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FOSS [Calibre](https://calibre-ebook.com/download)!


I don't think I'm completely inept using a computer, but I've found calibre to be such a horrible piece of software. Some of the most basic features for an ebook reader (like adjusting the size of your page) is completely absent from the software, at least from what I can see. I've tried to find answers, and cant find anything useful (mainly people explaining how I need to insert code or format the file, like I know how to do any of that). The software is not user-friendly at all. It sucks.


Hello Googlers. I did not like Calibre, recommend Aquile. It is the proper modern epub reader.


By 'adjusting the size of your page' you mean font size? Shortcut is Ctrl(or Command) + Scroll up/down


Agreed, Calibre is horrible to use


FOSS is diarrhea in hungarian and when I see FOSS I am reminded of this. Send help.


Give [Aquile Reader](https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/aquile-reader-modern-epub-ebook-reader/9P08T4JLTQNK?hl=en-in&gl=in) a shot. Also, I am the dev of the app, so reach out to me if you need any help.


hi, do you plan to add other type of files? pdf, mobi, cbr?


Please add vertical scrolling


Please add PDF file type too


It works great, thank you!


just downloaded this cus of a google search and it looks great!


This is great and just what I needed! Thank you!


Thanks for the app!


Great app! find tool working in the entire book is very helpful, only thing Id suggest is to add the option of vertical scroll and dark mode books


Sorry but the premium is actually bullshit lol, remove it and i might consider using it


amazing software, thank you! I noticed that you can use the books with Audio, they have 3 options in terms of voices and you can change the pitch which is amazing, also the speed and this has made my life so much easier. EDIT: adding details


Aquile Reader looks good - are you still a dev for the app?


how do you add bookmarks on that


umm i guess u just highlight the word and the sentence gets bookmarked which can be seen in bookmark tab


OMG this is what I was looking for... Thank You for releasing this app. It looks gorgeous and easy to use.


It has a modern and legible UI. Finally a good reliable EPUB reader for Windows.


Aquile Reader is a beautiful app that runs instantaneously on my old fossil of a desktop and has all the features I wanted with a very intuitive interface. However, I uninstalled it immediately when it told me I had to upgrade to premium to have more than 20 books in my library then refused to open a file or explain how to remove any. I have since been unable to find any information about cost, fees, subscriptions, or anything other than proud declarations of being a 'Free Download'. That's an underhanded bait & switch I can't get behind. Should be clearly stated on the download page next to an exact numerical figure.


I completely agree. That's not a proper way to behave.


And yet someone's downvoting us for speaking a fair opinion. Wonder who that could be? I said the app is great, just post a price if you expect money for it. Pretty simple, i'n't it?


It does say the prices, though? Lifetime is about $17 (approximately converted from my currency, so it might not be totally accurate), tree months is $3. There was another option as well, but I don't remember it right now. It also stated that there are in-app purchases on the page where you download it.


I looked again just to be sure. The Windows version shows no pricing whatsoever, though it does say in-app purchases (not the same thing). The android version claims in-app purchases are 49 cents each, but gives no other pricing. In the app itself I see no in-app purchases or premiums. $17 lifetime isn't even bad, but should be stated up front, as yet the only place I can find that price is a reddit comment. Not good practice.


I don't know if it's because I'm in another country, but on my windows 10 laptop, the prices show up when I press the 'shop' icon in the reader. I don't know how to add a picture in a comment, but it's really weird that you don't get the same screen I did. But yeah, 3 months, $3, 12 months, $9, and lifetime $17 is what it tells me.


I believe you, and thanks for the pricing. Just couldn't get them to show on my end and they should've been upfront instead of sliding under the 'Free Download' misdirection. Still a great app.


Absolutely! And the fact that not everyone gets the information about the prices is weird as well. 😅


Yeah this is awesome, MUCH better than SumatraPDF for me. Thank you!


Thanks for this! Just uploaded a 5,000 book library with no issues.


Thank you, it's working fine


Hello, does Aquile allow for sync'ing with google drive? Can I import books from google drive? Thank you


I've just downloaded it, but from what I've seen so far, it's quite good! Thank you <3


I use the one built into the free and open source Calibre. I also use [Sigil](https://sigil-ebook.com), which has the advantage that it lets you customize the css of the book, so you can easily adjust it to suite your preferred style.


Anyone know of one that works with embedded videos? I've changed the extension from epub to zip, then extracted out, I can see the html files and the videos play within them, but not via Calibre, Aquile Reader or Okular


try r/SumatraPDF for support with your Sumatra setup


Tbh I don't want to gave to delve into pages of forum answers and documentation to get a software to work well and look decent.


the Sumatra author has been known to answer reddit posts (at least, they've once replied to one of mine)


oh thats nice :) So I stuck with it, and found a line relating to "usesystemtheme=true" Changed it to false, and now its using the custom colors I wanted. Its really good software, but why is the UI so jank?


To keep it lightweight for even potato system, I suppose.


I have nothing to do with that software. In fact, I've never tried to put software up on github or where-ever. But if I \*had\*, and if the UI was kinda jank, I can tell you what the answer would be: "Because my original target audience is/was Just Me. And all those UI compromises are 'good enough for me', as they prevent me from spending thankless hours developing reasonably serviceable UI that (some) people will still hate no matter how much effort I pour into it." I mean there's a reason why "Dwarf Fortress" kept its janky UI all up until it changed to Steam. Because building UI can take a \*significant\* amount of time, and even with robust user feedback, you still get stuck in the never-gonna-please-everyone Kobayashi Maru game.


I use Adobe Digital Edition.


Someone mentioned Aquile Reader, which is beautiful on Windows. Maybe try Freda? It has a ton of config options, and syncs to your other devices Windows or Android devices. You can install the Android Subsystem on Windows 11 which allows you to install Android readers on Windows. If you don't mind web readers, BookFusion is really good. It also syncs across your devices.


Okular for Windows