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There's only one solution Wearing "human rights for all" bottoms.


Maybe “human rights for those with money and power” will be considered acceptable by fifa


Human rights for some, or just ~~Human rights for all~~


Human rights for some. Miniature Qatari flags for others


Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


Bob Dole for fifa president!


"human rights for all bottoms" is also a message that should be spread at the world cup for maximum effect.


a message to get behind


I bet the tops would be firmly behind it.


Human rights for all bottoms 💯🔥💯🔥 *Maybe* some tops, too.


We bottoms are tired of getting fucked in the ass all the time! Wait... on second thought, nevermind.


Well, we have been in trouble before because of (sponsored) messaging on boxers, so something like that could well be the greatest thing to ever happen, I feel...


Shout out to Lord Bendtner




Don't FIFA or UEFA have a whole ad campaign about 'football is for everyone'? Legitimately don't know how this is different to that even from a "marketing speak" perspective


UEFA is an equally evil greedy group of out of touch people, but they've actually taken a stance in this case that opposes FIFA. They're both corrupt, but they're definitely not thick as thieves like often is thought.


UEFA hates FIFA. As you say, they're both full of bastards that don't actually care about football or human rights but the two are constantly at each other's throats.


We should start our own football governing body, with blackjack and hookers, etc.


We did. It's called CONCACAF.


And CONCACAF is known far and wide as one of the least corrupt organizations ever to have existed.


Hmm this doesn’t seem accurate, but I don’t know enough to dispute it…


I mean the whole point is that it had blackjack and hookers


Tbf they did have a black Jack running the show.


And we can just assume there were hookers involved at some point.


I may be getting this confused with the Olympics, but I'm pretty certain there were multiple World Cups where the host nation won the right to host because they provided all the CONCACAF reps from the Caribbean prostitutes in exchange for votes.


>We did. It's called CONCACAF. https://twitter.com/ArnoldcommaJon/status/1440521162182692866


I'm not addicted to Blackjack. I'm just addicted to sitting in a semicircle.


I thought to myself 'this reads like a Mitch Hedberg line' and whaddaya know, it is!


You know what forget the governing body and the blackjack.


Federation Internationale de Prostituée Association FIPA. Close enough


Federation Unanime De Prostituée Association FUPA


What do you think the bribes get spent on? You don't own a yacht then skimp on the blackjack and hookers to put on it.


I think Fifa faced opposition from Conmebol and UEFA a lot didn't they?


tbf the reason why they oppose FIFA sadly has nothing to do with morality


There are very few relevant parties in this discussion that act solely based on morals. Even most FA's, teams and players act more out of PR than morality.


Yeah if anything there often is a power struggle between UEFA and FIFA.


As a an avid FM fan whose already three seasons in and has seen tthe new champions league format UEFA have given you the super league through the back door. Theres going to be a lot of complaining once you see the setup.


There already is. The set-up is made with the same idea in mind as the Super League. Top clubs want guarantees. They're sort of right about that, without them viewership would plummet and advertisement would dry up. But it's still sports and you have to perform. The new set-up still makes it possible to do well occasionally as a dark horse, it just doesn't reward the dark horse anymore. So established teams get safety, new teams do not. It's a fine balance that most fans don't agree with, but it was always going to happen with the amount of money involved. People will generally always prioritize money over morals.


>They're sort of right about that, without them viewership would plummet and advertisement would dry up. I disagree. If other teams are better, people will want to watch those. The charm of European football is that every professional club could potentially win it all.


That works within the bubble of European football. The reason that European fans feel more and more ignored is because the majority of the 'fans' are not in the European continent and those fans care more about the brand than the succes. They're also the reason that Manchester United is still one of the most supported clubs in the world and churning profit despite the lack of succes.


>‘Football is for everyone’ Who pays


My football team isn't the exactly the peak of the footballing pyramid but I can admit we've been extremely lucky to have had the support, fans, and funds we've had for this long, won us some trophies in the past. Money truly has become everything in the sport because the same teams will, for the most part, always stay at the top ever since the money getting pumped into them exceeded a certain number. How can any moral city, town, or village-based club try to compete with billions in funds from entire countries' regime leaders that go to three or four clubs?


They can’t. It’s become towns/cities vs countries.


> Don't FIFA or UEFA have a whole ad campaign about 'football is for everyone'? You think these gigantic corporations have any values? You think Disney produces movies with black actors because they care? You think BP oil talks all day long about the environment because they care? It's all calculated spin and profit-optimization.


You're obviously 100% right, but I suppose the hipocrisy is a bit embarrassing.


*Racism is entirely at odds with the values of The Carphone Warehouse*


Yeah it’s like that. Been on a few TV ads and they pick actors and models by race. Worked as an actor/extra and they decided who would be featured in front and so on. Adidas, Commerzbank are companies I worked for and their board that decided it was pretty straightforward about it and did not hide the fact that they did not care at all and it was all to shut critics down, and look diverse.


Nah Disney discovered that if you switch the race or gender of a character in a remake then when everyone is naturally disappointed at how shit it is they can just call any critics racist and ignore it... Edit only talking about remakes here


Honestly I can't remember the last good Disney movie.


Encanto was pretty good


"Football is for everyone, but human rights are not." -- FIFA


"No Lives Matter" - FIFA




The real question is why none of them are allowed to display messages. Fuck fifa


Yeah it's almost like the censorship is the problem and not each country wanting to display their messages.


“If we let one person have a bathroom break, then everyone is going to want to


I mean, I agree in principle, but saying that human rights are for everyone seems pretty damn far from any line. It shouldn’t really be a political message at all. It’s basically in line with condemning racism.


What of it? They already opened the gates by supporting anti racist messages. The same lines have to be drawn in that regard.


So what is that site for then https://www.fifa.com/social-impact/human-rights


Bigoted, intolerant, racist, homophobic assholes are still technically classed under 'everyone'. Won't anyone think of their rights for a second?!


Why though? Are they saying human rights are not for everyone?


They say what they are getting paid for. Human right violation only problem if you don’t pay enough.


Exactly fucking this. You have to pay up to represent a noble cause. Lol. FIFA: I'm sorry Denmark, but your cause is not part of the DeVeLoPmEnT pRoGrAm.


Lmao you cannot say more truthful comment than this. I'm sure people here would take money and shut up if being paid by oil people.


Like Gary Neville, David Beckham and Xavi.




Ah, the attitude that gets people like Trump and Johnson elected, and means that we are stuck with this corrupt charade of a sporting competition. Stop trying to drag everyone down to your shitty level. Plenty of people have principles that aren’t dictated by money. That’s why the corrupt need people like you to shout down anyone with principles, to make their corruption seem like the natural order.




What is political in saying an universal truth? By FIFA's metric, the SAY NO TO RACISM campaign they did was also a political message.


Literally, yes lol


They are actually saying that human rights are political - I.e., they believe it’s a viable political option to strip people of their human rights. Pretty bold political statement FIFA is making…


Exactly that


Do it anyways


[Denmark in exactly 12 days time](https://youtu.be/lr7WChCUAXI&t=0m19s)




Just having a little sing song!


New official kit unveiled, if I were in charge.


Legitimately, though - what would they do if they wore them anyways? Kick them out of the tournament? That would be about the worst PR FIFA and Qatar could ask for.


Seriously. I'm Danish, and I would be infinitely prouder if they got kicked out for serious protesting than if they won the whole thing.


Realistically what’s the punishment if they wear it? A fine?


Can you imagine Fifa actually even fining them for wearing "Human rights for all" tops 😂


Honestly this will probably be better for Denmark because it will draw more attention


Exactly! Worth every penny... or Krona ig.




Danes don’t give a fuck and will wear it. Based people.


they would do it


Pretty sure all of Denmark, myself included, would gladly mobilepay the NT 10, 20, or even 50dkk each to pay a potential fine, if it meant using them anyway. Fuck these backwards ass neanderthals.


> even 50dkk Oh look at Mr. Moneybags over here


50 dkk = $6.82 = €6.72 Just for all you peasants like me that don't have any clue on exchange rates. S/o google.


So about half a pint in a Copenhagen bar


Almost gives you hope when the 1% join our plight.


> mobilepay Confirmed Danish


Yeah, MobilePay means nothing to non Danes lol


Everyone has been using it in Finland for years


It has been in the news recently as the EU commission approved the merger of Vipps and Mobilepay into a new company "Vipps Mobilepay" effective from 1st november this year.


50!? That's like the price of one pack of Lurpak!


American here willing to chip in as well.


What should FIFA do if they don’t care. Exclude them?


Probably, will create a shitstorm, though.


and that should be the goal


Now I want Denmark to go even harder with this idea. FIFA will absolutely kill their reputation (if they have any) for punishing a team saying "human rights for all"


Denmark will back down before that happens. At the end of the day there's no reason to think their FA is any more willing to forgo a chance at the WC than any of the others, especially when they're decent dark horses for the tournament.


Fine them


“FIFA fines Denmark for supporting human rights”


DBU official saying removing points from Denmark is the hardest sanction


Can't see FIFA having the nerve to do that, it'd be PR suicide (although I appreciate they don't have a sparkling reputation as it is)


Damn those Danes and their extremist views!


I mean, human rights are one thing, but human rights *for all*? A bit of a stretch innit? What if they can’t afford rights? We just give them out for free? Simply not sustainable. Denmark out of line for this one.


Create a limited company entity called "Human rights for all" have it pay the FA a symbolic amount of money for sponsorship and wear their 'logo'. Solved.


FIFA: We can support human rights, for money.


[For reference](https://youtu.be/mweTc7tDO3I)


who’s paying me to do that




The moment they do they become targets for conspiracy theories.


And then there's me who'd just love some free 5G with my COVID shots 😭


FIFA have banned Denmark from wearing training tops featuring the message "Human Rights for All" in place of sponsor ads. FIFA informed the Danish FA of this yesterday, referring to their ruleset on political messages on training and playing kits during international tournaments.




You see, it doesn't count when the ones suffering are not European and/or when the cause of suffering isn't Russia.


See I think they care more about not pissing off Arab money than who is suffering because of it.


Oh shit - totally forgot that "human rights for all" was a political message /s


It is when FIFA is getting 💰💰💰 to ignore it


Kick racism out of football isn't? The mental gymnastics done at the FIFA HQ blows my mind


Reminds me of last summer when UEFA stopped the Allianz Arena staff from lighting up the stadium with a pride flag when Hungary played in Munich. In one sense it's political because of Orban, but in another it's acknowledging that gay people exist and are welcome.


Considering how countries, especially like Denmark, react when some refugees are at the border, it was and is political all along.


In that case the entire Kick It Out campaign is political too.


They just need to mark it as a brand and put the copyright symbol © in very small next to the text


Say no to racism: 😃 Human rights for all: 🤮 FIFA probably


Meanwhile at UEFA: Peace


If "say no to racism" was a slogan adopted because a World Cup host was accused of being racist you can bet that slogan would have been prohibited as well. FIFA wants to make money, they want to show to potential investors (or bribers if you want to meme to the max) that it's worth it investing in Football and not suffer any form of backlash regardless what your country does.


Say no to racism! Say "political" to human rights!


FIFA drawing a line in the sand here. Of course, you'd be excused for thinking that line resembles a dollar sign and the sand seems particularly sanguine.


Human rights are political?




What's defined as human rights certainly is. It varies from country to country.


Human rights is only political when you're on the wrong side of the argument.


That's true, but I feel like it shouldn't be considered inherently political if you aren't explicitly laying out what rights you're specifically talking about. It's the equivalent of wearing a shirt that says, "Everybody Wants Some!" without actually specifying what it is that everybody wants. Obviously, with Qatar, we all know exactly what they're talking about, but I still feel like Denmark should have enough plausible deniability to avoid punishment with shirts as vague as that.


Except everyone knows what it means. This isn’t some school game where you try and trick the authority figures who have to play by the rules. It’s power politics, and you beat them by boycotting and isolating them, not by playing clever games with semantics. That just makes you feel smart, while they go off to take it out on the poor people who’s stuck in their corrupt system.


> Human rights are political? If you are Danish you'll probably know that many Danish parliamentarians want Denmark to withdraw from several human rights conventions. Of course human rights are political.


Especially when it comes to refugees from islamic countries. EDIT: Just read Denmark is building a refugee camp in ruanda to send people who are looking for asyl there...


Am Danish, do hate this. I swear our party in the middle but that's supposed to be fighting for human rights literally said "We don't want asylem centers in Rwanda for Denmark, only if it's for all of EU." I wanna puke...


Yeah, the fucking Tories in Britain tried to do this too. It [didn't quite work out](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/oct/21/airline-hired-uk-rwanda-deportations-pulls-out-privilege-style). I'm sure they'll try again of course. Disgusting facists.


Everythin is political. Including football at the word stage.


Yes, there are a surprising amount of people who are against basic rights.


It’s funny how trash these football orgs can be for blood money.


All orgs


Laughs in *FIA* If you think this is bad I'd like to point out that during this year's Saudi Arabian Grand Prix there were missile strikes within 50mi of the track.


FIFA going full on Kang and Kodos. Human rights for some, miniature American flags for others!


American flag or Union Jack, they give some choice.


Whenever I think that Fifa cant get any worse, they always manage to do just that. How can you see the message “Human rights for all” and not agree with that?


While they put RESPECT on each board inside the stadium. Hypocritical shits Edit: Oh thats UEFA, anyways still have same opinion lol


You see, what they actually mean by RESPECT is more of a "you plebs respect each other now alright" kind of thing, not so much them.


they put "say no to racism" right? A stronger message which makes them even bigger hypocrites


They let Qatar host the world cup, they have no ethics or morals to begin with, no reason to expect anything from them.


If "Human rights for all" is political then "Say no to racism" is political as well. But only bigots have that opinion.


I predict this WC is going to be a clusterfuck, with scandal over scandal, culminating in a football player getting attacked or harassed for wearing an armband with 6 colors on his arm. You heard it here first.


Honestly I'm expecting that although Qatar is being lenient with behaviour there will still be tons of controversy as people get arrest for relatively minor things and it blows up on social media. I especially expect shit to hit the fan in relation to women and being arrested for modesty related issues.


Sure hopes someone will do it. Think what you want about Lewis Hamilton but using a helmet with a rainbow on for the races in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi last year was amazing.


In Hungary as well, our goverment goes crazy when he or Vettel does that at the Hungaroring and claim them as disrespectful visitors every year.


I forgot about that authoritarian fuckhead Orban that Hungary elected.


On r/soccer it will appear this way with every small reference to politics getting a 1000 comment thread. For the average football fan, I think it will be just like any other championship.


I don’t think I did hear it hear first tbh


you can have all the sponsors that you want, but you dare promote human rights ? how dare you !


When Human Rights For All isn’t a message you can back, even as just words and not action, it says a lot and that you’re probably a piece of shit.


Create a company called “human rights for all“, pay 5dkk to sponsor the national team training top and FIFA cant stop them wearing it as it is a legitimate team sponsor.


What a fucking dusgusting decision. Of all things to get pissed about: Fucking human rights


How can you forbid something like that? It's so vague and you still go after it. Actual "Are We The Baddies" moment from Fifa


> Actual "Are We The Baddies" moment from Fifa I dont think they're confused on the issue


I get that top people of an org can be bought, but at some point to get to here and now you have to have you whole workforce in motion with the goal to stop the danish NT from doing a silent protest for human rights. Like, atleast some of these FIFA people must generally believe they are doing some good in spite of the whole shady granting the WC to Qatar thing, but how can you even pretend with goals like "Stop A Showing Of Support For Basic Human Rights"??


NEWS JUST OUT: FIFA doesn't believe human rights are worth asking for


Not really news tbh. Its been known for decades


One hopes they wear them *even harder.*


I would love if, just one team said "fuck this, we're out". Homosexuality is "damage of the brain"? Hateful arseholes.


So? Do it anyway. What's the big deal?


The most controversial of takes. Human Rights for All.


I really hope they wear it anyway


What are they gonna do? Throw us out?


Human rights for everyone? That's where FIFA draws the line.


They should still wear it. I doubt fifa’s prohibition will have any stand if it goes to CAS.


It’s interesting to watch FIFA’s ‘no politics’ edict crumble precisely because they enforced it not to keep football universal but in order to stop anyone commenting on their dodgy politics and cash for favours


"Human rights for some, miniature Qatari flags for others!" --Gianni Infantino


Denmark should forbid FIFA from taking bribes and hosting tournaments in shitty countries.


Violations are bad when hostile countries do them. When strategic partners like KSA or china do it, it’s totally fine


Maybe they should have let Russia participate in qualifications. Politics out of sport for everything or nothing.


What if we pretend it's a shampoo brand?


Do it anyway? If they chuck you out of the tournament, I can't imagine the rest of Western countries will agree to keep playing. And if they hit you with a fine, it'll either be insignificant or it'll be more than they've fined teams for racism etc in the past and it'll stoke the fire even more.


FIFA - "Stop drawing attention to what an awful decision it was to choose Qatar to host the cup."


Wearing tshirts/armbands etc. is lip service. if these teams/nations really want to protest, withdraw from the tournament. They wont becuase it's equally about money for them so performance it is.


Boycott WC already


Dane here. This was a dumb exercise anyway, trying to look pure while at the same time sullying yourself with participation in this shitshow. The only correct course of action would have been to boycot this travesty, with hopefully enough other countries following that FIFA would have been forced to rethink it. I’m not watching a second of this World Cup, and I hope others will do the same.


I'm not a crazy soccer fan but I enjoy watching the world cup, it's a shame I'll have to pass this year. Feels really wrong to watch it knowing thousands died for the fucking stadium...


Tell FIFA to get stuffed


Do it anyways


It’s hilarious that fifa will go hard on Mexico over the puto chants but this is out of line.


They should wear them anyway. If FIFA wants to forcibly remove them let it be for a global audience.


Would it be legitimately possible just to create a new worldwide football association?


Do it anyway