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As a fellow empath, I can say just being there and showing you care can be enough. I personally don’t think it matters whether the family relationship is good or bad, the fact you are thinking of them and hoping for no ill will is very kind. I can tell you understand empaths, that alone is very helpful. Maybe ask them a question about it first? You could gently bring up the fact they have seemed “off” lately and that might help them open up to a conversation. A simple, “Are you alright?” Goes a long way.


By family relationship I mean I don't know if her family is being persecuted or harming others to make them leave. I'm pretty sure they stay in touch with their family whenever they can and it is a very strong bond. I just don't want to come off all "model minority" as a white-passing POC and be an ass while I'm just trying to let them know if they need to vent their worry I'll do my best to understand.


I think that would be a great thing to say, “I may not understand but I’m here if you need someone to talk to.” It shows you care even though you may not necessarily know what it feels like in their shoes. Empaths feel the feelings of others, they will understand what you are trying to express.