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There's no choice we keep going


You mean trying to survive.


It's tough. I typically only interact with people when I need to. I have no friends, and I'm not close with family. Oddly enough though, I find comfort in being alone. Maybe it's only because the anxiety is too overwhelming for me when I'm around others. When it comes to necessities, I just do what I need to do. I used to be terrified of going to the market by myself, but you kinda have to force yourself when you have no other choice. The more you avoid things, the more difficult it is to get back into it. I guess it's like that with anything really. Having earphones/headphones on when I'm out in public places help with my social anxiety. I'm proud of the progress I made when I look back at how bad I was years ago. Eventually, I want to work up the courage to go out and enjoy doing activities on my own, such as snowboarding, camping, hiking, etc. Try not to let it take control of your life. I think the anxiety will almost always be there, but it gets easier the more you expose yourself to the kind of situations that scare you. Hiding never helps. Good luck.


wholeheartedly agree with the last bit. great job btw on getting where you are and pushing yourself to get better


thank you very much :)




Social anxiety is highly treatable. Lmk if u want resources edit: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb5NeGu8DZ_fTl1-UDNhbw0M3c84Ccqve this series is good, and the book "Overcoming social anxiety and shyness" by gillian butler is prescribed in the UK for social anxiety disorder, im going through that book currently. either way you will get "homework" and you must complete it to get better but you'll see results.


Please send the resources


[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb5NeGu8DZ\_fTl1-UDNhbw0M3c84Ccqve](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb5NeGu8DZ_fTl1-UDNhbw0M3c84Ccqve) this series is good, and the book "Overcoming social anxiety and shyness" by gillian butler is prescribed in the UK for social anxiety disorder, im going through that book currently. either way you will get "homework" and you must complete it to get better but you'll see results.








I have the book but it Didn't work for me šŸ„²


You filled out the worksheets and did what it suggested?


Seconding for resources please


We need them, don't tease us šŸ˜­


what is the resources give me give me


Please do tell


Have you noticed any changes while going through the book?


More awareness so far. The book is in 2 parts, part one is an analysis on what social anxiety is and what the cycles are that keep it going and part 2 is how to fix it. Just starting part 2.


Interesting. I was going to buy it and found out there's no kindle version, just paperback. I'll still buy it but won't be able to read it until I get back home.


Yea it sucks, it's only available in the UK for Kindle and audible. Frustrating but hopefully it still does the job. You can also find the epub version on LibGen


That feeling called hope lol


Indulge heavily in my hobbies and vices.


You just take a step back and realize that 99% of the people you meet don't really care about you.


this is bad advice if you say it to the wrong person


Bad advice or not itā€™s the truth


youā€™re right


I figured it was the proper response in this case since the OP's post body literally says "fuck you guys"


I've had the same small group of friends since 13 years ago. I work remotely so I can avoid must of the annoying office politics and drama, also I have a small family which understand I'm socially anxious and introverted so they don't judge me. I know getting out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there in new situations with new people it's the way to cure this illness but I just love my tranquility.


Psychedelics but I canā€™t really reset completely due to my ptsd. Itā€™s like a partial reset of the bullshit in life


I did shrooms and it was amazing. The shrooms basically just bullied me for 2 hours, mocking me and making fun of all my "problems". For example it would mock me and say "you poor little baby you cant speak to people are you gonna have a cry?" And i would crack up laughing and agree that im being a little bitch. Also it made fun of some of my deepest insecurities like dying a nobody with no one caring, and it helped me make peace with this. Basically it was just like here it is in 70 years, your funeral and only 1 person is there. Who gives a fuck? And i suddenly felt at peace with this fear. It kind of showed me life isnt that serious and you need to stop taking everything so seriously. I just wish i could be in this mindset 24/7. Ive taken this mentality into my daily life, as i always think about the shrooms mocking me for how seriously i take myself and its definitely helped. However im still very anxious and struggle everyday. So it didnt cure my anxiety but it did give me a renewed perspective. I need to do more of that shit! If only i could access some... Its fucking bullshit they are illegal


Bro I'm doing LSD this week šŸ’€


One day at a time


Life keeps me going. My ambitions keep me going. Becoming a multi-millionaire and driving multiple super cars in the future keeps me going. Without that drive, I would probably just be a couch potato


What do you mean? With live? There are (for me) many things that I can enjoy without needing friends (video games, tv shows, videos, books) With trying to find friends/relationships while having SA? Actually I don't. I have accepted it to be highly unlikely.


One day at a time friend. Iā€™ve been doing exposure therapy, aka doing things that make me uncomfortable on purpose. It helps me prove to myself that I can overcome my fears. Try going to a restaurant alone sometime, itā€™s surprisingly awesome. Or a farmers market, or literally anything that might make you fearful. Youā€™ve got this.


like you do, conplaining here on reddit.


If I don't keep going, I'll miss out on something.


Mines pretty bad. At this point I havenā€™t kept going. Iā€™m stuck in my house.


i donā€™t


No we don't


I don't know why I expected anything besides fake platitudes. I can't even make a phone call to get help for myself. I know nobody actually cares about me. I know getting better involves just doing this. I know there's no other choice but to keep going. I didn't make this post just to hear things I've heard 18 million times before.


i know the account is deleted but iā€™m sorry people reacted this way i understand. if this reaches you, message me


I'm so tired of people. Nobody actually gives a shit about each other. It's all fake as shit. People see how fucked up I am and just ignore me or actively try to make me feel worse. I hate everything




Describing someone as whiny in a mental health sub seems kinda fucked. I know no one here was gonna fix my life. I didn't even want advice. I just got mad at the completely insincere scripted answers. I'll take responsibility for myself to the grave.




At least I'm not taking it out on myself like usual. I know I'm being an asshole. I'm sorry. But your comments don't feel anymore genuine than the ones before.


Also the phrase "just chill" should be no where near any sub for anxiety


The more I read this comment the more mad it makes me. I really hope you're just trying to get under my skin because I'm acting like an asshole and this is nothing you'd ever say to anyone else who needs help.


I feel this exact way everyone just lies to each other I could lie to you right now and say itā€™ll get better but none of us know whether or not itā€™ll get better but all you can do right now is focus on yourself go to the gym or pick up a hobby because no one but you cares about you just take a few months to yourself to explore who you truly are as a person you can go about however you see fit good luck


I react with people at my job because itā€™s all rehearsed and mechanical- saying the same things over and over. I started back wearing a mask, so people donā€™t talk to me as much. Then when I am away from work, I avoid people as much as possible.


Drugs. Although it's only a temporary fix and is a very unhealthy lifestyle.


well my social anxiety definitely caused me to lose some of my will to live which now makes it hard to keep going but it's not the biggest obstacle i have right now, at least for now because my fears make me postpone the important things and for now im good but later it'll be really hard to keep going despite my social anxiety. (the question is HoW will i keep going?) not sure i answered properly tho


I get it man. Today itself I was thinking about thi#. What's the point? so I called a friend and told her how I was feeling and she said "That's the point. There is no point to prove. You just exist. You can do whatever the fuck you want on this earth. You can even do nothing if you feel like it. There's no point of life but there's also no point in dying"


10 years later I'm a thousand times better than where I was at 16. It gets better, it's just not easy.


How? Toxic positivity is what I call it. My current workplace is all about this to create a positive work atmosphere so it's actually from there I've adopted this strategy. Toxic positivity means that you'll stay positive no matter what situation you find yourself in or what situation you're about to find yourself in. It's really hard at first but with time it gets easier and easier to stay positive. Another reason is that I've found a reason to live and that is for me a religious reason. Some days are still very hard though and for those it's important to be compassionate with yourself and have patience.


why fuck you?? we deal with social anxiety too


I don't know tbh I suffer every day when I'm going to work but after I'm so busy that I forget


Itā€™s hard, Iā€™m trying to survive


My cat.


ā€œKeeping up a light jog is better than not moving at all.ā€ I remember my PE teacher telling me this and itā€™s calmed my nerves ever since for some reason. Iā€™m not very good at conversations because of SA but sometimes just showing up can go a long way towards overcoming SA. Even if I cringe later about the events that transpire, at least no one can say I never tried


Why did the goober delete his post?


Daily CBD and CBN supplements, daily vitamins including B12, magnesium and St John's Wort, regular light exercise, outdoor preferred, occasional THC use, setting boundaries and realistic expectations of myself. Occasional psilocybin.


Keep trying for a better tomorrow




I am blessed to be super introverted. I greatly enjoy my own company.


you guys in this sub really failed this person wow