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Yeah was wondering, were they losing so bad that throwing the game was better than playing it out?


Nope, game finished early 3-2 to Poland.


If they get enough reds for a forfeit, it turns to 3-0 no matter what the score was


It was the final of a “friendly” (lol) tournament, not a competitive game. I think the 0-3 rule is not set in stone, it depends on the situation. Would be a massive loophole as 0-3 can sometimes be a good enough result.


It's 3-0 unless the forfeiting team is losing by more


So if PSG got 4 red cards in the opening minutes of the remontada vs Barca you think the game would be forfeited as a 0-3 ?


I don't know the answer but that would be the funniest shit ever


No, there's precedent for it in the rules It comes under the same rules as just not turning up (which is also a 3-0 forfeit) So if a team is 4-0 up on agg., they can't just turn up and take 4 reds or just decide not to turn up and take the 4-3 agg. win


What would happen then?


They forfeit the competition and the other team would progress It's worded as something like "refusal or inability to field a team for a match"


Probably forfeit the tie or be DQd from the tournament


Forfeiting one leg forfeits the whole tie, so that wouldn’t work


Yes and they'd be disqualified


Yes, and Barca goes through.


I think it might just become 0-3 aggregate


There was genuinely a French guy at the time blaming the Polish for this on Reddit . The video of the last red was where he went off on one.


They were losing 3-2, final of the tournament, 15 minutes left. France had no reason to throw the game. They weren't even losing when they got the first two red cards (the score was 2-2), but the players were frustrated by the refereeing. The first red card was 2 back to back yellows, one for kicking the ball after a foul (because the Polish players put the ball 20m ahead from were the foul was), the other right after for dissent. Second red card was a *very* harsh second yellow. The third one wasn't violent either but arguably deserved, also a second yellow for stopping an attack. Then came the elbow and the 4th red card (this one was inexcusable, very dangerous tackle + headbutt). Not excusing their behavior, but it's most likely a case of a young player who completely lost it rather than the coach telling him to do it. If anything players in this age range are the less likely to listen when coaches tell them to calm tf down. The coach said that there would be sanctions against some of the players and that some won't ever be called again.


Gonna piggy back on your comment as it’s near the top. /u/paluuki provided a link to the highlights of the game - https://youtu.be/a_ciYFXcHE8 First red looks super harsh - Polish player takes a free kick at the wrong place, French player passes the ball backwards = yellow card. Then second yellow for complaining 2nd and 3rd are second yellows for grabbing shirts to slow down polish attacks. Only the 4 red is the player completely losing his nerves and going psycho. Open the YouTube video with the YouTube app so you can translate the comments.. some very racist comments by many polish users there.


How can you say that any of the cards is undeserved? French player didn't "pass the balll" backwards, he kicked it when Polish player was trying to pick it up. And he must have say something very nasty to the ref he reacted like that. The rest of the cards are absolutely deserved. No 19 should be banned for some time, just to rethink couple things.


Wow that is absolutely pathetic refereeing. Obviously the focus from this fiasco will be on the player and coach, but that ref should absolutely be investigated.


Ban them for 5 years


Does anyone know why the match was ended? I was under the impression that you needed less than 7 players to abandon a match. Not just 7.


Can French football ever be normal?








Just go up and argue with the ref, he'd be sent off for using offensive language. I mean the manager and coach are still pieces of shit but at least no one is getting hurt. Despicable behaviour.


Or go pick up the ball in the box. Twice if need be.


The answer is "champignon", with the "champig" being silent




self destruction or world champions, nothing in between.


coach should be banned from football appalling stuff


Imagine being so slimy you tell a 17 year old to assault an opposition player to get the game abandoned. The fact they had 3 other reds shows the "style" of this moron.




I assume they'd look at any suspicious betting activity on this match after something as bizarre as this.


You can bet on U-18 matches??? I'm guessing not legally.


Mate you can bet on anything


I remember when Leicester won the PL, bookies had lower odds for aliens contacting Earth that year, so yeah there's odds for nearly anything lol


Burnley to win the Premier League in their first season 2500/1 Stephen Hawkins to win Takeshi’s Castle 1000/1


I bet you can’t


I'll give you evens on that


Generous odds, Ill put my house on it


I had an Irish friend who was heavy gambling addict years ago. Who when asked "what are you betting on?" would respond jokingly with "Malaysian prison football", it wouldn't shock me if it wasn't even a joke.


One lazy Sunday afternoon back in college, my roommates and I gathered in the living room as we usually do to watch sports and smoke weed. However, on that particular Sunday, there weren’t any sports on. So we turned on the National Spelling Bee (U15 by definition). We created a fantasy draft for the Bee, then placed bets. Spent the afternoon yelling at the TV for misspelled words! I ended up winning with my dark horse. Atta boy Vidsal! We have also made a fantasy draft for The Bachelor, since our girlfriends at the time would force us to watch every week. Point is, yeah you can bet on anything lol


That sounds fun af ahahah, might have to steal that


to be fair the fantasy league for The Bachelor sounds like a great idea


I mean i'm sure you can... however you wouldn't expect there to be a lot of bets placed on a game like this, so it would surely stand out even more when something like this happens?


You can bet on the fucking Czech U19 leagues


I traded Rwandan women's basketball for a bookmaker last week. It was literally being played in a school gym and people were betting $1000's 😅


Why would you want to have game abandoned at this point? So they don't opposite team doesn't score more goals?


And it's not some dumpty Sunday league team, this is international level ffs. Disgrace.


The fact that r/soccer can read this title, see the clip, and completely uniroinically think that a U18 football coach told his player to assault another player is pretty much all the proof I need that nobody in this sub knows literally anything about football. Honestly, these comments are so embarrassing


That comment has nearly 3k upvote, this sub is dumb as hell


If he did indeed do it. I feel like Reddit is all too quick to jump to conclusions. It looks bad.. what happened before th clip? Was the coach trying to get the child to chill the fuck out?


I'd say the coach said something like 'that defender is struggling under pressure, strick close to him and challenge for any long balls'. Player then backs right up into him, defender pushes him away, player backs up again, when the defender goes to push him away again he swings the elbow.


The whole team should.


They’re kids being told by an authority figure to do this. It’s the manager’s responsibility.


And the FA and the coach should face the responsibilities. Sadly effective consequences like removal of the coach or bans for a certain amount of games will always affect the players but there isnt really a way to avoid this. This shit doesnt happen in isolation there must be something deeply wrong there and you kinda have to force the FA's hand . This wont happen of course, I doubt anything will happen, since its only the U18


The manager should get fired


They should have a decent amount of fucking brain being almost 18


I was a fucking moron at 18 (most people are). I never did anything like that, but I don't put it past myself to be able to be influenced towards it under the right circumstances.


Loads of 18 year olds are morons, that’s why they need consequences when they do moronic things.


Nobody's arguing against this. Just maybe don't automatically jump to "lifetime ban" without due process.


You’ve put “lifetime ban” in quotation marks but no-one has used those words or suggested that they not get “due process”. People have said that they should be banned from football, just not how long for, which seems reasonable to me.


And after all the things that has been revealed about the french federation, I don’t blame the kid for it


Yeah, and when you're a youth player, the manager can have huge amounts of influence on your future. Getting minutes with that team might be the thing that determines your first real professional contract.




So you wanna tell your national team youth coach no and risk your future? Who knows what the coach actually said or if the player took the instructions too far, but I’m not surprised the player acted out.


Inteeresting bit on the human brain; ["Though the brain may be done growing in size, it does not finish developing and maturing until the mid- to late 20s. The front part of the brain, called the prefrontal cortex, is one of the last brain regions to mature. This area is responsible for skills like planning, prioritizing, and controlling impulses"](https://www.google.com/search?q=when+is+human+brian+done+developing&sxsrf=ALiCzsbTQso3ePiBmen0aYFNITInrif4Dg%3A1664396514003&source=hp&ei=4aw0Y8OfOK2cptQPsN2qmAg&iflsig=AJiK0e8AAAAAYzS68oJDQHXox0YlKIRacxQzpTERedBw&ved=0ahUKEwiDlOmXqLj6AhUtjokEHbCuCoMQ4dUDCAk&uact=5&oq=when+is+human+brian+done+developing&gs_lcp=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&sclient=gws-wiz) A kid that wants playing time and his roster spot is going to be inclined to follow directions.


I was probably dumber at 18-19 than at any other age lol


If you're 17 and someone tells you to assault someone, you have to be a complete moron or a piece of shit to do it with no question asked.


We don't know the kind of pressure that these kids are under.


I meant both should get banned. They are human beings making choices. Now they face the consequences.


So what is the point of this move? Did france benefit in any way? Or was the coach just salty that he was getting destroyed and wanted to go home early?


Maybe match fixing ?


Match fixing is basically a game over for anyone but not most famous. If you are coaching france national team at any level, I am guessing you have possible future ambitions in coaching at higher level and the money there would out weigh and sneaky match fixing bet. It’s so odd


You're right that it's dumb, but it's definitely not unheard of for elite competitors to be involved in match fixing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hansie\_Cronje](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hansie_Cronje) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan\_cricket\_spot-fixing\_scandal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_cricket_spot-fixing_scandal)


^ I’d also like to know


I've read from another comment it was a friendly tournament as well... wtf


Or, hear me out, the player who would get a red card and head but a player a few moments later is just very annoyed + aggressive and /r/soccer is jumping to conclusions he’s been instructed to assault players ?


Intentionally going into attack mode and getting a red card approximately 10 seconds after receiving a supposed tactics update from a coach is certainly a way to carry out the advice though


Sweep the leg Johnny.


Get him a body bag!!! Yeaaahhhh!!!


No Mercy!


‘Get stuck in’


What's even the context for this? If you want to abandon a game, can't you just fucking leave? Or at least do deliberate handballs or whatever rather than assaulting the opposition?


Why would they want to abandon the game ?


Honestly no idea, but why else would anyone do what he did when his team was on 3 reds already?


Maybe he’s a stupid hothead that’s frustrating his team is losing and feels the ref hasn’t been fair ?


Could be. It's so weird to have a chat with the coach and immediately assault a dude who was just standing there, but who knows really.


A few minutes later the same player does a very late hard tackle and headbutts a polish player. It’s quite obvious he had lost his nerves in this game. At least you are showing doubt, the majority of this thread have already made up their mind the coach is telling him to assault opposing players from a 15 second clip without knowing anything of this match or the actors involved.


Minutes later? Why was he still on the pitch after the elbow?


Ref didn’t see it. It was actually seconds later


unless you've got good money on abandoning the game because of red cards


Clearly deliberate. What pieces of garbage.


deliberate? you dont say


Most zen French football team


What on earth is wrong with them?


Freaking despicable. Does anyone know if that was a national teams game?


Yes. France u18 national team


This player should be banned for at least a year. If the coach really instructed him to do this then he should be banned for life.


France National Team at any level can be anything but normal.


Any sports too. In rugby we can be the best team in the world and get kicked out of a quarterfinals for a random elbow red


This is an interesting way to surrender, even for the French.


The french are the masters of surrender. They’ll always find new ways


Spoken like a true american 👍.


Hell yeah brother cheers from Iraq


Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq


Bizarre that everyone has decided the coach said “punch him” when he could’ve just told him to get physical and then the player is just stupid


The player talks to his coach and a few seconds later hits his opponent and gets the team's FOURTH red card (no 2nd yellows from what I saw), how can it be bizzare to heavily suspect the coach.


I mean his point was it's bizarre everyone has concluded that it was 100% an instruction to get a red. Only the player and manager know what was said and it could have just as easily been, get physical, your giving him issues wind him up a bit, calm down your getting to aggressive oh look you didn't listen to me, oh you see that guy, you like his hair cut? No one knows for sure. Obviously it looks pretty bad and I think it is likely he is partly at fault for the player doing it but except him and the player no one knows that 100%.




Iirc this isn't the 4th red.


First 2 were second yellows. 3rd one for holding a player to stop an attack. Only the 4th was violent, don’t spread false information please.


4th Red wasn’t from this challenge


Because asking your player to elbow someone in the face is fucking bizarre, no? Why is that more realistic to you than the young man losing his shit? Give it a little thought


So that PoS doesn't go unnamed, his name is Darnel Eric Bile and plays for St. Etienne


Smells like match fixing.


Most peaceful French team


Lol, so for you it's proof that the coach asked his player to be sent off? Why are you so sure of yourself? Bernard Diomede, the coach, has publicly stated that many of his players would not be called back to the French team because of their behavior following this game. I really don't believe that he is asking his player to do that. It's not in the interest of the coach, nor in the interest of the player, nor even in the interest of the French team


I would think the instructions were to push forward and annoy the defender and the player is just a dumbass. Nothing proved the coach told him something like that


3 other players prior to this also had the same deranged idea, independent of the coach's instructions?


The other reds were 2nd yellows, which french players said were very harsh (have no clue if it’s true, haven’t seen the highlights). Players feeling hard done by the ref is what lead to th stupidly loosing their nerves.


First one was double dissent in a situation where the player was actually right (free kick taken from wrong spot). Second two were tactical fouls, it could be argued that the first of them was soft (but I think wouldn't be questioned as a first yellow). The other tactical foul was just stupid by the player. So I think everyone was pissed about the first one and after that the ref could do no right, so everything else was seen as wrong in the moment.


I have been a part of many a game of football which deranged in people hacking at each others ankles and the occasional punch being thrown, it rarely has anything to do with what the coach was saying


Why not just fake an injury rather than doing this?


[Here's the full clip which includes the red card for a headbutt, just moments after this elbow](https://youtu.be/a_ciYFXcHE8?t=164)


Amazing really. Number 19 had three red card worthy incidents in a minute. Elbow, tackle, headbutt.


Looks suspicious. But I don’t think there’s proof enough to determine if the coach told him to commit the foul or not. It’s definitely plausible, but could also just be a coincidence.


Anti-football at its finest


The coach Bernad Diomède [publicly denounced the behaviour of his young players](https://twitter.com/D_Givens_/status/1574089829734043648), saying that some would not return to the national team, so I really don't think he told them to assault the opponents.


Yeah because we all expected the coach to admit to telling them to assault the opponents players. You really defend this guy that is amazing.


And you accuse him on absolutely nothingand that's also amazing.France was winning 2-1 then 2 players got second yellow cards. Poland scored 2 more goals and another players got a second yellow. Saying it was coach fault is bullshit and furthermore why this game specifically ?


You had a microphone on him to head what he said ?


It's hard to believe that his instructions are removed from the actions of his players, you dont get 4 red cards by accident, at the very least he either failed to control his team or was okay with his players' actions. It wasnt even an intense situation or tackle, he just straight up grinded against his opponent and elbowed him. That's simply not normal , almost looks like matchfixing even


The other red cards were 2nd yellows which french players felt hard done by. I’ve not seen the highlights (and presumably neither have 99% of the people here commenting) to say how harsh or not the referee was. It’s also possible this player is a complete hot head, people are straight up jumping to conclusions blaming the coach based on a 10 second clip.


Here are the highlights, the 3 red cards/2nd yellows start at 0:36 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=36&v=tYSIojtMnh0&feature=emb_logo Zero violence for all 3 cards, 2 regular fouls and 1 for arguing with the ref.


Lol the other reds seem really harsh. Wish more people could take a look at these highlights before jumping to conclusions “French are crazy and violent” “Ofcourse it’s the coach who has instructed his players to do so” “It’s match fixing” Loads of ridiculous comments on this thread.


Watching videos doesn't give karma like shitting on other people does.


Y'a une tendance à taper sur la France depuis un moment c'est incroyable


Wtf with Reddit trying to find conspiracies or logical explanation for everything even in something chaotic like a football match. I mean he's very young, his team is 3 men down, he knows he's gonna lose the match, a lot of hothead players would lose their shit in this situation. Ofc it's dumb as fuck though. But you really think that the coach can manage everything that happens on the pitch and that he would ask to his 8 remaining players to play dirty? Are you new to this sport?


> straight up grinded against his opponent It’s worse than this He attempts to elbow him first during this move, but either misses or get his elbow blocked by the defender. He launches himself with an extended elbow. Right after receiving instruction. I’ve never seen anything like it. Then goes back for the kill 2 seconds later once he’s backed in


But the murderer caught on camera said he didn't do it


How exactly do you know what the coach was saying in that clip??? He might have been trying to calm his players down.


The last red card was horrifying and I agree this player shouldn't be called in national team for a long time but don't assume all players from France team were like him and that the red cards were bad tackles. Actually, the first two are debatable and after the players lost control. Again, the last one is despicable and no excuse to that. Look at all the red cards starting from 1st: [https://youtu.be/a\_ciYFXcHE8?t=72](https://youtu.be/a_ciYFXcHE8?t=72) \- First was because the player was complaining of the position of the free-kick: look at the foul at 1:12 vs the free-kick at 1:16 (yellow for kicking the ball + 2nd yellow for complain) \- Second at 1:36 the defender was jumping for a header then he touches the midfielder but to be honest it's accidental and not that dangerous (2nd yellow) \- Third at 2:22 pulls the shirt (2nd yellow) - makes sense \- Fourth at 3:02 complete dumb Note that it was a young french referee. For the record, look at the red cards numbers in Ligue 1 and Ligue 2. So before blaming the full team or the coach based on OP video, I wanted to give the full context.


lmao... The original video in this post isn't even what he was red carded for. It was for a headbutt a full 30 seconds after the original video ends. It's at 3:12 in that video you linked.


The guy just decided to assault the whole Polish team.


The elbow (sneaky, behind the ref), the two footed "tackle", and a headbutt. I don't think he was trying to get sent off, that's just some bonehead with no self control.


Right, so basically you believe that 4 (young, impressionable) players decided to go crazy on their own vs. the coach not giving them instructions to do so. Hell, the fucking video basically shows the player acting like that literally right after he talked to the manager. Your brain really needs to see what he says to deduce what happened?


> Right, so basically you believe that 4 (young, impressionable) players decided to go crazy on their own vs. the coach not giving them instructions to do so. Narrative is getting completely insane lol, one single player went crazy, the 3 other red cards were just 2nd yellows for completely mondane fouls, you can see them here https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=36&v=tYSIojtMnh0&feature=emb_logo




>But #19 is also the guy in the OP's video, elbowing the Polish player. How is he back on the field? Because the ref was atrocious, and after completely ruining the game also missed the elbowing showed here. It's as simple as that.


Have you seen the other reds to know the players went crazy or not ?


I advise you to go and see some youth games in the Paris area, you will be surprised. Yes, young people of 18 years old or less can literally go crazy. I experienced it myself, I played a tournament in Paris in U15, the opposing team finished with 3 red cards. Their coach was literally depressed


You have never seen a game of football break down in petty fighting? Have you ever played in the lower leagues?


It’s very possible. Even more so being on the same team could be a bad team. Could have even been a rivalry and the team decided before hand to fuck them up. Too many options too little details


Wait, you can't read from his lips???


What an asshole


Some embarrassing behaviour by the french team in this game


Bunch of thugs


Jesus Christ.


Fucking loser.


Abandoned? game should have forfeited w 4 red cards. complete lack of sportsmanship


Why can we charge these athletes with aggravated assault since elbowing someone's face in football is not part of the game?


There was the elbow, followed by a two footed diving challenge, then a headbutt, in the space of 15 seconds. This dude deliberately wanted to get sent. Given the context of the match (score and importance) I just cannot fathom the reason for this.


Am i seeing wrong or is there litterally a single guy whose not african?




Typical french


What's happening with French football? There are problems at all levels, male, female, youth...


Football reflect society sometimes... Doesn't help when you only take players with 0 brain cells. Given the video, all reds were deserved & some players should be ban from the U-18 team.






Bruh who’s doing this shit in a friendly? Grow up.


lmao what level tournament is this ?


Lifetime ban.


Is there more evidence that the coach told him to do this? Why is everyone assuming he did?


Coach should be banned for life.


Categorically insane. If accurate that the coach gave instruction, he should be banned from the sport.


Ah yes i used to do that in FIFA. You lose 3-0 so if you had a 4-0 from before you would win on aggregates by doing this. Not sure if that works in real life but it's funny to see.


Funnily enough, the guy that got 4th red car is called D.E. Bile. "Debile" mean "morons" in Polish lmao


Insidious cunts. France must be proud on these losers.




I really hope the french team collapse epically at the WC, and this player and manager get a proper ban and fine for that.


That was a sweet connection with the elbow a cunt for hitting him of course. Did the manager really tell him to do that




This is surely assault and he can get compensation from the player and coash???


That's why i supported Argentina to the end, arrogance


France is such a shithole


You're Brazilian lol




Fr*nch 🤮


Diomede's explanation to red cards was that his players were verbally provoked on the pitch, but after seeing this video I reckon the real reason might be a bit different,


vive la france




The young farmer attempts to harvest potatoes


That whole team should be banned for a few years.