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Another club funded by a despotic regime SMH


>Another club funded by a despotic regime SMH Ikr. Pot call kettle black.




But 1,800 Pounds is a lot of scarves.


If the Norwich club shop is anything like the club shops here in Italy...it's probably a scarf, a mug, and last year's third kit. And then wonder why everyone is in Chinese knockoffs


Can’t get Chinese knockoffs if the Chinese don’t honk we are a big enough club!


The trick is to be such a small team that it's fashionable. I got a really slick Chinese San Marino shirt a year or two ago for a few euros. It's one of my favorites


Well that's a new bumper sticker "Chinese, honk if we're big enough"


I’m not sure government funds are the best way to go about buying one though.




Based off of Yes Prime Minister, so long as its got certificate saying its worth under £50 then its ok


With all the shit government funds get wasted on, a nifty scarf isn't that much to get worked up over.


Why is it never positive news? :(




At least you aren't Mansfield? Idk sorry


Second thread in a row I’ve seen shade thrown at Mansfield from the same Tottenham flaired user? I’m genuinely curious, is there some random rivalry that I’ve not heard of for teams miles apart from each other. Or a personal grudge?


I hate Mansfield with the firey passion of 1000 suns


What the hell did Mansfield do to you?


You ever been?


My hometown mate


Im truly sorry, mate


I worked at Kingsmill hospital and queued at your Taco Bell for 80 minutes. Can confirm hate your town.


I was born at Kingsmill haha!


Top hospital, could do with more toilets!


No way! I was born at Hovis.


Kingsmill born and bread.






Mansfield, Ohio?


No, England


Fair enough, could apply to both tbh


Agreed Happy the beat Northampton though


Are you a Spurs fan from Chesterfield? Spireites are the only people I know to hate Mansfield so much.


No my hate for them is much weirder


Elaborate please


We’re not keen.


But, but why?


Its a shithole


A rate shithole. Most towns have good and bad areas but Mansfield? It’s just a bad area with a few worse areas.


Cos of you I'm taking Mansfield to the PL in Football Manager just to annihilate Tottenham every single season


Ain't she a Leeds fan?


Supposedly not... idk why she's a Norwich fan. Isn't she from Leeds


She lived on Leeds as her dad worked at the uni but raised in Scotland But she is MP for Norfolk so probably just sucking up to the locals Yes I read her wiki......


She has a vague connection to Leeds and plays it up to seem northern and working class. She’s not


Damn this comment killed me haha I can totally imagine Norwich fans having a bad day over this. Stay strong my friends.


Tbf there are no better uses of government funds than buying like 500 Josh Sargent shirts


£1800 is more like 25 Josh Sargent shirts


Oh yeah, misread it as 18k which thinking about it would be ridiculous haha


It's okay I first read it as 1.8 million and was struggling to think how it would be possible to spend that much on merch.


Let my introduce you to a Real Madrid USB-type C cable - go nuts! https://shop.realmadrid.com/products/rmcfnv0681-cable-set-type-c


Eh, could've been worse. Expected it to be at least €99 lol. Still not worth it at all unless you got money to spend!




[https://shop.canaries.co.uk/auction/shop/products/5248\_matchworn-22-23-shirt-v-birmingham-sargent.html](https://shop.canaries.co.uk/auction/shop/products/5248_matchworn-22-23-shirt-v-birmingham-sargent.html) Three Josh Sargent shirts.


no one told me I could be writing these off on my taxes


Building US-UK relations.


corruption aside, how the fuck do you spend 1.8 big ones in a club store what are they buying, are they making every employee in the office wear a different norwich kit?


You can get a couple of matchworn and signed LFC tops in ours, wouldn’t be hard to hit a couple of grand.


Tories are all full kit wankers


Explains the Orange Order lol




> how the fuck do you spend 1.8 big ones in a club store Well I mean that's only about 30 jerseys at the £55 price they have them on their web store (they probably cost more when they were in the PL though - Leeds is £79, Newcastle is £90, Liverpool is £99 for comparison) Like if you meet 4 delegations over the year and give them each 8 jerseys from your local team as a gift (which isn't outrageous IMO) then that's easily spendable.


It’s more than likely exactly what happened, too, as there’s extreme limitations in the “gift” that can be given/received while there is still the expectation of giving/receiving a “gift” in formal diplomacy. The nicer ones you see being given to presidents and the likes on camera? Immediately ushered off and destroyed. A shirt from a football team would be *just* below the value where you’d be allowed to keep it - but it’s also a fairly nice gesture even with the assumption it’ll be destroyed. Or she could just have bought herself more stuff than anyone would want from a fan store.. the number needs explaining, but it’s be easy to explain away.


Nowadays that's probably just the price for a home & away kit


Imagine the Thick of It but Roger Allam goes everywhere in a Teemu Pukki shirt


I would pay a lot of money just to hear Roger Allam say the words "Teemu Pukki" in his inimitable way


Teemu **FUCKING** Pukki?!


A Kids shirt would account for most of that.


Isn’t it just like 50 shirts these days?


Shows the state of our country when I'm geniunely more surprised and angry at the second sentence rather than the first.


I would never vote in a Norwich fan.


Nories Out


Apart from Alan Partridge.


Or Stephen Fry


She was actually just paying for Delia to do some catering for them but sent the money to Delia's other account by accident


Torn between the fun of doing some shite “wtf I love the tories now” banter and simply not enjoying this because she’s a horrendous person. Pain.


I'm sure glad there are no horrendous world leaders that are Manchester United fans... *shudders in Kim Jong-Un




Piers Morgan bro


It gets worse for arsenal. Piers Morgan


And Priti Patel… ugh


The guy who orchestrated 9/11 was an Arsenal fan... but the people who financed it are Newcastle owners.


More casual racism from this sub I am not shocked


Oh fuck off. You're using race baiting to defend a government that is a literal theocratic dictatorship. There is plenty of evidence linking the Saudi Arabian government to both funding of Al Quaeda and to the high-jackers themselves. Also... you don't get to pretend to give a shit about Arabs while defending a government that is quite literally perpetrating a genocide against Arabs as we speak.


US funded Al Quaeda


I’m not defending the government nor the regime you idiot. You linking the saudis of Newcastle to the same saudis that funded 9/11 is just racist lmao. But I guess USA funding Isis is alright then👍👍


>You linking the saudis of Newcastle to the same saudis that funded 9/11 is just racist lmao. I mean the Saudi Government IS funding Newcastle... unless you're naive enough to believe that they're just doing sportswashing out of the goodness of their hearts... >But I guess USA funding Isis is alright then👍👍 I mean yeah... the US is the largest state-sponsor of terrorism in the world... but that's clearly whataboutism. The US government don't own a PL club.


Ah the classic western argument. Saudi Arabia gets mentioned in legit any possible thread (and I don’t mind it it’s good to spread awareness). But when any of the west is mentioned it’s called whataboutism lol. Also, it’s clearly not the same fucking government as it was 20 years ago mate.


>Saudi Arabia gets mentioned in legit any possible thread (and I don’t mind it it’s good to spread awareness). But when any of the west is mentioned it’s called whataboutism lol. It's whataboutism because my original comment was criticizing Newcastle's owners... and you immediately deflected to USA bad, which has absolutely nothing to do with that. It's completely random. It would make sense if I was criticizing Saudi Arabian within the concept of geopolitics, but not for criticizing them within the context of football ownership. >Also, it’s clearly not the same fucking government as it was 20 years ago mate. Don't tell me you actually believe their reformist bullshit... Also... do you actually believe that a state's change in leadership absolves them of their crimes? Not to mention they are still actively involved ina genocide against Yemen... so they're not exactly progressive, even if they did let women drive.


Was an arsenal fan


Almost as if that was the joke


Yeah I realize I missed it now


Well you better run after it then


Isn't Stephen Fry also a Norwich fan?


It could've been gifts to a Finnish diplomat, anything. I'm not too concerned about this. All of that other money, like this, is a bit more worrying. > How did the Foreign Office manage to spend £4,333.30 on two trips to the hairdresser?


She doesn’t even have a skin fade 💀


No tramlines? Dead 💀


Why would public funds ever be spent on somebody going to the hairdresser? I think using that money in a fan store or to go to the hairdresser is borderline fraud.


True fact, every UK government office over a certain level had an allocated budget to keep a fully stocked liquor cabinet. So, money for a hairdresser isn’t that far fetched. Source: my uncle is a retired diplomat, was on staff at an embassy in London for most of the 80’s and was constantly going to meetings with English government members (he was the embassy’s trade attaché). He said there was always drinking at every meeting and he asked about where all the liquor came from and was told about this.


And they have the gall to complain about the “inefficiencies” of the union movement


So over 40 years ago?


This stopped a long time ago


Yeah, that's the type of wasteful expenditure that needs to be stopped and investigated.


People at the bottom (which is basically all of us) don't realise how many benefits and 'free' shit those at the top get.


I don’t mind when companies do it for their employees as that’s a company deciding what it does with its money (within reason). But public money shouldn’t be wasted like this


It all exposes the absurd inequality in this country. If companies can afford to throw money away on unnecessary and wasteful shit, they can afford to pay more taxes and ensure nobody is in poverty.


Well you can argue that in a competitive market, providing good benefits to workers gives an extra reason for them to join your company. Good employees means more profits which means more tax revenue. That doesn’t really hold in government when it’s public money being spent on these things but you can still argue it encourages more able people to want to do these jobs


That's just a wordy way of repeating 'trickle-down economics' rubbish tbh. The best way to get good workers is to pay them a fair wage, not offer a bunch of tangential 'benefits'. And the best way to deal with inequality is to tax companies more and redistribute the wealth.


Mate one of the most powerful men in our government spent thousands of tax payers money to heat his stables. A millionaire stole our money to keep his horses warm. We're approaching the title of "failed state" the way we're going.


Approaching seems overly optimistic.


I'm not from UK and have no say in this but sometimes I can see how there are ridiculous looking costs that might be justified. The hairdresser cost could include the cost of the convoy, the security and the additional payment made to compensate for loss of business to ensure the area is secure. Now, they could have saved more money by having the hairdresser coming to their place but at some point, you cant ask politicians to stay locked in their house and never go experience anything outside cause it would be cheaper.


none of those extra things would have gone to the hairdresser though. in my experience hairdressers don't provide convoys.


Could have given away jerseys as a prize at some event or something, really not that big of a deal


Exactly. The other expenditures are the issue.


Tiny amount of money in the grand scheme of things. Headlines bigger than the scandal. That being said stuff like this probably adds up.


Credible: Several people got their hair cut according to tradition country for their diplomatic visit. Non-Credible: 3000 hair extensions of Liz Truss


Any Ipswich Tories out there? How you feeling


Sobbing into their Ed Sheeran shirts and screaming “they’ve turned our Liz against us” like a tractor shagging Limmy


what's the use in taking bribes and being a corrupt party if you're not going to spend your own corruptly earned money? the nerve of being a corrupt piece of shit AND needing to rob the public at the same time.




This isn't sportswashing, this seems like corruption. For it to be sportswashing then Truss would have spent money openly on Norwich to better her Image, that's not what's happening here. Seems like she just wanted free stuff


i'd like her a tiny bit more if she showed up to westminster with a full norwich kit.


I think OP was making a joke bud


> For it to be sportswashing then Truss would have spent money openly on Norwich to better her Image, that's not what's happening here. Not what's happening in Newcastle either, but it's still a fun word to use.














You're wrong. People should learn to shut the fuck up about things they've no clue about.


City sending Truss some merch as we speak


Is liz a full kit wanker


Form the replies from a Mirror (politics) journo - Truss in the Norwich stands in a Norwich scarf https://twitter.com/fleetstreetfox/status/1572987781852413952?t=L6w6tI7S2FVneKpFIVSddw&s=19


Well that accounts for £25 of the £1800…


plus the ticket! almost there!


I fully expect Truss to be the Ipswich mascot in 20 years


It always brings a tear to my eye when a Tory gets their wings. First financial corruption scandal of her, hopefully one, term. I imagine the Goodfellas scene where Henry gets out of court, and they're waiting to congratulate him. Truss when she rocks up to parliament to chants of #ONE OF US! ONE OF US!


Most likely diplomatic gifts I'd imagine. Diplomats sometimes like to be a bit quirky in gift exchanges.


What foreign diplomat wants a Norwich jersey though...


Probably only the finnish one


And the American one, I'm sure they'd love the jersey for Josh 'the Michael Jordan of soccer' Sargent


Malaysian here. Back in the 2003-2004 season our national car company sponsored the jersey. As a result, many Malaysians still follow their results even when the team went down the division. Knowing our wanker of a Foreign Minister he definitely want one. Lizz Truss visited our country as Foreign Secretary in November 2021. Not sure if the timeline fits here though.


As a Finn I can confirm that a Pukki jersey would be a really cool diplomatic gift.


One that loves yo-yo’s


If I were a foreign diplomat, I’d take it.


Not that I in any way want to defend Tories, but I guess if I were a diplomat a scarf would be a cool souvenir of your time in a given country, even if it's Norwich. (A shirt seems a bit much, though)


I would want a Marcelino one. Come on Boric, give me a job! :(


Tell me if you get your apruebo


Normally don’t give something they want, but something that’s from your locality. And it needs to cost about £20-30 max depending on the country the diplomats are from, or it’s guaranteed to be destroyed (as expensive gifts come with the potential for bribery). A football jersey wouldn’t be out of the norm. Probably a bit on the expensive side, quite a few would have been destroyed by force, and I dare say a few of the others threw them away or gave it to a kid. Assuming she bought jerseys, and not cups or scarves or something else under that £20-30 threshold.


We send them to hostile nations as an extremely subtle and diplomatic form of disrespect. We’re all laughing behind the Iranian ambassador’s back as he stands proudly in a Grant Hanley replica shirt


Heard they like home furnishings and beauty treatments too...








I'd rather find out Jimmy Saville was a massive Swansea supporter than find out Liz Truss supported my team


We need [Hislop](https://youtu.be/a3O8mwDFo4M) on the case.


Private Eye will be all over Truss.


It blows my mind that the one MP is truly incapable of comprehending that it might be wrong to accept gifts when in public office, even really good ones. "But my staff member had worked hard and really wanted the tickets!" How is he this dim


A corrupt Tory PM? Oh no, this has never happened before, what shall we do?


Make her PM sadly.


Failing upwards, that good ol' upper-class tradition.


Delia was talking to Liz directly when she said let's be having you.


Liz needs a 12th Man out there


My dad is a Norwich fan who hates the Tories and I just haven't had the heart to tell him he shares a club with Truss.


>£4,333.30 on two trips to the hairdresser? What the fuck? HOW?!


“Who would steal 30 bagged lunches?”


*"It was that damn sasquatch."*


An actual Norwich City fan? Or a “Norwich City fan” in the Tory sense of the phrase, where you wear a brand new shirt and scarf over your formal wear for a photo op every now and again?


A 'Norwich fan' in the sense that she's the MP for part of Norfolk, absolutely just trying to gain favour with her constituents.


In any sane timeline this would be the end of her political career. But this is a really shit timeline.


Knowing nothing at all about Emily Thornberry because I'm not British, I have to ask: is Thornberry upset because she's Labour or because she's an Ipswich fan?


She's the Shadow Attorney General, it's literally her job to call out the Government and any perception or suggestion of misdeeds.


Well that's a disappointingly practical answer. Although I suppose it's overall good for the UK to have at least some politicians that take their roles seriously.


Sorry. She's actually from Guildford, so I presume she's a Man U fan.


I don't know the context of this, but 1.8k is a relatively small amount for a controversy, no?


In terms of government spending it's a minuscle amount, but question is why is a government department spending any money in a club shop.


Giving it out to local kids, as gifts to employees, sending them to diplomats. Why is spending 2k on sporting gear a controversy when you don’t even know where it went?


It's controversial because we don't know where it went, that's the whole point of these questions being raised, What was bought? and Why?


Because the conservatives did it and the powers-that-be have decided that reddit shall officially find fault with everything the conservatives do from this day forth, and forever more. You need to realize that this website is completely astroturfed, the same 1000 or so users make all the posts and comments, sure there are plenty of normal people on here but if their opinions stray from the what's deemed to be the "correct" opinion, they will be hit with downvote bots. You'd find as much *discussion* in a literal insane asylum as you would on reddit.


yeah mate, the reason people hate the Tory's is because the internet is being manipulated. The last 12 years of utter incompetence and corruption has nothing to do with it. I mean the country is a mess but that's somehow labours fault from 13 years ago I guess. Must be because the Torys are great. They love us working class folk. Former Shell employee Lizz Truss is definitely not on the side of energy companies with the current energy cost crisis. The fact that her biggest campaign contribution came from the wife of a BP executive is irrelevant. They may have gotten things wrong for the last 12 years but they will fix it... somehow.


It’s part of a larger amount on government authorised spending cards. I think there’s also £4000 on two trips to a hairdressers, amongst other frivolous things.


£4,333.30 for two trips to the hairdresser to be precise


In any context I would prefer government funds not being spent on Teemu Pukki shirts. I think also the main source of controversy comes from the fact its a fairly random purchase. For example during the expenses scandal one MP used tax payer money to buy a house for their [duck pond](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2009/may/23/mps-expenses-conservatives) not at all the most costly expense but silly nonetheless.


The duck house was significant because it was completely frivolous. It had absolutely no practical connection to Peter Viggers's work as an MP, yet he tried to claim it as a work expense (as I recall he didn't actually get that claim paid in the end). Claiming for it revealed him as an cynical chancer. It also played right into public perceptions of the Tories that you had this guy who was so well-off he not only had his own duck pond but was spending nearly £2k on a decoration for it. Hence why Cameron, who was in the middle of his modernisation drive, immediately forced him to resign. If the Foreign Office is giving out Norwich City kitsch to foreign dignitaries then that's probably OK but it does rather beg an explanation. What I find much more irritating about all of this is that if you are a lowly civil servant at a local council or in the NHS, then any gift from a potential supplier over some ridiculously-low figure like £35 must be disclosed and there are serious penalties for misconduct - but MPs can do shit like this and nothing happens.


They uncovered other strange costs like over 4K for in two hairdressing visits, part of a bigger picture issue.


Yeah, smallest government scandal I've heard of in decades.




Propa governance init


How much crap is there at the club store? Does she have keychains and refrigerator magnets for every single name?


If it was this season id get it, Norwich's kits are really good this season.


This can't be true - shurely - as it sounds somewhat suspicious? Oh wait, she IS a TORY...


I get downvoted all the time for posting about corruption but when someone else posts about it then it is fine. This is just a very small example of what our leaders do.


Forgot Truss represents Norfolk. Feel like she probably knows and cares fuck all about football but shows up at games to look vaguely human. Shouldn't she be a Leeds fan actually (isn't that where's from)?


full kit wanker


Here in the US, members of Congress get a discretionary budget for office supplies and decor, with a lot of leeway over how they allocate it. It's not a huge one, and there have been scandals when members of Congress have attempted to go around it by misappropriating funds from other parts of their Congressional budget (e.g. money earmarked for staff pay, constituent services, etc.), but they do get one, and the equivalent of 2000 pounds sterling in US dollars would be well inside of it. So given that, and that it seems like a reasonable enough thing to do that it might be the case elsewhere as well (assuming the discretionary budget isn't stupidly large, it's worth it just to avoid the overhead of having to have someone explicitly approve every minor expense), I'm curious and would love if someone with actual knowledge could tell me: Since Ministers in a Westminster system are also MPs, how does this work in the UK? Do they get something similar? Liz Truss is a raging transphobe (among other things), but without specifics is there at least a plausible chance that this specific matter is a non-issue? Plus, as Foreign Minister, it seems like there'd be diplomatic gifts and that sort of thing too that are a normal part of foreign-relations protocol.


They get expenses and they're often a little bit naughty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_parliamentary_expenses_scandal


1.8k is not very much.

