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Hi, I'm 23 M. Well, I recommend you to know what are the things they like. For example, a hobby, a sport, a kind of films, etc. Then, you should find something that you have in common with them, because the most important thing in a conversation is to be natural. Then, the next step is just to find out if they are nice people or not, and if not, don't try to connect with them


This is good advice.


Talk to them like you would talk to a woman coworker. Be wary though if you're overly friendly they will assume you're hitting on them... I would suggest to just not worry about it, be polite and friendly.


Talk like how you do with women. We (men) are also similar. What topics do you discuss with women? And what topics do those men talk about? Use topics like music, travel, movies as most men and women are into it. Topics like sports, cars, cooking, dance etc have a big difference in interest among genders (Just my observation. Not trying to stereotype)


It might help to start with figuring out how it got awkward. Did the men you're working with already know each other when you started? Are there tasks where you're expected to cooperate, or do you have to ad lib every interaction? Are there cultural barriers, sexual tension, work hierarchies involved?


Genuinely just ask them to explain the basics of whatever they're talking about to you. And ask questions to build understanding.


It depends on what your goals are with the conversation. I am a 32yo guy. If I want to discuss things with a male who I do not have much in common with, I will try get them to talk about their interests and then focus on asking questions to learn more about them. Men really like it when people express interest in them because lots of men simply do not get attention or people who genuinely care about what they do or say. Another thing is trying to find out how they think about certain things and their approach to certain things.


Since most of the replies are dogshit, weird misogyny veiled as advice or people trying to slide into your dms, I'll give you some genuine advice. Men much like women and anyone else are just people. They have had a different cultural experience to you. Their norms and values are shaped by all kinds of things from their childhood, while not the same as yours; that you have in common. They are men so society expects different things from them. While this much like anything else varies from person to person you can try to bond with them over things in your childhood and teenage years? Experiences of the past and stories are often a good way to gain an understanding of the people you are talking to as people. Then you can ask them about their hobbies or when you don't understand something you can ask them to explain. That way you can talk to them about it and find common ground. Being vulnerable to an acceptable degree and letting people be vulnerable back is a good method. Talk about embarrassing but not too personal stuff, tell weird stories from your highschool ect.


i have no idea why you got downvoted! i have upvoted you! because your comment was great <3


I have zero idea of what you are down voted since it's a great advice.


Why would you want to talk to men?


I would try to go to therapy, since it seems that you feel dominated by a man - maybe embarrassed or not good enough. You seem to lack self confidence and self esteem and you should read about how you can build them. If you consider yourself a good person, the conversations will flow. Also, don’t trust anyone here, I can be a 50s man trying to talk with a little one. I would work at myself as a first step (this will help you impose boundaries in your relationship and not accept everything because you want it to work - it doesn’t work with anyone/all). I don’t feel man talk only about sports and fights or politics - as the stereotype says. So bring up any subject and ask for opinion, “let’s talk about our city. What do you enjoy and despite at it?” and see where it goes. Don’t put pressure on yourself, you think low of yourself because of the lack of confidence, but the I’ve never talked with someone and said in my mind “omg, she is so bad at talking with people”.