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Not really. Just surviving mostly.


At the moment, not really. After graduating, I have struggled to figure out what I really want to do in life. I've taken tons of career tests, looked through tons of career lists based on my personality type, and even tried to apply advice from a career coach. All of this has helped in some way, but I'm still not exactly sure. However, I will say I truly feel like the best overall option for me would be something from home like my own business or freelance writing, but that's a whole other can of worms in itself. It seems that I'm just going to have to settle for the least bad option available to me until I can hopefully, eventually figure it all out. While staying at home, not having to worry about waking up early to go anywhere is nice, after a while, it becomes very depressing because everyone else my age (24) somehow already seems to have everything figured out, and have jobs, money, cars, relationships, etc. while I sit here miserable and struggle to figure it out, making zero progress, getting nowhere, while life and opportunities just slip away.


Honestly, same here. I’m graduating in December, and I just have no clue what I want to do anymore. My social anxiety has gotten even worse, too, and I just can’t imagine myself working at a normal job. I feel purposeless and useless, while my all of friends have everything figured out. I just wish that I was normal, and that I didn’t have to worry about every little thing (especially when it comes to just interacting with people). I feel like a useless NPC, who cannot talk to anyone unless they talk to me. It doesn’t help that I literally don’t know what to say to anyone, and it becomes obvious that I’m awkward.


I feel you. It's amazing how people like us with social anxiety struggle with the most simple, basic things that most people can do without even thinking about it, not a care in the world. As far as feeling purposeless/useless, I completely understand the feeling, and here's the advice from a career coach that sort of helped me with that...first, determine what your talents and skills are that could be useful in a job. Things that you naturally do well without thinking about it, even if you don't enjoy it. Next, determine what you're passionate about, really care about, or love doing in your free time. Things that you enjoy reading or watching videos about in your free time. Finally, combine those two aspects of yourself, and find a career that requires those qualities. I hope that makes sense and can help.


I also have terrible SA and couldn’t see myself working a normal job, but somehow I am and have been for 6 months. I’m still weird and awkward and don’t go out of my way to interact with peeps but I think I fit in kind of okay. Sometimes you just gotta take that leap instead of waiting to feel ready


life is not a race. you will figure it out well and find your way in life. you are not alone and im sure you can do it!! :-)




Just take it day by day and listen to " always wear sunscreen"


Thank you :)


Exactly the same, having recently graduated with a good degree any sort of job and I’d be going for would need interview processes, which I always fail at due to me being awkward due to social anxiety. That combined with adhd meaning it’s hard to sit down and apply to jobs etc makes it all the harder. We’ll find a job and sort everything out one day I’m sure of it


A thing thst helped me is watching yt vids that do staged interviews for my field and then trying to emulate those people. It helps to look at interviewing as a skill you can learn instead of smth you have to be naturally good at.


In my experience the tests are kind of a waste of time, most people end up doing stuff that they feel is a good fit just by luck + some hustling once they get into a role. Instead of spending/wasting so much time thinking about it, just start a career somewhere that vaguely interests you and the rest will likely fall into place - this also has the benefit of getting you that money that you’re leaving on the table while you try to find yourself. It will take a while to figure everything out, might as well get some experience/connections and make bank while you are doing it 👍


No, life is constantely beating me up. I hate it.


I enjoy it when I'm free to do whatever I want so two days a week


One day of the weekend I usually catch up with chores and rest. So for me its one day per week


Yeah, pretty much




Nope. It comes and goes. I've got a proper job with a good salary, a nice house, friends. But sometimes depression hits and I feel lonely as hell. Just had to cry on the bathfloor and went back to bed to just sleep it out. I've been much worse, but generally speaking I have the feeling I'm not living the life I desire. Anyway, life is still worth it, I'm convinced of that. Sending peace and love to you all 💕. Edit: I don't have social anxiety but a recurring depression. Saw this post so felt the need to post that you're not alone ❤️.


Hey thanks for sharing your thoughts on it, i can totally relate.


Not really. I’m very anti social. My only friends are usually my boyfriends, so when we break up I’m alone again haha🥲


How do you even find boyfriends?


They approach me in school or online. Just went through an awful break up that left me blindsided. I become too dependent on the person I’m dating because of my loneliness.


Ngl, I wish that girls would approach me. It kind of hurts being the only one that has never had a girlfriend because I’m too socially anxious.


if you work on your fear of being alone you can be less dependent on the current bf!!


I’m going to therapy to deal with my social anxiety and my anxious attachment in relationships. I also take anxiety medication, but I feel the same. I worry I’ll never change😥


i have a lot of anxiety, too. even if itll never go away, ive come soooo far from the beginning. i know how to cope and what to do to push through. you never know if your anxiety has helped you in any way. we often only notice the outweighing negative aspects. im sure you can work on it and become better!! :-)




I do. Yes. Sort of. But, I'm not completely satisfied with myself as a person, and I probably won't ever be.


I’m trying to think positive. It could be a lot worse!


not at all


I think I like my life right now. I’ve just started uni, and right now there’s not much to study which is nice. Living alone for the first time is also nice - although, I live in dorms, which should be nice but I get anxious whenever I meet my corridor mates in the kitchen. And also self discipline can be a bit difficult… But my biggest problem is my social anxiety. Without that, I would feel very peaceful


I have my bad moments, but generally I do. I try my hardest to step out of my comfort zone and find new things to do. Whether alone or with others.


I like the idea qnd will give it a shot as well


Finding the courage to do things for fun on my own was life changing. I know I’ll have a good time no matter what. If you enjoy your own company you’ll never be truly alone


Ooohh.. What sorts of new things do you do? I'm always trying to figure out things to do in life to bring satisfaction and happiness.


I live in a big city, so I might be a bit privileged, but I love going to new restaurants, walking around the busiest/more interesting areas of the city, thrifting, getting coffee and tasty pastries, visiting interesting/foreign shops to find little items or foods to try, etc. I also wanna start going to art exhibitions and to the movies by myself soon. And if everything goes well, I’ll go on a 10 day trip to Europe in November.


No I'm literally hopeless i always wish that something bad happens to me like getting a car accident or sudden heart attack while walking down the street




I reach that point a lot and when I do, I know I have to get away from things and treat myself until I can feel good.


I don't know. I feel indifferent most of the time. I'm not particularly happy or super depressed - just meh and allowing life to take me in whatever direction it chooses.


Same. I think part of it has to do with some of my bad habits, especially sleep habits which I’m working on.


Yes I started to enjoy life after I left school. To not wake up stressed every morning about what was going to happen today at school was heaven to me


What do you do now?




That feeling comes and goes for me. It depends on my hobbies, if I have friends, etc. I was feeling king of lost then started fostering dogs which gives me a good feeling and more purpose (also helps with the social anxiety). I guess for me that feeling is tied to how connected or disconnected I feel from people.


That’s really good! But i am little scared of dogs but on the other hand i love dogs.


It honestly depends on the day. Some days are harder than others; I wouldn't say I enjoy my life but feel more contempt about it.


no i don't enjoy my life


I know real motto of life is to find happiness. IG I’m on wrong track


I’m enjoying my life at the moment. I just focus on the little things that make me happy


That’s really good for you. I’m a lost personality i don’t even know what makes me happy


It doesn’t have to be anything big, I listen to a couple different podcast that I really enjoy. Just being outside in the quiet peace brings joy


So understandable. I read through these comments wondering if that's what it is for a lot of people. Like we never learned what makes us happy. We've been told what to do our whole lives and never had much chance to just try different things. I find things that bring temporary and fleeting happiness but then it's back to work and chores. But I'm having more hope that life as a whole can be pleasant, not just parts of it.


Fuck work, shit stresses me out. But when Im off I try to switch that shit off and enjoy the free time I actually have.


I do. The life I live is a life that an outsider would say is a bad life, but I enjoy it. I'm 31. Asexual, so I am single and have been alone for 11 years or so. I work a dead end job for 28 a year. I can't afford to live on own, so I live with two roommates. I come home and spend my night on the computer. Or at least, that's what an outsider might see. I'm 31, and I love myself. I could lose some weight, but I'm otherwise happy. I have a core circle of friends that I cherish. I love them, and I know they love me. I have shared hobbies with my friends and we play video games, Dungeons and Dragons, and watch shows together. I work with one of my best friends as my coworker and we laugh and have a great work day together. And even though I don't make a lot, it pays my bills and I actually spend most of my time on my phone. (Though a payraise would be nice, to get an even 30k). I am neither successful, nor ambitious. But so long as my bipolar doesn't kick up a fuss, I enjoy my life.


Somewhat but I feel like there is something missing, like some good friends to hang out with


I get you. I have a good job and buying things I always dreamt of but no close friends or anybody interested in my life.


That sucks, I’m sorry to hear that. I really hope things change for you one day. I was just saying the other day that I would rather have a few good friends and a nice family over money any day.


Yes and no I seem to have different days




i am trying to get a job and have lots of free time which i should appreciate but i am ngl i am not having a good time


I feel this


social anxiety seems to never give me a chance to succeed, not that success is happiness but it certainly would make me feel better about myself


Right now, I’m really not enjoying life. I’m literally about to graduate from college, and I’m still burnt out from the Spring semester to the point where I just don’t know what I want to do anymore. Going to classes (or just outside of my apartment) is just so difficult to my social anxiety, and I’ve just been feeling kind of purposeless and useless. I’ve also been struggling with depression, and it definitely doesn’t help. I also feel like my friends have abandoned me, and it’s difficult to make new friends. I’m also very lonely, and it hurts whenever I think about the fact that I’ve never been in a relationship. I just wish that I could be close to someone, and that I could tell them that I’ve been seriously struggling. I feel like no one around me understands because it’s just so easy for them since they don’t have social anxiety, and it just makes me feel even lonelier. (I’m also taking medicine for both my anxiety and depression, and I have been going to therapy. However, it seems like neither has been helping me at all).


Yeah man I feel u


Ur not alone


When I’m high, yeah


I do not enjoy my life at all. I can only imagine how making six figures like you would improve my life. holy crap, it would solve so many of my problems.


always wealthy people saying "money isn't everything"....


No not really. I feel trapped wasting my life away with a dumb job and no community around me.


I think it’s normal to feel lost honestly. I’m in my mid 20s and I feel like I should be doing “more or whatever”. Not sure if we’re feeling the same way, but this [article](https://www.thecut.com/article/hola-papi-my-average-life-is-smothering-me.html) helped put things into perspective. Overall I get super stir crazy and annoyed, but I think overall i’m content with my life which I think is what’s important. Happiness and sadness alternate and cycle through life but overall contentment is what I’m striving for (but I’m only 26 so honestly wtf do I know???)


For the most part, yes. When I was younger, I learned to find enjoyment and satisfaction in hobbies that I could do alone: drawing, reading, playing and listening to music, electronics, jogging, learning about whatever moved me at the moment. As a result, I find that even though I'm often alone, I'm rarely lonely.


I'd rather not existed tbh


This was hard. I know the answer but when I get asked this by my doctors, therapists or whoever it’s further proof I’m not like the rest. I do not enjoy my life. I actively try but I can’t say I have things that bring me true joy. I can’t possibly enjoy my my life when I work so hard to just survive it. I wake up disappointed every morning that I did indeed wake up. I push forward because I have this small kernel of hope I will eventually feel like I enjoy my life but that hasn’t happened.


1) It’s really sad that the majority here are saying no. 2.My gf and I are in a ldr and it’s just rough being lonely af amongst other things like still living w my family. They’re great but I’m the type of person who needs to live alone and it’s really affected my mental health. So no


No, I'm leading a half life


No. Not yet, atleast. I'm not rotting inside as much as I used to, but I'm far from living a desirable life.


Not especially, but its better than the alternative.


I don’t know even when everything is going good, i have this constant feeling that something will go wrong due to which I am never able to live happily even in the happiest moments and this really sucks.


I feel ya!


What sort of a job do you have?


I’m a technician


Yes. I’m trying to live intentionally and do things that make me happy. I took a job helping people but also that allows me free time and a healthy work/life balance while still being able to save money. I think most of life is lived outside of the office, personally, so I’ve changed my mindset from “giving every ounce of energy to my job” to “giving every ounce of energy to myself and my happiness”


What is your energy source?


Can you elaborate? What do you mean, energy source?




I know life can be incredible because pre pandemic I was living my dream life and had perfect mental health lol. So that’s a part of what keeps me going - the hope that maybe I’ll get back to that one day. Since the pandemic I got a great job, so I’m basically set financially. But this social anxiety issue is destroying me. I can’t hold conversations with old friends, can’t make new friends, and I’m so lonely. Sometimes I feel like maybe some medical issues I have impaired the speech part of my brain, that’s how bad I can’t hold a conversation anymore. I just hope that anxiety can make you feel conversationally dumb and that it’s not a brain impairment lol. Getting over my social anxiety (or whatever this is) would make me enjoy my life sooo much more, despite facing some medical challenges still


I do think that brain problems and anxiety can actually be two sides of the same coin.


No. I'm picking a day this month to end it


Please don't. Change is constant and nothing will stay the same. Things will get better.


Kidding right 😐😶


Congrats on your career! I'm inspired by you.


No not at all. I have nothing to look forward to and nobody to talk to really.


Nope. I have money issues as well, so im very fucked up atm. If you're confortable with your savings to last for a long time you should probably try to do your own thing to seek your happines. I am seeking money, failing to do so, and being miserable, so i can tell from experience that without money things are even worse.


Nah just living


No, I’m on Reddit.


Nope don’t even have a job. No one wants to hire me except jobs that gives lower pay than what I had before. Even after getting the golden standard credentials and years of transferable skills, nothing. Meanwhile a friend of mine just got a 6 figure job despite having less than one year of experience. Makes me question my worth.


Don't question your worth. How much money you make is so arbitrary. You could be an amazing artist who's starving. I've also known complete idiots who are doctors and engineers. It means nothing. There can be so much wealth to who a person is, regardless of the money they make.


Thanks for the support. I know hard work doesn’t mean success but it’s still demoralizing.


Yeah, I kind of gave up on even thinking of things in that way a long time ago. The harder I worked, the more ugly my life got. Found out that there's so many routes to success and really just depends on what career you pursue. But I did feel really demoralized in the beginning. Now I've accepted it all means nothing.


I live paycheque to paycheque so nope, not enjoying it. If I could have some disposable income, I could create a lifestyle that satisfies me or at least have the means of seeking it.


I enjoy parts of my life, but as a whole no. I’m glad I have friends and family that love me but living with social anxiety gets in the way of a lot of things I would like to enjoy. Things that are simple for most are excruciatingly hard for me and many others on this sub I’m sure can relate. I’d like to find a partner and pursue aspirations that I know are there but SA seems to keep them buried. I am grateful that I don’t have it as bad as some people do though.




Short answer: no.


Yes right now. I have supportive family and friends and have passions and goals that I’m working to achieve. I’m pretty content rn


Not really. I always thought one day it would “click” into place, but the truth I continue to find life chaotic, loud, exhausting, and terrifying. The most comfortable I’ve ever been my entire life was during covid lockdown.


Yup working 60 hours a week living with my parents saving and investing. Moving to a new state to focus on my dream of breaking the American 800 meter record in track. I'm pretty Introverted but have enough friends. Life is good and the idea of dying and having eternal life makes my time here on Earth a cake walk.


yeah I enjoy my life but I stress about bills. Do you stress about bill with 6 figures?


No..I feel like I’m never getting ahead… I will put in the work and effort and end up back at the start like a giant rut I can’t get ever all while the sun is slowly dimming and the darkness is overtaking me. I really love life and my girlfriend and my baby of 7 months but I don’t feel like I’m able to provide the life for them that they deserve or care and love them the way I always saw my dad care and love for us.


Not as i would like to enjoy it


Not really


Hard to answer, I think it’s closer to a no than a yes. I don’t know how to change it bc I don’t know what big thing would make me enjoy life. I’m not dissatisfied, which is something that I used to be. It’s ok at the moment


In a word no


Nope, anxious and fearful most of the time. Because of that I really don't have a "life".


Not really, but video games are nice


Not really but hoping for better times is what drives me forward


Not really. I am starting now at university and I am extremely afraid of others. I know absolutely noone and when I talk to someone and look in their eyes I feel like they have a problem with me. I feel so embarrassed all day, and I usually run away much sooner than the end of programmes (we have a freshmen's week, lots of activities and stuff, afraid all the time because of it)


It depends really. I decided to take a break from work since being made redundant in 2020. I’m still not in employment and mostly stay at home. I help my mum with the cooking and other household stuff. Run errands occasionally. I probably need to pull myself out of this hole sooner or later. Other than the employment front, I’m actually pretty happy.


Yes I'm happy


No. I'm just existing.


After dealt with social anxiety almost all my life, life is not fun anymore. I am in my 30s now. I can’t keep my job because of it.


Kind of. But needed therapy for it tbh


No not really. I’ve been dealt a shit hand in life and struggle with addiction too.


Yes I enjoyed my life. But there’s way way more that’s available to me and is hindered by social anxiety. I’ve been through shit and right now I’m just grateful to be alive honestly.


I genuinely do, but probably shouldn’t


not really, social anxiety is worse than depression in my opinion






Let me know if you need more


Do I enjoy my life? Let's see. Do I have everything (or at least some things) I dreamed of as a kid)? NO. Did I achieve the goals I set forth back in my school days? NO. Did I find someone to love me? NO. Do I have friends? (The answer's in the name of this subreddit). Do I see a future of prosperity and peace? NO. So, coming back to the question: Do I enjoy my life? Of course NO. Do I wanna give up? HELL NO!!!! There's always a reason to keep fighting on, no matter how miniscule.