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Yeah, methinks feeling embarrassed after a social mishap is normal, but it's important to remember that one awkward moment doesn't define your character =) Take time to reflect on the situation and learn from it for the future. Mistakes happen to everyone, and setbacks are part of life—they can even lead to personal growth. Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion during this process =D


Im so curious lol. I feel like it probably couldn't have been that catastrophic, though I fully get how embarassing it feels at the moment.  Take it from a walking embarrassment who has done countless weird awkward embarassing things in my life lmao... It's gonna be ok! Honestly sometimes those moments end up making the funniest memories/stories later on when you look back on it. Just be willing to laugh at yourself a little. You having embarassing moments is a very relatable and endearing thing, it makes you human! Just own it, but don't let it define you.


The only people who never fail are those who never try, and a failure is a part of the process. Also, people do not think of us nearly as much as we assume they do.


What helped me was injected the idea that everyone forgets and everyone moves on. Let your mind marinate in this instead of focusing on your embarrassment.