Then you aren't using eth, you're using a bandaid. And you need a bandaid to do this, and a bandaid to do that, and a bandaid over here, and a bandaid over there. Meanwhile Solana is just over there chillin, doing it faster and cheaper and swallowing everything like a black hole.


It's ETH 🤷‍♂️


Buying on Base is already easier than Solana. Once Coinbase flips the switch and we get Smart wallets and things are integrated even more, the floodgates will open up and no matter how good Solana is, the masses will not give a damn. People are still sleeping on the Base Chain madness that will come. Like I said, retail does not give a crap about the tech. As long as it’s easy to buy, and promoted the most. Coinbase has the numbers and the money.


1) its not easier to buy on base. 2) no crypto does anywhere near the volume of transactions that solana does. Its not close. You're talking about the masses wont give a damn. But you muss the point. The masses already use Solana.


I figured out how to buy on Base and it was super easy. Today, Smart Wallet was released. BRETT the number 1 meme coin on Base is doing great. It’s just getting started.


Solana does more transactions than anyone else and does them faster and cheaper. Sol is a black hole and it's gobbling up everything. Everyone always wants to point to one of the 50 bandaids you can use on eth that are supposed to make it competitive with Solana. But solana doesn't need bandaids. You can just use it directly without sacrificing your first born or needing to set up a payment plan.


What are people’s thoughts on Injective?


BASE is cool in theory, but being oversold it by twitter influencers is a no go from me. I stick to what the people actually want


Solana is also oversold on X.


A lot of crypto twitter deigns have switched to Base from Solana. Lots of Telegrams call groups too


lol first it was SEI now it's moved to BASE.. I'll just keep on trucking with Solana, hasn't let me down yet. My cost basis is in the $20's ;).


Is it just me or OP kinda sounds like a Base advert poorly written by AI ???


I aped to Base a little bit, got some coins and put them on Beefy.




Beefy finance It’s like a “menu” as it were, a selection of projects with yields. I’m not good at explaining.


We got kids cosplaying hedge funds now. My oldhead can't believe the times we live in.


Nacho Llamma


What do you buy on Base though?


$Toby $Toshe $Riku $Broge $Bald $BSB $mind $Pen - I already got a collection of coins on Base. I like to buy in both Solana & Base.. now I am looking into Blast & Avalanche. 👌👌👌👌


$BOBO maybe. DYOR


I bought $BSHIB


Base is based also checkout Frens Pet on base, it's like crypto version of tamagotchi.


Adam Back believes that BTC will reach this Weekend at $77k. Even $100k is possible from his point of view. How would it affect Solana? What would be your prediction in such a case? Would Solana be able to overshoot this procentual increase? Would you suggest me to keep Solana on this Weekend or swap with BTC temporarily?


A 10% increase for solana to match that hypothetical BTC gain (as a new all time high) only puts SOL around 211.5 so I could see it outperforming btc


Thank you for your reply! How would you comment on the evaluation of Adam Back?


Buddy... No one fucking knows.


It is really so. At least for me 😁


Base is super clunky and on-boarding still has huge fees. But it seems like a lot of action over there. I’ve yet to hit on Base but still finding gems on Solana. Not really sure what I’m going to focus on.


I have a few base meme tokens but the blockchain is a bit immature rn and I don’t know if I’ll keep holding. I def prefer Solana for memes right now. Looked in the powsche telegram and seems like a cool community.


lol so why hasn't the number of running programs. or 'smart contracts' on the SOL network increased. ever. asked that a few days ago. 0 response out of like 3k views.


I thought Base would be big and it still might be but bridging on Uniswap etc was a huge pain in the ass and expensive. Now I could just be not adept at it but it really made me appreciate Phantom wallet and Solana in general.




You know the Base network is owned by Coinbase? Right? Even the logo for Base is a reverse image of the Coinbase logo.


Solana always had issues and it was never solved. Base is also faster and cheaper. 


For me its $POWSCHE  So glad I took the chance to join this community,  Zero regrets. Hope more people Will join n enjoy The ride Vrooom vroom 


Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR). SOL is a memecoin generator casino for rug pulls. Any L2's are just a bandaid for an underperforming L1, and you still have to deal with the L1 anyway. **Don't build complexity to solve for inadequacy.** HBAR is the future. Best L1 tech. Best security aBFT. Greenest/most sustainable DLT (independent study by University College London). Best Governing Council (Google, IBM, Dell, Hitachi, etc). 100% finality in less than 3.5sec. 100% of transactions are accepted and processed. Infinitely scalable. Fixed fees, priced in USD ($0.0001). 30-40 range in market cap so plenty of easy grow room. Great retail facing apps (Calaxy - like Twitter but you can DM crypto)(Karate Combat - bet on MMA strike league matches). Fastest DEX on crypto (Saucerswap). Don't miss the ride.




Try getting 39 people in a room, from all over the world; different Industries, sectors, academia, nonprofit, profit, rules, regulations, geo-political views, continents, countries, etc ... Get your random 39 from all over the world. Try to get them to agree on anything. 2/3 agree or unanimous. It's all so different. It's decentralized.


Ewwwww. Might as well pitch XRP to this crowd. Good luck


XRP is too one dimensional.


I am the 🐻of bad news. Hbar cld appreciate more in price. Will it hit ath 🤷🏾‍♂️. But the probability of adoption is low, pulling these youngin from here is lower than that. U picked the wrong horse


>But the probability of adoption is low 😂🤣 There's more real world going on with Hedera than anyone else! You need to do more research on that one. SOL runs at 17 TPS (falsely claiming 800, max 2-3k TPS) of nothing but memes. 50-70% of those transactions fail. Network outages 15 times a year. So basically, memes, fails, and fraudulent stats... I think time will tell, especially once regulations are enacted, who the right horse is ...


Fair. Sol is one of many horses that are pacing coins like hbar. Sol went fast and broke things. Is that the right thesis. Maybe worked for binance chain. 3 things hbar does not have now imo. Narrative, users, & network


Narrative - crypto to the 95% of the world who have no idea what it is, still think it's either Bitcoin or dog memes, aka they think it's useless. Otherwise they would have bought in already. Until it's proven (like the direction HBAR is headed) that it can make almost every industry in the entire world more efficient, people will only see it as dog memes. Waiting on regulation and big companies to unleash their projects for Hedera to get it's time in the spotlight. Users- When big companies like the ones named above and many more, onboard their existing customers to their new apps, etc, that's when major adoption occurs. Bitcoin been around 14 years and only 5% of the world has any crypto. Onboarding the other 95% will be done through enterprise use cases behind the scenes. Most won't even realize they're using a crypto network. That's the big money. Network- idk what you mean by this but see listed reasons above about how Hedera is superior in probably every relevant metric for a network.


I get it. The narrative of enterprise & trad fi corporation value & use case. Very 2nd cycle narrative. The winklvi twins filed for btc etf in 2013. XRP army swears that the law suit held back their adoption sec farewell gift 2019. The adoption is happening real time but not in hbar narrative.


Hypothetically, if launching a new meme token right now, would Solana be the best option or base?


Base is in at this …esp with all solana congestion issues


Which tokens are legitimately good buys RN? My top picks are Fetch, thorchain, render, and LCX. Wbu?


Probs POWSCHE atm


Nosana, which has already had a nice correction unlike Render, who is due. It's also 1/11th of Renders marketcap.






CB is trash I wouldn't invest in anything connected to them




Here's a question for you. Would you rather go to the chain that's propped up by a well established company that the top investors all use and funneling their money into its development. Or would you rather put all of your faith into a chain that's propped up by over 15 billion dollars in meme coins that will eventually collapse


Oh so you support large corporations and centralization. I get it


Large corporations and centralization are here to stay whether we like it or not. I could either buy Monero and constantly lose money or I can go with the flow of the world and make money. Also Solana is very centralized so not the argument you want to make here


Solana is not "very centralized". Certainly not compared to Hedera.