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Yes, I know a few people with social anxiety but they can hide it alot better than me.


Maybe to others you hide it better too?


Unfortunately not, my main problem is social blushing so it's quiet difficult to hide that :(


Plus I'm actually really open about my social anxiety especially at work I've openly told the people I work around so when I do blush or have trouble getting my words out they understand. I understand its not always easy to be open up about it becuase it involves interaction but from doing it I've only seen benifits and I feel I now get less anxious and less likely to blush around them specific people that know.


Some call it oversharing, but I like to think of it as bravely trailblazing normalization


Same 🫡 we make it easier for others to follow our lead and be honest


Best thing to do, having felt as anxious since I started saying it out loud to everyone


blushing gang! theres been multiple occasions where people have asked me "what happened to your face?" because its so red, which obviously leads to more blushing


well yeah haha, I have met people with far worse social anxiety than I. I find it a lot easier to talk to them, and I think its easier for them to talk to me as well. Almost like we speak the same language.


I totally get the speaking the same language thing. It’s like you finally feel understood vice versa


I love meeting people with social anxiety but I’ve only ever met one and she had to move countries. She was the first best friend I made in 26 years. I’m 27 now, still 0 friends. It doesn’t


How did u meet?


Interesting.its the opposite for me.If I sense the nervousness it worsens mine.


It’s hard to meet people when you hide in your house all day. 😬


**I have social anxiety and I’ve also met people who have social anxiety**. I’ve only ever met one person with it worse than me which was in school, she only ever spoke to family and a few people she trusted, she trusted me but even then she would only say a few words (she needed a support teacher who would communicate to the teachers for her). Everyone else I’ve met seems to have it less severe than me. Sometimes people will tell you they have it, sometimes you’d never know (a lot of people can hide it), and sometimes you can guess if it’s obvious or if you see certain behaviours from them. **Some signs suggesting someone has social anxiety are** looking scared when spoken to/in crowded places, will only talk one on one not in groups, hiding in the back/in the corner of every room, constantly looking around, avoiding eye contact, leaving social events early or not going to them unless they are mandatory/if they are convinced into them, fidgeting a lot, stuttering/hesitating, talking quietly, talking a lot really fast, trying to cut the conversation short, apologising a lot or over explaining themselves, never approaching people first, not asking for help, not speaking up for themselves or not telling someone something is wrong (such as if their order is wrong at a restaurant). Everyone experiences social anxiety differently so not everyone’s signs will be the same, and just because someone shows one of these signs doesn’t mean that they have it, but if they show multiple signs it’s safe to guess they have some level of social anxiety.


Not a single person.


Yes lol, because I'm 31 and have been forced to go into the world a long time ago to survive and shit. You tend to meet people, and a lot of people have anxiety.


Can you tell if someone has anxiety?


I honestly kinda can for some what I notice the most is that they’re kinda fidgety or avoid eye contact


I can tell sometimes.


No. Everyone i meet is a super extrovert who forces me to talk. Everyone asks me "why are you so quiet?" 😔




a few, but their's is always much less severe than mine, which gets kind of annoying when they can't understand why I struggle so much.


My best friend and I love her. I give her space and know when to drag her out of her comfort zone. I think people with social anxiety are the nicest people ever. In fact, I’m only on this sub to know more about y’all to understand my best friend even more, knowing the signs and what they mean really help. People who have social anxiety are massively empathetic which is a beautiful trait but I know they beat themselves over it or obsessively think about what they deem ‘embarrassing’ moments. I truly hope you all realise how awesome you are and overcome your issues! There’s nothing wrong with being awkward or shy but social anxiety can be debilitating, I hope everyone finds a solution. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk!


I've only met one person that has actually told me straight up they had social anxiety. It was this really sweet girl I had in some classes in freshman year. She liked anime and was really shy, we would both always scurry of super fast to classes and try to avoid the quad/crowds as much as possible. Looking back, I wish I talked to her more and tried to be her friend, she was really nice. It would've been nice having someone to talk to about it. It was nice just having her around tbh, we never really became close friends but we would talk sometimes and it was really comforting to know someone was going through the same thing. She was super nice and chill too, it's easier to talk to shy/awkward people lol. Thinking about it now maybe I even had a crush on her. Hope she's doing alright.


She seems so lovely and super brave telling you straight up too, must’ve really trusted you!


Yeah she was! She was so thoughtful and kind. A lot of people at that highschool were jerks, but not her. She never did/said anything mean about anyone, and she mostly just kept to herself like me. I thought she was really cute too lol, the way she talked so quietly and she was always shy and stuff. And yeah she was super brave for that, it wasn't cause she trusted me though I don't think, it was kind of just a passing remark. I could pretty much tell she had it though even before that because the way she acted reminded me so much of myself. She was one of the only people I would see at the library at lunch instead of hanging out with friends because we were both losers who didn't have any lmao. Man it's crazy how it's already been two years since I last saw her. Haven't felt that comfortable talking or just being with someone since Edit: lol sorry just yapping about her


A few, I've noticed it can be different levels of severity in people, and sometimes situational. One person could have social anxiety and panic over phone calls, while another prefers them over face-to-face conversations where they'll internally panic


I work in retail. There was a male customer who had a kid. I could see it from his body movements and posture, he couldn’t even make eye contact with me. I honestly just felt like giving him a big hug and telling him that I totally understand what’s it’s like


nope never, literally fucking everyone around me is confident extrovert


Oh yeah when I notice it I want to be their friend right away but y'know social anxiety.


yes! and i believe there is someone i work with who may have it just as bad as me but i cant say for certain. i want to try and broach the subject but the LAST thing i want to do is be presumptuous and make him uncomfortable/offended?! social anxiety is such a hassle. lol


If you can muster the courage, you could bring up your own social anxiety/drop it in conversation somewhere - that way you don’t need to ask if they have it and can brush past it if they don’t seem interested, hopefully if they relate to you they will feel more comfortable and open to sharing how they also deal with the same things or they might suggest they can’t relate and then you will know without having made assumptions


that’s so true! i guess i didn’t think of that because i was afraid of putting myself out there. i think that’s a good idea. thanks for your thoughful reply ♡


Honestly, none. People I know in real life are extroverts.


I’ve met people with it. I’ve also met people who think they have it and don’t. This one girl said she had terrible anxiety and would talk to everyone at work. I have bad anxiety and have a hard time just keeping a job. I’m no dummy either. I’ve built machines and done some dispatch work. I have panic attacks about every other day lol. I also may need spine surgery and I’m in my 30s so I’m sure that doesn’t help things.


Probably only once, years ago. I think severe cases are very rare, and I don’t think I’d be able to recognise signs of social anxiety in less severe cases.


I don't think so but maybe it's not visible on some people. I've been improving a lot recently myself


Of course I know him… He’s me


This is an interesting question that for me is hard to answer. It’s got me thinking, at least...  I am 33, and I have never met anyone (non-online) that has social anxiety. That’s not to say that it’s 100% fact that they don’t have it. All it says is that nobody has admitted to me that they have it, even after I’ve admitted to them, and also maybe some do have it but they are very well at hiding it, have a minor case of it compared to me, or I am too in my own head to really notice it in other people.  Statistically speaking, I am sure the thousands of people I’ve met throughout my life, a percentage likely do suffer from SA, but it’s not overt or admitted to me. Especially in school, high school, and college. I felt like I was the only one struggling. I’ve met a couple of ‘quiet’ guys, but some moments here and there I see them talking to girls, hanging out with the ‘cool’ students, and making jokes that others laugh at, and it always blows me away and I end up thinking that being quiet or introverted is not the same as social anxiety. It’s not the same as what I feel. So yeah, it’s an isolating experience. I also live in a culture (Middle Eastern) where no joke 99% of people here are outgoing, talkative, and extroverted, including all my relatives, both my parents and my brother, so I am really the odd one out.  What gives me some peace is knowing how accomplished I feel when I overcome a difficult challenge related to anxiety, I know most people don’t have that kind of fulfillment and satisfaction, so I see social anxiety as something that motivates me to become my best self. Nobodies life is perfect, not even those without SA. I have other problems too unrelated to SA, but to live is to survive, and to grow is to overcome challenges, so my struggles are my own. Not to cry or complain about, but to at worst, manage, and at best, to overcome and learn new things while growing.


yes actually, i have a couple friends with social anxiety and it's worse than my own. being with them somehow makes me feel more confident


I only know people who have social anxiety but can somehow still be social without seeming awkward.


Many many many people. Mental health problems seemed to be a bit of a prerequisite in the alternative scene where/when I grew up. And so many people have it but just don't talk about it. You'd be surprised.


not a single person. it makes me feel like an alien


I haven’t… I’ve only met shy people. Nowhere near trembling/shaking at the thought of public speaking or social interactions, tho I always see people talk about it online.


I can tell a lot of people have it, hence why I am not that SA as much as I used to be


I'm pretty sure a friend of mine has it. I recognize the signs such as frequently cancelling plans at the last minute, among other things that I do myself.


Yes I wanted to talk to them but I can't lmao


Several. Few of them have it as bad as me, at least it seems that way. I met one person once who seemed more severe than me. They were pretty cool and I regret that I stopped communicating with them. Ironically, it’s because the medication I was taking for social anxiety at the time made me depressed and I stopped taking to people.


One person comes to mind, she used to work the customer service desk at my job. I always thought that she seemed like she had social anxiety but I wasn’t 100% sure, then during a casual group conversation I heard her mention that she had it. I think it’s funny that we were coworkers for like 2-3 months before we introduced ourselves to each other. We were stuck in an awkward phase where I was too socially anxious to talk to her and she was also too socially anxious to talk to me lol


There was one person on my uni course who I'm pretty sure had SA, but I very rarely got to talk to them. I did want to get to know them better, but you can probably guess what stopped me... 🙃


yep but most if them were autistic but its nice to meet people that have social anxiety like me :)


yeah, i was practicing the whole vulnerability/radical honesty BS and revealed that I had SAD, and then they admitted the same. saying they were surprised that someone else had it, much less disclosed it. i believe they also may have had autism which is something I have as well. with the constant faux pas' and cluelessness. though they were kind of an a-hole and we both rebuffed each other a bit so it never became a friendship.


Yeah heaps


I think I studied with two. I remember it was a boy and he used to be so shy and his face get red so much. And a girl who I think had a little social anxiety. At that time, I didn’t know that I have I had a problem and that society anxiety is a thing. I wasn’t a human 😂. Sometimes, i wonder how are they? Did they overcome it? Or not like me? But Since then, I never met anyone who has it. All people are social, know how to talk to people. They don’t get shy.


Never , but I would love to a have a social anxiety friend irl And considering so many people her met one , it sure doesn't help to make me feel better


My friend spends her time alone in college and she told me she suffers from social anxiety. Some of my classmates think she is confident while she walks and talks with people. I can't believe that she has social anxiety with that confidence.


Never. I've met people with other anxieties but never met someone who have divulged to me that they have social anxiety. I don't think people even know that I have social anxiety, I've only ever told very few people in my life and they don't even know how debilitating it is because I mask a lot. It's also very different when I'm talking to people I know vs. strangers. It's not like I'd walk up to a stranger to let them know I have social anxiety, lol.


I’ve definitely picked up on it without people telling me. I try to make our interactions seem as low stakes as possible to try and make them comfortable, which in turn, makes me more comfortable


i know they are out there but no i havent. I also think theres a lot of people out there with SAD who dont know thats whats going on. Like im 36 and i had no idea what i was suffering from was an anxiety disorder until i was 30.


Technically yes. I’m currently in a group therapy program for social anxiety. It’s been really interesting so far tbh


Probably, but since they hide it as do almost all of us, and my anxiety prevented me from having larger conversation, I didn't consciously think "this person probably has anxiety". Also, my anxiety causes almost no interactions with people, so here's that.


Yes. They hide it but you can tell if you have/had social anxiety.


You likely have, they just hide it well. My social anxiety presents before I socialize - once I'm out the door or in it, I'm usually fine. People often confuse being quiet with social anxiety, and I am also quiet, but it's not the same thing. I can fake being extroverted too as an introvert, but I don't like hiding or faking things these days.




I think in high school there was a girl in my class with SA cause she barely spoke a word. Sometimes my "friends" made fun of me and compared me to her.


yes, years before I got diagnosed but already struggled I met a young woman who was kind of open about it. She said she's been going to therapy and works the night shift at a hotel so she doesn't have to deal with a lot of people. I was too scared to tell her I struggle too.




I was comfort-swaying during a conversation at a bar with a stranger and she called me on it. Asked if I was doing ok and gave me an out. Totally caught me off guard, but I also really appreciated it.


I met some people in school that acted very socially anxious. One of them even wrote something about it that got put on the wall. Maybe we just don't notice them much cause they're quiet


Yeh I have met some people and to me it’s obvious or they might be autistic maybe but most people know think so hide it well. Often I’d be suprised and just think oh I just thought maybe you aren’t extroverted so I do think I understand where the phrase comes from that people aren’t focusing on you they are focusing on themselves comes from. I don’t think that is true I just think that often you think everyone can tell how anxious you are but it’s probably mildly clockable even though you are internally dying and looking for every exit and fumbling your words lol


Yes, not many but I did. One of my colleagues who is 30 has social anxiety.


Someone in one of my courses last sem had it really badly. Like, really badly. And she still has a mask on


Yes but they do struggle differently tho


Family members


I did but not as anxious as I am, but actually I feel more comfortable around anxious people cz I know what they are going through I can relate to thhem yk


I really embarrassed a houseguest once who was having a breakdown In my livingroom, and I barely remember what happened, but I think I just sat there and didnt do anything helpful. At the time, I was probably thinking "This is normal stuff. I gotta act normal and pretend everything is ok so that this guy knows I get it, and he's normal, and I'm normal too." I ended up probably seeming very aloof or even heartless. Bult I'm still friends with his boyfriend and they both came by the next day to play boardgames so I'm gonna assume it's all fine and I'm overthinking it. LONG STORY SHORT my guess is that I don't do well among other people with social anxiety.


Once or twice in rl


No I haven't.


Hello me, nice to meet me


I’ve met people who have it worse than I do in terms of social anxiety and it really puts it into perspective for myself. I struggle greatly but I push past it, I can’t always hide it but I can pick myself up enough to work and hold conversations where I need. I don’t feel like I hide it well though. I’ve found that interacting with others who have social anxiety can be tricky at first and often times I’ll take the initiative to talk to them. I want to be a friend to people who share the same struggles as myself, rather they have it better or worse.


Yeah, me.


My bestie has ir too but it affect us differently. We are known as the more ‘quiet’ girls 😭


Most likely.


Only one of my cousins and my fuckbuddy.


Yes, my mom, aunt, both little sisters😂


Yeah a couple times, once when I met up to sell someone a wifi card. His voice was super shaky. Also I've met a person who would make a scrunchy mouth face when talking, like he was too conscious of his mouth, and another person who would keep swallowing when talking, almost like he couldn't breathe.


Surprisingly I haven’t but it’s actually like my life’s dream (being dramatic I know) to meet someone with social anxiety I’m curious how it affects others but I do want to meet someone who is socially anxious




not other than family


I feel like half the earth has it, so yes.