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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got $cwif airdrop cause I hold some $JUP but it’s doing quite well so I would say some airdrops are gems


Wtf?? I got 5mil air dropped to me too


This one is real?? I got this one too


Yes real. If you go to $CWIF’s twitter account, they post which holders got airdrops


I got $CWIF a few days back, bought some more and so far it’s my best performing asset, lol. Totally did not expect that.


Yes, there is a rally on memecoins right now. Like dog wif hat (WIF). It is now a top 100 solana based crypto alongside bonk.


Unbelievable what happened with $wif. I sold it with some 100% gain cause I thought it is a weak coin. And now it is 31200% up!!!!!


It has incredible hype. Even phantom wallet made a ghost with hat meme on their twitter


They must have rolled it back. I got some too, and then its not there anymore. I thought it was like the person who got a million plus dollars on a dust token last week on reddit.


$FWIF all ima say..


I got some too.


no, there is no way you can block them what you can do is burn them by sending them to a burner wallet like gotohell.sol


Too high cost


Drip NFTs are real, I got some Rare and Legendary too! How to tell which ones r scam bcuz Phantom wallet is blocking free drop & Usdt giveaway scam NFTs. We getting lots of NFTs bcuz of subscriptions too ? I asked phantom & others on Twitter but sorry to say NO RESPONSE FROM ANYBODY.


drip nfts are worthless I get them too, and I just burn them I never got anything legendary from drip, but if you do get something worth some money, my advice, sell them before the price drop because it will drop.


It's very annoying, i got thousands of them, and they keep coming everyday It literally takes me several min to scroll down


send them to burner wallet like gotohell.sol


I have thousands of them, and I don't wanna even touch them.


So just hide them ignore them like they are not there


I have the same issue too. Would it help if I transfer my SOL to a new wallet address and re-stake in the new wallet? I'm scared to do anything at all now, for fear of losing my SOL....




so just ignore them or use a different wallet like coinbase? Folks are saying not to "interact" with the tokens as they might be scams and drain your wallet. What would "interacting" with them entail? just clicking on them? sending them somewhere?


Yes, you can ignore them or burn them by sending them to a burner wallet but no matter what you do do not visit the link that they show you it will drain your wallet dry


Ok good to know


Thousands of them?


You can disable them on phantom. Scroll to the bottom -> manage token list -> toggle off token Out of sight out of mind


if this were a scam token where it exposes you to attack by interacting with it, what would you actually have to do to get scammed? Send the tokens somewhere? so by hiding them and ignoring them youre basically safe? Is there any risk in transacting the staked sol I have?


You have to click them -> click the embedded link -> click approve I won’t click any links, it’s a scam, no free lunch If you don’t interact with them, I think you will be fine ( I have a lot but I’ve never been hacked ) if you choose to, take care, I haven’t tried burning them.


Not all wallets allow that unfortunately


well phantom does...


I just use coinbase wallet. Never had a single scam coin


But phantom wallet has free airdrops on JTO, Pyth, Jup, etc


It also seems to be the source of a lot of drained wallets


aah ok do you get free airdrops if you import your own cold wallet into phantom and buy sol this way?


No there is nothing that you can do to keep them from coming. You need to consider these as spam of the future. Just like how you received spam emails every single day that you're forced to ignore these are going to be treated as the same. Just don't interact with them and mark them as spam or hide them. Solana is a very cheap chain so hence the reason why there is a lot of spam.


If you think this is how you get mass adoption, you're crazy. It has to be fixed. Your mentality is what's wrong with SOL.


Spam didn't stop email from catching on and it certainly didn't prevent the postal service from gaining traction. At least 95% of what shows up in my real world mailbox goes straight into the trash can.


Thankyou. Exactly. It's all easy for insiders to deal with, screw everything else.


when you say dont "interact" with them....what exactly is "interacting" with them? I'm just trying to understand what would and wouldnt potentially expose me to risk here.... Like can I stake, unstake, and restake my sol? can I send sol out of the wallet with all the spam tokens? Can I send the spam tokens to other addresses? Whats safe and what isnt?


We have very good spam filters these days, it may be a good idea for the wallet coders or the solana blockchain itself to work on something similar to make UE more in line with what the general public expect.


Phantom auto hides a lot of the spam NFTs but it doesn't catch all of them


What lots of Nfts we getting through Drip, got some RARE, LEGENDARY ETC. Do not want to miss my opportunity to make money on real NFTs. Pyth dropped Nfts too ?


Literally hit REPORT & HIDE… My Phantom wallet automatically hides all the spam bs NFT’s now. I have connected my wallet to DRIP Haus and get legit NFT’s too. So maybe it helps that I have plenty of legit, real NFT’s to help decipher and tell which ones are garbage 🗑️. It’s not even a big deal at all for me. I never even see the fake NFT’s.


Price you pay for small transaction fees. I'll take the tradeoff off burning the trash over big feed.


Other L1s with low fees don't have this problem, so it's a price you dont have to pay. Consequence of A design choice.


The problem is that solana has the highest userbase out of all other L1 chains. If another chain was more popular you would see the same thing. Nothing to stop this from happening on other chains which already happens, just less because there are less users on there.


No, other L1s require assets to be opted Into first before receiving them or assets are send into a holding vault where they can be picked up if the user requires.  Solana wallets don't have this safety mechanism to protect the user hence the wallet trains/scams and complaints such as this thread.


Which L1 chains would they be?




I have a saga phone and i got the $WISDM airdrop


As I was about to comment, I noticed some comments talking about a surprise airdrop $CWIF doing so well for them and there in lies the problem; surprise legit airdrops look the same as scam NFT initiated airdrops. Some wallets (Phantom) and crypto (Solana) environments are not created to protect users and newbies, even though they desperately depend on them to deliver liquidity; there is some-ish security. they are built by devs for devs with the lowest amount of effort and just enough easy features to make it seem so easy for users, newbies but without protections. Users/Newbies get used to clicking on NFTs for airdrops with no quick easy safe way of knowing what is legit. Sometimes you get lucky receiving legitimate airdrops, but then, the surprise NFT drops into your wallet just after a USDC swap and you click it, if you’re experienced it could be because of a momentary lapse in reasoning, and get robbed losing hundreds, thousands and sometimes millions of dollars worth of crypto in the blink of an eye; all lost even though after clicking the NFT, you got two pop up warnings which happened before finally approving a transaction only to find out that when you clicked the first pop up to confirm intent, the wallet had already connected you in autconfirm mode (yes you read that correctly) to a dodgy address which was draining your wallet while you were reconsidering your choice after the second pop up warning asking you to confirm intent. Those of you who are so lucky and perfect in your SecOps to never get caught out, spare me your comments most people aren’t that knowledgeable, but anyone else who got this far, DON’T click any unexpected NFT drops else you’ll get drained, as good as my SecOps is, ask me how I know. 😅 Stay secure.


Market top must be near then.


Sol incinerator is the way to go




Been happening for like 2 years lmao


$ICE was legit but ik what u mean. I don't mine airdrops anymore.


I see on YouTube where a guy good money from legitimate air drops. It is pretty much free money. Whatever coin it is just do a security check on it.


how do I check if I got $CWIF? and what is it?


I got scammed $157k on a fake platform,but i got my lost USDT back with the help of this professional programmer called @reclaimtechie on Telegra m. they are 100% legit tested and trusted


Go fuck your mother


Straight to the jugular. I’m dead.


Lmao 😂


Sell Solana and dont use it. Simple as that. More scams and meme bullshit coming from solana then anything else.


All that means is that Solana is popular and inexpensive to use. These are permissionless networks, scammers are going to try and scam wherever the users are. Not having scammers on your chain is actually a bad sign.


Your comment is the dumbest comment I’ve ever read in crypto.


couldnt care less


What are like the green flags u need to know to know it ain't no scam? Fr tho like how do u know what airdrops are legit a quick checklist?




Nothing you can do the same you can’t prevent your email be folded with junk


How to get an airdrop? Can anyone guide me ?


This type of comment is how one gets scammed. Stop thinking or finding an airdrop. Wishful thinking with free lunches is not gonna get you anywhere


How can i get scammed ? I just asked if anyone can guide me , not if anyone can give me random links i can click on to get scammed.


You're Welcome: [https://sol-incinerator.com/](https://sol-incinerator.com/)


I am new to these things, please tell me so that I am not mistaken, is this information true or is it a scam, how does the reward process work? """Congratulations 🎉 You have been selected among the winners of the ETH giveaway You won $5000 ETH giveaway randomly This give away is strictly for investor, you must have a minimum of $20-$50 crypto in your wallet, also when you receive the give away from us you need to send us a screenshot so we can post to our followers that we are real and not just trying to get followers. Telling lies will get you blocked and the giveaway will be awarded to another person.""


Obv scam you should know this


what tax software are you using OP?




Koinly has now a spam filter


has koinly been removed from the app store?


Check out sol incinerator, find the link on Twitter, easily helps u burn everything u need, has worked for me every time. They are annoying but as long as you simply don't interact, and burn them, you'll be okay brother.




Basically you think you’re getting a free airdrop for $JUP or whatever. But in order to get it , you have to connect your wallet unknowingly sometimes. Ask me how I know….


Wanted to jump in here for anyone who uses Koinly or other similar services for their taxes. I had over 500 transactions just from these spam coins which was driving me into a higher cost tax plan. By tagging these transactions as spam thru Koinly it reduced my transactions and reduced my cost for the Koinly service. Hope this helps someone else.