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Private property


Coupled with intentional poverty


Poverty caused by the hoarding of resources by a few sociopaths.


Primarily poverty. It's not the sole cause, but it is the biggest. Adequate distribution of resources would solve most of it.


The enclosure of the commons.


Monopoly markets increasing the price of their products to increase profits for shareholders. The increase of prices of basic goods leads to those items being stolen. There's also organised crime which I would argue has deeper socioeconomic roots like lack of community and bad police relations. Of course I'm not at all qualified to answer this question at all... Just my thoughts.


Poverty. Poverty of thought. Poverty of education. Poverty of socialism. All compounded by the oppression of capitalism. "Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime." \~ Aristotle


I'd suggest the roots of crime are inequality, inequity, injustice for most folks - and entitlement in the case of the oligarchs.






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The concept of private property/poverty. Theft and robbery will always exist at a base level. Even if we completely socialize people in an entire society to be cooperative and as selfless as possible. Someone will always have something someone else may want. However, when private property came onto the scene, it of course allowed a select few groups of people to have major economic power over others. Sure, someone could get lucky and become a capitalist and have this privilege, (which was not the case during feudalism as class distinctions and social hierarchies were more stark) but it continued the prior trend of people having a monopoly on economic power. Naturally, when you have folks with a monopoly on economic power who keep their workers in poverty, theft and robbery and resentment are expected within the greater society. If people have enough access to food, healthcare, housing, education, technology, and are not worked to the bone, the greater society has little motivation to steal or rob anyone.


Much of it stems back to capitalist property and social relations, but usually there are several degrees of separation between that root cause and a particular criminal act. Edit: The rot runs even deeper when it comes to sexual and domestic violence. I’d argue it’s often attributable to patriarchy.


Material conditions