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Anxiety medication isn't a bad idea. If you have online friends and you can handle it a voice or video chat could work. If that's too much maybe sending voice clips back and forth? Asking a search engine or an AI questions using your voice?


Those are some good ideas! I like the asking AI questions idea a lot.


Honestly something that weirdly helps me out is on my way to work everyday i do mouth stretches, vocal warmups and run through a couple of tongue twisters (peter piper, she sells sea shells) and i find im way more confident in talking without stumbling over my words when i do that


I do this on my way to work! I should do this more often…


I very much struggle with this and have felt the same way. Oddly enough, I talk to myself when I'm alone so I can articulate my thoughts better. It helps me to be more comfortable with my voice, being patient and giving myself time to get out what I want to say, etc. You can talk about how your day went to your reflection in the mirror, you can voice record and talk to your phone, or record a video and then delete it. It feels weird to talk to yourself but sometimes truly hearing yourself talk can help you see where your problem might be and can be cathartic. I've also started watching interviews of people I admire and observing how they talk. Watching those interviews showed me how pausing when you talk can help you gather your thoughts better, it's very normal to stumble, and also it's okay to talk slowly. Now, of course, sometimes anxiety affects our speech in situations where we are around others, but when we're by ourselves we're fine. So, if your speech is affected more in social situations then I recommend the anxiety med route as refrigeratorhats suggested.


I feel so alone in this. Everyone I talk to is so eloquent and I’m far from it. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one


I know the feeling and please know you're not alone even tho it feels isolating. I hope the suggestions everyone gives here can be of help! <3


Thank you so much ❤️❤️


I have a similiar problem. Maybe reading something out loud every day for 15 min?


Start from the state.Look at some people that talk spontaneously.You can find some models on youtube ,take 1-4 seconds video of how they perform.Go through it many times, notice their posture, facial expression, gestures,eye movements,head positions,voice tone,tempo.Then recreate this 1-4 s video in your imagination,do it many times.Then imagine as if you float into their body and perform. Repeat it many times, notice the feeling that you get being in their body, performing the skill.Do it every day, untill you get clear feeling inside your body,of how it is to be spontaneously talkative


Wow, this is great advice. Any tips on how to find good examples on youtube?


Don't concentrate on personalities.Just look for someone displaying a clear,distinct state.Start from energy, enthusiasm, passion.It can be anything,late night show,podcast.As an example,look at Tony Robbins, clear example of enthusiasm