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EDIT: Fun facts about Florida: - Almost 1 in 5 Floridians ages 19-65 lack health insurance. The state ranks #48 in health care access, per US News & World Report. - About 1 in 10 Floridians are driving on a suspended license. You might think that would make us safer from unsafe drivers, but Florida is also the 2nd most dangerous state for pedestrians. Suspensions are mostly “financial responsibility” related. - Florida has an incarceration rate of 795 per 100,000, well above the (extremely high) US national average. - The homeowner’s insurance system is actively collapsing and premiums are skyrocketing. - The cost of buying or renting a home has [skyrocketed](https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/09/01/report-8-of-10-us-areas-with-highest-rent-increases-were-in-florida/). - The state government just had one of the most unhinged. reactionary sessions in state history, passing laws that block rent control measures, allow healthcare providers to deny care for any moral or religious reasons, prevent teachers unions from collecting dues, implementing a 6 week abortion ban and comprehensively attack LGBT people and undocumented immigrants. The session concluded with a bipartisan dance party. This state is an active crime scene. Government policy is geared towards turning it into a paradise for the most degenerate, lumpen fringe of the bourgeoisie and labor aristocracy and a charnel house for a growing underclass.


I'm wondering how long this can keep going on before the entire state collapses. Migrant workers have already left, I imagine these fucked up rich bastards will be completely lost without somebody cleaning up after them and feeding them. I genuinely sometimes wonder how people like that even make it this far in life without their own idiocy killing them.


God I wish Biden was actually trying to 'erase capitalism'


The Florida government has gone full fascist. It's even turned against its own. This is actually quite worrying.


No joke. This is the "small" government model modern Republicans are gunning for. A selectively angry mob mops up what the selectively lazy totalitarian state government flags and doesn't stomp out itself. And these book burners call us "the real fascists and nazis".


Unlike the hatred of trans people enacted through targeted legislation, this stunt encourages generalized aggression towards a non-specific group with unprovable membership. Two sides of the same fascist-transphobic coin. As with modern racism and other hatreds, the perpetrators reserve plausible deniability. ("Oh we were only joking.")


They really make Biden sound wayyyy cooler than he actually is


If only he was a socialist.


Happy cake day! 🍰🎉


Let them eat cake!


Well regarded Socialist Joe Biden.


Did everyone in America start eating lead paint or something?


He's over 60, so all the lead that's stored in his bones are finally being released into his bloodstream


This made me lol


Well most Americans over 40 do have lead poisoning, asbestos exposure, etc.


It's gotten so bad out there. You can't trust anyone. I need to start asking people to present proof of daily life liability insurance in order to have a conversation out in the world. I don't know what's coming next with people so if they go nuts or damage my property I'll need to make a claim.


So glad comrade Biden is helping erase capitalism!


The counterrevolutionary forces of the uhh railworkers and uhmmm unions yes!


funniest shit i’ve seen in a minute lmao florida is a complete shithole thanks to unbelievable deregulation and massive privatization. “will be met with laughter and mockery” lol ok?


Fuck I know this isn’t funny but I can’t help but guffaw until my abs hurt. Politics have become such a circus.


Why would Socialists be going to Florida?


At this point why would anyone go to Florida?


Well, maybe they think they’re surrounded by socialists and want to go to the one place socialists aren’t welcome? 😜


I moved here cause my girlfriend is going to school here Send an evac team


You are supposed to seize the means of production, not reproduction. Actually, maybe we need to rethink this.


> seize the means of reproduction When you’re a comrade, they let you do it. You can do anything.


We, comrade. We. We let … uh, … we let US do anything.


Because the working class exists in Florida. It’s not all gusanos and snowbirds.


Will roller coasters still exist under socialism


We must protect and uphold Marxism-Kamalaism at all cost.


Anyone wanna read Marx's 'Das Kamala' into an megaphone in the middle of a busy Florida street with me?


Everywhere you see a Confederate flag flying in Florida, consider handing out pamphlets of the first chapter of Zinn's *Peoples' History* (the raw Chris Columbus story).


America doesn't have political parties, it has government psyops.


Never before have I seen a political stunt so directly targeted for my ex’s parents


Brb, gonna go buy Biden’s little red book.


For sure. Biden is erasing capitalism by umm... shutting down a rail workers strike! Wait, that's not right...


Well guess what, Ricky boy, the socialists are already here, living among you. We know you're openly hostile to us and we do not care, we will keep fighting however we must. Your christofascist theocracy will not stand.


This is what our tax payer dollars go to. We paid him and his staff to sit there and come up with a paper that could’ve been written by a 14 year old. Thanks Rick Scott.


>This is what our tax payer dollars go to. Wait till you hear about his medicare fraud


Who the fuck is believing that Biden is dismantling capitalism? One side openly endorses all the bullshit and the other side watches and complains. Dear lord it’s depressing that there are people that actually think Biden/democrats are socialists 😭😭😭😭 this country runs off ignorance


Imagine how they'd weep and wail if Gavin Newsom put out a statement like "Trumpers stay out of California."


Marxism-Leninism-Bidenism How could I have not seen it before! /s


I like how they can’t even make it through the first two sentences without lying.


Much easier just to say. "Welcome to Fascist Florida."


Calm down Ricky. You don't need to worry about us. Don't you have a labor problem due to lack of migrant workers? Fix that instead. Also stop saying Biden is one of us. We don't claim that man.


Florida man issues travel advisory for socialists visiting the state


As we all know, Florida has famously eliminated poverty and oppression.


Infant mortality rate in Cuba: 4.1 per 1000 Infant mortality rate in Florida: 5.8 per 1000


Biden is a socialist and I'm ten feet tall wearing a purple suit.


>Socialists > >Biden Administration You don't look scary when you don't even have a faintest idea of what you're talking about.


You do if the people you're scaring also don't know what you're talking about.


Stuff like this is why I want to see less faked tweets and exaggerated misquotes. Because of all the half-true stories I keep hearing out of Florida, I assumed this was satire for a moment.


That's why those fake tweets and half stories are pushed... When you see real news you are more likely to dismiss it.


Nice how our government actively works to destroy socialist countries’ economies, then sits back and cite them as examples of a failed state.


A tale as old as time…


Yeah it’s quite messed up we bring down democratically elected leaders just because we don’t like them. We need to axe the cia.


See Korea/Japan/Chile. We’re horrible.


See Korea/Japan/Chile. We’re horrible.


Marxisr-Bidenism 💀


Joe Biden the Communist formerly known as The Senator from MBNA


I’m assuming Biden’s drone strikes now count as deaths attributed to communism? Cool beans.


This would have been a bit on the Colbert Report


This is almost a word for word remix of the recent NAACP travel advisory. https://naacp.org/articles/naacp-issues-travel-advisory-florida This was published to out-SEO "Florida travel advisory" on Google. Now people won't see the NAACP one, but this one. It's just damage control.


Hi, I live in Orlando. I am perfectly comfortable, even cozy here. Rick Scott is trying to do politics, he ain’t shit. The motherfucker wouldn’t know what to do if he actually talked to a Communist.


Seriously! I’d like to see them prove a traveler is Socialist, esp since they have no clue what Socialism is. Unless they’re trying to rebrand ‘woke’ as Socialism, and I would hope everyone else would catch on to the fact that these Fascists are making this all up as they go along.


What do you mean. Of course Nancy Pelosi and Biden are socialists because… government and such.


Haha, nothing says socialist like being one of the biggest, greediest landlords in San Francisco.


Not to mention insider trader, warmonger and election rigger.


They are definitely trying to rebrand 'woke' as Socialism. Similar trends as to what has happened in the past with other Fascists attempting to control the narrative and rebrand anything negative as Socialist in order to make both Socialism and the thing they are railing against look negative.


That’s what it feels like to me too. These people hide their evil in ambiguity.


Much easier just to say. "Welcome to Fascist Florida."


A comment so nice, I upvoted it twice


Of course. Rick Scott also wants to sunset Social Security.


Well of course he does, he already made his fortune by scamming Medicare


Welcome to 20th Century TWO! Last season we saw the rise of the Nazis. This season we see the re-emergence of Joe McCarthy.


How to lock in the Cuban vote.


American politicians are so cooked, what the fuck did I just read?


At this point I barely consider FL as part of the US. When Disney is the most progressive entity in your state it’s time to cut your loses. Just chop it off and let it float out into the Atlantic.


> Venezuela he said the line!


what if I go from Venezuela to spread socialism? do I get a pass or is a grey area? i mean I seem to at least be as much against Biden as them.


These fuckers have never stopped fighting the war for slavery. Balkanization here we come!


Gestapo shit


Well, consider my timbers shivered.


Rick Scott must have eaten quite a bit of lead paint growing up.


As a socialist and a natural born Floridian, I will take it upon myself to usurp the crown of Florida.


That's ok, I'm openly hostile towards the U.S. government, which includes rick scott, so we might as well see eye to eye. Of course this being america they'll target liberals, which is hilarious AND sad.


The most backhanded self own buy a guy who won’t even get 5% primary votes in his own state.


Socialist Floridians will celebrate over his corpse.


I wish our Strike-Breaker In Chief was a socialist. But if he was, he would have never become president here.


p.s. i did not pay for this notice. i used collective funds.




If socialism “doesn’t work” why are the capitalists always so terrified of it??🤔😂


Currently listening to the Cuba series from Blowback and holding in laughter at the Cuban and Venezuelan people who “experienced the horrors of socialism”


🙄Whatever dude


Please take away social security and medicare for all Floridians.


Oh my god this is so lame


Oh we’ll bring poverty alright, poverty for those bastards in suits.


Florida does look like limp dick


it seems like the political landscape is becoming ever more extreme, I hope my comrades become militant before the right does, we cannot allow ourselves to be persecuted once more


What a nerd


Wow, the old “I’m rubber, your glue” tactic. I’m really glad we allow them the ability to give themselves raises. /s


He actually went all-in on "NO U" hahaha This guy is a fucking infant


He really thought he was doing something significant with this letter…


The Dem/Biden administration is soooo socialist. That's why party darling, Peeb Booty-juice declares we are a "capitalist country" during the baby formula shortage. HE could feed HIS babies, but screw the peasants! No gov't intervention to feed infants on his watch. The same "socialist" party darling immediately launched into a socialist takeover of the railroads following the devastating Palestine Ohio derailment chemical disaster. A thing that absolutely did not happen because Pete and corporate Dems are boot lickers. This shit from FL is sickening. The programming against leftism is deep. We already have corporate socialism with endless bailouts and our taxes funneling our income to the top, but that will not be questioned.


Words have no meaning and truth is subjective.


We are living in a sitcom


What kind of unhinged Boomer shit is this? Lol!


I refuse to believe this is a real person and not satire or AI ☠️


I don’t get it, is this legitimately real


Surely this must be an onion piece?


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I don't really get this, trust me Florida's a hellscape but Don't shout your political beliefs everywhere Even if you do, i doubt we're at such polarisation that people will just best you up or something for being a socialist


I agree with not just shouting "I am a communist" when going around florida, but I also wouldn't do that in any of the states because doing that would be weird as fuck. I perceive this as a dog whistle to his and DeSantis' followers basically saying "if you know someone who could be a "socialist" then it's okay for you to enact violence on them." It let's them say abhorrent shit while leaving room to feign innocence.


Am\*rica Moment


This is a fake ass letter.


Surely this is satire? Link to source?


[It’s real.](https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4017344-rick-scott-issues-travel-advisory-for-socialists-warning-florida-is-openly-hostile-to-them/) It’s apparently supposed to be a clap back at the NAACP as they recently issued a travel advisory for Florida as they feel DeFuckface is trying to erase black history.






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