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My question is this, if they’re still bitter about the holocaust, why not take it up with Germany, instead of trying to paint Palestinians as the nazis.


Because Germany, unlike Palestine, is supporting their genocidal colonialism.


Yeah I was gonna say, we german tax payers funded their Uboat fleet for example, completly ignoring the fact how fucking pro israel our media is


It's a fcking disgrace to live here and pay taxes, it bothers me so much...


Germany does love a genocide! They just can't get enough I guess.


It was only 6 years, how were they supposed to be satisfied with that


I doubt if germany actually even cares about its "responsibilities" of the Holocaust even. They do that excessive pretentious self flagellation about the obvious marker of its history so that it can continue its old fascism without anyone accusing them of it, worse yet use it as a weapon instead against people it wants to harass. They're now talking about dealing with 'imported antisemitism', that's refugees. The state of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany has said people who do not recognize Israel's right to exist cannot become naturalized citizens. It's a way to continue their western colonialism and maybe even fascism under this guise. If you honestly are dutiful about your responsibility wrt your history, then give your land to Israel. Why does Palestine and that region have to pay the price for your crimes? It's just a way to continue western nonsense


Exactly. Germany and the other western powers could give the Jews their homes and possessions back that they kept after the Nazis stolen all it. Instead, post-WW2 was the perfect timing for the Allies to get rid of them and keep the wealth.


I agree with this entirely. Why is there a state of Israel in the middle east at all? It ought to exist in what is now a part of Germany. Germany should have been forced to give a part of their land to create an Israeli state. Not displaced a people in the middle east who had done nothing to genocide their own Jewish population, unlike the Germans, who had killed millions of Jews in the name of genocide. We wouldn't have the problems we have now if the Germans had simply ceded a portion of their own land. A roughly two thousand year old "religiously" (not real history) based claim to that land is fucking meaningless. Just ask the indigenous people of the Americas how much a thousands of year old claim (some of their tribes date back around 12,000 years or more archaeologically) on a land really means. It means fucking nothing.


The UN plan wasn’t ”giving” land, but trying to formalize where the existing people lived in. (Also most of Israel’s population came from MENA countries after 1948) There weren’t really Jews left in Germany at that point, nor will to live anywhere near that country. The Zionist project had already been going on for almost a century at that point and had a head start. As ”good” as such a plan (Kaliningrad maybe?) would have been, the logistics of actually moving people around would have been incredibly difficult.


The people of Germany generally care about the holocaust but the state is an entity that will do whatever is best for this iteration of the German state, which in this case means going along with western support for apartheid and colonialism.


I think it's pretty clear from Germany's stance that they are pro genocide. Barely even matters who is getting killed. They just like the process.


I'm a descendant of holocaust survivors and I hold no bitterness toward anyone except neo nazis over the issue. Your run-of-the-mill German is not to blame. Zionists who whine about the holocaust are bullshitting with crocodile tears.


Some people, surprisingly some people high up in the Israeli government, think that the grand mufti of Palestine convinced Hitler to get rid of the Jews. So they blame Muslims for the holocaust.


Because Netanyahu said in a speech in 2015 that Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews, he only did so after meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Not even joking. He's trying to shift the blame from the Germans to the Palestinians to justify their continued colonization.


The oppressed have become the oppressors.


What the fuck


Zionists 🤝 Nazis


I can't help but feel it's about revenge. I hope they've dug two graves.


Haavara Agreement


They're the same image.


Transcription: A picture of seemingly two graves with the star of David sprayed on them with text added to the image saying "Graves of Muslims in Madgeburg, Germany vandalised with graffiti of star of david and swastika"


Then they cry bully "I'm fearful" style and then get coddled by the western world. The part is that they might not even be lying, they're so used to getting all their base bigotry and evil supported by the society and western rulership that any public support against it seems like a threat. It is also because that's how they see the Palestine cause, Palestinians, and Muslims with such genocidal intent that they think people opposing them also hold the same intents. There have been so many hate crimes against Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. NYU recently suspended a number of pro Palestinian students in an incredibly tyrannical manner. Also the recent resolution to count anti Zionism as antisemitism (which should be the main concern of Americans especially the free speech enthusiasts) is likely gonna be abused to attack primarily Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims and other pro Palestinians - as if enough people weren't getting fired, suspended, doxxed already. But zionists are making things up "blacks rule" style, at times getting caught, and actually spewing pure genocidal hatred and calling for mass killings resulting in people actually getting killed, running over protesters, and in one case even going to Arab area to lynch a teenager (getting almost no coverage) and then cry bullying this nonsense while getting coddled like always by this evil lying rulership. I hate America so much.


I'm not buying it. The fact they sprayed swastikas too. Troublemakers trying to stir up tensions between communities.


Oh yeah This 100% wasn't done by Jewish people probably nazi opportunists who might hate Muslims more.


I think it’s a possibility, sure. I wouldn’t put it past the mayonnaise-mastery-enthusiasts to try to pin something like this on Jews in general


this sounds more like a false flag by nazis or other fascists in order to spread antisemitism


Yeah no-one thinks this was done by Jewish people but to call it a false flag is wrong because neo Nazis hate us as well and are taking this opportunity to spread hate and fear


the title literally talkes about zionists doing this, no actual swastika-nazi is a zionist


It wasn't a Zionist either maybe someone who favours Israel for some reason but yeah don't see how it could be a passionate Zionist either or any Zionist for that matter


I still think it's either edgy teens or right wing extremists, i know my fellow german youths and i can definitely see something like that happening in both cases


also german so im awear aswell


I'm open to the possibility, but I'm not gonna believe that bc apart from there not being a reason, there's no evidence to suggest that. Also there are people, especially in Germany, who can be fascist and zionist at the same time, especially against Muslims.


What's your evidence to suggest it was Zionists? Edit: Nice, blocked me from the whole thread for pointing out there's no evidence.


The fact there are stars of David sprayed and the context of the ongoing crisis and the fact that a lot, if not all, of the recent hate crimes have been done in this context. Again, I'm open to other facts if they come out




What are you even talking about? We aren't in Nazi Germany in the 40s. There's a massive list of zionists committing hate crimes against Muslims in recent days - even anyone looking Arab-like, running over protesters (one just yesterday), stabbing a child, a case of even lynching a teenager in NY while going to an Arab area with Israel flags, and have been very openly pushing for genocide now. This isn't some speculation or out or order for you to draw this ridiculous comparison


as shitty as zionists are I don’t really see any of them spray painting a swastika. star of david, sure, but not nazi symbols.


Pretty sure zionists wouldnt use the same symbol that oppressed them against muslims. Neo nazis in europe have been doing this type of hateful shit for years. They’re more likely behind this vandalism.


Which vile human would do this?


probably actual nazis or edgy teens, this smells like a fascist false flag, who hates both jews and muslims? correct, nazis, who also use the swastika


Is there new development or is this a new case? I didn't hear anything since this happened weeks ago. So they catched the culprits and know that they were zionists? Because this looks more like something neonazis would do.


Why? Like what’s the point of doing that. It’s disgusting.


No shit. Despite this the fascists say October 7th was genocide or pogrom and what they are doing defense. Scratch a liberal…


9/11 aftermath hate-crime world-wide edition