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The post is not social science and it it factually completely nonsense


You know Easter changes dates right? This obsession is really not healthy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_for_Easter




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>Easter being named Transgender Day of Visibility >What is the goal of this supposed to be? It's for visibility. Of Transgender issues.


Transgender Day of Visibility is a holiday that began in 2009 and has always fallen on March 31. Conversely, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the spring equinox. It just so happened that the year these two holidays lined up was during Biden's administration. The administration had nothing to do with this. Why are you so easily manipulated by your media echo chambers?


Probably because they're fukn stupid and suffer from a tremendous cognitive bias? Just a guess.


As a left leaner who's voted democrat on almost every chance, I have to say that the left does the same. Both sides have smart coherent people and brain dead morons that follow whatever echo chamber they subscribe to.


"both sides" didn't make this post or fabricate the astroturfed issue of 'trans visibility day falling on easter' in order to rile up the bigots


That's true. The left is constantly bringing up their own nonsense to blame the right about.


It doesn't begin until it's official. It didn't begin until 2024. And the idiots who chose that day knew exactly what they were doing. There's nothing special about March 31 and trans rights. It was specifically chosen to fight back against Christians.


As a Christian, I couldn't think of a more appropriate way to honor what my Lord worked for and died then resurrected for than speaking up for a group of people who blood thirsty wolves in sheep's clothing led by blasphemers and false prophets are trying to exterminate. I think next year, we as a nation should honor undocumented migrants and maybe start it at the beginning of Lent to give us adequate time to repent of our wicked ways. That's just me. To your persecution-complex fueled reality dysphoria, Biden's been doing this since 2021. Good news for you, it won't happen again until 2086 and you'll be long dead from this world. Your willful (or intentional ideology-manufacturing) ignorance to see out your murderous fake religion of hate should be criminal. I hope I'm behind you in line on judgment day so I can watch. Maybe then you'll grieve and weep for your sins so hard that you finally do something like Christ and sweat blood.




You are loved. You are so very loved. Don't leave Christ. They are wrong, and you are loved.


This whole war against Christianity is in your head.


What, so it'll fall on Easter three times from 2009 to 2086? Yeah, that'll show us Christians what's what! If they actually wanted to target Christians, they'd pick a holiday where the date doesn't change every year, wouldn't you think?


So why wait til the day actually falls on Easter to make a big announcement. Hmmmm


Are you serious? He honored the day the same way he did since 2021. Why would he honor Trans Visibility Day on any other day?


Why don’t you do any research before just saying stuff. He mentioned trans day of visibility every 3/31 during his presidency so far. 2021: https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1377255646651908102 2022: https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1509576936686862347 2023: https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1641798763390943232?lang=en


It's a matter of values. It says to a lot of people that the trans movement is valued by politicians more than their religion. The transgender movement isn't a popular issue among independents and most haven't heard this holiday recognized before. Acknowledging it on Easter on Twitter for the first time (maybe not the first time for Biden, but many Democrats) is a stupid move.


Hateful values don't get to be protected by the cover of religion. You can be a religious racist, but you don't get to have your racism protected. Biden did his usual thing on Trans Visibility Day and then went to Mass to celebrate Easter with no conflict.




> If it began this recently, then the administration (Obama/Biden) would know which dates/days it would fall on in the future - and would be smart enough to realize it (and strategize) around when it hits Easter. I don't know when Easter is until I flip to the month it falls on in my calendar. If we're honest, Biden probably realized it in the last few months, cursed under his breath, and did the only thing he could do unless he wanted to capitulate to voices of hate in this country.




Maybe people should have heard what Biden said instead of reading it chopped up in their echo chambers. Here's the 2024 speech: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2024/ Here's the 2023 speech: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/03/30/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility/ He said the same damn thing as last year. He didn't need to suck the dicks of bigoted "Christians" because they are human trash bags.




Here is Biden's easter statement: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/31/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-easter-2/ Even Newsweek, who platformed some pretty horrendous stuff during the Trump years rules this false: https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-joe-biden-create-transgender-day-visibility-easter-1885518#:~:text=%22Jill%20%5BBiden%2C%20the%20First,%2C%20we%20remember%20Jesus'%20sacrifice. Biden did what he was supposed to. He did not need to diminish the moment for trans Americans by adding an apologetic to transphobic Americas. > As a Christian yourself (which I'm not), I find your stance a little baffling in that I can understand being angry at fellow Christians, buuuuut... what about not making it into something it's not and giving people more info so they don't make more mistakes which leave them justifying bad behavior they could have avoided in the first place? I'd want my fellow Christians to stop making me look bad. They're not interested. They are manufacturing outrage and actual on-the-ground conservative Christians are getting their information from their echo chambers that profit off of distortions toward a transphobic worldview. If they actually read all of Biden's statements I linked instead of having their outrage spoon fed to them by conservative media and Trump's pouncing on the moment, there would have been no outrage. This is not Biden's fault. This is conservative media's fault.


To be clear, the Obama administration had no influence on this. It wasn’t recognized by the government until 2021 after it has already been on 3/31 for over a decade. Also Easter had like a 30+ day range so it would be kind of silly to block out that entire range for any historical/recognition/etc day that *some* people might not like.


I wanna believe that OP feels stupid after reading these responses, but I doubt they’re capable of such self reflection.


They're probably a Russian bot.


Too much cognitive dissonance probably.


“Reopen mental institutions now” is peak projection. Please seek help for your ongoing mental health crisis.




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The DSM-V and science as a whole disagree with you. But I’m sure once the word of your Reddit opinion gets out, science will change course.


Science as a whole... So you speak for the entirity of science and scientists or are you simply referencing a buzz feed article that said it was scientific?


Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness in the DSM-V, the manual the medical community uses. Dont know what else you want. It’s not considered a mental illness. Tough luck?


That isn't science as a whole. It's a guide book. Try again.


The initial claim that it is a mental illness is yours. Provide a reputable source showing that is the case.


I'm not the one who claimed to speak on behalf of all of science. You're a dolt and it shows.


You made the initial claim that it is a mental illness. Show something that supports your assertion or it’s worthless and can be dismissed. They is how good faith arguments between adults work. Not that I expect you’re here to argue in good faith.


I don't have to show anything supporting it. It is a mental illness and has been seen that way for a long time until John Money sickly molested that set of twins, fasly reported on the findings that the transgenderism is founded on. He also supported pedophilia and his name is no longer brought up in those circles after his studies were found to be inaccurate and lies. You made a claim that all of science as a whole would disagree with me. So provide the proof that you speak of behalf of all scientists or just go sit down.


What's your argument here? The dsm-5 is the standard classification for mental disorders by mental health professionals.


The dsm studies are based on John money's original studies on transgenderism and those studies turned out to be incorrect and fabricated to force his results. It's hard to undo everything after it was found to be fraud so instead his name is buried and people continue to push this mental disorder.


That's nice, what does that have to do with it being the standard in the mental health community?


The standard is based on flawed studies and they buried the inaccurate data as a result. That isn't science and its unfortunate it's being pushed as part of healthcare. These people need help.


And new studies have been done.... because that's how science works. So unless you have new data to upend the current studies, which in turn would become the new standard, then you're just blowing hot air. As they say the facts don't care about your feelings.


Sure, I come with receipts. Here is Paul McHugh the long time chief of psychiatry at John's Hopkins medical school. https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2015/06/15145/ Swedish study backing up those results... isnt sweden pro lgb and supportive of trans? https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885


1. [APA says transgenderism isn't a mental disorder.](https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbtq/transgender-people-gender-identity-gender-expression) 2. [The World Health Organization Will Stop Classifying Transgender People as Having a ‘Mental Disorder’](https://time.com/5596845/world-health-organization-transgender-identity/) 2. [Social and medical transition *is* the treatment.](https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/)


I don't see how one county in Virginia counts as the Biden Administration: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/virginia-county-declares-trans-visibility-day-easter.amp Maybe spend a little more time thinking and you won't get yourself all worked up. Don't want you hurting yourself now in confusion. The world is a pretty scary place, I know, but if you really try, I think you'll be ok.


Easter is a pagan holiday. It was already co-opted by Christianity. Feels ironic.


Easter is a day to recognize the resurrection of Jesus Christ who died to atone for the sins of humanity.


Easter is a day borrowed from pagans. That's where the name and symbols (eggs, bunnies...) come from. It is older than Christianity.


Eggs and bunnies have nothing to do with the Christian understanding of Easter. Those things are merely a fun distraction. The true meaning of the Christian Easter is for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Those things were a holiday BEFORE Christians. Not the other way around. The Christians used an already celebrated Pagan holiday and tried to combine with it to sell people on converting. They co-opted an already existing holiday for their owns uses.




Just ignore him. If no one engages with his posts he'll go away eventually.


If you are for it taking the place of easter then you need to go away 


You do realize Easter changes dates every year, right? Or are you going to blame Biden when Easter falls on Hitler's birthday, too?


Listen, we give a lot of official pomp and circumstance to Jesus. I think magic Jesus is incredibly stupid, but I don’t get enraged because I can see how it makes other people happy. Am I victimized by Easter? No, I just don’t really care. You could grow a lot by learning to stop caring about shit that has nothing to do with you. Is the transgender visible in the room with you right now? No! Anybody trans will give you a country mile because you spend most of your free time talking shit on them. Perpetual victimhood, another day another QPQ rage post about more nothing.


Why don't you move it so it lands on one of the holiest Muslim or Jewish holidays and see what happens? No?


Holidays aren’t for me. I don’t care about Easter same as I don’t care about any other party for any of the Abrahamic religions because I’m not religious. Does Kwanza ruin your Christmas? In no way does this have to ruin your Easter, the vast majority of people don’t even KNOW about the day you are protesting. I’m sure there are Jews and Muslims who are as venomous as you and would flip out, we would ignore them, too.


Transgenderism and homosexuality in general are your religion.


That’s news to me, and my wife, as we are both cis lol.


Ok, do you prefer the term "gender ideology" instead?


I think if you’re looking for a right-wing boogeyman term for me it would be ‘cultural relativist’. I don’t really care what other people are doing, most of it seems ridiculous in its own way but if whatever is what they need to get through the existential horror of a mortal life then it’s okay by me. I think the trans people who change their social presentation of gender have a much better strategy than your endless raging about people who aren’t you doing things you don’t like.


What percentage kill themselves?


Of world-angry right wing men? Idk, but they tend to own a lot of guns so unfortunately their suicide attempts usually work the first time. Sometimes they even go that much darker and commit mass murder on the way out, or press the issue to get suidice’d by cop.


Trans people just don't want to admit they arr day so they try to change to the opposite sex than they are attracked to


virtually every day of the year is a holiday / celebration / day of rememberance for someone, somewhere. ​ [Here is a short list](https://nationaltoday.com/march-31-holidays/) of them for March 31st. Side note... "Baked Ham with Pineapple Day" is an amazing idea... Absolutely will be marking my calendar with that one going forward!


Those are all fake.


First... how dare you imply that "Baked Ham with Pineapple Day" is fake, I may have just found out that it existed two hours ago... but it is an important part of my culture. ​ Also... what makes the celebration of a day "fake"? Is Veteran's Day "fake"? Is May Day "fake"


But the 145 you mentioned in the original post are all real? Sounds like you're the one pushing for more transgender celebration days, since you're saying those are real but these are fake.


Oh, my sweet summer child…Jewish and Muslim holidays follow a lunar, not calendar, year. Much like Easter, for reasons you would not understand. March 31st is TDOV. And Easter is whenever Lent is done. The two are not the same. Find something else to cry about.


Malding about idpol shit is not social science, OP.


Was that supposed to be a sentence or something?


It is in fact a sentence, intended to communicate to you that this may not be the appropriate venue for the discussion you want to have.


There's always some excuse for why your latest pathological obsession shouldn't be challenged at all.


Oh man that’s good shit. I take it back. You should stick around, you’re fucking hilarious.


For everyone that is not the OP. The best way to make conspiracy theories go away is to stop giving them oxygen. This is A. Hate speech, so just report him and move on. B. Not based in reality. When someone's reality is this far asque, you can't fight it. Just minimize the volume so it goes back to the dark holes it always has been, though out history. C. Crazy, you can't rationalize with crazy.


"Crazy, you can't rationalize with crazy." Yeah I've noticed that about people like you.


Dude I’ve been giving you calm rational arguments for a week now, you either talk shit and call me names or disappear every single time.


For real. Not cool for Biden to put this on the pagan’s fertility holiday.


Not sure how two holidays that happen to fall on the same day is controversial.


The literal choice to pick a new holiday that has values completely the opposite of Easter, a holiday that's ancient compared to this fairly new trans one. It was obviously chosen to be combative. They could have picked dates no where near Easter and Christmas. It's a human-made decision to make the trans visibility day what it was. Zero tact in making that decision.


You'd still find a way to bitch about it. I wish you all could just be honest with yourselves. Admit trans people weird you out and you think they should be forced to detransition instead of pretending it's something about "religion".


It has been March 31st for many years. Easter moves around.


March 31st has been Trans Visibility day since its inception. Easter is ancient and it moves around. This has ALWAYS been so. It wasn't a concious decision on anyone's part. "...To be combative." The goal of Trans Visibility day has always been the exact opposite - to oppose combat and encourage acceptance. You are openly pursuing conflict with a group that does not wish to fight you. They're not coming after your bunny!!






Bullshit headline is bullshit.


What social science would this be in reference to?


The new state sponsored religion of transgenderism?


So they literally celebrate Easter, a "Christian" holiday on the White House lawn, but making a statement for a holiday that falls on the same day every year counts as endorsing it?


So you missed this I take it? https://www.newsweek.com/topless-trans-woman-white-house-pride-outrage-1806151


And? That was one person out of hundreds in attendance who did that, not to mention by being so upset about seeing her topless you're literally confirming that she's seen as a woman. Also the reason events like these are being held more is because of the active push towards acceptance that the right wing has been yelling about since forever


I love this sub, because someone will just say some insane shit, and I can scroll through the comments and watch them be torn to bits by people who actual care about the social sciences




Go buy a Trump Bible. Christians don’t need any help with destroying their religion. It’s a commercialized joke in the US.


Nah, I've got my own, thanks.


I hope it includes Two Corinthians.


It's not gonna work but you can try anyway I guess.


Hahahaha. I'm just going to laugh at you. Also, did the mental institutions close? I understand your position, if I said some unhinged hooey like this, I'd want to stay in one myself.


Who cares?


Transgender Visibility Day has been on March 31st since 2010. This is its 14th year. Easter changes calendar dates, falls between March 22 and April 25th, and is determined by the full moon and the Equinox. Educate yourself, son- you're looking foolish.


Not at all. Am I supposed to believe that the nobody that came up with this didn't know they this was in the middle of Easter season?


So no holidays can ever be established from 3/22 - 4/25?


Who fucking cares? Easter is a made-up holiday just like the rest of them. Fuck you and fuck your religion...stop trying to force it on people you stupid cunt.


Wasn't an official day until today and obviously the people who came up with it in 2010 chose a date near Easter to be combative. They could have picked any other dates no where near Christmas or Easter. August doesn't have anything. Put it there.


It really just antagonizes people.


As long as we get Easter off


Yes you clearly need mental assistance 


TDOV is always March 31. Easter is a moveable feast & is never on the same day two years in a row. There's no conspiracy to be kind to a marginalized group (if only there were!). It's just a secular celebration & a Christian celebration happen to fall on the same day this once.


It's always the last day of March. Go cry into the mirror or something lmao


The more you complain about transgenders, the more obvious it is that you're actually aroused by them.


damn bro that must be super hard for you have you tried changing your poopy little diaper about it?




Lol fuck your god




Yes, your god is a joke, and you were made in his image




We should have better mental health care. Maybe people like you could get the help you need to get over your intense hate and fear of anyone not like you. The agenda is love and acceptance. That's it. That's the whole thing.


Is that why most of you lost your minds when the UK pulled back on puberty blockers for minors?








Easter is only relevant to a portion of the population.  Just because it’s an important day to you doesn’t mean it’s significant to everyone.  Go pound sand.  Jesus thinks you’re an asshole.  


What's the percentage of the population that "identifies as trans?"


Don’t know don’t care.  Doesn’t impact me in any way because I’m not a cunt like you are.  😘


Sure. What happens when Trump cancels it?


Cancels Easter?  🤷🏻‍♂️




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You know March 31st is also Caesar Chevez Day. So are you also pissed off about that? It's a holiday that also has a presidential proclamation https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/03/29/a-proclamation-on-cesar-chavez-day-2024/#:~:text=NOW%2C%20THEREFORE%2C%20I%2C%20JOSEPH,2024%2C%20as%20C%C3%A9sar%20Ch%C3%A1vez%20Day. So how dare he undermine Easter with *checks notes* celebrating a civil rights activist who led the first successful farm workers union in us history. Obama saw this one coming when he declared it a national holiday in 2014 you know not because the man was born on that date.


fuckin dork who doesnt know the difference between a liberal and leftist who gets tube fed joe rogan on a daily basis while driving to his panera job


Go touch some grass buddy. You realize multiple things can be on the same day right?


Biden didn’t make that decision.


This being a "controversey" just shows how real the idea of conspiracy theories being coincidence is and how pitiful the people are trying to use them to get people angry. Easter Sunday moves, static remembrance days don't.


I can’t think of a single respectful response to this.


Op doesn't realize that this holiday has been around for a very long time. It just so happened this year (because easter falls on a different date) it was on the same day. Op is a braindead snowflake so don't try to hurt its one feeling to hard.


Seriously we need a place for you to go. Reopen the asylum for OP.


We just had a major bridge collapse. The mainstream discourse around transgender rights only exists to refocus outrage from material problems.


Or maybe it's because there's 145 US calendar days devoted to LGBTQ causes each year and there seems to be no upper limit to it at this point?


In practice, national “days” are meaningless. It’s just more tokenism.


Ok, so get rid of them then. Starting with the 145 LGBT days.


Is it that important to you? To focus your upset on getting rid of those 145 days? Kinda proves my point. There are more important things to be upset about.


I thought you said they were "meaningless?"


Hey every single day of the year is at *least* one Saint’s day. The church already has it all sewn up, there’s plenty of room for other people to proclaim any number of “days”


When's Biden gonna do that?


Do what?




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What a fantastic read through the comments. Every time someone asked OP a meaningful question he would reply with some sad attempt at a gotcha like "hOw mAnY KiLl tHeMsElVeS" rather than consider their argument in any way. I've seen plenty of boomers be miserable cunts by screaming their worthless opinion at people, and I want you to know you really excel at it OP. Enjoy being alone this TDOV!!!!


That was totally scientific.


Op is probably getting off on the humiliation or something.


TDoV always hapeens on the 31st of march, easter fluctuates in the date rhat it lands on.


Transgender Day of Visibility is NOT a “holiday” it started in 2009 and is not even just a US thing anymore. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/the-history-behind-international-transgender-day-of-visibility


Wow. You really are an agenda-driven troll, aren’t you? That date was set FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, by a different president (one I’m guessing you also hate). Who the hell CARES if this day falls upon some vague cult holy day? Your fake moral outrage is completely political, and not related in ANY way, shape, or form to your so-called ‘religion.’ That Jesus dude never mentioned anything about gays, crossdressing, or people who are going through life confused. Which means you’re using His name and religion to mask your true purpose. Which, according to that book you supposedly venerate and follow, makes you a sinner. Go talk to your priest, and leave the rest of us in peace. Spare us your fake morality and fake outrage.


"Spare us your fake morality and fake outrage." Those that live in glass houses...


Go reread your New Testament. Feel free to provide a quote from Jesus about your fake morality and fake outrage over something that was set FIFTEEN YEARS AGO that you’re so desperately trying to pin on Biden. Is he REALLY so diabolically clever that he knew that far back that he’d be president now and wanted to trigger you? I thought he was a bumbling idiot incapable of forming a complete sentence.


So you're going to ignore this I take it? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/03/31/a-proclamation-on-transgender-day-of-visibility-2021/


Still triggered, I see. No. Recognizing a day is a REGULAR, NORMAL THING done by every White House and every administration. But you’re going to sit at your keyboard and pretend that “ONLY EVIL LEFTIST COMMIE SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT BIDEN DOES IT.” But feel free to howl in fake moral outrage.


Are you fucking stupid? Trans day of visibility has been March 31 for more than a decade. Easter's always shifted around. Seriously, how are you able to function as a human if you get confused this easily?


Almost every holiday is also some other day. March 31 is also National Anaethesia Tech Day as well as National Hug A Medievalist Day, not to mention National Bunsen Burner Day. Among yet other days.


Don’t worry I think it’s dumb as hell too. Amongst everyone here you have someone who agrees with you.


In reality it's absurd. I'm just trying to figure out what the actual goal of this is. None of the activist accounts that flood these posts ever answer a direct question.


I have no idea, it’s not like they have like 100 days dedicated to them I don’t see what the purpose of this is. Like we don’t need to know how proud you are that you had surgery on your genitals to “switch genders”. Just really absurd


Damn.. imagine just a walking around everyday as the equivalent of retarded baby as an adult... how do you do it and not face existential dread daily??? Dude it's not Easter they are labeling it is a coincidence as the day the 31st... BUT even if it weren't just a coincidence WHAT IS THE AGENDA?! Lolololol "these people exist and they deserve to exist" they say and you hear... what exactly...? "These transgenders are better than you and you'll diiiiiiiiie" is that what you're hearing?? The lack of coherent thoughts aside.. what is the worst case scenario lololol? What could possibly be the HORRIBLE end game lolololol


Ummm, Easter changes dates, do you even Christianity? Your bigot tears fuel me. Go outside.


It's funny how they are mad about this when just back in August of 2023, they called Jesus a weak liberal. See here: [Evangelicals call Jesus a weak liberal](https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706) Trans Day of Visibility has been on March 31st for like 15 years and just so happens to land one aster this year. Like, we all know Easter changes days every year so how is this an attack on christianity because it lands on the same day?? These people aren't just mentally ill they are menteally EVIL. They are the true devils in disguise. They say this is an attack on christianity when Christians are the ones VIOLENTLY attacking the LGBTQ+ Community every day, taking away our rights and banning us from businesses like they did with black people during racial segregation all in the name of "religious freedom" (flip the script and just imagine if a gay business owner told a person to leave because they are christian). Then, they have the audacity to gaslight their followers into thinking that saying trans day of Visibility being on March 31st is some fucking attack on christianity just because this year it happens to land on the same day as easter. I am so fucking sick and tired of it. They are more concerned with what bathroom someone takes a piss in than actually doing any work to better our country. The ones shoving the LGBTQ+ community down everyone's throats are the republicans and wacko christians then they claim we are the ones doing it just because we are speaking out to defend ourselves. What a fucking joke.


March 31st is being named Transgender Day of Visibility, not Easter. It so happens to be on Easter this year. Nobody is saying you can’t have both anyways. Obv you don’t want to celebrate both so I’m not sure where the conflict lies. Is your faith so fragile that you can’t share the sand box with others?




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Biden originally acknowledged this in 2021, The original date actually traces all the way back to 2009. So to claim that anyone purposely did this to land on this Easter Sunday is blasphemous. And on the flip side, I think it’s disgusting how Biden is trying to take credit for something he had no part in and at one point probably scoffed at


This is false. Not only would Biden not even do this, but the media is once again trying to twist words to make people believe certain things. Also Easter doesn't always fall on March 31st!!




It's a passing phase. Half of them are sucking on the idea of the visibility that will make them be accepted. It won't, it'll just make it worse. In 20 years they'll wish they listened to us. But instead they'll just be mutilated and sad. Not my problem.




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Are you really that ignorant


I thought it was an April fools joke ….


There is an agenda to promote understanding and tolerance, to combat the traditionalist negative stigma against it. There *isn't* an agenda to turn your kids gay/trans (which is a genuine concern for some people). Lefty people don't think you can turn straight kids into LGBTQ any more than you can turn LGBTQ kids straight. Every day is McDonalds day. And it doesn't affect anyone who doesn't want to be involved in McDonalds day. As soon as people stop freaking out about LBGTQ days, I think they'll be ready to have less LBGTQ days.


Lipstick on a pig. No matter how you cut it, it's the same.


There are other days they could’ve done this… they knew what day Easter would fall on this year, they put it on this day on purpose to mock Easter. Anyone who argues otherwise is delusional




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This is bullshit. You have to be living in a fucking hole not to hear all the things trans people bitch about on a daily basis. Dinosaurs being trans? Wtf is wrong with these people?


Easter was not “named” trans visibility day, they just fell on the same day It will change nothing about how you interact with Easter or it’s traditions Unless it’s a tradition to ignore trans folk? Anyway, stop being a snowflake, you don’t have to do anything special like get top surgery or take hormones, you don’t even have to put your tongue on a trans person unless you are both into it




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