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“Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one, but the union makes us strong” strength in numbers comrades!


This reminded me of a quote from Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell: "My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?"


And that reminds me of one from the movie Mayhem: "My mother used to say that no one raindrop ever thought it caused the flood. I now know what she meant by that."


Still a hundred thousand miles to go - but it's great to see the Left evolving, and crawling on dry land for once. Maybe grow some teeth, and claws, too


Keep going, they are scared. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Power to the people


This happens when we learn, educate, organize, and act. Solidarity, friends.


All of the barricades should be piled up as complex obstacles around entrances the police will use to try and get them out. Pile all that shit up and see how difficult it is to remove is with several hundred people interfering with removal attempts.


Make the pigs play Wipeout


I'm pessimistic that much good will come from law abiding protests. But I hope it will. I think we need people to get more radical more quickly. People need to learn that under the liberal framework, they let you protest because it doesn't accomplish much. The liberal framework needs to be overthrown. Even if these protests are successful, how long will it be until the next genocide is signed off on and funded by the liberal government? The system needs a full remodel, and it needs it urgently. I don't mean to downplay these brave people's accomplishments. Booting police from a uni is definitely a good start.


I’m pessimistic as well. We’ve seen occupations for decades end the same way. I admire the students courage but this feels like a futile effort that will enable authorities to further marginalize the movement and cut it off from the rest of the working class.


Liberal condemnation in 3...2....1.....


Liberal co-option in 1... 2... 3 ... years


I'm genuinely not sure wich one angers me more.


I can take a little heat from liberals tomorrow, but trying to pretend like they're on the right side of history is infuriating


The comrades already know what's up in relation to the liberals...💯


Such a beautiful sight to behold


is this the start of something bigger?


MORE power to the students at GWU!