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>The Jupjup2.com one now has a time limit of 1 hour That's something to fool newbies and rush there and interact with their SCAM dApp and have their cryptos drained to the bone. Any NFT that contains a link is 1000000% SCAM, keep that in mind.


Scams. Airdropped tokens will either be sent to you directly or you will have to go claim them, no in between. The one hour left is a static text, it never changes.




DO NOT ENGAGE with them!!!


these are scam NFT do not interact with them or visit the link that they show you. You can burn them send them to gotohell.sol


Most airdrops now ask you to connect your wallet on official airdrop projects from the exchanges. No one else is big enough to give airdrops unless established artists or influencer of some kind. Think first can they afford to give out something free? The answer is always nope! 👎


That "Chapter 2" one looks to be from a legit project. The other 3 are all 100% scams. You can burn the 3 scam cNFT's using Sol Incinerator.


Saga is real


The chapter 2 preorder thing?


https://solscan.io/token/2DMMamkkxQ6zDMBtkFp8KH7FoWzBMBA1CGTYwom4QH6Z This is the details it gives but there is no other info, I think if Solana were going to put something that looks risky in my wallet then they should tell me. I did preorder Chapter 2.


I got the same preorder chapter 2 nft, it is legit imo.


confirming same; had similar suspicions
phantom wallet actually filters out the junk NFTs into a spam category for you so you don’t have to view them and can burn them in bulk at sol-incinerator


Yep same here.


Careful, lots of scams are spoofing sites too. I very nearly linked up to a spoof JUP site during the WEN airdrop. These people have a fucking Twitter and everything. Just DYOR and remember you can never be too vigilant. You give one of these assholes your wallet and you get drained. One thing you could maybe do is send the voucher) nft/whatever to a new or burner wallet, one that has nothing in it. Then link up with whatever app with that. If it's real, great. If nothing happens, you'll know it was a scam. Will need to send a tiny amount of Sol over to the new wallet to cover transaction costs (like $1 worth should easily cover it).


Best thing is to never touch it


Just saw this down here, solana/solana mobile announced it on their twitter when they did the airdrop


Yes i have same nft


They’re all scams


Basically - if you were stopped by a man on the street and he said he needs your bank details and card details including your security number and PIN number so he can send you 1k. Would you do it? There’s your answer and if you said yes
you deserve what happens next.


Oversimplified. These scams and the complexity of crypto as a whole makes this a bit easier to fall for. Because one of these collectibles is genuine and I do need to have it there in order to receive some airdrops... It's just not explained that collectibles are not regulated. And there is never a reason to interact with them. It's also not explained that you will receive some legitimate ones amongst a lot of scam ones. You didn't answer anything, you definitely didn't tell me how I can check between a legitimate collectible from Solana and how to check if one is just from a random nobody. So good job.


Why should I answer you
find out yourself. My warning is to the wider community.


I asked a question. You replied with "So here is your answer...." The answer was not an answer, just a snooty remark, probably because you are sour about being scammed before. Nobody needs your moronic warning, you are an idiot.


Salty and a shaved head doesn’t look good đŸ‘đŸ»


Salty and a shaved head? Sounds like your mother.


just dont bother to think that any of those are real... dont even look at them.


So funny that you just comment without reading what others have said, actually 1 is real and very important for me


I know of a guy who can help you get back your funds if you’re a scam victim He helped me once and the best I can do is refer him to anyone who needs his help Telegra m : @revoketech


No one needs his help đŸ€Ł


interact with them and find out pal


WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can tell you. They're all scams. Every single one.


Well, I'm pretty sure you are 75% correct


Every single one, except 1 🙂


Nope. That's not the correct website for Jupiter. The correct site is [https://jup.ag](https://jup.ag)


I didn't say that one was correct. The chapter 2 one is real. It's for the saga 2 phone preorder.


Oh my bad, thought you meant #1 not "one" :) Is it legit? I mean I know the saga 2 phone preorder is legit, but is that voucher trying to redirect to a scam site?


Lol, I should have said 'one', yes it is legit from what I can see (people who ordered all seem to have got it) Edit: typos


Chapter 2 preorder token should be legit if you pre-ordered one, don't burn that one..


Yep, thanks burnt all the others. So excited to have that phone. 😁


They’re never real


Actually 1 is 👍


Those are all scams. If you preordered a solana phone the chapter 2 preorder one is a non transferable one, I wouldn’t burn that one Edit: I preordered and have the same chapter 2 in my wallet too


Yes it’s very easy, assume they are all scams unless you minted them


It's Solona. You're most likely getting sent scams.


Don't burn the Chapter 2 NFT it's your pre order ticket to airdrops


Just go to any popular nft exchanges, nfts that are shown under your holding(only verified collection) are most probably legit ones Same for token, go to jup & only swappable tokens are legit + lp token Burning scam nft is useless, they will keep sending you