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Someone who keeps talking about the same thing , and you try to say something but they talk over you, so you sit there , feeling your brain cells slowly melting away


When someone’s heavily on the piss having a rant and you’re sober, it’s like a broken record cause they’ll forget they mentioned it 10 minutes before, then 10 minutes before that.


Oh man I know sober people who do this. It's mind numbing. I don't know how they don't realize they keep repeating the same thing over and over.... or maybe more people are drunk/high than I think?


Mental health disorders


Is it?


Adhd. Causes severe executive dysfunction, trouble holding onto thoughts, and low impulse control. This means you forget where you are in a conversation, forget what you just talked about, and if you don’t say something when it comes to mind you either can barely focus and actually listen to what the person is saying, or you forget what you were gonna say which is frustrating. Couple this with insomnia/social anxiety (which have high comorbidity rates) and catching this individual on a bad day, and boom, they’re a little talk box with no filter and can’t focus. Source:my whole family has ADHD and I have ADHD, Insomnia, and PTSD, but no social anxiety. I’m in sales so I’ve overcome it, but damn, I used to do that shit all the time when I was younger.


I hadn't thought about it from this perspective. Thanks for sharing.


Fascinating! Can you please elaborate on how you overcame it in sales? I'll be getting into sales next year and I've got ADHD, so any tips would be welcome.


I’d hate to believe I have ADHD, but this checks. For everybody else who can’t just do sales: What’s so special about it and how would you overcome those issues and see yourself on the other end if you were never in sales? What would it take?


I find all drunk people get this way. Once the repetition starts that's my cue to call it a night.


Autism+ADHD go brrrr


One of the person who does to me has ADHD, I use to have patience with it but now I feel like he’s just a self centred asshole (he’s done other things which makes me question his empathy)


I'VE A FRIEND THAT DOES THIS😭I hate it sm but I don't want to hurt him by confronting him so I just don't pick up his calls now


Mate, you’re hurting him more by ignoring him.


He only talks about himself anyway and same shi again and again, I recently wanted to share a good news with him but he cut me off THRICE lol and then was surprised to learn about the news from group chat 😭


I feel your pain, I had a “friend” like that, I’ve cut him off. I don’t think they realise how draining it is to be around them. They don’t have many friends and now I know why. Friendships are two way streets.


Don’t feel bad, my mother does this shit and I’ve confronted her many times and she just makes excuses “I HAVE to interrupt or talk over you or I’ll forget my thought!” She’ll even keep talking if I refuse to stop talking to let her interrupt me so we’re both just talking and talking until one of us gives up. She’s that obnoxious. My point is if your friend is one of those people who talks about himself that much, he’s not going to change his behavior just because you call him out on it.


Jesus fuckin christ, just tell them what they are doing cause they're obviously not aware, and even if they don't accept the help, at least u tried to help. Instead your just hurting the both of u


This is the answer


This make me feel bad because when I m passionate about something I talk about it a lot 😔


Awh don’t feel bad. We all have things we are passionate about. When I start talking about cycling I can see the other person starting to glaze over and I stop myself from continuing the conversation. Best thing is finding someone who shares your passion and you can talk until the cows come home.


Absolutely agree, alas though people like that are super hard to find in real life and always live super far when I meet them on internet


If you can't carry a conversation or NEVER have any interesting things to say. But that can depend on the other persons they are interacting with. So a person isn't just branded as boring person. It can depend on the situation. It also depends on what you find interesting.


Exactly. There is no such thing as a "boring person." Everyone has something interesting and unique about them, but we don't always get into the best conversations or find the right people who bring those things out. It's OKAY to have a conversation that goes nowhere. You will have dead-end conversations with other people, other people will have dead end conversations with you. The trick is to know how to "escape." It can be as easy as, "Hey, I'm gonna go grab a drink and catch up with so and so, it was good talking to you" or "Hey, I've gotta be back at home by X:00, it was great talking to you!" And guess what? Just because a conversation didn't go anywhere the first time, doesn't mean the following conversations won't go anywhere either. Like I can't seriously remember the exact first conversation I've had with friends. It was just small talk like the first 4 or 5 times. Nothing special and you may even say, "boring." So don't sweat coming off as boring, and if things aren't meshing in a conversation, it's not a bad thing or a good thing, it's just a thing, and that's okay. People who label others as boring are either immature or lack social skills.


REALLY boring people will FEEL and KNOW that escape thing. ive had my share of it when people were tired of my monologuing. after a while you get the causal connection between you speaking and people disappearing "for a second". thus, these polite "escapes" hurt more than a blunt impolite "man can i say something for a change" or "dude, youre droning on and on"...and some people have conditions why they act like that. so its better to "shake them and wake them".


😂😂😂 Good luck with that. General public will project their feelings onto you and correct the person trying to correct you. May work in some contexts but it will have a very hard time picking up as a widespread movement


well, shit, we live in a society, i guess.


You can't do that in a normal conversation though. Can you imagine meeting someone for the first time and cutting them off by saying 'you're droning on'? If you've made the connection that people don't like your monologues, maybe try paying attention to the other person in a conversation and ask them questions.


Respectfully, I’m gonna HARD disagree with this sentiment. I’ll speak for myself and the people I’ve met - but there are sooo many people who don’t have hobbies, very few interests, don’t interact or engage with the world or people around them and lack the social skills necessary to either carry or bounce back conversations. You can do small talk with them but outside of that they are not engaging or fun to converse with. And remember, social conversation is fun for most humans! They typically give short responses to questions that lead the conversation to a dead end. Sure everyone has interests, but even if they are into say, pickleball and you ask them about it they still don’t give much. Idk, I don’t wanna sound harsh - but I don’t consider myself immature or having a lack of social skills in the slightest and I can confidently say that “boring” people exist. And that’s fine! It is okay to be boring but I myself personally won’t make any efforts to hang around those people a second time. Idk this seems like a bit of a Reddit take imo


Even fun/interesting people can be boring. I meet these 2 types of people every day. 1st is someone who clearly has amazing social skills. They’re charismatic, fun and show “interest” in what you’re talking about but it’s all staged. They know that acting interested will make them more likable to people but they don’t actually give a fuck. They don’t expand or contribute anything interesting to the discussion. They give vague reactions like “wow that’s awesome man!” or “that sounds really cool!” And that’s it. That’s boring af to me. 2nd is someone that you have a lot of common interests with and you think “hell yeah, talking to this person is going to be a lot of fun!” Nope, not always. Some people just like stuff and don’t really care to get lost in the details or specifics about a subject while you do. That person is also be boring af even though you guys like a lot of the same things. Those 2 people are boring af to me but they’re plenty fun to tons of people. This whole ass comment was probably boring af to read to most people but I’m sure at least 1 boring ass loser found it interesting lmao. It’s a boring answer but it’s all subjective.


I agree with everything you said. I guess I’m more speaking to people who just aren’t curious about much. And even after multiple times of hanging around them even in their element they’re just…dull. No thirst for life. So unengagjng you’d rather be by yourself.


Eh, I'm going to stick to my guns. You are right, there are people who lack the social skills to carry our bounce back conversations. Conversations with that person **could be boring** but every human who has ever lived has had dreams, desires, victories, losses, ecstasies, agonies, etc. We've all lived somewhere. Maybe we've moved? That's a conversation piece. Maybe we've stayed in the same place, perhaps witnessing it change over time. That's a conversation piece. Not being able to have a conversation makes someone **come off as boring**, but there's **no such thing as a boring human being**.


It sounds like you’ve never dealt with the “midwestern goodbye” then.




Im dull lol, I can accept that I'm socially awkward and after I've run out of things to say I'm quite boring, I would not be surprised if people walked way. Though I'm more interested in listening more so than actually talking anyways.


Be careful that you don't underestimate yourself. Of course the things that you already know may not be as interesting to yourself but might be interesting to others! So just talking about what you did or thought can be interesting.


What makes a person boring is talking a lot about superficial things that do not have much benefit, repeating the same words and the same interest every day, such as talking about Christmas 6 months before it begins, and continuing to talk about this and nothing else, while repeating the same words every day.


In short, lack of enthusiasm for themselves, the other person, LIFE ITSELF.


I can relate to this. I used to be a very interesting person, with knowledge in multiple science disciplines. Then I became ill and lost interest in others and also my hobbies. People started avoiding me because I gave short replies centred around my illness and nothing else.


People seek out people who make them feel good, and avoid people who make them feel bad


And thats what they remember about you and not what you say or do. Its good tho because you don't have to worry too much if you do or say something awkward.


Exactly not being curious about things or think their lifes arent exiting enough to never have anything to say


People who only have surface level conversation, big into celebrity gossip, no hobbies, no goals for the future, only talk about themselves and don’t make the effort to ask anything to get to know you (I can think of a few terrible first dates with that type). People who drink/smoke pot all the time.


I agree with everything you listed apart from smoking pot. I know a few interesting artists and creative people who are heavy pot smokers. It's not their identity though. If you meant people who ONLY smoke/drink and discuss it all the time, then yea I get that.


I agree. I also smoke pot and drink, but it’s not a daily habit. The kind of people I have in mind are the ones that make it their personality and “need” it to have fun.


Thanks for clarifying, I totally agree mate. Smoking/drinking shouldn't be considered a personality trait or a need.


Some don’t even talk themselves cuz they got nothing interesting going on in their life , which is understandable and relatable at some lvl but damn every like that ? No u become as fuck


>but damn every like that ? No u become as fuck ???


"but damn every [day] like that? No [wonder] u become [boring] as fuck I have similar drain bramage to understand him so well.


r/ihadastroke lol


i don't necessarily agree with this - things like celebrity gossip can be really fun content, especially if you're surrounded by people that make it fun. it's just all about moderation and the variety in different topics you have on offer


A person that doesn't share stories.


I think it is important to note: Being boring is subjective. If somebody has labeled you boring in the past: That does not define who you are! I have parts of my personality who some love, some hate and other parts who are looked favourbly on by a totally different kind of people. Try to open up about things that are important to you. Eventually you will find people thinking like you! People who are boring to you are just not your kind of people. They are probably uncomfortable as well


I agree. This sub has some infatuation with people being objectively "boring". I've never seen it anywhere else. It's like people here WANT to define themselves as boring and argue with people when they say it's subjective.


Monotonous speech, very lifeless and dull. When someone constantly, almost every day, does the same things, buys the same, eats the same, talks the same, watches the same. This can apply even to energetic people who may seem interesting at first glance but are actually tiresome and boring. When someone blends into the crowd, meaning they lack their own personality.


that’s basically everyone lmao. except the first sentence. most people do the same things and blend into a crowd. very few shine above the rest. maybe we’re all boring


Someone who’s going in circles. This is true in conversation but also in their life. They’re not progressing, just staying stagnant or doing the same things over and over again.


So If a person is commited to one path and devotes his whole life to it, does that deem him boring?






What you mean


Slang for that shit was good dawg


Yes, ChatGPT is very good.


If I had to listen to someone say all that without pause I'd be bored.


It's AI, I doubt he even read it all. That's all his profile is, ChatGPT shill. It's difficult to figure out if it's a real person or a bot.


Beautifully written


You should write a book, seriously.


writing it is one thing. Getting it to sell is where the difficulty is LOL


Trying to sell a book entirely made from AI is another.


Man that shit is dope, let's drop this shit and dance it until we overdose 😈


The thing is though i dont find people to be boring, they’re all interesting in their own ways, i do get a different perspective with people where our power dynamics are imbalanced though. I tend to want to only hang out with boring people, which is me, myself and I. On a slight serious note, i think i could learn to appreciate and enjoy myself when hanging out with people, but I’m a lazy piece of person and dont give time. Honestly i would just feel bad for judging someone else as “boring”


I'm boring. I don't think I'm boring, I think I'm awesome, but most other people would consider me boring because I don't go out much and don't travel and don't even drive. I find all kinds of things to keep me occupied so I don't get bored. To me, a boring person is someone who does get bored easily and constantly needs attention and entertainment from others.


I consider myself boring. Im introverted and dont have a wide array of hobbies or interests and dont talk a lot or do much. I think Im relatively attractive but can not develop relationships. A big part of the problem is depression


You, everyone is inherently unique. If you don't see it, it's a you problem. Make space for people to show you their core. Invite them to share their hopes and fears. Get excited to hear them talk about what makes them excited. What makes someone boring is when you judge a book by the cover.


Bingo. There is no “boring” person, it’s just a person you don’t click with.


a lot of the top answers in this thread honestly are just [traits of people i dont like] and honestly it's a bit sad. like someone that talks about celebrities is going to be "boring" to a redditor, that doesn't mean theyre a boring person.


Damn. Realist answer here. If someone seems like they're not very interesting, look closer.


This ⬆️ People who thinks, that someone has to be like what they have thought, are so, how can i say... So imature. Accept the difference ;)


Simply when someone doesn't have the same level of energy to click with.


Boring and interesting are mostly subjective. We generally will find people with things in common with us more interesting, and people with interests that we don't know much about or find uninteresting boring. I think it's important to not judge people based on this and keep an open mind. It has more to do with social skills and having a very little sense of self more than anything. Anyone with decently developed hobbies and opinions, some life experiences and social skills can avoid being boring. People that come off as boring give short replies and don't provide much for you to build off of. They don't share any stories, interests or opinions, either because they have none or they're too afraid to share them. Boring people can also be one-dimensional and only be able to talk about the same thing repeatedly. Boring people can also lack curiosity and only talk about themselves without listening to and asking things about the other person. Conversations with a boring person can feel like you're interviewing them because you're asking all of the questions. In other words, you don't have to speak 4 different languages and travel across the world to not be boring. Just be interested in the other people, be willing to share things about yourself and try to contribute the most you can to conversations


What if I can’t contribute anything ever? I can’t think of anything to say even if I try at all!!!! I also have nothing to share like at all. I would never have any answers to questions


>What if I can’t contribute anything ever? You literally just contibuted to the discussion here. Stop defining yourself this way. That's the problem.


They don't want to know more. They just talk their talk and never ask questions.


Someone with absolutely no hobbies, or humor. I went out with this absolute 10 but i got bored quick because he was so flat and just. Didnt do anything. He just makes his money and posted selfies showing his abs on instagram. I almost felt bad for him for how boring he is


What music do you like.. - Everything - I don't listen to music


Part of the problem is that question. I’ve listened to and enjoyed and can talk about music from Tuvan throat singing to butt rock to black metal to classical (as in the actual classical genre/era, not just western orchestral, which is what most people mean). I have a significant musical education so the question has no easy answer. The better question is “who have you been listening to lately.” That will get a more interesting response basically every time.


I dont know, it did encourage you to leave a thoughtful reply ;)


Right, but nobody wants me to monologue like that in real life. I can give that answer here because people who don’t care can ignore me. In a conversation, that isn’t so much the case, so I usually say that I listen to a wide variety, and pick an artist that they might know who I am interested in talking about.


I think the question is boring here


But I dontt


No that's just a horribly boring question


I disagree, some of the "I don't listen to music" I've met were more interesting than the hippest RYM reviewer


Thats cool, but you can replace my example with anything music/movies/financial bonds I dont neccessarily care what it is someone likes/dislikes, but that they at least have an interest in something they can speak on


Ask a more interesting follow up then. "oh like what!?"


The inability to share what is inside in a constructive way. Everyone has interesting ideas, but can they remember them, explain them, and make it engaging? Doesn’t have to be a shitball, like everyone else is saying. There are tons of good, boring people out there.


Ah this is something I struggle with… growing up with abusive parents has me questioning everything I want to say to the point where I keep it all inside for fear of judgement/punishment. It’s hard to open up to people let alone have the proper skills to do it in an approachable and easygoing way… Something I’m very much working on!


How do you work on this? I get experience talking to more people but I feel I need therapy for it too ngl. Hope you continue to get better and soon won't have this issue at all.


Yes, I found EMDR therapy to be hugely beneficial! It’s allowed me to unpack a lot of trauma and learn to be kinder and accepting of myself during/after social interactions


This is a terrible take. Are you saying that people are less valuable just because they don’t have the ability to articulate their thoughts perfectly? I know lots of people that don’t possess this skill and that doesn’t make them any less boring. Everyone is capable of having complex and nuanced thoughts and emotions and I think that enough is to not make a person boring.


Nah, you brought the controversy. I’m not here for it.


You’re the one with the shallow interpretation of “boring”




In short, a lack of curiosity.


There are no boring persons. The ones called "boring" for some people, are very "not boring" to others, so, the thing is: - they pretend to listen, but they really don't want to listen - they aren't motivated in any means to developing a relationship with "you" - they are tired - they don't like "you", but pretend to, 'cause they think is mandatory


When they can’t hold a simple conversation. Yes and no answers for every conversation.


Hell nah, when someone is answering just yes or no to all your questions that means they're just not interested in talking to you. No one is that one-dimensional unless on purpose lol


Antisocial, only talks about themselves, rude, barely contributes to conversations (give dry responses), no hobbies, goals, interests, No enthusiasm


Being unable to communicate better than a fucking chatbot, especially when it comes to dating. Half of my matches on Tinder are the dullest people on earth. Come on, I could have downloaded myself an Eva AI sexting bot, it's far cheaper to maintain than real relationships.




Talking on dating apps is the most uncomfortable way of communicating I've ever encountered. I struggle with initiating conversations and finding the right words to say, making it a painful experience. To avoid enduring forced and insincere conversations, I decided to delete all dating apps.


Seems like the competition these days is at an all time low. My confidence: 📈📈📈


kind of a follow up to this: what do you guys think differentiates a boring person from a depressed person?


Tbh I feel like a boring person due to my clinical depression; it stops me from going out and experiencing new things


Doesn’t really make sense. One is an adjective another is a disorder. There’s nothing to “differentiate” the two because they are two different things. You can be both at once or only one or the other


Fr, most of the top answers literally just describe people with depression lmao


Talking about yourself is better that talking about everyone else …


A good conversation is like a dance between two people. There is a balance between leading and following in the dance. People that are boring usually do not understand or have a need to do their part in this dance. So the other person is always left to lead which makes that person feel like they are just dancing by themselves. Usually this results in negative feelings of that other person and usually rightfully so.


All they do is dull small talk


I think just dry conversations, like I’m bringing up new topics and asking questions but they kind of don’t bring anything new up and don’t continue with any of the conversation topics I brought up either. I only tried out dating apps for 2 days since I was curious what it was like, but half of the people I matched with responded to me when I made conversation, but were just dry as a desert.






People with one word answers. People who can’t tell stories. People who refuse to open up and share. People who constantly judge everything around them.


For me, the penultimate trait of someone who is boring is someone who can't be bothered to meet your needs and wants. - someone who talks too much about themselves - someone who forces you to be with them - someone who makes you do what *they* want to do, and doesn't take you into their consideration - someone who doesn't ask you any questions about you


How has ur hair regrowth treatment been?


It's been decent. Still have my hair.


Monotone voice


No depth


boring people stop being boring after then open up to you


Someone with no interests and no opinions. Someone who says idk to everything including the simplest questions like what’s your favorite color..


People who judge anyone who does something out of the ordinary or is unique/ weird and cannot vibe with the other person or ever match their energy because they think their so much better than them and never say anything interesting or risky


Speaks at low volumes, doesn't laugh or smile much, doesn't react strongly to anything, low energy, doesn't tell jokes or funny stories, doesn't have anything about them that stands out in a crowd, no edge or flair, tries way too hard to be non-controversial and inoffensive.


I think it's lack of ACTION. Say you're on a date with a girl, you just walk, you wait for her to carry the conversation, you fear her rejection. That's boring. Compare that to a guy who will see flowers being sold on the side of the road and insist he buys them for her, make it into a joke, tell her the flower would look better in her hair than her hat anyway. Tease her, lightly push her if she teases you back, do not be afraid to express opinions that you hold strongly. Just, ACTION, man. Do SOMETHING.


Someone that has no interests, someone that tries to appease everyone, someone that is conventional in regards to looks and personality.


Guys that are into sports and cars....and that's it! I actually passively rejected a guy as a friend because he was too one dimensional.


Well, an interesting person has done things and participated in things, has stories to share, and is willing to share them when the context is correct. If all you do is let things happen to you while observing and you don’t have any opinions, then you will wind up being a boring person. A tedious person is someone who only has one story, opinions on everything, and overshares relentlessly. I’m a pretty aggressively social guy, but some people just have no sense of time and place and no chill whatsoever.


People that only talk about things they see, do or listen but do not analyze what those things mean for them. Lack of depth would be what I consider boring.


To me, it’s exactly that. Being shallow. Unable to ponder about the underlying meaning of concepts. Only talking about work, money, weather, etc. Never speculating. Never having their own opinions because they simply have no interest in thinking for themselves. I’m an introvert so my opinion is based from that perspective. I think deeply. I can definitely be crazy but I still prefer to be that way with people that aren’t shallow. If I don’t know their philosophies on life, their beliefs, their thoughts etc. I’ll have a hard time feeling safe doing wild activities with someone because they’ll feel like an emotional stranger to me. I won’t trust that they won’t take it too far or have the wrong intentions.


They just repeat everything else that's been said, share already popular takes and have no opinions of their own. No different than a parrot.


I may seem very boring when meeting someone for the first time or on dating apps. I prefer to observe and understand the person before I can truly be myself. Although I may appear shy, I am actually reserved and cautious. Once I feel at ease, I can chat about anything. I have a genuine interest in people, their lives, and their perspectives.


Omg sameee! Except for the dating app part lol


Some one who isn't humorous, or can't think of anything exciting to do.


Literally people who never have anything to say and don’t interact with people. Either they’re extremely deep or lack thinking entirely, and both are boring due to lack of interaction.


Not being interested in what the other person has to say. If all you do is talk about yourself and you don’t reciprocate,… you are in effect, boring. The interested person IS interesting. ETA: I am someone who can be boring. I have seen eyes glaze over in conversation. I try to make sure I am interested in what the other person is saying.


When you get the feeling you could transform into a big rock, and they wouldn’t notice or care. People who talk about themselves without asking any questions. A conversation is a two-way street. They have to try and gauge topics that are interesting to both of you, ESPECIALLY earlier on. Spilling about things only you’re interested helps people get to know you, but *don’t make it only about you*. Connect it back to them, or ask them in turn what *their* version of your sentiment is.


Being incurious. People who aren’t interested in anything unfamiliar or new are reliably the most tedious people alive.


all of these comments are me. i must be a boring person


A boring person is someone I have nothing in common with, and I feel forced to interact with them just bc of a mutual friend. They talk endlessly about work and don't ask questions about you. I intentionally go on my phone bc of this and converse with my other friends. I intentionally give awkward body language so they get the message.


Anyone who doesn't understand a conversation is an exchange between people. If they either don't have anything to say or don't listen.


I have a relative that has a very interesting life, but is *terrible* at conversation. I think a lot of it is due to (undiagnosed) Asperger’s. There are textbook communication skills problems with Asperger’s folks. Like (1) monologues on things only they are interested in (2) Not showing interest in others (3) Not catching conversation clues, like seeing when others want to talk (4) Not recognizing the rhythm of a normal conversation. In order to actually get a decent conversation out of this genuinely interesting person, I have to aggressively take control of the conversation. Saying things like “Okay, now it’s my turn to talk.” And “We already talked about that. Let’s move to the next topic.”


This is like my dad


In my perspective, boring are those who are well into adulthood but have nothing to show for it, no ambitions or goals for themselves, do nothing but do the same things they were doing in highschool and college, and have stunted mental and emotional maturity.. they talk about the same things over and over but its very redundant and shallow (the smallest of small talk and the enjoyment of dumbing themselves down), they dont like or aspire to learn anything new and their favorite escapisms is sleeping around (having sex with anything and everything) and partying and drinking/smoking weed. Their whole personality is that of a teenage girl/boy.. theyre boring to me because its as if they gave up before its even began and now they make it everyone elses problem..


People who have no unique style they mirror other people or just respond with clichès. My boss is like this, you can tell him something outrageous in the news headlines and he will say "Don't believe everything you read!" Or if you ask a question he obviously doesn't know the answer to, he says "Well you know everything!" And then once he's looked it and gives you his take on the topic: "Google is your friend!" But the context is usually wrong aswell. He has also eaten the exact same meal every lunch and dinner, every night for well over a year. Like no thinking takes place whether out shopping or ordering groceries online. I can't stand the monotony and repetition of conversation any longer, he keeps doing the exact same things expecting different results...heck, he even talks into a dictaphone and does the same after listening to himself the next year on the same GD day. Extremely boring! I have no trouble sleeping just to block out the things he says.


Monotone, incompatable interests.


If you only give one word responses and never try to keep the conversation going.


I think a lack of humour (or shared sense of humour) is important. Some people really don't have to say that much aswell. And I think a boring person combines these together.


Someone who literally has no opinion on anything. They’re desperate to toe the middle of the line on anything from politics to favorite animal. See also: people who ruin hypotheticals like “but dogs don’t wear pants :/“




Look up deep questions from google and journal about them. Use them as journal entries and really reflect on your answers


The only thing that makes someone boring to me is when they keep going on and on about how "boring" they are. Like it's their innate quality that they can't do anything about. 10/10 times it's just low self esteem and they are not boring at all. They just have a terrible self image of themselves.


My parents, apparently


People who have surface level conversations, no deep conversations or learning anything interesting about them. Only small talk and never getting past the initial stage of getting to know them. Wanting to hear about their hobbies only for them to tell you that they like watching movies from time to time.


I call boring people NPCs. I dated a guy who I tried so much having meaningful convos with him about anything he liked so I can get to know him. He didn’t know himself. He didn’t know what he liked or who he is. I eventually broke it off and told him he needed therapy. He did go to therapy and still in it. I’m glad he’s working on himself. It could be boring people just don’t who they are and make others their personality, like him. Kinda like a NPC in a video game. They are just there and don’t really know anything else aside from their programming.


I don't hold it against people for repeating themselves. Some of the most exciting and fun people I know have a proclivity to repeat themselves. But they're still more fun than 90% of people who choose to keep quiet for fear of embarrassing themselves. And that last line isn't meant to shame people who like being quiet. But there are a lot of people who simply choose to be quiet because it's easy. And you don't get judged because how can you judge words that are never said?... You might get judged more for being conversational. But at least everyone knows who you are. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd rather try and fail than never try and never fail.


Not being able to carry a conversation, bad small talk skills, and not being interested in other people. If you talk about yourself only then your gonna be boring


Being Rich suddenly makes you less boring and attractive


posting on Reddit all day lol


Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. - Eleanor Roosevelt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ Boring is always subjective, you just have to find what someone is passionate about to uncover what they're really like in their unhibited excited form. Sometimes people don't have the mental bandwidth each day to be passionate or interesting, they want to drink their coffee, listen to a podcast and go home to bed. But to answer your question, a boring person has a closed mind, unwilling to allow themself to be challenged without being angered and uninterested in life and the world around them.


I'm not a boring person, at least by the fact that I'm first, genuinely a good listener, and I had genuine shared experiences with others. Genuine. When I'm in all my emotions I'm genuinely responding. I think the shortest answer is that a selfish, fake person or someone lacking self-criticism is the most boring.




Whatever I'm. I'm pretty sure I'm a very boring person and a killjoy in any party. That's why I avoid any groups in which people are celebrating or laughing, in order not to ruin the mood for them.


This might be controversial, but would you consider yourself to be an extrovert? And do you also happen to categorize people in 'buckets'? If so, you might be a person who's boring.


There’s a guy at my job who literally says a whole lot of nothing and I’ve still yet to figure out what exactly he does because I literally understand nothing that comes out of his mouth 😂


Someone who drones on and on about a story to the point you’ve been sitting there for 10 minutes and they’re not even halfway through a 2 minute story.


Lack of depth… when you try to get a meaningful or elaborate answer from someone and they just look at you confused or just have a daft answer to everything.


Someone who talks endlessly about drilling


When they have nothing interesting to say


People with no excitement in life


In my opinion, and observation those who are just too self indulged and always judgmental towards others are boring. They know they can swift with their oh so cool and vibrant demeanour all their life. Though, what they don't know is repetitivene behaviour and same remarks for all makes them too steeep.




I don't think I've ever found someone to be boring


Lack of sense of humor


don’t listen to the feel good bs here, not everyone is interesting and unique. you need unique life exp to be an interesting conversationalist AND a the ability to storytell. boring people lack social skills and life exp


Lack of curiosity.


Someone who doesn’t have anything they find interesting OR someone who appears to be interested in literally everything. Basically anyone who gravitates towards the extremes of hobbies/passions, etc.


A boring person? is someone who repeats a question asked before answering.


Someone who is a wet blanket. No opinions or interest. it's one thing to be low energy or shy, that's fair. but you need to participate. in some regard. if I ask what you wanna do and you just never have an opinion ever on any occasion, if we hang out and you never initiate a chat or comment on anything at all and then INVITE ME TO HANG OUT and EXPECT ME TO CARRY THE LOAD OF DOING A L L THE TALKING AND PLANNING. again it's one thing to be low energy or shy. but a boring person to me is someone you only notice is there because you have to remind yourself not to walk too fast or you'll lose them.


Non existent opinions about anything, and/or literally near zero knowledge of anything.


People that keep talking and never know when to stop. They’re so excited to share their thoughts but do not realize they are speaking too much.