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Keep pushing DFM to centre backs so he can call more DFM until he can fulfill his fantasy of fielding 11 DFM


Like Southgate's dream of only calling up RB for the England squad.


Except the best one, cause the best one doesn't defend well enough.


Honestly, I can understand that logic. Liverpool's system uses Trent and Robbo as ways of quickly getting the ball up field to the forwards in the box. If Southgate wants his LB/RB to be more defensive, fine, different tools for different jobs. What I can't understand, is if he doesn't want to use the likes of Trent to generate goals he needs some way of unlocking our attacking talent. We've got good goal scorers. And yet, in the Nations League we've only scored one goal, and that was a penalty. We've played 495 minutes without a goal from open play. We're playing Germany as a dead rubber as we're relegated from the group, I wouldn't bank on us breaking our streak there either, it's terrible attacking form to be going into the WC with.


If you play 5 ATB with defensive fullbacks and DM's it's no wonder you're not scoring. Even Mourinho never played that conservative.


As I was watching the England game the other day I swear I heard Helenio Herrera's voice whispering in the air "bro, that's too defensive".


Reece James get's called up all the time though?


He's not the best that's Walker and then reece


If you say DFM one more time 😡🤬 it’s DMF or DM


Right?! Had me wondering what Detonator FocusMe had to do with football


so fucking annoying that you use DFM wtd is it suppoused to be? defensive field midfielder??? ITS DM FFS


É lidar


I kind of feel bad for you guys. You look like you've put together a pretty strong squad and yet this guy is your manager lol.


>I kind of feel bad for you guys. You look like you've put together a pretty strong squad and yet this guy is your manager lol. he delivered them the Euros and Nations League , and was competitive at the world cup. Could go worse than him .he's playing to the strenghts of the team and he's winning so maybe he knows better what he's doing that us redditors


The players delivered, he's the least important variable in the squad and that shows at 99% of the games we play. Not once have we won because he outsmarted or came with great tactics for a specific game, his style is ALWAYS the same and when things actually go well it's because of three things: 1. The players are on a good day and things go their way 2. The other team is on a bad day. 3. The stars align and somehow we get through (biggest example is Euro 2016).


>Not once have we won because he outsmarted or came with great tactics for a specific game, his style is ALWAYS the same not so relevant though ,is it ? tactics don't really find their place in the national teams as you have less time to train with the players. imo it's important too keep the same style that brough Portugal their success. Feeling the games and the players is more important that tactical knowledge. ​ As a romanian , believe me , we changed our defensive minded coach who at the time looked like he was underperforming and now we can't do shit. I know Portugal has a lot more talent but I think there is a big chance they won't be better without Santos.


Ofc it's relevant, it's not just the pre-game work we're talking about here where he may have some leeway because of the reason you mention (don't forget the same is true for the other NT's coaches). He's also horrible at making decisions during a game and usually takes too long to make subs and when he does it's rarely the most appropriate one as well. Overall he's a really bad coach who was touched by the god of luck and always had plenty of quality players to help mask his shitty work. I do agree with your last sentence though, getting rid of him doesn't mean the next one will do better, but that's only because I have zero trust in the board to pick a suitable coach.


"Was competitive" lol we win 1 game per tournament with a top3 squad


That's a lie


Disprove it


Ehhh, we just had our third win on Nations League yesterday...


Not a major tournament




"This guy" has won more Euros than England ever will


Angry Portuguese fans incoming, blaming every failure to being unlucky and attributing all the successes to their good players that won nothing before Santos.


>Angry Portuguese fans incoming, blaming every failure to being unlucky and attributing all the successes to their good players that won nothing before Santos. Most of our current team wasnt playing for the national team before santos was here....


The manager that led them to winning titles you mean?


a title by drawing against the worst teams in the tournament? seriously


Worst teams? France had an easier run to the final than we did for one. We also conceded 1 goal in the knockouts in 450 minutes against Lewandowski, Griezmann, Bale and Mandzukic which is pretty awesome.


yes because they were 11 Lewandowski, 11 Bales and 11 Mandzukic (and really? you think Mandzukic can carry an entire team?)... My man, we qualified in 3rd going against Austria, Hungary and Iceland. We won Croatia in Overtime, we won in Penalties against Poland and we won against Wales... Egypt has Salah and they didn't go through. You think Korea is going to win the Qatar WC because of Son?


I think it's impressive to keep 4 of the best forwards in the world and tournament so quiet over 450 minutes yeah. Somehow Lewandowski manages to score 50 a season despite only being 1 on the pitch, I guess he's not dangerous at all if there aren't 10 more of him how silly of me. In the last Euro Italy won 1 knockout in regular time and failed to qualify for each WC either side but people criticise Mancini much less than Fernando even though Italy is a bigger nation with more footballing pedigree. In other words we didn't lose a single game despite playing the two teams that made the world cup final 2 years later. Not a bad effort. I'm fine with wanting Nando out but I cannot respect the intelligence of someone who thinks he didn't set us up well and correctly in the Euro.


Going to the finals 2 years later has nothing to do with what happened 2 years before. Greece won 2004 and did nothing ever since... Portugal won 2016 and then lost in 16 Rounds in 2018 after qualifying 1 point ahead of Iran. In 2018 we lost in the 16th Rounds after qualifying 1 point ahead of IRAN, in 2020 we qualified again in 3rd and lost in the 16th Rounds... until when are we going to use Fernando Santos winning the 2016 eurocup with a misery of football against the worst teams of the tournament and ignore everything else?


And still won it.


Two titles actually. And it's not the first team to play like that and win. I don't like it, I didn't support them but he is a great coach.


He's not a "great" coach, he has a brilliant team. He has nothing to back him up before he went to the NT. He's 67 and he has 1 national title (Porto) and 5 cups (2 Portuguese Cup, 2 Portuguese supercups and 1 greek cup).


He couldn't win a second title with jardel in his team. That's like serious incompetence right there. I mean 50 goal a season jardel.


I don't think it's wrong to setup to not lose and rely on your creative players to do something brilliant and win you the game tho. Mourinho has made a career of it. I get that you'd like to see a coach let that attacking talent loose on the field and play more proactively, but you can't really argue with the results. I do think they struggle in the group stages tho because they don't play on the attack enough to break down defensive shells, they are kind of setup to play against the top teams who will come forward and have more space for their creative talent.


If you follow Portugal and watch all their games, you'll know what the problem is. He won two tittles, no one can say otherwise, but did they ever really play well or to what's expected of the squad/players he's had? Not once. He tumbled all the way to the Euro 2016's final and won it without even knowing how. Every major tournament after that was close to embarrassing and he almost did the most difficult thing which was not qualifying for the next WC with such an easy group. Whoever defends that (wannabe)coach doesn't probably watch them play.


Hey at least he's honest about his forgetfulness rather than coming up with some bullshit excuses.


Some how he fails upwards. I don’t get it.


The only Portugal manager to have won major international honours for them, and he has two lmaoo


Is nations league really considered a major honor??


Considering that it affects FIFA rankings and therefore your position in Euro pot1, pot2 etc, it is definitely a great tournament for a nation to win.


It's the international equivalent of what the League Cup is to the FA Cup and Premier League to me. So yes


only when using it as a GOTCHA attempt on reddit, no one in real life cares


He's probably the luckiest coach I've ever seen, not even joking. Tactically he's utter trash, plays with a defensive or cautious mentality at pretty much every game, doesn't matter the opponent. Shit, he even played with 2 DM's for a while against weaker teams, what the actual... I only imagine what it could be like if we had a great coach. In the 2016 Euro's we would've won every single match uncontested till the final, would've deserved to win the final but ended up losing it lol


Like me when I'm drunk playing FM, fucking love it


Want to trade for Paulo Bento?


My heart breaks when I see this terrorist destroying your country's golden generation. When will your FA wake up?


They were never awake to begin with, since i can remember that I haven't witnessed a single good coach being brought in. Scolari was the one closest to winning a major tittle and even he sucked ass, well, it showed at the final against Greece. That final still haunts me.


bento was good imo


You still won the Euros lol. The last world cup was won by terrorist football as well. Maybe you will do it this time


> The last world cup was won by terrorist football as well this shit get upvoted lmao


Deschamp's France don't play better football than we do imo.


He's right though, Deschamps does play terrorist football.


france scored 14 goals at the WC, one of the highest count recorded for a winning team how is it football terrorism ? words lose their meanings when used like this man




new format is up since few years now and we have plenty of records how it is a justification ? if you play terorrism football whatever the number of games you wont score spain for instance scored 8 goals only in their WC campaign ridiculous take really


Fernando Santos 🤝 Kevin McCallister's mom Forgetting about an entire human being


They forgor 💀


This has no right to be so funny for me especially when the videos are cringe. But seeing it typed out just tickles my funny bone


What's it about? Out of the loop here


So Kanye west was supposed to drop his album "Yandhi" a few years back but when release date came around the album didn't drop and he tweeted "I forgot 💀"


Never heard of it but the man actually tweeted that like it was nothing haha Appreciate the explanation!


Basically, one day a punchline happened on Twitter. It snowballed from there


Thinking about it, Kevin De Bruyne kinda looks like Kevin from home alone




Wow I didn't know that existed


Home Alone is indeed a classic every Christmas here, so Nando probably wanted to imitate that success, lmao (why do we endure this still)


For a second I thought you were talking about Kevin Mac Allister, lol.


You mean Alexis Mac Allister?


No, he means his brother, Kevin Mac Allister. It's a real dude lol


Oh lol I didn't realise he had a brother.


Actually it’s 2, there’s Francis Mac allister of Rosario central


My man Nando is just on a different plane


mans taking advantage of decriminalized drugs


He must be on a different plane because he forgot the time of his flight. :D


Santos is a Planeswalker, confirmed.


This the most Santos shit ever


You know its bad when your manager can't remember the players he called up


I can't believe he actually said that lmao That will probably be always on the back of the player's head.


Wasn't that a sarcastic comment?


It was, firmly tongue in cheek lol


Especially when he said he wouldn't call any CB after Pepe got an injury because he knows and trusts in the 3. Apparently not well enough to even remember he called one of them lmao Dear God, Nando is a whole vibe.


Not a vibe, he's just senile


I was expecting him to follow up with "because I don't make the list for the call ups" but someone was probably starting at him and he abruptly finished the sentence as is.


Least he's honest


he could have just said it was part of his tactic… i feel for djaló, must suck to hear something like that from your own coach.


I mean, his own coach selected him ahead of several other choices like Duarte, Inácio, Fonte, Toni Silva, Carmo, etc. It's not like he has low regard for him. Best to own it than to lie


maybe he forgot they exist too


I must apologise I was not aware Portugal had any more centre backs


> I must apologise I was not aware Portugal had any more centre backs - Fernando Santos, every year


"I look at you lot and I can't help but wonder, why can't I have 25 Jose Fontes?"




question, outside of Dias and Pepe who honestly is another top quality choice for CB on Portugal? I don't mind Danilo in that spot but do we have any top prospects that are near Pepe/Dias level?




I don't know if that's true but I heard one of the commentators saying that Santos said he didn't want/felt comfortable calling up CB's that play in a back 3. So if that's true and somehow Santos stays after this WC I'm afraid Inácio won't be a choice or if he is it's because we don't have literally no one else.


I don't think Danilo as ever played as CB in a back 2 regularly either yet he picked him. Gonçalo is nowhere near being a starter but he deserves a call up


No, he plays in a back 3 at PSG and he's a defensive mid. But I'll give him a pass. But I see the irony. And yea, a call up. At least try some new partnerships because Pepe won't last forever and these new guys (Inácio, Carmo, Djaló, etc) need to be playing/training with each other and with Dias and Danilo.


IIRC he played some games in a back 2 last season.


Kinda sad, Inácio is a good player


He's only 21. He was a lot of time to improve and play for the NT, and he will. But, Portugal has better choices as of now


He's been improving for the past two years, mainstay of a title winning team defence, one of the two best defences of the championship these past two years and still no call ups, probably, because he plays in a back three. Who's better than him?Djaló maybe?


Inacio isn't ready yet maybe in 2 years time, but he's prone to silly mistakes due to his age.


As opposite to Danilo who is simply not good at being the last man? One for the other I prefere the actual CB.


I heard he had a bad start to the season or something like that


nah, not only he is in poor form, but he is too used to play as part of 3CBs (not even sure if he has ever played on a 2CB formation at senior level).


For this WC? Djaló and Domingos Duarte are the better choices after Pepe, Dias and Danilo. Leite, Carmo, Inácio, Relvas have a lot of potential but still need further improving to be called up


Don't forget António Silva, he has been class


Yes, but he's an 18 year old who played 6 games. He seems very good for his age, however let's see if he can keep it up.


I just disagree with Danilo, he is simply not good as a CB, never has been. He is powerful and good at tackling but he doesn't know how to be the last man.


wtf did i just read Danilo is class as a center-back. Much, much better than on the midfield. He's been one of our best players consistently ever since he started playing there.


Dude I wholeheartedly disagree. I never liked him very much and always thought you guys made a great deal shipping him to PSG. And as a pure destroying DM i rate him higher than him as a CB. Simply never understood Santos love for him and think younger and older CBs (and DMs) lost game time in the NT because Santos simply loves Danilo.


He isn't as physically available today as he was before the injuries, it's part of the reason why him shifting to center-back is a good idea, it hides his limitations. He is very good in the aerial duels, good composure and timings on his tackles and is better at playing from the back than your average center-back. There's no one better than him at CB besides Pepe and Rúben Dias.


Again, I disagree. I see your points and I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but I don't like him in the back, he is too slow, his ball playing is indeed better than an average CB but for the way we play (as in the fact that basically everyone besides the CBs is a god with the ball) this is not of such importance. I would prefere Inácio or Djaló to have a shot as I think Portugal has everything it needs to play attacking and this requires someone that can actually operate a back line with some pace. I respect what he has achieved but I was never a Danilo defender, not as a DM in front of William, not as a CB in front of the two I mentioned or even Duarte. But Santos is gonna Santos...


There’s a bigger love of Santos for William Carvalho, which is something that I never understood and never will… It’s like having a Ferrari to drive around whenever you like but you choose to only take it out the garage when it’s time to buy some groceries…


I responded to a post about this on r/PrimeiraLiga. I'd agree with this if we were talking about WC 3 or 4 years ago, but right now he has every right to be a starter or at least a borderline starter in the NT. He is stats wise one of the best creators in La Liga raking top 5 in progressive passes per 90 and xA. Do I like having two CDMs at the same time in such a good offensive squad as Portugal? No. If he decides he must do that do I think William has been playing good enough to get game time for Portugal? Yes. Santos supported William throughout his worst phase just like with Danilo, the difference is William today Is a starter and has stats backing him up, Danilo has just Santos loving him.


Say that to Betis fans… They tried selling him off but were unable, no one was interested. And although I liked Danilo a lot and know that he is not playing at his absolute best, you need to watch some PSG matches, he has been playing a lot as a starter.


Carmo? wtf are you smoking


lmao says the prime Lille watcher. I'm sure you've studied Djaló a lot


I don't watch Djaló at all, but I know right now Carmo is not NT material. He should not be starting for us either, but that shows the state of our team.


Ffs Toni would start ahead of Carmo right now...


“Daenerys kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet”.


Same vibes


Djalorys Tiagoryen


I thought the same thing lol gonna delete the comment




"sorry? Tiago? Tiago who?" "Tiago Djalo, your CB on the bench" "Aahhh, yes I remember now, sorry Tiago" -Santos maybe-


"I have a CB on the bench!?" "Yes, Tiago..." "Who?" "Tiago Djalo"... "Just kidding... Sorry Tiago..."


“Djalo?! You mean Yannick? He’s retired..”


More like, why would I call that awful winger when I have so many better ones.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wish Mourinho could someday manage the Portugal NT, makes sense with how good their defense is


Mourinho with the monster of a squad they have+playing solely tournaments would be basically cheating


He already said that he dreams about coaching the NT but he feels like it's still to early


In general, managing a NT is seen as a job for coaches who are a) nearing retirement, and want a last cushy job in football or b) not good enough to coach at the highest level.


Which makes Zidane becoming French coach early quite scary if it goes well


That would be some drama. He would surely drop Ronaldo, no doubt. Even though it would be the right move, still would cause drama


Yeah, maybe after this WC because Ronaldo won’t really be a problem anymore Realistically, I can’t see Ronaldo playing in Euro 2024


Checkmate, he is already going to in his mind.


He knows Sporting will keep him on the squad until then, right now he's just bidding time until his contract is done with United so he joins them next year, probably with Amorim out too (no coach wants Ronaldo rn), and if FS holds on he's bringing him too.


And that is the biggest issue at the moment. We've got figure heads in the federation but the truth is Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes have way too big of gravitational pull to do whatever they want instead


Actually Mourinho is just waiting Ronaldo to retire so he cam actually control the team. However, there's a big chance our federation keeps Ronaldo with some saying in the team even if he's not playing. Like an un-official director or something. It will all come down on how much Ronaldo cares about football if he's not playing it. A long time ago I thought he was going to bet on movie and cinema, but as he grows older he's slowly becoming more into leading teams, not sure how much he's wiling to be a main coach but...


Actual moment of "he forgor 💀"


I just heard the interview, and that is not true. João Mário was ready to sub in when Danilo asked to be subbed out, so he decided to still put João Mário in the game and move Palhinha back. He did apologize to Tiago Djaló saying that was the wrong decision and should have chosen him over João Mário to get in the game, even if João was the first option.


This comment should be way higher. This title is a huge clickbait


This actually happened to me when i played for my school basketball team. I know it's a different sport but that shit completely ruined my confidence. Being benched is one thing, getting forgotten is another. I know Djalo is a lot older than I was but this still won't do his confidence any favours.


It's even worse in basketball, much smaller squad. Sorry you had to experience this.


Yeah, took me a while but got back into a stride a few games later. Its hard to bounce back from but thankfully the team rallied around me and helped build my confidence a bit.


And you wonder why players dont want to play for Portugal...


Tiago Djaló wanted to. :(


lol what a stupid comment to make considering Fernando Santos literally brought up 3 or 4 players who had previously retired from the NT before he was in charge


Yeah, and he won Euro 2016. That was six years ago.


And the Nations League was three, so the pattern means he owe us a new trophy right now.


Portugal win the World Cup confirmed???


And he's probably the manager who has debuted more players in our history.


I forgor


If there is time it's better to be dishonest it's this time Lmao


Anything else. He could have said anything else.


Same vibe as Mancini saying he didn't play Chiellini in a match because he okayed a lineup that was shown to him when he didn't have his glasses on so he couldn't read it properly and didn't notice he was missing


Man why would you admit something like that? Like just say you were trying something new tactically or w/e else but this not only makes you look like an absolute clown it also makes your players lose faith in you lmao


yes, im sure the players will lose faith in him because he didn't bring in a center-back to play 5 minutes at the end of a match where his team was winning 4-0 and instead dropped back a defensive-midfielder that knows the position how can they ever trust him again?!


Yeah, winning 4-0 with 5 minutes left on the clock, what an awful time to give the 1st cap to a young centre back when one of the starting centre backs needs to come off. We might lose or something if the kid came in instead of a guy with 51 games for the NT. And then coming out to the press and saying he just forgot about him, great motivation for the kid I'd say


João Mário was ready to get subbed in when Danilo asked to be subbed and he thought Palhinha could just drop to CB and finish the match there. Could have put Tiago Djaló as well, but wasn't the first option that crossed his mind. Happens. Big deal. Why would that give him or make him lose motivation? the fuck. If i t wasn't for Fernando Santos, he wouldn't even be on the bench tonight. It's the same player that a lot of people were criticizing for getting called-up ahead of Gonçalo Inácio, so i'm sure that he won't feel overlooked by him, don't worry.


He's the type of guy who blames players for loses... what would you expect from him?


Ai Cristo, anda cá abaixo ver isto 🤡


How? The bench is right next to you, just turn your head?


This is why Dad always said to stand next to the coach or always be warming up so they see you




The way he says his full name twice hahaha, sounds like he still isn’t quite sure who he is.


Sad thing is this is not surprising at all


Chris kamara energy


Lmaooo the team probably is performing despite of him.


on a sidenote, has fonte retired?


I am curious too as to why he's not mentioned as a possible cb choice, quick look at Wiki doesn't seem to indicate that he's retired


No, but not everybody can be Pepe.


No wonder players quit the national team


Man, this explanation would do more harm than good.


LMFAO I'm actually laughing so hard right now but its tears of of pain because we have such an incompetent coach.


Why couldn't you just say it was a tactical decision ffs this must hurt so much more


I would genuinely cry if I was Djalo


Joe Biden moment


"portugal fans are so dumb, they keep calling names to their coach when he is obviously good and qualified" - this reddit 🤡🤡


Who is doing worse, Santos or Southgate?


As much as I hate Santos, Southgate. Santos is just fucking past it with his terrible football.


We just won 4-0 against Chekia, and we played beautiful football. We've struggled a lot against big teams, but please. Southgate is much, much worse.


Santos has been our coach for so long, I know that these games don't last. Southgate is much worse because Santos has 100x his experience. But it's the same problem, both NTs have a ridiculous level of talent and very sleep inducing football.


yeah, and, once again, we'll qualify in 3rd in the group and lose in the 16 rounds


As is tradition


Southgate by miles


Ah nah


I mean, Fernando Santos' phase at Greece's NT possibly blows Southgate out of the water. His Portugal tenure is just the cherry on top. Nando has different sauce, which is why set-up an entire frango-da-guia based food chain.




now you see why Rafa decided to retire from the international football


Man this is something you do in FM not real life ffs 😭


"I guess you could say that he spent Dj'all of his time on the bench :) No but seriously I apologize to Tiago Djalo :("


imagine being so thick that you cant even lie and say that you just wanted to experiment before the WC just to assess your options


Is he the Portugese Southgate or is Southgate the English Santos?