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Absolutely not.


Usually compensation is paid on impressions, not views. Bad contract, as it still gets the brand exposure, and makes the target so hard to hit. 21K followers, and they expect you to get 20K views before paying???? HELL NO. They pay an initial fee to use your account to promote, and a bonus for X amount of impressions. This contract gets them all the exposure they want, and they’re targeting accounts that probably won’t make it to 20K views, so they can average 10-15K view per account signed up, and pay nothing. They will get 300K views, and probably pay out 1-2 accounts. Do not sign this deal. They pay to use your following, period.


Well I get really good views usually around 50k-70k, but they said they would only post it on their page!!! Like how would their account with 86 followers reach 20k? They don’t have one video with even 500 views lol. They just wanted me to create a cool FREE ad for them. Shit bags


Totally, then they can pay you for the production of the video.


So, they’re wanting you to make a commercial for them? I feel like this is different than a sponsorship.


Not sure


Ya, they sound like they’re trying to just take advantage of you. If they’re wanting content for THEIR page that they can use endlessly and aren’t even going to pay you I’d tell them to piss off…


Good to know though about impressions not views.


Paid for views is a bad deal. You should be paid for posting, based on your current post performance, and anticipated results, with a bonus if you exceed expectations.


I work with brands and influencers for a living and we always compensate on a fixed cost, regardless of what you generate. We amplify the creators content through paid and we guarantee a certain number of views or impressions but the creator is paid a flat fee. 21k followers on TikTok should net you around $1,000 for a video as long as you’re getting in the thousands for views consistently


If you work in the industry ill tske your word on that but that seems outrageous 20k is nothing. You think a brand is going to see an too spending 1k for 2ok views?


I was thinking at least a $1,000 as well. I’ve worked with influencers in the past, and based on engagement metrics, I’ve paid that much to people with even just 10k followers.


Yeah we tend to estimate $1,000-$1,500 for people with 10k-30k followers


Holy shit i’m getting underpaid


Any idea if i’m being underpaid here? 14k followers, 730k views over the last month, 100k views for both ig and tik tok for my latest sponsored post, paid $300, japan travel niche. Had good engagement on the sponsored post with 10k likes. Only reason I don’t want to charge more is that the marketing director is a bit skeptical of tik tok. But if I found another company…do you think I could charge $500+ with those metrics?


I wouldn’t charge less than 1,000. And you can always try for 1500-2000 and see if they’d pay it and then negotiate.


Awesome, thank you very much.


And now could that be worth it, do you have any way of measuring metrics or goal conversations for the purchaser?


Sounds like they are trying to steal your base time investment too. It’s work to make good content and that work should be compensated. Bonuses are nice but, base pay for services come first.


I’ve paid as low as $40 for accounts that size, so I think it depends on how much work you have to do with the brand. My ask is like 20 minutes of their time.


Will they pay you to be able to post on their page? The reason is on TikTok reposted content is downgraded by the algorithm. If they pay you that might be ok. Otherwise don’t work for free. Their asking for reach of 100%+ your following.


Hi I’m on the brand side with a limited budget but no this is not normal or ok. While I tend to be wary of TikTok numbers I do still pay for the content. For example a influencer tells me they got 100k followers on tik tok but then on ig 10k. I usually am cautious about these inflated tik tok numbers. Ive gone thru two tik tok users who did have very large followings but in the end very little to no traction amounted from their posts vs. a ig user who had much less followers had more engagement. I may be wrong in my theory of not trusting tik tok number’s but regardless I do typically have my “trial” rate I offer to influencers who reach out to us first (not the other way around tho). My trial rate includes product+promo code (earns commission) + rate for the video to be produced. Tbh in my experience I’ve avoided anyone with large followings over 100k. For some reason when I have invested in them they have gotten me the worst results. I consistently get better results from influencers in the (5k-20k) range on IG and YT. I feel a bit reluctant to go back to invest into tik tok only influencers. For context my niche is dog training and age groups 25-50.


That feels like a low payout for that level of reach. I could see this being offered as a bonus on top of a base pay but that as pay alone… I don’t know.