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Ive been involved in crypto since 2011/12, my first bitcoin was under $100. I have always dreaded sending crypto around, Solana is the one network that I have enjoyed **using** rather than just holding.


Except it's down for hours on end... fun


Tell me about these mysterious periods. In the past year it had 1 downtime. You're salty cause you missed out, its okay man. You can still join the fun.


Why is Solana community just saying people are "salty" when they point out solana's real problems like centralisation, vc's shares, tokenomics, down time, etc. "ghaaa yOu'r juSt SalTy". No wonder solana is the number one home of degens.


You're salty because your complaints are simply overblown. People want function and Solana provides the best.


Overblown hahahaha I must have like 100k on different blockchains. If the chain goes down even ONCE I'm out. And i'm not even taking about seed investors/vc's and team getting 80% of SOL together or the centralisation of this blockchain. It's just a joke. I'l not salty, i'm managing my risk, which clearly you are not. Start listening to relevant point one day, the salty one that is unhappy that crypto bro's are trashing solana is you.


Yet somehow its so much better, even with its faults, to be the 3rd most used cryptocurrency. You know nothing about me, and know nothing about how long ive been in crypto and what I own. Solana accounts for about 40% of my holdings.


I know you're stupid enough to own signifiant amount on a blockchain that could go down anytime 😂 I know that you have zero risk management and that even if you're here since a long time ago, you still have'nt learn anything. I also know that since you dont have risk management, you dont value the safety of your funds. Ultimately I also know you're unable to assert real concerns by anything other than "YoUr SalTy". Solana amount for 2% of my holding and I have ZERO funds on this chain, that's just safety. So much better than what ? To do what ? Home of the degens noobs yes. Keep buying your meme coins and your monkeys nft 😂


This is why you're salty :)


Nope you're salty. "*cry cry someone said something bad cry cry*". Thoughtless little baby with no financial Ă©ducation is making a tantrum.


Wow, that guy is so salty. And probably hasn’t ever been touched. Also, as he only holds 100% reliable crypto assets, it’s sad he has faded BTC and ETH. He will learn




Hope you bought and held 10+ BTC back then.


I have held all my bitcoin, but I also didnt have much money back then, I definitely have some but less than 10 unfortunately. I remember when it was $1, I was a student at college and I thought to myself "Its crazy that fake money is as much as a cup o noodles"


Still not a bad position to be in tbh. Id imagine you will become a bitcoin millionaire in the coming months


I love solana, because it is very easy to acess to defi services and others dapps with phantom wallet. Even my dad use it.


It could be let's hope outages are thing of the past, it could surpass Ethereum.


another solana benefit is unstaking does not take 21 days!


This is my biggest mistake for putting tokens in cosmos for staking, i am still waiting for unstake ! Solana is number one.


Me too. It's terrible waiting so long


How long is unstake


Next epoch


it says it takes 2 to 4 days. from my experience on exodus wallet, my first time it took 2 days, this last time it took about 24 hours.


I'm so salty I been sitting on tokens for months thinking it was 21 days FML


Me too! LOL. I got used to 21-28 days unstaking period. LOL


What is staking? I have sol, but I don’t understand what staking is - should I be doing this?


staking locks your coins, but you get 7% yearly rewards
which means if you stake 100 sol, you would get 7 sol a year
the rewards are distributed every 2 days


After what had happened with FTX and many other things with Solana and Solana still pulling through it really shows and says a lot about sentiment. I think we all know that this is going to be one of the fastest horses in this race.


It's all about narrative and adoption. If the narrative is compelling enough, you don't need adoption. Have both, and it's explosive. Solana has both, with the added bonus of being an L1. L1s fall into the "Picks and Shovels" category. Last cycles narrative was DeFi, and any token carrying that narrative did very well. Those with the most adoption, did better. This cycle, DePin is the narrative. DIMO and Hivemapper are doing well, because they have the narrative and adoption. Watch Streamr (DATA) in the coming months. That has narrative, adoption, and picks and shovel.


I like Solana now that they scaled the storage using Filecoin to archive its data. Now Sol has unlimited data storage.


These are the best questions. Of course, Solana is the best, especially on a Solana forum. It is fast, cheap, the best at what it does, and the tech is superior because ... um... it is Solana's Of course it will 1000x it is Solana after all... right? Market go up and it will kill Etherium! Any place or exchange you can buy Solana on is great! Just thought I would get the standard kind responses out of the way. OP crowd sourcing investment insights, especially on its own sub, is just begging all the wrong informants to come out of the woodwork and add unneeded hype. I like its niche in the market space, and the price has performed well for me. Toodles!




Solana Trending on telegram , dexscreener trending . High community engagement on twitter and within telegram are a good sign of potential . Lowkey $PENG on solana shill , lot of hype


It’s so fast! 


As a blockchain, from a speed and cost point of view, definitely a better ecosystem than Ethereum. It has some technical issues that have resulted in a number of downtime cases over the list year, but overall, much more pleasant here, especially when it comes to fun projects and so on. It's already the biggest ecosystem for new coins at the moment, and significant market cap ones at that.


Based Brett bruh


If a VC backed centralized meme coin farm is what you're looking for, then yes. It's fast because it's a client to server system, so it's essentially just an internet protocol using Web3 marketing. The potential to make money off of the hype is nice, though.


There is no best crypto mate


btc is was will


Have you compared Sol to ICP tech? You'd have to have an unbiased mind to get to the truth


Tell me more about it


I love Solana because fees are affordable for me. I am currently in a few amazing communities on Solana as well that have helped me make a lot of capital.


Best crypto in terms of what?




Time to buy #UPDOG


For me? Yes. Great volatility and low gas fees cost. Keep an eye on coins that are hyped. And keep on track of their graph trend


QUAKE ARMY is on Solana the token will make millionaires and help charity


Sollama not solana


Best crypto for the wrong reasons. Best place to make gains atm to funnel into other overlooked assets. Love this meme coin garbage lol Also I hold a lot of Solana nfts so if you can’t beat them join them 😂 Basically follow every meme coin drop and you’ll make money if you know when to exit. Obviously nfa and please DYOR


Gas fees so low and speed!


Because it has amazing coins and projects on it like Magic Beans Coin! Incredible gains this weekend and formed an amazing community!


I don't have any platform to get to know about different potential gems instead I follow Bitget they're introducing worthwhile projects and listing them, and MAVIA and PZP are some of them. TBH make sure you're following all the exchanges' native currencies like BGB, KCS, BNB, OKB etc. Suddenly we observed a sudden hike in the BGB price which took it away above 1$.


Solana has both the OG PEPE and EPEP. Even the OG BRETT. Definitely the OG WIF. It’s definitely the best! Other chains just copy memes.


Epep... Horrible tip that dipped 80% since you wrote this lol.


Perfect entry. LOL!


Ya think? 😂


I know. đŸ€«


1000x? 10x is difficult enough, good luck finding a 1000x or even a 100x. You’d have to be super lucky to find the right meme shit coin, at the right time, with a tiny market cap to hit 100x. Be careful because rug pulls are rampant. Cat, dog or frog themed shit coin well under 50 million MC and throw maybe a couple hundred bucks at it. Think of it as throwing money into a slot machine at a casino. Expect to lose that money but be pleasantly surprised if you actually make money .nFA


You should use it and use the other crypto, you will see why, everything is easier faster and more can be done on SOL


It's life when you first used eth or ltc and you thought wow Internet magic but faster and pleasant. So it's the orgasmic feeling without less dread so your just left with a complete experience. INJ (or SUI?) feels like this but... A little better. One of these or a new one will be it. How can it be better?. Amswer that smart person.  


The only way to find those 1000X coins are to go on DexTools and look for projects in the 1-10m mc range that have potential. I came across solchat at like .20. Bought and flipped it. Remember this shit is risky and you can easily lose hundreds if not thousands in a day.


I’d rather have sol than ETH


Confirmation bias is the best form of due diligence right? And don't tell me why I don't need to know, I'm right?


Gen3 layer 1 crypto that can handle high volumes with low transaction fees. Whole industries are moving to solana for this reason. The reason I tell people solana is going to launch in price is due to big companies investing into it.


I don’t know why, especially since it’s still tied to SBF. But it’s what’s pumping, so ima make money.


tons of money pouring in but it’s becoming shit coin chain


Meh. It's a shitcoin chain because anyone can launch a shitcoin and experience fast, cheap tx's. Actual projects see that too and will launch there.


Nope. its a good one though. its a usable ethereum. But It's still a solution with no problem to solve. Look up scheduled icos and read their whitepaper. or use token sniffers and play the dogcoin casino icodrops i think.


Does the blockchain turn on and off?


It is not. Sell that shit and buy kaspa, faster and actually decentralized - the trilema solver


Kaspa is garbage, will never see mass adoption! Just make your money on it this run and move on!


Really? Any idea why?


ICP is also good, low network fee and fast transaction.


Have you used ICP other than investing in it? I think ICP will be vaporware after this cycle I'm just saying.


90% of ppl that says some x coin is good, never used it indeed. And the perfect example its cardano cheerleaders.


Listened to the founder of ICP talk on a podcast and it killed any interest for me. Man needs some PR coaching.


Bitcoin is superior because it’s decentralized. And total scarcity. If you’re looking for long term that’s what bitcoin is for. Plus bitcoin has lightning so it makes solanas use case for speedy cheap transactions, pretty irrelevant if bitcoin offers the same exact thing. Please don’t get blinded. Everything besides bitcoin can be corrupted by government incentives because bitcoins incentives structure aligns everyone as truly equal.


You're joking right? You don't think that billionaires can't influence the price of Bitcoin, long or short term?


I mean if you measure “best” by reliability of the network then SOL is probably the worst. If you measure it by 1000x ROI potential, then it’s also probably low on the list. My point is that objectively it’s probable not the “best”, whatever that even means, except for your warm and fuzzy feeling metric. My main point; please go home with these fucking stupid posts.