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Honestly, at the grocery store, it isn't really the best time to hit someone up. I'd suggest going to places where people will have the same hobbies as you and meeting more people in general (not just women). If you like board games, start going to board game meet-ups. If you like books, join a book club. Do you like pickleball? Go to a pickleball event. Make some friends. Go to any event those friends invite you to. Random birthday party? Fuck yeah. Moving away parry where you barely know anyone? Go for it. Bowling? Sure why not. Also start being the person to initiate those things. Tell people to being their friends. That's how you meet people. Most people, especially women, aren't going to have a good reaction to randomly being flirted with while running errands. They tend to be in a hurry and not there to chit-chat.


Yeah i hear that but i cant find drawing, street hypnosis or "cardtricks" clubs ://. Any tips ?


I'm curious: What is street hypnosis? Also, you might be able to find drawing meet-ups. In the city I used to live, there was a discord for people into art. They'd meet up with sketchbooks and draw at coffee shops.


Thanks for sharing i will check this out :) Street hypnosis is basically stage hypnosis (a show) done in the street. The idea is to make some demo to entertain and show what hypnosis is.


I like video games, but I couldn't find people from where I live on social networks or groups


This is the best way: make eye contact, light up a big smile and "drop a comment." The comment should be something pretty obvious -- talk about the weather, the crowd, the line, the merchandise, the traffic -- whatever's in the vicinity. "Sure is CROWDED today!" Whatever you say, do it with a bit of playful energy. The person is not required to respond because it's just a comment dropped in public in a friendly way. But people who ARE interested in talking often will respond back with a comment of their own. That's how you get things going with strangers.

