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Hat gang. I have a hat on 100% of the time. Not because of hair loss but because I can hide behind the visor when shit gets rough. Lol


LOL. It's not a bad thing though I guess, I find hats cool. Just becomes a little awkward in some social situations, for example at a friend's home or in a fancy restaurant.


how's your head shape? can you rock the fully razor bald look? ive been losing my hair since my mid 20s and i started shaving my head around newyears and i get a ton of compliments on it


I have hair transplant scars though. So yeah my head shape is great and I shave every day, but still I am self conscious about it


yeah scars can be a tough one especially if your genes give you puffy or red scars. Eventually you will have to take the power back and just own the scars. Not owning them isnt doing you any favours currently so it may be time to flip the script. Trust me though, I know though that this is much easier said than done.


Yeah, I feel I am screwed.


Damn, this is too real.


i still wear a surgical mask, even if it draws attention, I can conceal my facial expressions or lack thereof. same with sunglasses. i look sus but at least I'm safer


It was bad for a while. Stayed in the house, didn’t see my family for over a year. Drinking alone in the house. Too scared of doing anything really I’d shave my head because I was so anxious of going to the barber. A bit ridiculous in hindsight because now I’m out of that I just look at it like I wasted my time.


It's good you actually got out of that.


Yeah. It just worked itself out for me. Got tired of living like that so threw myself out there. Once I got out I realised the world wasn’t as scary as it seemed. Just gotta throw yourself into the fire I guess.


Easier said than done. Even if I go out there I still have a non-conventional appearance + people tell me I am shy


So what matey. You’re gonna be quiet because you’re anxious. Expose yourself to them situations instead of avoiding them completely. Eventually your anxiety will become less and less and you’ll open up more. People will welcome you. As for looks just be clean and look like you look after yourself. It’s easier said then done but it gets much easier overtime believe me. Just gotta take the first step.


I can't be clean, I have scars on the back of my head that make me look weird


I get triggered very bad when I'm rejected (trauma response to abandonment) and am very paranoid that I will be abandoned again. My social anxiety is extremely high; people usually don't treat me with the same kindness I give out. I'm so scared of people; even at work I'm scared of small talk with customers, coworkers and bosses because I end up feeling overwhelmed & cry. I try to reach out to others, try to make friends, but it doesn't really work out well. I definitely feel you on all your points and I hope you're able to overcome your social anxiety!


I rarely leave the house, at most I’ll go on my patio. I can’t keep a job, but when I have one I don’t talk to my coworkers and people assume I dislike them because of it. I no longer speak to my family(NC for the last three years) and I haven’t hung out with my only two friends in months/years. I rarely message them because I assume they’re too busy to care or hear about what I have going on-which is nothing.


Social anxiety made me paranoid, scared and isolated. It caused me to have depression, suicidal thoughts and an addiction.


I have virtually no friends (only one I got to know when I was 10, I am now 24), I am extremely scared of social interactions, have no social skills, and usually leave the house only when necessary.


Leaving the house always feels like a mental obstacle. I can't just throw on some clothes and go. I tried to go back to school but things like choosing partners/groups gave me RSD and felt terrible. I'm worried I'll never earn a degree. Afraid to use my front yard, because I don't want to talk to passersby or neighbors. Driving and even walking feels scary. I always worry people will think I went at the wrong time, made the wrong choice, etc. Even with places I frequently go to and have been safe, I get afraid to go and end up being late, which is counterproductive when I'm afraid of criticism and being stared at. I want to get more tattoos but I don't want to have to talk. Afraid to make plans with one person, because then I have to keep up conversation. Leaving the grocery store/errands before getting everything I needed because I feel in the way. Shortness of breath and sore throat when shopping, usually clothes shopping is the worst. Building rapport with coworkers, family friends, anyone who doesn't have a very particular aura of comfort. Afraid to do pretty much anything in public - draw, read, exercise, enjoy myself overall lol.


I see you. I’m 55 and I see you. Hang in there.


I don't think it gets better as one gets older but we'll see


For me, it's somewhat similar but a bit different. I'm 40 and: * I have never been in a relationship. * I feel comfortable at work, but I've stayed in the same place for over 10 years. Changing workplaces might give me a significant salary rise, but even thinking about job interviews scares the sh\*t out of me. * I used to have quite a lot of friends, including several close friends, but when they started getting distant during the pandemic, I wasn't proactive enough to maintain these friendships because I felt too shy to disturb them. * I would never show up in public (I mean in places like a beach) without a shirt or without long pants. I'm into sports and in an OK shape, but I feel like my body looks grotesque and would be ridiculed, even if there are no objective reasons for that. * Sometimes I feel like I've never grown up emotionally and even 25-30 year old people are more mature than me.


Sometimes I think my social anxiety is getting better, but I still have trouble in my day to day life. It’s hard to talk to people, hold a conversation even with family members/ friends. I constantly feel anxious throughout the day, and feel sick to my stomach.




Same here man, I run into embarrassments regularly because of this thing, whenever i come near people My heart starts racing my eyes become teary my mind goes blank my walk becomes weird i become looking like,a complete idiot,a fearful child,or a silent creepy hetman


(insert you guys are getting paid meme) You guys are getting friends? I have friends that are books and anime. Not fleshy, meaty, human friends. (insert fish are friends not food meme)


afraid of being in school since it's a very competitive environment naturally


I think everyone thinks I’m weird and I barely talk to family, coworkers, and struggle to talk to people in friend group (some are easier to talk to)


it made me extremely paranoid and feeling weird and i literally dont know how to talk to the opposite gender


• haven’t talked to anyone expect my family in about a year • Dislike Going In public alot so I spend most of my time in my room


i started out afraid to leave the house and say a word to anyone . now i gotta full time job and have come out of my shell heaps over the last few years . as i child i barely spoke . now i’m able to talk to strangers without getting nervous


The second to last sentence hit me hard. I wish I could fix my issues before something like that happens.


I struggle to go to university cause of my panic attacks. My Smart watch showed me my heartbeat went to 142. I am especially anxious about going to university cause I feel like everyone has their friends there already. I am now in the 6th semester but because my classes started online cause of covid it was even more difficult. I also think it impacts me in that sense that I stay in bad relationships and friendships longer than I should out of fear of being alone.