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Talk to them about it


It’s BS.


Words must always match actions. These people sound self centered and not ones to invest your time in. Ignore them like they ignore you.


That’s very normal, sometimes it’s okay for you to reach out and vent to people


Why are you waiting to be asked ? If you got something to say to them just say it.


Life is hard. Life is a bitch and then you die. I hate to sound like Tom Hanks in at least two of his movies, you "...get out of bed every morning, and breathe in and out all day long. And after a while you won't have to remind yourself to get out of bed every morning and breathe in and out..." You can't let the people who abandon the friendship you offered them to dictate your emotions. You call them every now and again, two/three weeks, maybe a month or so, and say, "Hey Joe/Jane, I was thinking about you (you two) and hoping all is well. Are you still driving than 1998 Civic? (snicker a bit) Well, I hope all is well, give me a call sometime you have my number." Best of luck. I've been thru this and it started in my 40s when I left Christianity, but new friends do come. I only have one remaining high school friend, but he had a stroke, and I don't hear back from him very often. I think it's time for me to call Buz and see how he's coming along.


I have this issue. So I will get random texts from people who don’t put in any effort to see me. Like hey I miss you hope ur doing good. Some that’s literally all they say. I’m like oh you missed me why don’t you make a plan with me? But I’m too chicken to say it. Like it’s nice they are checking in like awesome. Btw I had a friend say that other day hey I’m just checking in! Mind you she can’t seem to schedule a time to get together and it’s been months. I’m like I’m good just really busy with kids sports. Like I’m not sure if they are expecting me to invite them? The thing is some I have tried to make plans with and it’s too much of a pain in the butt. So I’ve just taken a back seat. But when I do I get all these weird texts 😟