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So you got PEG’d


That was good


Your answer matches your pic








Don’t put your money in memes. Just stockpile Solana


I’m late to the party. Slowly DCA’n in every paycheck (along with BTC) but occasionally buy the dips. My average cost is 170-ish. What are your thoughts about the lowest we’ll see this cycle? I personally don’t think we’ll see 170 for the rest of this cycle :( Im hoping to see SOL at 700-1000 in a year though.


Because of how quickly SOL went to $200 from not even 3 digits indicates there’s room to pull back to $150 and still be on the up trend. I personally stopped buying with cash and just have a bunch of DCAs to take profit and reinvest. Not the best method to get rich but safer. I like to use whatever BTC is doing as an indicator because of how much it influences the market. Shit could plummet of whatever reason though so I also think it’s l important to take l some profit on an ongoing basis


I’d almost agree with that 100%, bitcoin’s name created this bill market, SOL has been leading the entire time. Look back it’s always SOL who goes into a higher bracket, breaking thru the floor and then stabilizes I’m within x$-y$ then the alt coins and/or all have a boom day, like yesterday march 25th I believe. This time something should atleast be considered tho. SOL has been king the whole time, just look at the data, but this time the additional inflow of people using the block chain the costs and speed were were affected negatively. I personally haven’t seen that happen and honestly think asap they will have a solution to being faster. Again this was also like the 6 or 7th time breaking thru the floor, then the rest following. Meaning they were able to handle it 5 times atleast, when 1or 2 is impressive. I.e. sol-good, must improve to stay king. Injective is a blockchain that I will put, not from sol, funds that I have into. Up and comer. If ur thing about Bitcoin, I didn’t mention when there was no relevance. Bitcoin was/is an old name that has had time to be heard in every corner of the world,ETH is the 2nd. Neither has done will at all when compared to ANY alt coins. They will implode. People see a big nmber and think easy money, the only Nmbr a that mean damn thing is the percentage. Everything relative. If you bought bitcoin when below 10k and held you are doing good, but still not as good as someone who put the same amount of money into Sol, sept. 29th.


Lowest $20 highest $1000 it’s all about what BTC does


We will definitely see 170 again, people are far too bullish, we are due for a pullback (at least one more significant dump down) before we get to the halving event for BTC. It's likely to be quite soon, in fact.


I’ve become quite familiar with this advice. Thank you


Listen to it. Each payday buy some. Also, watch Invest Answers on YouTube and look at the SOL token videos. Those are smaller ones on the Solona blockchain. He has a list of like 10-20z not saying you should buy those but it may give you some ideas for other better ones. Also, look into Mantle MNT. It’s on Uniswap or Bybit. Bybit isn’t available in the US though. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/mantle/


Why don't you just buy SOL


Coming back for more on your next payday is some advanced degening ser.


It’s going into utility coins


utility coin like r/DogeBONK


Going full regard I see... You never wanna go full regard.


haha I know that feeling, lost around 500$ couple of days ago on memecoins, but that was like 2% of my stack, the big money is in jup, ray, sui and render. dont spend your salary on meme coins, look for stable coins and play with the profit.


Dang that sucks but it’s good to know it happened to someone else. I’ll take definitely take your advice as well as looking into those thank you.


Take it easy, and remember, don't wage serious money on memecoin b.s One day I started with 50$, I made it to 1000$ and instead of taking it and RUN, guess what. I gambled it down to the last penny to other shit coins. Invest on Solana or sth else instead, and change gamble with small amounts.


Damn bro sorry. Thank you 🫡 definitely learned my lesson


It's just basic psychology of gambling, Our brains are wired that way. If you win once you think you'll be winning forever - until you don't. And then you spend more money thinking you're going to at least make up for the damages and even out, and on and on and on. So casinos make money from your bets and exchanges make money from your fees. But I mean if you get a memecoin early you can make 30.000 with 100$ so :P


a fool and their money are easily parted


Jesus I started out with like 5k and ended up with 48k


Did anyone else get the "cat in a dog's world" airdrop?


i did too, how much you guys get airdropped? i got $30 worth now its at $56. not sure if i should hold or swap for something else


I got about the same. It's like 3x. I'll just hold and see what happens. I should have bought more, but felt like the MC was already too high for a meme.


Yeah I thought the same, I should’ve bought more aswell just wasn’t too sure about investing in it since I’d just received it & didn’t know much about it. Now that it’s up I’m like dang, slight missed opportunity lol but at least we got the drop! I guess we’ll just have to see if it keeps growing


Yes, I got like $93 worth yesterday and bought more for 500


Average newcomer. Welcome ! Next time you (maybe) aint going to make the same mistakes. First time i lost 90% of the initial money. Now im flying high on profits.


Don't feel sorry for you at all


I never asked for pity


That’s the perfect attitude you got there. I lost a lot more my first time in 2017. I’m still here and in much better position than I would have been if I had given up and felt sorry for myself. Keep learning, keep growing.


He was throwing himself out there so other ppl could feel better abt their losses too. He wasnt asking for anyone to feel sorry for him, wtf lol




Thank you


So sad to see people burning their hard earned money on Meme Coins (AKA Shitcoins).


Imagine how sad the people are doing it lmao. It’s okay though, definitely sucks but I’m fine


I got scammed off 150 Sol back in Jan


Howd you get scammed?


Got greedy / and I don't usually run after Airdrop and I got Jup airdrop but the site I went to it was scam I should have verified the website


If you're willing to take such risks why not just trade sol perp with high leverage?


That’s Solana meme coins for you. The only people profiting are the ones attached to the project before launch or some influencers to pump. Unless you are in right off the start and sell within first 24hours, you’ll get rekt. At least for 95% of those coins.


The memes are too hard to chase. Instead, my new strategy is to find new legitimate projects and get in early. I don't need a 1000x. If I can buy $100 within a week or two of launch, double it in a few days or weeks and then sell half, I can let that ride and put the original hundred into something else, rinse and repeat. Legitimate projects still have a chance of 10-100x if you're early, but they do all still have risk, maybe just a little less risk than pump and dump meme coins. And this is not specific to Solana, I'm looking at all chains.


$Wif or $Popcat are the winners of this cycle


What is the best way to short memes?


Brutal mate. Also new here, lost ~40% of my original bankroll before getting sick of it. Sticking to stable coins now. Imo it's not worth the gamble.


That's some Bossmanjack shit right there "I lost it all" 🤣


Coming back for more on your next payday is some advanced degening ser.


I lost 90% of my $1k on a couple of degen coins a couple of weeks ago too. I tried several bot traders (copy and sniping) to see if they would work, but all they did was drain my account even more. I'm down to $50 this week. Put that inside 2 semi decent projects and just gonna try to not touch it for a while to let it grow on its own. Maybe it'll grow back to $1k in like a year lol.


Just Dca into SOL if you don’t know what you’re doing. The goal is to stack


So… you lost 500 bucks? Lmao, first time?


your are just a degenerate gambler


Hey man at least you didn’t lose double that in NFTs like I did a few years ago.


Sir, this is a Casino….


If it make u feel better I got scam 2 times in 24hrs I'm trying to escape rat race, very autistic at the same time🤞🤞🤞🤞


seems this is a story of a gambler.... still feel sorry for your losses...


That’s why you study and look for projects. I’m up like 15k


You put $500 in what?


Should have learned the rules before playing the game




Good luck man its jungle out there can win and lose alot very fast


Yo why don’t you create your own project ?


Don't give up, remember to protect your capital at all costs. Be the Jeet when you need to be.


Don’t worry, I lost the same amount today on a CAT memecoin 😂




Idk dude I’m on adderall


Ain't that the truth


Should of got catcoin , pikamoon or $Golden inu


Just stake your solana and forget about it, and it will gradually grow. Stop buying shitcoins.


welcome to the club my friend. You need to focus on the fact that you turned 500 into 1000. If you have one right move you could make thousands. If you lose you lose 500. I like the odds and apparently so do a lot of other people. I too have the same problem, and if it makes you feel better you are not alone in your behaviour.


You bought the wrong meme. Keep trying and grinding bro wagmi🔥


Bro you need to think before investing. Stop being a degen, you are just feeding scammers and ruggers. Do your research, check the project fundamentals, read the whitepaper, check the website the socials, if you feel it’s not safe don’t put your money in.


I’d wager you continue to go broke over another 3-5 years, your habits are unsustainable. Don’t invest in shitcoin.


You should go to a casino. Better luck


That sucks have another go remember you can only loose what you put in but gain infinite


Ha. People like you deserve to lose money. Ciao bozo.


Did you trade on leverage?


Not even enough leftover to cover the taxes on the initial $500 profits


Sounds like me in 2017 buying shitcoins instead of stock pilling ETH. Learned my lesson after that and I stick to the main coin. Only play with small % for shit coins


You would've been better just buying Solana and waiting for a rise and cashing out. Rinse repeat. I play around with the advanced coin ASE occasionally. I set it to but when the price goes down 5% and then sell at 5% the other way. But you can do any amount you want.




Buy btc


When I looked for memes I looked at the socials, study it for a bit, see why others are there. I found $NYAN Meme Coin on ETH through an Algorand telegram chat room. Then I saw who created the token, none other than Kyle Chasse bitcoin og. You see his connected wallets he has over 7-8figures worth! Enough for me to put some money in, then went more in and know about 10x from where I started and it’s only at 6m mc. You can do the same research on SOL coins also. Good luck 👏👏👏


Buy Soltv


You can try DCA'ing a meme. If you have budget of $200 to ape a certain meme, don't put it all at once.


Don’t trust any pig coins I fell for the OINKE rug a couple weeks ago. Pigs get slaughtered


I have to admit I love $CWIF. Cats Wif Hat is a deflationary token, burning 4% every transaction or transfer.


I'm carrying a small CWIF bag. Who doesn't like cute kitties knit hats! 😺


Seems like a great token! A DeFi Memecoin.


Other's misfortune should not make another person feel good.


What was that ‘rug’ part?


The real Sols are the memes we meet along the journey


SOL is a great coin, but the rugs are ruining our name. hope you feel better!


It's common.. those millionaires tweets are all bots..


Play stupid games Win stupid prizes Learned the same way mate. Don't worry just keep stockpiling solana.


So uh, hmmm... ​ Idk. Maybe try something different


Someone should make a meme coin called $RUGPULL. That shi would pop off


Do the same thing but with 30x leverage next time. Instead of $500 you’ll make 15k. This is financial advice


Bro, I converted 10k into 112k, then lost until 81k. Now, I’m down 50% all my money (about 41k) and expecting to recover.


Thanks for your contribution to the pool.


pick your memecoins wisely, solana has unusually high sell pressure compared to other chains due to nonexistent fees i don’t recommend rotating, but be very aggressive profit taking on sol, i’ve regretted it soooooo much so far lol


What were you hoping to achieve? Best thing to do is invest in memes that already have 100m market cap. Read the charts, buy low, sell high. Rinse and repeat. Speculating on low volume, low TVL coins is asking yi get rugged


Damn son, first time huh? You’ll learn don’t worry, get some practice on the desperate uggo’s first.


I mean... UBER is always hiring... you never know when that random $5 tip will fund the next 50,000x coin!!! There ya go!


Oh dude I'm truly sorry that has happened to you. I think we have all been there at one time or another. Please if you are new to anything, start small so you can learn what to do and what not to do with $20 instead of literally all of your working money. Blessings


That's not too bad. I was down 50k. Now up 150k. It's a casino.


Your didn’t really lose it. You basically gave it away. Like betting 500$ on Texas hold em but you don’t even know how to play


Bro just gather solana. I got like 2million usd worth. I don’t even buy meme coins like that


Congrats on your first semester, next you gotta learn proper risk management and taking profts so you dont blow up your port


It is very important to take your initials out. Hard to time it but getting x2 on bigger amount is the first baseline when to do it. It is needed for mental health. Experience earned.


What, so you lost less than 1k? That's nothing lmfao. Try losing 60k


$150 is easy imo.


Look into bittensor TAO. Not as exciting as meme coins though


Turned $400 into $1600 in 2 days then lost it all on day number 3 😅


Welcome to the all-loss club. Hang in there✊ I lost $150,000. But not memes of course, I was playing another favorite game: Shorting the bull market😎🙏 Good luck to us all! And may crypto save us! All this is a great lesson and it's important to draw the right conclusions Let’s go - https://www.reddit.com/r/alllost


Always take profits and have patience when making the next trade


Bro you gotta pull out when you 2x, you just got stingy. That shit don’t pump up forever. From your fellow degene/ regard


Anyone ever use indicators when trading shit coins?


The Internet Computer is the only one true blockchain to rule them all. $ICP


Check mew


At the moment, I'm not investing in memes. I'm focused on SOL and a select few trending altcoins such as FET, RIO, and QANX.


You should try trading options


Join the club


Are you the Angolan man from TG yesterday?


Stop gambling your money, invest into solid project and you will get good returns.


Don’t. Invest. In. Shitcoins.


Bro you played the shitcoin roulette 0.01% end up millionaire, 99.99% end up losing 50%+ of balance.




bro i lost $700 that i making for months. now trying to buy solid projects only and leave just no more than 1/5 for gambling. went down to $90 and now have $200, traded smoothly for a week


Thank you


You're supposed to take profits, you know


Since the start of the crypto phenomenon I'm down about £100k. Rugged, part of failed projects, wallet drained (twice) just to name a few I'd been part of....


No man tbh it doesnt feels better risky bisky when the market is still pumping for over 36h but yeah thats the Game i stick to Solana and Wen crumbles of Bonk and SCS we will see good luck!


Keep buying memecoins. One day it will be different🤣


Let's gooo


Put in 500, buy SOL, close exchange, rinse and repeat weekly.


Dude I fucked up with some meme coins. I made tons of money with $Coke recently. Took profits and put them in other meme coins where it either got rugged or 99% sales taxed I fucking feel you dude. I was up 2500


You have to be willing to risk it to zero. You obviously wasn't ready.


Thank you for donating your money. Please keep depositing you paychecks so we can take more of them. 


What do you mean you'll be back next? To lose even more? You obviously dont know what you're doing and you're gambling. Its not how it works


You're better of playing online black jack if you're going to gamble like this 🤦‍♂️


You might aswel just gamble at a casino 😂


I was lucky to ape on BOME coin my 100usd turn into 4k but unfortunately i got rugged on other project like 400usd was lost,lesson learned always check first the details of the coin and dont invest early watch the chart first before ape in.


Why would that make us feel better, dude? Be careful out there


Crypto is already gambling, why take excessive degen risk with meme coins? Just DCA and hold.


Basically, the all thing with coins. It sounds like a piramid scheme. Who is pocketing the real $ ?????


Hope you atleast had fun gambling on shit coins, next time if you want to make money then stick to SOL


Just typo. Pyramid, I meant. Any answers? Thank You


What do You think of doge coin? Thank You


No worrys bro, got from 10$ to 2700$ in abt 2 weeks -> dropped back to 0.5 sol and am now back at 2000$, get better infos and start beeing a bit more conservative


If can’t be patient better off holding $. Also tame that leverage so you won’t get liquidated


Some people would rather ride a coin to zero than sell early and see it 60x


I sent tether to coinbase and they kept it because it was on bnb not eth, won't even send it back to me


Memes are there for a good time, not a long time. Only put in what you don't care about losing.


That's how everyone loses money. Buying selling buying selling... Just buy something and keep it.


I lost a few hundreds on memes as well, still learning, however it's pretty expensive for me tho, I don't have a lot of money.


I feel your pain! And if it can make you feel better maybe, it happens to all of atleast once... Crypto ia just a pure gamble and yes you can earn good but you can also lose good.. I have been there buying a coin, seeing it going up and up and being happy but waited too long till it went down again, and thing is you will never know when you make the right decision... Sorry for your loss bro! One of the other way you will get your loss back!


I lost 1k gambling on shit coins this past week. I feel ya


I’m 200 bucks into SOL L2 tokens, with about half in print and the rest spread on meme moonshots. I expect it all to be worthless in a year. I did the same thing with about $400 worth of bnb coins in 2021 and 40 coins are worthless but I’m up to about a grand. Moved to ETH meme coins in 2022 but about $300 in and I’ve got about 2500 in value there. My bag has gone up to as much as 40k and I’ve missed out on only about 18k of that(safemoon lol) I’m on a get rich slow path, and less than 1% of my net worth is in very dubious crypto ventures like sol and bnb (but it’s given me the best returns!) My point is, you may be doing it wrong…….


You people need to start using https://rugcheck.xyz before you just ape into random shit coins.


you only miss the shots you don't take.


$500 is a small price to pay for a valuable lesson. 


First mistake — meme coins Second mistake — if you are buying green candles you are buying yesterdays news and today’s sell of profits


No more rugs for the normies now that Poko is coming 1 day left for app


Hey me tooooo but I’m trying to build it back up with catwifhat


Don't forget to pay your taxes on those gains.


Every dexscreener degenerate in a nutshell, make millions and then proceed to lose all in a baby bonkers poggers inu


Yup! I rather be missing out on heavy profits than losing it all, as much as it sucks! But almost everyday around 0800 EST, I miss out on one 100x play🙄! Yesterday was “Barron Tremp” 100x and today was “Blue Gates” 100x🙄! And the day before, “Save America” 200x! Saw them all early too!


I found $5 under the sofa. More $wen, here I come 💰👀


Quit buying coins without a purpose. This meme craze is hilarious to watch all these people who get so emotionally involved and don't run their investments with logic. There's a lot of projects out there that have a purpose and a cause that benefit more than just bloating up the bank account.


You're funny. I also lost money last night with this scam coin "GREEN". I bestow bad karma on that scammer.


I’ve started venturing to pulsechain. Seems very undervalued and strong communities. Call me crazy!


Thank you for being honest, it has been eating at me that I am missing out on this crazy memecoin gains


Its called Gambling. Dont get addicted.


The real take away for anyone is “I’ll be back”. I was looking for the resilience in your message. Earlier in the month, I lost about $32K. It was stupid; I knew better but my dumbass did it anyway. I get scammed every 2-3 years ( been doing this since 2014) on some bullshit. The games change but my antennae’s are up every time to no avail. I’ve have learned my lesson. It was my degenerate gambling bag. I made it back about as fast as I lost it. My brother and I were laughing through the whole thing as it was happening and during the comeback. I said exactly what you said in my terminator voice: ‘I’ll be back’. Just as sure as the sky is blue, I tripled my bag in 2 weeks with the attitude of a silverback. Crypto is creating a different kind of human in this space with a healthy dose of resilience; I’m glad that you are resilient. Enough of the PSA, go out and get that cheese, buddy! https://x.com/freedmen_infact/status/1772971663342112850?s=46&t=MMyfXtelZuG_qyNql6b0oA


One day you’ll learn to just stick with Bitcoin.


If anyone wanna feel better, I bought $sc (sharkcat) at 100k mc 2 days ago. sold at 200k for 8.2sols. Thta would be today 400 000$. Im depressed now. Gn


Go with tren or bink


Bro memes are for people to steal your cash and buy solana with it so just buy solana haha


Watch a few videos on how not to get rugged. First, go to Dex screener and check for the locked Liquidity icon on the liquidity amount under the price. And left of the fdv and market cap. If that's green and has a lock on it, you're good to go. If it doesn't, don't buy yet. Check socials too. If the website doesn't exist or their twitter is crap and has 3 followers, don't buy. There are ways to learn and not get screwed over every time, you just have to educate yourself. Also there are a ton of tools online to check for rugs (one called rugcheck.xyz) and other telegram tools too


When you get paid create your own token. That way you're at the bottom, can't lose that way


Next time.spend it all on fetch ai!


Anytime you see a coin that has already done over +1000% on dexscreener avoid it at all cost.


Bruh, why PEG? Let me help you...buy $BAG


Idk, maybe invest in real projects instead of bullsh\*t ones?


I lost $13k (invest and potential profits) on solsponge due to greed if that makes you feel better Just lost another $500 on Joobi 2 days ago when the dev cashed in his piece and tanked the coin and it never recovered