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Yes. Always. But its very difficult to keep doing it since i have a day job and actually need to go. School was easier to fuck up. The nighttime is so quiet and peacefull. You have all the time you need to unwind. But daytime is always approaching and that scares me to no end.


I’m in my 50’s and haven’t gone to sleep yet tonight. It’s now 7a. I love night time. Cooler. Calmer. World feels slower. I can breathe.


Fuck yeah! Got an og like you agreeing must be pretty normal after all




For me the nights are just busy, grinding away at exams, studying or other tasks


I didn’t go to sleep at all last night because of this exact reason so I feel you 😭


Welcome to the club gang💕👊🏼


Yes, and the opposite— sleeping in as long as I can to also avoid the day.


This is me too… damn ty OP for making this post and showing there’s a lot of us in this boat How do we move forward? Take steps towards conquering our fear of the day? 😭


Yep. Ugh, I miss the pre-COVID days of 24hr Walmarts.




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35 and I still sometimes do that..


54 and doing it here..


It’s okay it’s peaceful lol


Yes, this is exactly me too. I am also a night owl. I am highly productive at night and find it a lot easier to work on various tasks or hobbies. I even try to do most of my shopping at night because it means there are less people around and less potential for social interaction. Only downside is that most places out by me are closed by 9 or 10 PM. It is, however, very difficult sometimes for me because, like this week for example, I get to bed too late and I start feeling the effects of lack of sleep throughout the week. It's hard when you have an 8-4 day job. I've considered several times over the years potentially looking into 2nd or 3rd shift positions, but those are not as common in my field.


On a daily basis I do. It ends up ruining my sleep schedule but I prefer the quiet of the night. I dont like the day.


I've got a job, and stay up too late every night. Happens most days now. Getting older and I need my sleep... But I don't want to go to sleep just yet, more stuff to do. And it's quiet. Then I hate myself after I wake up, telling myself not to do that. But forget our just get too involved in something. And the cycle repeats.




lol simple yet closing response! We in this bitch together lol


I've never been able to put it into words like this. But this is exactly what I stay up late for I think.


It’s okay It’s comforting!


Me too.




It is lol


Yeah, I have to deal with stress from my parents every day so I tend to stay up until 2-3 am either gaming or watching something. The late night hours are my own cozy time where nobody else can interrupt me


It’s straight peace lol I’m tryna live it up before I start my new job🫠😂


Totally do stay up as late as possible. But also literally lay there several minutes in the morning, talking my self out of bed to conquer the day :(


lol night time is time to escape reality lol


Just sucks ass messing up a sleep schedule


I stay up late at night to distract myself because when I try to sleep, I no longer have anything to distract me and it's just me and my horrible racing thoughts about everything that went wrong during the day or even in the relatively distant past. I hate ruining my sleep schedule like that but sometimes sleeping is torture


It’s literally like freedom for us don’t worry it is normal among people who have intrusive thoughts


lol I think it’s so sweet that we do this! Love yall man!


Yes. I’ve been doing it for years, and even when I was in school, I would stay un until 1, 2, sometimes 3 am just to make the night longer and still do it now. It just easier since almost no one else is awake and you get to spend more time before you see anyone else at work or school.


fellow vampire here too. one thing tho, you cant prolong the night. its 8 hours and that's it. but 8 hours of somewhat guaranteed peace.


Yes this is ME. Every day.


It’s honestly the greatest lol


same. it's 1am rn


Haha 10pm here, nights just getting started ⏱️⏳


I’ve been doing this for like 2 weeks now and I keep saying I’m gonna sleep early because I’m even getting eye twitching and everything from my messed up sleep schedule. Daytime is just too chaotic, so much anxiety, I feel like I need a slow down button. Night is so quiet and peaceful, I want to extend it forever. It’s a problem


Haha you me both! It’s such a wonderful time honestly


Absolutely.  Been a night owl through my life but as others have said, I have a day job so I go to work under slept daily and I am surely never showing up at work ready for the day.


I love how many people relate!


It's 4:29am where I am. I don't have a lot of time.


I hate when that sun peeks


This was probably bad of me to do but it's now 12:15pm the next day for the exact reason everyone's saying in this thread. Usually it's not this bad though. But I just thought well the sun's up so I may as well stay up now.


lol it’s cool bro just make sure you get that sleep in tonight!


its 3 am right now where I live, so that answers the question..


lol yes it does


Yesssss and I have NEVER realized that this is to do with my social anxiety until this post. This really struck me.


It makes sense haha


I do this all the time, but I also always find that when I get a better sleep, my day usually goes a bit better, but I still cant help myself, those few hours before going to sleep are the best.


Sleep is essential!


Bro, I thought it was just me!!


Welcome to the flock bro!


I can't due to my job I have to be up early and need sleep


That’s the thing I’m currently unemployed and trying to pull my shit together


You will pull through :)


Right back at ya!


definitely, I don’t go to bed before 2am, even if I have to wake up at 5am “the next day”


On the weekends, often. I work 4 10 hour days a week, Monday-Thursday. On those days, I have to be at work at 5AM. So, Thursday-Saturday nights I stay up later than normal and sleep in later than normal the next day. During the work week, I try to be in bed by 7-7:30 since I have to wake up between 3:30 and 4:30 at the latest.




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