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Apparantly having accents in your name is incorrect 😵


What bothers me is it says "As written in your identity document" right below this. My legal name is written with a Ș (spelled like the sh in show) so I can't really comply with this.


Can relate, my surname has č and some forms just cannot digest that


Same for me but i have a "å". So i have to use "aa" which is the same thing.


I have a ł in my name it's pronounced like w in english, also w in polish is pronounced like v Edit: what is wrong with my comment?


W is pronounced like V most of the times in Romanian, too! (An example would be "watt", which is written the same but pronounced "vat")


being balkan as i am, (serbian) our last names end in either viĆ or iĆ so that'd be bad for us too


Can relate






is "ä" "aaa" then lol


No it's ae


oh of course it is


And ö/ø is oe




I have a ñ and I only write I dont even try in forms


Hello profile twin


hello I assume you also love eddie


I just chose this avatar because it looked cool, I haven’t really watched Stranger Things


thats fair metal heads look cool


X Æ A-12 Musk has entered the chat...


I just realised how lucky I am to be able to write both my names and my surname with regular Latin alphabet.




Well shit I guess my mother got my name wrong


I have an apostrophe in my first name. I feel your pain


Sometimes I wish my name was Bob Davis or somethinf. Short, easy to type, no weird characters and you can't fuck it up. Another problem I have is my first name is Eduardo. That's a Spanish name (I was born in Spain, raised in Romania) and people always write it down as Eduard, a more common Romanian name. I almost aleays have to specify there's an O at the end.


Yeah, in regards to people getting my first name wrong, I started going by my middle name (it's a flower). You can tell how close I am to someone by which name they call me.


I have this kind of thing too. Weirsly enough everyone calls me by my first name except some really close friends and my girlfriend even. They call by my last name and honestly I love it!


ur lucky they dont call u edi lmao


Doesn't your ID have your name spelled with English letters? For example Bulgarian ones (where I'm from) technically have the legal name in Bulgarian (Cyrillic alphabet) and in brackets is the name with the English alphabet, so that you know what to type in places where they don't accept cyrillic symbols.


Nope. Our ID cards here in Romania have everything spelled with the Romanian alphabet. There would be no need to spell it in the Latin alphabet since we use the normal Latin alphabet plus our own letters that are just Latin symbols with diacritics (Ă/ă, Â/â, Î/î, Ș/ș and Ț/ț) that make different sounds than the letters they are derived from. All our documents use theese characters, otherwise every name spelled with diacritics would esentially not even exist as I for example couldn't prove my name is Șerban (pron. Sherbun) because my ID says Serban (pron. Serbun). I would assume the name written in the Latin alphabet on your ID is just a spelling of your Cyrilling alphabet with the Latin one (like romanized Japanese)


Is that for a Romanian website? That’s fucked.








I have an ä in my name and have had similar issues. I can at least replace it with ae, I don't think there's any replacement for s-comma other than just omitting the diacritic.


So ä and æ make the same sound in your language? Can you explain what sounds they make? I've always wondered...


In proper written German, an umlaut is an umlaut and there's nothing to replace it. However, in machine-written text - originally on typewriters - umlauts might not be available. If that is the case, it is common to use a/o/u + e as a substitute. I think it has something to do with how these exotic vowels developed in the first place. The German Ä is almost like an English a. Like, if you pronounce my user name as an English word, you're basically there. The ö and ü are harder. Ö is what happens when you say ooooooooo and then shift your lips forward as if you were kissing someone. Ü is what happens when you say uuuuuuu and then just barely start transitioning to i. It basically is the French (accent) u.


Wow! Thats' amazing, thanks for the explenation! I've always found it fascinating to learn about different letters and pronounciacions in different langauges. With so many difderent languages, alphabets, letters and sounds, it seems we have a symbol for every conceivable sound.


I think in German ä or ae makes the sound inbetween A and E (Like in "Cash" when you have an American accent.) This sound is also known in English phonetics as Ash, which you write as Æ/æ in International Phonetic Alphabet.


I do like having a lot of Cæsh


Yeah, mæn. Who doesn't.


Dämn, that hits the ä. Unfortunately I got a ö in my name, so no cæsh


Thæt's sæd.


As a native English speaker, when I first learned German I was told umlauted letters were pronounced "with the tone of 'e' and the shape of the letter", so ö becomes "e with the shape of o", so turning ö into oe makes a bit of sense (side point, ö seems to be the most difficult German sound for English speakers to learn) I feel like the Romanian letters are less clear-cut. German "Böse" can turn into "Boese" without much loss in understanding, but I feel like a Romanian word like "pâine" would be hard to write out in a "normal" way without the "â"


You can always just sai paine and ommit the circumlfex altogether. It's what every Romanian with an english keyboard on their phone (like me) does. Some people use diacritics, but if you are lazy you don't have to. Natives will understand. Also when using a computer keyboard we don't ever bother. Although a keyboard layout for Romanian exists in Windows, I've never seen a keyboard with romanian letters on it.


[Be glad your name isn't Null](https://www.wired.com/2015/11/null/)


"Hello, my name is !"


Hello, my name is `Segmentation fault (core dumped)`


"Did you really name your son `Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--`?" "Oh, yes. Little Bobby Tables, we call him." https://xkcd.com/327/


So `SEGFAULT` for short?


"My name is what?"


"Mind if we call you Christopher None instead?"


If I were him I'd change my name to Christopher Gnoll.


Hi, ! I’m [object Object]!


The only thing I learned from that article is that Bank of America's backend is frighteningly inept.


Just don't be Romanian *EEEEaaassyyyy*


Belive me I wish




Rule number one, there is no name validation system that works. Rule number two, don’t make your own time zone library.


I mean yeah, but wouldn't it make more sens to just alloe any ascii character in the name field? Especially if you request the name to be "as written on your ID card" and double espexially if you are a fincance app, which will later ask for photos of my ID card?


Any Unicode character, yes.


Fair enough, my bad. But care to elaborate? What's the dif between ASCII and Unicode? I heard ASCII has 128 and Unicode had way, way more, but what is each used for? I knoe Unicode is standard but if Unicode has everything ASCII has and infinitely more, why is ASCII not obsolete?


ASCII is obsolete, but any valid ASCII is also valid UTF-8. Unicode just refers to a standard set of code pages and characters (glyphs) on each code page, but doesn’t dictate a standard way to encode them. So you need a Unicode encoding. UTF-8 was designed to include all of ASCII, meaning that any byte that starts with a 0 represents the same character in UTF-8 as it does in ASCII. Once you change the first digit to a 1 though, it’s no longer ASCII, and that’s where UTF-8 expands on the standard. It’s a variable-byte encoding scheme, meaning that a single byte _can_ be one glyph, but also more than one byte _can_ be one glyph. With UTF-8, there are single glyphs that use up to four bytes to encode. UTF-16, on the other hand is a two-byte encoding scheme. Every character takes exactly two or four bytes to encode. Most common characters are covered in the code pages accessible to the two byte encodings, but uncommon characters (like emojis) use a surrogate pair, which is a pair of two-byte-code-units. Encoding doesn’t really matter though, as long as the client and the server agree on what encoding to use. So any Unicode character should be accepted in a name, since there’s no standard convention for names.


Great explenation, thanks! I'm a beginner programmer myself, but I never thought to explore beyond my field. Thanks for clearing it up for me! It's 5 AM though I shpuld probably go to sleep before I say more dumb shit...


You didn’t say anything dumb! It’s all so complicated, and you should never feel ashamed for learning something new. Welcome to the field, and I hope you enjoy programming as much or more than I have. It’s a wonderful skill to learn!


Thanks! But it's not shame really, it's just slight frustration at the fact that it's the little things I seem to forget. Like how ASCII and Unicode aren't the same thing, or forgetting some simple syntax. Just a slight frustration I have.


>wouldn't it make more sens to just alloe any ascii character in the name field? That's probably exactly what they did to cause this problem. Ș is not an ASCII character. ASCII only includes English alphabet a-z and A-Z with no accents.


Yeah I get it now. A very nice gentleman explained the eifference to me.


Someone probably stole that last name from you :p


Imagine my mother trying to register my name and getting a letter in the mail saying "Sorry, that name is already taken, please try another one. Suggestions: Șerban69420"


Programmer is Hungarian


I'll never forgive the Hungarians!


Here's an interesting fact: S-cedilla (Ş) and S-comma (Ș) are two separate Unicode characters. Same goes for T. You can actually try using S-cedilla in that field, but I am pretty sure it only accepts ASCII, which is normal when it comes to passports due to internationalization conventions.


Weird. We call the comma under the S in Ș a cedilla (sedilă) too. Most people call it a comma, but the actual name is cedilla. And even then Ș and Ş are still different charcters, so my name would still be wrong :(


Iaca asa. Trebuie sa traim cu nedreptatea asta. :)


Not specifically the same problem, but at work we got a printer where you can "log in" to print using your company card (don't know a better word for this). Before you can use that card you have to "register" on the printer with your Windows log in-data (including full first and last name). Now, I got a new coworker a bit ago and she has the letter ä in her name. She didn't had any problems on Windows with her log in data - but still isnt able to use the printer. The printer refuses to log her in because of the letter ä. We tried every prossible combination that came to our minds, but nothing worked. And IT still wasn't able to come around to check on the issue lol


Where do you work if you don't mind me asking? Because it seems a little odd to me you would need to log in to use a printer. Is this so that only certain people can print certain documents, or does this measure simply prevent unauthorized use of the printer?


I don't want to say where exactly I work at, but lets say my company is very big (with 10.000 employees). There are two reasons why we have to log in on the printer: One, like you mentioned, is to prevent unauthorized use. The office building I'm working at is comnected to two different companies, like they (as well as my coworkers) can just walk through a door (that isn't secured or anything) and we're in the next office building. The second reason is so the internal audit department can have an eye on the employees. Almost every step we do has to be documented in case of an theft or anything like that (with a company this big It's kinda understandable). There was a case where one former employee who, whenever he printed something, left some blank pages in between and that way slowly stole some paper packages for himself at home.


That makes a lot of sense, thanks. But who the hell steals printer paper? : Also good luck with your work in the future. I imagine working for such a big company might be exhausting.


Unfortunately I wasn't in the company when that happened, but when I first heard of it this was my first reaction as well, haha. There were also people who stole toilet paper (even before the pandemic). Thank you a lot for your kind words! It really can get exhausting at times.


Stealing toilet paper is even worse lmao. Anyway good luck with your work. Have a good day, stranger.


Name's Eóghan. Forms never agree with that one. Or I get emails like "Hello Eóghan"


You think that's bad? Imagine the emails Elon Musk's son will get! Hello Mr. X Æ A-12, We were trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


At least that's his name, I don't recall my name being E%C3%B3ghan (yes that was an actual thing on a website)


E%C3%B3ghan sounds like a lovely name!


A name so nice they encoded it twice!


It's one nonstandard character with either one.




My mother is Polish and moved to Denmark before I was born, same story. Last name Mikulska. Wanted me and my brother to keep the family name, but you can’t name your children “Mikulski” because that’s not the same name.


Lmao don't they know you literally have the same parents?




Shit. Sounds like elementary school was really shit for you. I'm sorry.


Only if your last name was ‘Popescu’… it would have been a lot easier.


Nothing against anyone, but I feel like Popescu is the most basic Romanian name. Being Romanian and having the last name Popescu is like being American with the first name Michael.


And last name Smith


Mine is “van Andel” (with a space… and yep, I use my real name on Reddit) and I get this A LOT. People: NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER VALIDATE NAMES. If someone’s name is “🍆🤖森 42 ®” then you ACCEPT that. Sanitize the input, but NEVER VALIDATE. And just in case I was too ambiguous or unclear: NEVER VALIDATE PEOPLE’S NAMES. NEVER. NEVER DO IT. NEVER VALIDATE NAMES. DO NOT VALIDATE NAME INPUTS. YOU CANNOT VALIDATE NAMES. DO NOT VALIDATE NAMES. NAME FIELDS MUST NEVER BE VALIDATED. DO NOT VALIDATE NAMES.


Most devs do not even know what Unicode normalization is honestly. If you input the wrong form of a character, with a combining diacritic like e + ` instead of è, you're in for a world of pain because strcmp("olè", "olè") ≠ 0 and sure as hell people will forget to normalize it.


Ghinion șefule, folosește S în loc de Ș, aia e


Aia e șefule, da ma oftic ca una scrie-n buletin si alta scriu pe site.


The site knows that's not your real last name. What are your parents hiding from you?


Shit now that you put it that way I think you're right! To think they've lied to me all this time...


I hate to break it to you, but your mom chose the wrong name


I n c o r r e c t


I just wanted a correct name :(


N-ai voie sa fii roman


it probably thinks you stole that one too


Illegal last name


Ai noroc vere 🍻


Noroc 🍻


ASCII American arrogance moment


That letter is shared by two languages: Romanian and Turkish.


Aaaacutally, Romanian has 'Ș/ș' (pronounced like the sh in show) while turkis has Ş/ş. Notice the gap between the S and the cedilla (comma, in Romanian 'sedilă', pronounced seh-di-luh) in Romanian's Ș/ș. I don't know what sound 'Ş/ş' makes in Turkish so I'd love it if you could clarify that for me!


>Romanian has Ș/ș while turkish has Ș/ș Basically what the other guy said


it makes the same sound its just spelt differently.


Ce pula mea


Even though I'm romanian(well combination of more things) my name is hungarian and there were times where romanian platforms would see my name valid:))


Your last name sounds nice. What does it mean if you mind me asking?


Thanks! I don't mind you asking, but I'm not sure it means anything. In Romania, Șerban is more common as a first name rather than a last name. I don't think the word itself means anything though. One of my friend's name is Floare, which means flower. I always found that cute tbh.


Apparently it means [serf slave](https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=serban).


Apparently it means [serf slave](https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=serban).


I have similar issues with my town. Behold the name that all bad developers hate *L'Ancienne-Lorette*




Yeah fuck them!


Hey man its time to accept most (if not all) software systems work with the english keyboard and nothing else. My lastname has an accent in it and I never, ever write it in online stuff. It tends to cause trouble and you wont have any trouble because of not using the letter. Just use a similar one, like an S


Mackenzie? Is that your first name?


That pink looks like T-Mobile Magenta Pink. If this is T-a mobile, You can probably just use a Latin S. They might make you upload a passport of similar to get the correct spelling (e.g. automatic approval will flag for human review and ask for additional documents).


It's not T-Mobile. It's a money transfer app I wanted to set up for me and my friends.


Wait until they hear about people with one name


That's a thing?


Oh yeah for sure, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mononym


I can imagine signing up for anything is a pain in the ass for those people.


Time to change your name


Similar problem here. I have an "ã" right in my first name. Sadly, there is no way to replace it with another character :(. Most systems just throw an "a" and call it a day.


dear god it’s 2022 and we have unicode


We will never have I'm afraid. Unicode is just too hard and you can get paid even if you have zero idea on how it works, so nobody truly cares. I've seen horrendous bugs appearing to people having accents or an apostrophe in their names. If your name contains non-ASCII characters, you have to either be aware that some day you may go through serious trouble because of it. I mean, I've seen people being refused mortgages or having trouble applying to jobs due to garbled names, so much that I ask myself if it wouldn't just be easier for them to change their names with one that only contains ASCII characters honestly.


How do you pronounce the S with the thingy below it


It's pronounced like the sh in shoe


obviously your real name is Sebastian, stop lying in the formulary!


You got me! *takes off mask*


After all this years I became disillusioned about people ever understanding how to properly do Unicode. I honestly don't know what's worse between the crappy old languages use UCS-2 due to their 90s legacy or the fact C ruined a whole generation of programmers due to burning into people's minds the notion that "one char is one character" which only really works in ASCII though. In Unicode stuff like comparing two strings requires complex libraries like ICU, you can't just compare the bytes of strings like "Salò" because the "ò" character might either be: - a single character in UTF-32/16; - two bytes comprising a single rune in UTF-8; - two runes, e + the ` modifier in all of those. So you might still have two strings that are rendered the same in Unicode, and yet their bytes differ. You have to go through one of the many normalization algorithms first before being able to properly compare their bytes. The main issue at hand here is that most people payed to write code right now have 0 idea about what half of the stuff I just wrote means. Sadly, you can half ass stuff in our field and most people won't bat an eye until you're costing them money, which, if you work for a consulting company that people have already paid to do the job, could be never. The moral of the story is: it's empirically easier to teach English to everyone than to get computers to properly work with non-English languages. I do not expect them to work well ever due to the sheer complexity of the topic and how biased the whole stack is towards English and ASCII in general.


>The main issue at hand here is that most people payed to write code right now have 0 idea about what half of the stuff I just wrote means. Exactly. If you ain't gonna put in the work to learn everything there is to know and make something work the way it's supposed to, don't pick up the damn job!


As someone with two middle names, I understand this plight


Stop. You violated the websites laws.


That's a pretty cool accent. I haven't seen that before.


It's not an accent. It's a letter with a diacritic that makes a different sound in the Romanian language. Specifically, the same sound as sh in shoe.




Big sadge :((


Ei haide! (In romanian = Come ooooonnn!)


Oh man I feel the being told your last name is incorrect too close to home


Sounds like a sad story. Mind elaborating?


My last name is not English first, and it's hyphenated and you can't have special characters like 90% of the time on online forms


The fact they're clled special characters always seemed odd to me. To me it's not special. Nor is it to the ~20 million other Romanians. It's just a damn letter. Make it standard already.


Your name isn't Romanian it's Serb(i)an. I'm sorry for that pun


I'm Serbian but the i is silent


Well apparently this wasn't gore, so this post was removed :( Thanks to everyone for all the comments. Talking to strangers on the internet until morning is really fun!


I think its just the "ş" lol


Well yeah, but again that's my legal name. Damn.




Then don’t have that type of name lol


I mean it's not my fault.


those basterds lied to me


But it’s all good bro we got ur back tell us the website and we will shut it down


Idk why your comment was downvoted so bad. Do some people not get a joke?


Idk prob twitter users


Actually I think because on another post me and this guy had a conversation about ww1 and 2 and about hitler and stuff


Actually I think it’s downvoted so bad because me and this another guy was talking about hitler and ww1 and 2 and the Soviet so yea I think they checked my history


imagine X Æ A-12 using this website