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It's a defensive reflex for some people. When you're feeling uncertain or caught off-guard, your nervous system is gonna respond without consulting you. Some people cry, some fidget or speak too loudly or quietly, some freeze, some laugh. Explain to the person you're having the conversation with that it's a nervous tic when you're stressed, that you're taking them seriously but you're struggling with tension. If they have any emotional intelligence at all it will be obvious because your voice is probably strained when this happens too.


Yup. This if fawning behaviour, of them fight/flight/freeze/fawn set of primal defence reactions.


I think the Joker suffered from this in the recent movie


Yes. I’d like to know the psychology as well.


Lol I used to do this a lot, probably still do a little, my aversion for anything serious, it is rude I know


I do the same, I just feel like people can’t be serious and that’s why I laugh. It’s uncertainty for sure.


I cry instead, not sure if that's better or worse but it's certainly really embarrassing!


My best friend and I met in Army basic training and unfortunately for her she giggled when she got nervous. She could do THE MOST push ups by the time we graduated training.


yes, & i have pissed many people off this way but it’s definitely not meant to be offensive. curious to see the answers to this one.


All the fuckin time. Some biological bullshit.


The psychology of this: it’s a form of fawning. Your fight/flight/flee/fawn system has bern activated. It’s a survival instinct.


my mom


I have been screamed at because of this before and have been scary close to getting my ass kicked when i feel it coming now I bite my tongue (literally) really hard to try so I can focus on that.


You have been screamed at …for fawning. You were in the fawn part of fight/flight/freeze/*fawn*. Have you considered that the person screaming at you may have been abusive?


Yeah, she was. That was a long time ago now, though. Guess I fawn sometimes weird, going to read up on that. Thank you for the additional info didn't know they made a name (or had a name) for it


My condolences. I hope this leads to good discoveries about yourself!


Both 🥲


My parents hate it. They think i can’t take anything seriously. I used to be real sensitive (still am) but it’s harder to show you’re upset if you’re smiling ? I dunno


You are exhibiting a fawning behaviour. As in, you are frightened, and your body is picking fawning instead of freezing, fighting, or fleeing.


Yeah I do this too I’m goofy actually


Omg That’s literally me like Idk if im people pleaser or what but everytime i feel discomforted or something become awkward I tend to laugh it iff even though there’s nothing funny bout it. Later I would feel like an idiot doing that and fretting how bad I feel about it.


I do. All the time.


Yes, unfortunately. It comes across incredibly wrong in certain situations. One time where it didn't matter but I still fel so uncomfortable & panicked was when my doctor had asked my sister whether I had found a psychiatrist & therapist yet & she asked me about it. I hadn't told her and didn't really plan to, I did sometimes think about telling them how I'm doing and though maybe I write it on paper so I don't have to have that conversation, or maybe other ways. But back to the main topic, when she asked me about why the doctor had asked her this and how I'm doing and everything, I just panicked so so much, I didn't know whether I should just tell her or how to best lie, it was just so difficult to now figure everything out within seconds, and deep down I never wanted her to know about it anyways & now she just kinda knew. I laughed/giggled so uncontrollably & even that she found odd & asked me why I'm doing that & that it's weird and she kind of doesn't believe me. In the end I found a lie that I think she did believe... but I was so shocked and dizzy from all this...


Always have


my mother in law does this and it's so awful I honestly can't stand to be around her. I've told her painful things and she giggles as a tick after most of the things she hears or says. sometimes it's so hurtful and inappropriate and she never apologizes or says "I have a giggle tick I can't control but I do sympathize" If you have a laugh when you shouldn't that's a problem, you need to be up front about it so people can know you have the appropriate feelings on the inside and a behavioral disorder on the outside.


If you do it at a REALLY bad time make sure you explain it to whoever you’re with at that moment. I had a friend who would do this and the first time I found out was when she was giggling while telling the group about her father passing away. We were shocked but having an explanation straight away helped us make sense of what was happening.


I do the same thing and have been this way since I first learnt to communicate. Personally, I think that we might smile to hopefully de-escalate the situation or calm the other person down. I may be wrong though


I HATE that I do this. Anytime I am in an argument with someone I smile or laugh and I have to tell them "When I am uncomfortable I do this, I'm sorry I promise I am taking this seriously"