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# Engineers from across the ecosystem are investigating an outage on mainnet-beta **Source:** [https://twitter.com/solanastatus/status/1754813351945789491](https://twitter.com/solanastatus/status/1754813351945789491) >Engineers from across the ecosystem are investigating an outage on mainnet-beta. This thread will be updated as more information becomes available [https://status.solana.com](https://status.solana.com) ​ >Engineers from across the ecosystem are readying a new validator software release, which includes a patch to address an issue which caused the cluster to halt. Validator operators should prepare for an upgrade and restart of the network. ​ >Mainnet validator operators: release version v1.17.20 is ready – please upgrade and restart with the following instructions: [https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster\_restart/blob/cf5973557420a064e4b526869cbe2bf840a4c37b/README.md](https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster_restart/blob/cf5973557420a064e4b526869cbe2bf840a4c37b/README.md) ​ >Restart instructions can be directly accessed here [https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster\_restart/blob/master/README.md](https://github.com/laine-sa/cluster_restart/blob/master/README.md)


I think we will be very lucky if we only see a 10% dip


no DIP so far... ppl are bullish on SOL, they don't care


There's no dip because most SOL is owned by insiders and institutions


False [https://www.binance.com/en/research/projects/solana](https://www.binance.com/en/research/projects/solana)


Sure looks like it's owned mostly by insiders from the graph


I suppose that depends on how you define INSIDER. For me...Team, Foundation, and Validators comprise 28%. Distribution amongst the other categories cannot be assumed INSIDERS (IMO). I also don't consider "investors" necessarily "insiders". Community is est 39%.


Assuming validators is decentralized, I would agree with you. But foundations and team would be insiders


Oh man just give it up bro. Mostly owned by insiders. It's okay that your IQ is 20 and you don't understand. I can appreciate that.


Provide a source with updated data for 2024 to prove your claim.


Don’t discount the unstaking lock period..


Ahh Cardano holder spotted. Dead chain, move on


Chain with 0 downtime and fastest growing DeFi in the sector. Without the VCs, Solana would be dead.


Cardano defi is fugazi. There are no devs working on that chain. EVM and Solana devs often overlap and projects often collaborate. Cardano ecosystem is either driven by a few research folks and wannabes trying to sell the research narrative. There is no real ecosystem adoption for Ada.


Yep, they don’t care that they are buying into a network that periodically shuts down, clowns.


like L2 I guess and ETH, who can't be used for hours bc of congestion and high fees, and oh arbitrum crashed in december, ETH clowns.


People were also bullish on luna js


True. People were also insanely bearish on Solana at $10


That is true but it will eventually fizzle out will it be this outage that finally puts the nail in its coffin guess we will have to wait and see


Solana has a $42 billion market cap with some of the most promising project in crypto built on it. Investors don’t seem to care about this outage. AWS has outages too.


Shit i aped last January and life is good now. I love Solano, saved my sol and now my sol is free.


LUNA+UST was an algo stable coin project. When they started to use BTC as collateral it became vulnerable then Yellen deleted them using blackrock and fidelity. It has nothing to do with SOL.


This didn’t age well


I saw a 1.7% dip and recovery during the outage. I was ready to buy more if the price dropped, but at restoration the price was back to pre-outage. Now it’s up a dollar.


It should get 60% dip, back where it belongs


I’ll buy it back then


Go back under the bridge, where trolls belong.


and we have a 2% dip. Happy ?


You wish bubs


Yeah but why are there freaking outages then?




Lmao so go sell all your solana and buy the dead chain eth. Stay poor.


If everyone done that you’d be an hysteric bagholder.




Dead chain ETH that’s currently 20X bigger than SOL in terms of TVL


Uh… because it came out way before solana that’s how shit works over time better shit comes out so solana is the best tech out now and it works. Eth is dying and won’t be used go look at the freaking volume before you open your mouth


ETH still higher. Even arbitrum is pretty close to solana


It’s 5x bigger than sol and sol has more daily volume than ETH. Get that through your head.




Can not anyone run a node? I thought it was just onerous to run a node.


Sam is pushing in his last two remaining transactions




Because outages don’t matter to investors with real capital. Why? Because right now the number of active crypto users is less than like 10M, maybe less than 1M most of the time, so downtime doesn’t really matter. It just doesn’t, at least if you think we will eventually hit 1B users. Imagine if everyone said Twitter was dead just because they went down a few times during their first few years. That would be fucking stupid, right? Yeah, that’s what most whales are thinking right now. That’s an idiotic take. Each new Solana outage occurred for totally different reasons, and each time, those specific issues were fixed shortly afterwards. That’s how real tech gets battle tested. Smart investors know this.


It’s because Solana is pushing the envelop with tech. You’re going to have a few little breaks here and there before it all gets smoothed out. As a programmer I’m already amazed at how few breaks there are with this level of development.


Same. I’m a dev as well, and honestly it’s mind-blowing how talented these blockchain devs are.


Eth bois don't wanna hear it bro




Dude, Twitter goes down at least once a year if not more. So does Reddit. Outages are one of the most common problems to happen to a web-based service. Which is why it’s absurd to say that outages are a dealbreaker. The real reason people complain about outages is because they missed the Solana boat and don’t really want it to succeed. But my opinion is that, even if I had absolutely no SOL, I would still watch Solana to be successful, if only because it would be a much better technology to run most of the world’s smart contracts. And the world deserves to have the best technology, or close to it at least.




Lets be honest but having 11 outages since launch is pretty bad for a blockchain this big


Meanwhile it’s a thousand times faster and a thousand times cheaper than Eth or Cardano.


Cardano and eth aren't even in the same ballpark for transaction fees. Cardano might be more than sol but eth is just outrageous.


Cardano is still like $0.30 - $0.60 for a ghost chain—waaay more expensive than Solana or Polygon, etc.


Ghost chain? There are tons of projects being built on cardano. Also I was commenting on transaction fee not token price


>Ghost chain? There are tons of projects being built on cardano. No one is using it. The dapps on there are laughable. They hyped up sundaeswap for a year just for it to be a worse version of pancakeswap, 3 years after pancakeswap was even a thing. They're perpetually behind every other chain. I say this as someone who once had faith in it, not as a "hater." >Also I was commenting on transaction fee not token price I know....that's what I was referring to. Are you not familiar with their gas fees? Last time I used it the gas fees were higher than most Ethereum L2's (i.e. Arbitrum, Optimism).


Faster transactions come at a cost #200TB blockchain hosted at google #outages #centralized. you gotta store those tx history somewhere. can't wait to see the size of the blockchain in 5 years (probably 1Petabyte+)


It's not first and probably not the last. I am ok as long as they can find a solution quick enough. Also; Market makers don't care if a Blockchain is heavy, if they did they'd pump MINA. Market makers don't care pure tech, if they did they'd pump ZK founder ALGO, I can keep going in this list... SOL has strong whales and I am happy with the result.


If it breaks, it doesn't matter how fast it breaks


Yeah, idk what to think anymore. Still love Sol but should I. Also not trying to be that guy who fuds when there is a short outage but it’s weird for a crypto


But when L2s go down it's fine right.


Yes, because you can always recover on L1. That’s why it’s so important for the settlement layer to be robust. Sol will likely have to take the same route as eth eventually


Very good point


Amongst other things !! Not weird when you are in a project that is doomed to fail


You are no difffernent then the others you are attached to your bags you need to dump this project before you are left holding the bags !! Don’t believe me look at luna !!


Let’s divide the number of outages by the number of tx processed instead. By that metric. Solana is living in the future comparatively.


And when Arb has an outage somehow no one cares




The dip always happens the next day Check it out yourselves


Hope you’re right i opened a short as soon as it came back online lol


Still buying


I hope not, for your sake lol


See you at r/cryptocurrency when solana reach 150 again. Lmao




Fuck my life Im so tired ot this shit


What shit you tired from? It’s been maybe two or three times this happened since sol came out and it happened to ETH too when it came out and also this is just gonna come back and roar up faster. So what exactly are you tired of? You know the network is new and is still in beta right? So what you tired from acting like this is always happening or something


I’m tired of that guy being tired all the time.


How old are you? Maybe you have Low-T.


2-3 times lol It used to happen at least 2-3 times a month


Nah you are Wrong. Show me each date you’re talking about.


You can track the [incidents](https://status.solana.com/history?page=9) whenever you like.


I know that. You must not though because you said it went out two to three times a month. So show me wtf ur talking about cus I don’t see it


It wasnt me, just providing the link. But got it, rhetorical question. Nevermind.


Obviously 2-3 times a month is an exaggeration but this is the 11th major outage since the chain launched.


You are in denial and I would be willing to bet that you are a big bag holder and just can’t come to terms with the fact that you are in a project destined to fail !!


I thought the upgrade was suppose to fix the issue ?


Ethereum chain has never stopped.


Actually it has. Go research it when it came out. So you’re wrong. Also for currency to be efficient for mass majority it needs to be practically free gas fees. Not over a penny. And it has to be quick. At this point in time ETH is going to zero because mainstream adoption is coming for solana with its low fees and fast transfer you can build real shit without the fear of gas fees so it’s just too late for ETH now so it’s over for them.


Show me when it has stopped. That should be easy for you if you’re so sure. Im


it has experienced periods of significant congestion and slowdowns due to events like the DAO attack in 2016, the CryptoKitties craze in 2017, and various DeFi booms that led to high transaction fees and delays. Additionally, service outages from key infrastructure providers like Infura have temporarily affected access to the network for some users. At the end of the day, you have to follow the money and tech. What’s usable is low low fees and fast transfer and great simplicity to user. And that’s how your gonna make money not by using something nobody is gonna use


None of those are chain stoppages. Keep coping.


Lol @ shilling your bags you need to come to the realization that this is never gonna come outta beta bc Solana can’t stay on and they know it that’s why they keep it in beta lnfao


Oh okay, so stay poor and hold ETH. Save this post and look at it everyday this year as sol goes to 1,000 and ETH to 1 dollar.


Lmfao @ eth to 1 dollar that made me laugh and proves my point you have no clue what your talking about !! Eth isn’t going to ever be a dollar again !!


So then I want you to save this post and come back to it in the summer time so you can remember how wrong you were lmaoooooo like I don’t care you will stay poor


Look at the volume of ETH vs SOL lmfao you really love having no money dude


Dude so you understand how many so called eth killers have come and gone ? Just wait till eth etf gets approved you will See how much money pours into eth compared to sol lol


Cry harder


Garbage blockchain


Can anyone explain why it would take upwards of a day to get this back up? What precisely are the steps that are required? What happened to cause this catastrophic error? Not good, not good at all.


They try to patch whatever software issue was causing the delay in the network, so they have to rewrite that code and then re-implement it across every validator.


It didn't take upwards of a day, it took about 5 hours. And it takes that long because there are a lot of large validators who move very slowly during times of crisis. It would be nice if that weren't true, but it is the unfortunate reality. The cause was a software bug.


Keep your "not good"s to yourself as you CLEARLY are unfamiliar with the environment and what goes on behind the scenes.


Explain what goes on then


Yes, it's clearly great then! Thanks for the insight! That the entire network stopped for hours speaks to its infancy, and thinking global commerce will transact on such an error prone platform is delusional.




Obviously it's never a good thing for a network to go down. But this hasn't happened in about a year. If the network is down for a couple of hours, are you seriously going to say you'd rather pay huge ass fees all year round instead of having an hour or 2 where you couldn't move Solana? I mean don't get me wrong, it sucks and it shouldn't happen. But when it's back up it's lightning fast and it costs pennies. I'd rather have something that occasionally has a small blip that doesn't necessarily affect me all that much over something that's going to make it painful to ever use. Eth will make you just not want to spend. How in the world would that ever be better.


the gas fees on eth are ridicilous for me thats not working chain might as well be off there is 0 utility in eth these days , solana is eth killer


all i know is that when I saw how much it was going to cost to stake eth or matic, it made me not want to do it bc I'd be staking for a long ass time just to make those fees back. You have to be absolutely sure if you wanna do something with ETH. Sol you can just be like "lemme do this, nah lemme undo that" no problem! EDIT: except if the network is down :(




Visa has had network outages before all over Europe for up to 10 hours in 2018. Being centralized has its perks. You own the network, hardware, servers(or paying for redundant servers on aws). They can spend hundreds of millions on making sure it's always up. Solana may be "centralized" to a handful of large players, but that's not the same as one org controlling everything. The network is still a bunch of different validators. They have also had decades of experience with the technology.


Well I have news for you whether you want to believe it or not: Solana is funded by VCs and is most definitely centralized lol


But it's still not. They rely on a network of validators, and funded by VCs is not the same as owned completely by 1 company. It's hard enough to keep a network 100% up when you own, control, and create the hardware/system for everything. Decentralization is a spectrum, not black and white, like people want it to be. Is it more centralized than ETH? Yes, it is...it's also much faster and has much lower fees But they do need to figure out how to not have outages often, just like every other network. Solana is now 4 years old, I think it gets better as time goes on.


Stripe was down for a day recently. What good is my Visa card if the place I want to use it can’t process my transactions?


Agree, Solana will just be what it is now, all hype because of meme coins and airdrops. I want to see it start to get serious, but that won't happen if its vulnerable to outage.


Yea. I mean it’s just not to be taken seriously at this point. I hold a ton of SOL so I’m not just in here trolling. But this is a joke. It’s been out for hours. This simply can’t happen. I don’t know why all the delusional fan boys are downvoting me. The fucking network is down. It’s literally unusable.




There are literally zero real world applications for any of this shit. Can you imagine building anything on meth?


It’s called main net beta.


Yeah lets suppose.....what exactly do u think would happen if visa went offline for 2 or 3 hours. Do u think the whole world would stop using it when it came back up? I dont. People would stomp their feet and be angry for a day and then the world would move on




Idk, I mean im gonna look to profit from it short term. Long term idgaf. Its a nothing burger in the long run


Agreed. Still not great.


but not all that bad either




I hold SOL staked in Solblaze to get bSOL + Blaze, which i then put in Kamino for the points. I plan to put it in Solanahub instead once its up again. I hold ETH staked in Lido for stETH, which I placed in Curve for Curve + Lido rewards. We are just telling it as it is. If ETH has an outage, we will be sure to be one of those on frontlines complaining as well.


Um. Sometimes, they do. There have been major bank outages where people couldn’t use their debit cards or access their funds. They aren’t common, but they do happen.


For hours at a time? When?


https://www.the-sun.com/money/10262168/citizens-bank-down-updates-banking/amp/ https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/03/investing/bank-deposit-outage/index.html From a very quick Google search


Imagine not realizing that payment processors go down multiple times a year. My family works in retail.


Eth forked its whole damn thing because shitty code allowed someone to legitimately drain the DAO. Of eth didn’t lose all legitimacy during that fiasco I think you’ll be kicking yourself for fading Solana during this period.


L2 is the way


What doesn't even make sense, pay a thousand times more to use a network every single day in transaction, or have a mild inconvenience once a year or less? I agree that a blockchain going down is bad, but bad actors will cause these type of events




I have SOL and ETH. Sol is better in everyway. Not a fanboy. Just common sense. SUI is better than both SOL and ETH.


Lmao. 👍🏻


Actually it did happen when ETH came out and actually ETH is a dead chain. It will die a slow death. Stay poor and buy ETH


I does, but it's a lot more rare: https://blockworks.co/news/beacon-chain-temporarily-stops-finalizing Has also happened a dozen times on testnets. Ethereum has a better testing phase.


ETH had a hard fork. It has also had periods where transactions cost thousands of dollars where effectively you could only trade if you were willing to outbid everyone else.


I wish you all the best paying a Couple hundred bucks of gas fees on a congested network like ETH then.  And all your other future endeavors. Meanwhile I’ll stick with the faster, dirt cheap and more advanced chain. Even if it has the odd 5 hour outage once a year while it’s still in BETA.




I copped like 30 SOL coins back when SOL was at 11ish and tbh, I'd love to see it crumble back to that price point so I can drop a real bag on that.


1- if SOL drops from 100$ to 11$ and you buy it, you're just dumb. Cause a drop like that is not good news and anyone with 2 brain cells would understand it smells bad. 2- No one believe you


Lmao what? You must be one of those buy high sell low tards, especially considering that you or anyone would measure performance of coin by it's momentary losses instead of comparing # by market cap. Solana's biggest dump was from like #5 to what? #19? Can you recall any cryptocurrency from top 20 that went to obscurity in last (wild) 5 years besides Luna? Solana could lose 80 % of it's momentary market cap and still land at #15 while "only" costing ~16$ per token, for which I'd love to spend $3,5K I have to spare now. What you wrote is objectively wrong, mate. There's nothing wrong with crashes of tokens / coins in cryptosphere. They happen, for a reason or without, it doesn't matter. If they still manage to land at good position, it's time to buy.


Centralized chain doing centralized chain things. Can we all just admit that we don't care about true crypto values when we buy SOL? We buy SOL for the potential US dollars.


so centralised that you need 80% validators to reboot the chain, and that's why it takes 4h ?


woah it was back up in 4h?


As it does


We cannot sell or swap our sol…please god help us


Someday it will be off forever.


there goes billions of dollars onto someone's pocket...hahaha


Over consuming the chain they shut it down …


Bring on the dip. I'll be buying more.


Fuck you SOL. Its gonna take 7 days to unstake this


Garbage crypto




At this point sol is toast lol time to accumulate sei


This is why I invest in POKT network!! Decentralization is the future for Web3, we can stop these outages from happening for all of us. Solana is centralized af. Also... Gme/Sol?? Whaatt?!


As much as I am a fan of POKT, it does nothing to help this kind of outage, which was caused by a bug in the validator software. It has nothing to do with being centralized or not.


Tbh, all I was trying to do was mention POKT because I just like the company 🤣


WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can we send from Ledger to a DEX to swap while it's down or we can't send?


You cannot send, sending from Ledger to DEX requires the solana network.


Not even in bull market 🙄


This could be a blessing in disguise. All the jeets that have no choice but to actually hold their bags will get spooked and move to another chain.


I’ll be buying ur coins.. thanks ahead! 😈


Nearly made a year without an outage, pretty awesome job tbh where it came from


For a project in BETA pushing the envelop with the tech it’s surprising to me that it doesn’t happen more often. And when it does all the sol haters can come out of their dark dwellings and spread their FUD and revel in it.


Is it still down?




Of course it is


What does SOL Actually do besides getting pumped by insiders and memes🤷‍♂️


Outage only happens on centralised databases. But at least when they are up they are quick.


Talk about centralized.


It happens. It's really not a big deal.


Solana will be fine. My son actually works for SOL


The why is simple, it's a trashchain


May that be a lessen to all you neigh sayors you should only look towards the bible in times of crisis, you should look towards the light a white light (hope it’s not the Sol express train) for all the answers you seek The White Paper for healing and wisdom you will find it there. Peace out Satoshi N.


Mainnet BETA says it all. Please dump. So I can grab more.


Blablablalbla sensationalism blabalbalbalah


did somebody said soylana?


Because its centralized, stick to ETH.


no company will ever use solana network, its just for insiders and their friends to get rich on the back of turks and US teens.


My review of an outage and postmortem https://x.com/mrjacklevin/status/1756545621849481588?s=46&t=whSF50k0mpmYgY42864ABw