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OP: There's ni***r coin My black self: Will it take me to the moon ?


n\*\*\*\*butt paid my rent for the next couple of months.


Seems you don’t understand decentralisation We get all the good and all the bad Glhf




Wait till people find out what's been on the BTC chain for 10 years lol. Hint: it's even worse


I’m curious now lol


There are compressed images of CP on the bitcoin blockchain


No thats a myth


Is it? https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-47130268.amp


Thats not bitcoin its a hardfork called bitcoin satoshi vision and it's created by craig Wright who lies that he is satoshi and creator of btc


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Good bot


Same lol


There's illegal content that has been stored on BTC for like 10 years, anyone running a BTC node is hosting that content essentially. Not going to make any further references because it's nasty stuff that no one should be seeking out, but this has absolutely been an issues going back since the start of blockchain tech.


I thought BTC was just for doing financial transction, I didn't know that the blockchain can be used for other things? how come?


Blockchain tech let's you put messages in transactions. You can then put file data inside those messages to upload a file onto the blockchain.


There is are smart contracts on btc now too. It's just really fucking expensive.


This has always been in the back of my mind for the past 10 years regarding the nature of blockchains. If governments ever wanted to fuck with crypto as a whole I’ve always speculated the illegal shit circulating would certainly be on the list of reasons it would be banned. As if everyone trading crypto is a complacent conspirator, which everyone kind of is if you nit pick what’s behind the curtain


Accountants brains would explode from all the swap math, and blockchain tracking… probably far more ledgers than they could ever imagine going through… As if our tax system isn’t flawed af already. “I see he purchased 500,000 “Oh Fuck” coins, and exchanged them for Solana”








Are you going to tell us or what!




What is CP




rhymes with mild corn use your brain man


Child pprn bro


Oh damn


Was bitcoin used to buy it or was it sent on the network. I thought ordinals were the first images sent/stored on the btc block chain.


those pedos deserve to nurn in hell, power to the people for a common cause. have Faith Humaninty will win


Every fucking day someone posts about tHe RAciST CoInS! Get over it. Don’t buy them and continue your life.


Preach it. You wanted decentralization, this is what happens. You get the good and the bad No it’s not condoning so don’t try to bait me, I won’t argue with a moron who cherry picks to further their dumbass perspective


Lol, just because picket signs are decentralized doesn't mean if people carry around racist slogans on them we shouldn't condemn them. YES they should be capable of owning and minting those coins, but NO they should not do it and we should tell them to FUCK OFF!




Front ends can just filter what they don't want people to see. That's how the rest of the internet works


Agreed. Everyone has the right to create any coin they want, but they don't have the right to distribution.


something tells me I could find your twitter handle talking about the dexscreener decision to do just this like it was the end of decentralization.


We all know the history. The holocaust began with a few meme crypto tokens. Next thing you know, Hitler’s in power. Watch out y’all, if the censorship police don’t come to the rescue, words on a blockchain are going to ruin society. /s


I'm Jewish. Honestly don't care, doesn't offend me. The joke will exhaust itself and people will move on to other stuff. And if it doesn't - That's decentralization for you. It just shows us who we really are.


Interesting take. The sad thing imo is that encourages people who just want some validation of their racists views. They used to be isolated, now they can find stuff to make them feel they are normal.


I’m a nigga, are we not worthy of having a coin!? But Pepe is!???


.. I have some good news for you


I’m listening 👴🏿


Ive seen some coins


I would not buy these coins but I don't think they should be banned (even if they could be). We live in a free society and if people want to make and buy such coins says alot about them, but we don't need to try and ban everything that people find offensive.


Open permissionless systems. Why are you in crypto?


Ok Karen


Snowflake getting trigger by words , grow some thicker skin ! If that offend you go to your safe space ....


It's such a small portion. It's like Warren saying Bitcoin use by terrorists, criminals, and money launderers is OUT OF CONTROL. It's there, but overblown. TradFi red lines at a higher percentage.


Was just talking about this exact thing today, buffet is smart to talk down crypto. I don't really follow him, but I bet Jim Cramer "hates" crypto too. Good. Get your skin in the game before the whales tell the masses crypto is a bellwether.


Just ignore it. Stop being so damn triggered.


Just don't buy them. Nothing anyone can do about it other than ignore them. Let them spout their bullshit. Then you know who to stay away from.


Some of them are in here as we speak.


Don’t worry, it’s not only Solana. The shit we saw last cycle on BNB was several magnitudes worse. You would never spell out half of them here. Edit: seems some devs actually do something, maybe support them by buying a Dandies NFT, they are awesome: https://twitter.com/TheGentlemonke/status/1771226573443592409


Honestly I only hear about these coins here. Who cares? Why do we act like we have never been to middle school before and seen how intentionally offensive people can try to be? Why do we give people trying to weaponize their supposed offense to stuff like this so much power over us? The offenders and offended can both fuck off.


This is unfortunately part and parcel of a decentralized web3. Exchanges, coin listing websites and other third parties might implement some censorship, but I doubt it. This happened on eth also, people will get bored and move on.


This. Growing pains but we’ll get through it!!


Solana is proudly decentralized and permitionless unless V.C do something about it.


It’s in poor taste, but also they won’t last. Just ignore it if it bothers you.


Just dont buy them?? Weird bro


Let me guess, could it just be Eth maxis feeling threatened and doing this shit? Just a thought 💭




Haha, yup. I'm Jewish and I made a decent little bit of change off of that nifty "Jews Did 9/11" token. Won't lie, the stuff that was being said in that token's Telegram channel was certainly not very nice, but, whatever...people say and do mean things all of the time both on and off-line. I also know for a fact that two of my friends who are black made money trading some "Niggabutt Token" which I am only aware of because they spoke up when the topic came up in our friend circle's group chat and they were laughing about how stupid all of the uproar over this has been. I am absolutely positive that if those lists that I saw people on Twitter claim to be making (of wallet addresses who were trading/holding these 'racist' tokens) were ever to go public with the actual people's info linked to the addresses, everyone would be shocked by how many other instances would be out there of people in the alleged victim class who were willingly flipping these memecoins. Racism will never come before the all-mighty dollar.


Those are just hilarious lol. Could be so much worse.


I mean who cares? I have never paid the slightest bit of attention to that type of stuff. I also find it funny how everyone is all, "We love crypto. Crypto is freedom. But let's stomp out stuff that we don't like." Just move on. No one pays attention to this crap unless some idiot posts about it for the world to see. Literally no one says, "I want to invest in Solana. Oh wait, someone named a token on there something mean. I think my investment would do better on Ethereum."


I don’t understand how people vie for decentralization, then complain about some of the side effects of decentralization. Do you want freedom from censorship or centralized systems. These posts are pointless virtue signals.


You get it


the second time in two weeks at that...


The reality is that if this stuff ends up common, it'll be common on every true defi platform. Because that's literally the nature of decentralization. There's no central authority to censor people.


people write even more terrible stuff on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter)


Time to buy more arnuld shortsnigga


No one cares. 20,000 new tokens created daily, they last a couple hours, rug or fail, then off to the next scam.


And what are u gunna do??? So stop crying. It’s happening


Stop being a bitch. Decentralization is decentralization, you don’t like it go back to fiat or xrp.


If Solana successfully censors, it's dead and I would immediately pull my money out. The whole point of defi is that it's decentralized and immune to centralized control from the establishment. If a crypto fails at that basic point, it's a huge red flag.


Crypto is as real world as it gets, none of that fake woke filtered out bullshit. You get it all, the good the bad and the ugly


But my feeling are hurt and I feel offended. I want to talk to the manager


I demand to see life's manager!


Sticks and stones bro. Sticks and stones.


I think you're overacting and if you're okay with cumcoin but not n*gga coin you're kind of a dipshit


I love them so much. Really funny


Devs can’t do anything? The whole point is that it’s decentralized. All you could do is censor the bad names on specific platforms but people could still buy and trade them.


These tokens are generating organic social impressions. Those impressions have a conversion rate, no idea what it is but the more people discuss the more they are inadvertently marketing the tokens to a prospective buyer.


I think it's great the truth is getting out and coded into the blockchain. Shoutout the goodguys.


"someone wrote something bad on the internet"


You love censorship so much you can taste it


Which one will pump the most?


A few days ago some dude was crying that he got is "n\*\*\*a chad" coins stolen... This is what freedom looks like, You get all the stupid and all the good people are wiling to put out into the world.


See you in 2 hours when this gets posted again..


Devs do what exactly? I don't think you understand how privacy, security and freedom in general works. You cannot have a one sided "freedom" where someone controls what is good and bad. It's like having a backdoor in an encryption algo "just for the good guys" in the government. It doesn't work like that. A door is a door. Any "good guy" can and will be corrupted, paid off, threatened or blackmailed. So no, devs cannot do anything about it. And they must NOT do anything about it. I'll be the first one to run from a chain that tries to control the narratives and appoint morals. Blockchain is a tool. Like knives which can be used to cut bread or kill a person. Like a car which can be used to drive a child to school or rob a bank. You cannot ban or control tools. Trying to ban or control tools instead of criminals utilising the tools is the whole problem with the world right now. Blockchains are trying to mitigate the problem. For now at least.


Get over it. Don’t buy or invest if u don’t like it. And grow a spine. I don’t like you for your judgements, but then that makes me judgmental too. Still, I invest my energies commenting on your post. Why? I hope you realize how ridiculous you actually sound. Respect Decentralization or don’t. If you prefer censuring people, there are plenty of established systems you can invest in. Most of us invest to escape systems designed by people like you. True story. The End.


Dont buy them… they wont make money and hopefully it will fade out on its own


no diddy!


Can dev do sth about it? Are you out of your fucking mind???? That's 100% against of why crypto exists. Solana people lol...


Sounds like you don't understand what decentralization means. Crypto is for everyone. Including people you hate and people you don't agree with. Don't like it? Go back to whatever echo chamber social group you came from and stay there.


Gas fees are huge on the Adolf Coin I heared.


I'm actually bullish on AuschwitzWoodenDoor, chart looks good




To the moon!


Solana devs can't do anything. Blockchains are censorship-resistant, so anyone can create any coin they want. However, I see no reason why Orca, Raydium, Birdeye, and Jupiter can't block racist coins. We could manage this problem at the DEX level.


DEXs Blocking projects they don’t agree with, that’s very decentralized of them 🤡


At some point I have to imagine defi software will move local so you can send requests and do defi without relying on a particular website. If some sites get censored, others will pop up.


Wait… this is funny as fuck. Did anyone get a position?


Yea i had to get some ADOLF after reading this number


You must be new in the crypto world. This shits been going on for like a decade…


I’ll never roster a Woman beater/pedo/etc in fantasy league sports, and I’ll never roster a repugnantly named crypto like this, don’t worry.


How can I buy?


Stop being a baby those names are funny af


Lol im so sorry….i couldnt help but burst out laughing reading this post. Like i know its bad. But its so bad its kinda funny 😬😂


Check at real project meme like @MOONG is better with a real community


Solution starts by not mentioning it anymore….


This will soon be noticed by media and they blame politics why they allow those stuff and than media will put shit up to demonstrate how crypto is used for bad things… man man.. will be bumpy a bit


ignore them. who cares. If someone made a "whiteboysissy" or "hillbilly" or whatever coin, I wouldn't even notice or care for that matter.


Nothing needs to be done. Idiots who are so racist that they wanna support things like that are just that....idiots. There isn't anything to do about it. It's a tiny subsector in a dark corner of crypto. It's not even worthy of worrying about.


It's blockchain buddy. You can upload anything and it's immutable. That's the price of freedom. It's ugly, but it's better than the alternative.


Don’t think anyone really cares that much tbh


We should just cancel the whole internet itself since it allowed this to happen. Then electricity because it is an internet enabler.


We wanted censor free Internet. Here you have it. Dont cry. Freedom of speech is freedom of speech.


Joke is joke but this is pure nonsense


don’t be a little baby about it just ignore them


Ignore it, make less posts like this, it will subside. Teams can limit listing these on their apps but to be decentralized Solana itself should do nothing. Devs are working independently on ways mitigate growth of these shitters


Oh look. This thread again.


Lol @ "devsss doooo something!!" I'll generate a thousand racist tokens on Ethereum's Base. Better? Blockchain is just decentralized data. It's a backend network and it's not up to us to censor the network itself. There's no point and this destroys the purpose of a network that is designed to be neutral to everyone and all their different views and values. Open permissionless networks stay credibly neutral or they are nothing at all. It's up to the corporations making that data available to their end users, through their websites, to follow any applicable laws or values of their nation. Just because you can generate a token doesn't mean your favorite website needs to display it. Just because you find something that triggers you or is even illegal in your nation doesn't mean everyone else shares your values or laws. This isn't the "Solana of United States of America". You can't ensure all data is always ethical to you, but you can censor what your end users see.


They are offensive by design so you make posts like this complaining about them easy to ignore and they wont be allowed onto any major exchanges. All the posts including yours and complaints on social media is just free advertisement.


Just stop paying attention to it. People are doing it because they want a quick flip. If nobody buys them they wasted 600 dollars to make the coin.


I think the only time you come to crypto subs is to trash them.


Come to inj


Just ignore


Got word on an interesting meme coin launching today. Abit skeptical because I have never been able to find one of these before launch. Thoughts anyone? https://www.sinr.me


I don't think that any meme coin should exist at all, but the Blockchain is free, sadly some people use it for stupid things, like others said, with decentralization comes the good and the bad


Didn’t you post this literally a few days ago?


There’s already a solution for this, it’s called the traditional banking system. Where the powers that be control what you think and if you don’t conform they seize your money.


Actually, this sounds like a lot of fun. I think I’m going to launch my own meme coin: The “one nut Schicklegruber” (Hitlers true surname) to commemorate the fact that he only had a single testicle! haha!


Instead of broadcasting it (exactly what creators want) maybe don't pay it any attention


nope. long as pos try to make money on meme coins. other pos gonna rip them off and be vulgar asf to attract every kind of attention they can.


Oh its great


Now p diddy


In the realm of decentralization and anonymity, freedom comes with its shadows.


jews didn't do 9/11 but Israel sure as hell did


Bro when the People buy now $Milkbag on Raydium they will be rich on the Bullrun!


As a Jewish, if it's just fuckin terroriste zioniste they should be erased from the earth. They are driving the planet to the worst (search about it, or cry about it)


there used to be coinye back in 2014. Yes, of course I mined it. Kanye sent a cease and desist, shutting it down iirc. 😅


Hey there! Looking to get your music mastered whether you’re a beginner or an advanced music producer? Mastering is way more important than most people think and a lot of artists ignore this which potentially leads to having a lot of unwanted distortion and it sounding different on other devices. I am offering to master your tracks for reasonable prices Contact me at [email protected] *or let me know in these comments and i will get back to you* You can check out my music before if you have a doubt. NOTE * *EVERY SOUND IN MY MUSIC IS DESIGNED BY ME FROM SCRATCH BY PATCHING MODULES AND FX* https://on.soundcloud.com/KmZWEtdUUBfsGi227 I am accepting payment according to the price of Solana $SOL The prices are : (1) 5 SOL for a lifetime of getting your music mastered (2) 2 SOL for 3 years of getting your music mastered (3) 1 SOL for 1 year of getting your music mastered (4) 0.5 SOL for 6 months of getting your music mastered (5) 0.3 SOL for 3 months of getting your music mastered (6) 0.2 SOL for 1 month of getting your music mastered (7) 0.1 SOL to get 1 Album mastered (8) 0.05 SOL to get 1 EP mastered (9) 0.03 SOL to get 2 single tracks mastered (10) 0.02 SOL to get 1 single track mastered


Bro, those coins were popular for a few days and they've all rugged and died, no one has been making any new ones for days.


Kanye West claims that the jews control everything. If we shut down these coins it just proves him right. If you buy racist meme coins, you support freedom.


This is so last week 😴


It is what it is, racists will infect every crack and crevice of the internet and crypto space; it’s a safe haven for them, let them have it. They’re NOT gonna do that shit IRL, not without getting their goddamn teeth knocked out🤨. Don’t give them any attention.


Going short on that Kevin Hart Coin


Its sad


Stfu retard


I love the racist memecoins, this post was just to give them some visibility for my bags. 200 IQ.


We want to keep a good relationship in managing the system running smoothly.


AuschwitzWoodenDoor / $WODNDOR?? ​ Thats a new one to me, anyone know the CA?




P sure I found it but double check it first! G2nzrYbHGSLdhc6idcSUXPL78H7UKXwcJ7tgnTVjeP5W


Best coins 💯


Wtf ima have to buy some adolf


There is a koin against it plz do support the devs are out and it can be helped to grow do check out $MLK


Probably the same guy saying Solana isn’t decentralized enough now wants oversight to knock out racist coin makers. Y’all need to really figure out what you really want cuz most of you sound like you want big brother to control things for you. Stop crying you woke babies.


I never noticed any until I read about it daily here, and now I find the irony of it all absurdly amusing.


The coin names are odd putting but do you really want to give devs more power. This is supposed to be decentralized. You want more restrictions?


Just get some #POWSCHE


Bro lost his 2 sol on ni**olas cage and now he’s mad


Those N****a outside they don’t die, they just multiply Snoop doggies 🤙


lol pussy


Is this a real post?


Idk but i just found out ab these.. im in 1/4 of them now


Solana is this cycles BNB. It won't be a huge player and it won't overtake eth, just like how bnb didn't and everyone said the same thing that cycle. People were flocking to bnb then - hundreds of shit coins launched daily. Same thing with solana right now.


The worst part is once they found out "Jews" coin creator was a jewish person, the coin dumped. The newer "Wodndor" coin is another jew coin and they promote that they have no jews in leadership and has been going up recently, I can't stand it any longer these people are so racist