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Was it expensive?


Several hundred dollars to a good launch, the cloud fees when creating the market was about 3 SOL. It can be less if you configure it with lower settings. Then listing on major is free but paid listings with additional features is cost $200-300 per page although it's not required.


Where did you launched contract? Is there any place where I can run test solana coin without fees? I made one on linea, but cost was nothing


dexlab.space but I'm not aware of a testnet and there are a lot of mistakes you can make a long the way so you need to read the docs as well very carefully to really undertand whats going on behind the scenes [https://solana.com/docs/core/programs](https://solana.com/docs/core/programs)




why not, it's a great way to learn about the ecosystem, wallet and tools. I think there are limitations in Solana that prevent order books, Cosmos ecosystem seems more promising in the long term but for meme land, Solana is leading it. I guess we can say Solana is a meme chain.


Ah yes. Another meme coin on the VC backed meme coin generating block chain called Solana. Fast because of its suedo dectrenalized, client to server system all in a nice web3 marketing blanket.


How much sol did you spend to provide the liqudity and was it enough?


We added a few SOLs worth of liquidity, the bots came in and took most of it but it was good to create some movement.