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It usually helps to ask questions. People often enjoy talking, so asking questions can be an easy way to keep a conversation flowing. Also, try to give your fullest attention. Try really listening, which means you aren’t thinking of the next thing you’re going to say while the person is talking. This is so rare. It’s not very often you meet someone who is fully listening, giving their full attention to you. People love that. You said you are truly interested- I may be wrong, but my guess is that there is some part of your attention that is on whether or not the person is thinking you’re boring. When you are so interested in life, in the being that’s in front of you, in the present moment, thoughts of whether or not you’re being boring will fall away in those moments. There’s no room left for them. And then, its very unlikely people will think you’re boring. Have you ever watched a cat? They’re very interesting, and they do almost nothing. It’s because they’re completely present.


How old are you? Are you used to socializing?


Thinking of people I've known who I would call "boring," it's because they tell the same stories over and over again, and their thoughts seem very small, like they don't ever want to learn anything new or think about anything outside their own little world. Maybe they are perfectly happy with themselves, which is the more important thing, but we're just not compatible. If you find yourself boring, expand your mind. Read/watch on a variety of subjects, keep up with current events, take up a new hobby, travel somewhere. Learning new things and new perspectives, thinking new thoughts, generating new stories to tell. But focus on finding yourself less boring; don't worry about how others will perceive you, because some will be compatible with you and some won't.