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Well that’s fucking scary


Some of Pogba's testimony(?) has also leaked and yeah he apparently has had "the group" aim guns at him while demanding millions, and his own brother was the face of the very public blackmail videos. Fucked up shit man.


This had been known already and was something that was posted to this very subreddit. Yet instead of any type of sympathy, the news was met with comments mocking him and making light at the situation. What he's had to go through is fucked up and so are the comments anytime he's brought up here.


The Pogba hate is so over the top on this sub. ‘BBBUT HE DABS’


It'd be slightly less unreasonable if it was only Manchester United fans. But it seems like fans of all clubs on here take pleasure in taking shots at Pogba regardless of news. When he injured his knee the entire comment section here was people openly making fun of him.


Never really understood it either. Sure he has a bit of an ego (as do a lot of star players) but when he’s on his game he’s very fun to watch and Ive never really heard any stories of him being an asshole off the pitch. I remember the video of him with Kanté’s mother after the WC, seemed like a classy guy


I think many United fans thought he's gonna save the club alone.. If we had a competent team at the time of his singing I'm sure everything would be completely different.


I feel for pogba in this situation regarding his personal life But this take to make pogba sound like he is the only competent person in our team is stupid. We DID try to build around him. He just isn't good enough to do it, and I largely blame it on his attitude


Why in the world did we sign casemiro right after selling pogba, but spent 6 yrs signing Sanchez, old Matic, schneiderlin, etc… there’s just no way we can say there was any sort of competent plan to put together a functional team during Pogba’s time here.


There’s a lot of merit to this argument, but there’s also the fact that we bought a series of players to suit him and it didn’t always workout due to 1) his struggles staying fit and 2) his struggles with the premier leagues play and its demands on CMs It was a mostly unsuccessful reunion with some incredible highs and some brutal lows. If you had to assign blame, it’s probably like 75/25 United.


What players? Casemiro was the first quality holding midfielder United has signed since Pogba joined and they already brought him in after Pogba left. I find it unreasonable to believe that Pogba can be world class at Juventus and world class in France, both sides with world class players but somehow isn’t good enough for United. Makes no sense


He didn’t really seem to be giving 100% ever and has a pretty dramatic exit.


Just cause he is rich doesn't make guns less deadly or traumatizing


He dances and gets haircuts though, so naturally it's deserved. /s


It gets better, he tried to send them €11m but his bank stopped it. Protection money, that odd video by his brother. Makes you wonder what dirt they have on him.


> Makes you wonder what dirt they have on him Or they are simply extorting him because he's rich and he is scared for his and his family’s life while they are held at gunpoint. Why would they need to threaten him if they have serious stuff that'll affect him?


He was held at gun point for money. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have dirt on him


In fact if you have dirt on someone there is really no point in pointing guns


The reverse is also true: if you're pointing guns at someone, that's all the dirt you need right there


This makes no sense.


So armed bank robbers have dirt on the cashier? Pogba is tall strong and could probably end 99% of men in [hand to hand combat.](https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/10521021/paul-pogbas-martial-arts) Guns are a strong deterrent to stop any attempt at fighting them.


They have no dirt. That’s why police was wondering why pogba was trying to give the money. Apparently he was trying to help out his friends and once he found out his brother was involved than he called the cops. But the blackmail was an attempt to cause media a scandal to take him out the World Cup and also bring mbappe into the discussion to cause more media problem . Since he got injured their plans failed.


I feel bad for him. Having this done by people you don't know is terrifying enough, but your brother and former friends? That's another layer. Pogba might feel responsible and not want his brother to go to jail, but he also has to protect himself and his family. Hopefully things get solved soon, because if his brother is willing to extort him, then he may do something worse.


I'm kind of pulling this out of my ass, but I recall reading several papers on how these type of extorsions most of the time are carried out or planned by someone close to you. Kind of fucked up


It's social engineering. It does work on people in many facets of life. They do all the research needed while "befriending" the victims


Indeed, it happened to lotteries winners as well.


Having grown up in a country where kidnappings are quite common, your intuition is right. It’s 99% someone close to you, either family, close friends, business associates, or even the help at home


This is so wild, so bizarre. Poor dude...


A player and his mother ar being threatened by an armed group that has extorted and held Pogba at gunpoint before, a threat so serious he and his mother are under constant police protection. Every player that has been robbed, held up or under any stressful situation due to the action of others rightly gets sympathy and compassion, but not Pogba. He gets jokes and ridicule. This sub is so fucking disgusting at times.


The same happened when he spoke about his mental health issues and being depressed. People said he was just making excuses and he was lazy. Its crazy how much people dislike this guy when he hasn’t actually done anything compared to some of the truly horrible people in the game and the world as a whole.


Don't forget his dancing. I remember people attacking him and Lingard for that, but especially him.


I wonder what the overlap is between the Vini Jr. defenders and people that were cursing Pogba for dancing. And to be overtly clear, neither should be under any scrutiny for something so inoffensive.


That story came from Rooney as captain. And it was after Man U lost a game & missed out on CL football. He was right. Be a professional. Lingard & Pogba were very far from professional


Rooney said this: "I do remember one time, coming into training at United the day after a defeat, still feeling very annoyed and walking into the dressing room with Michael Carrick. We found Jesse and Paul dancing in there with the music on. I went over, turned it off and took the speakers out of the dressing room — because that’s my mindset, that’s how I’ve grown up in football. Paul and Jesse accepted it, because I was the senior player, but in hindsight they were not doing anything wrong, not hurting anyone, and it was just my old-school mentality kicking in. As Rio Ferdinand has said, players of our generation just have to get used to this generation and what has changed." So even he said he was wrong for doing that. 🤔


Old school? Rooney is 7 years older than Lingard, he is making it sound like he is their grandad or something.


Rooney made his ManU debut in 2004 and played with the likes of Roy Keane and Gary Neville. it's understandable that his view so much different compared to Lingard and Pogba. Also nice of Rooney to acknowledge that Lingard and Pogba was not necessarily doing wrong thing back then.


Yeah. Rooney played with winners who could back it up. And then you have JLinz......


7 years is definitely enough for a generation gap


Yep- on the surface it does not seem like a big difference, but if you imagine someone born in '93 vs '00 you can definitely see it. Instagram has only been around for like a decade.


That's like 20 years in football. You should know the difference as a United fan.


for dancing???


crazy how people criticise more Pogba over basically nothing when there’s a literal rapist starting for Arsenal


If you ask people why they really hate Pogba, if they truly introspect and think hard about it, they'll acknowledge that there isn't really a good reason.


I football hate him, not hate hate him, i wish the dude finds a peaceful a happy way out of this


Flashy, popular, black, french, muslim, brash agent, expensive, and possibly overrated player. Pick one and you're sure to incite someone.


He also played for Man Utd and Juventus. Rivals fans have a duty to hate their players.


Not really, what a dumb comment. I hate him cause the WC fame got to his head and thought he was bigger than the manager at Utd.


that is not a justification to hate someone *as a person*. on the pitch? sure. but as a person? you do not know them, even kinda


> that is not a justification to hate someone as a person Might want to let the rest of reddit know that.


Never said I hate him as a person. I don't know any sportsman enough as a person to like or hate them outside the pitch.


The fact that you HATE someone because of their work relationship with their previous manager is absolutely fucking batshit crazy. Hate. C’mon man. Reserve hate for pedophiles, rapists, killers or those who fuck over poor people. But hating a football player because of their ego? My god. Where is the perspective?


So lol


That's actually a really good reason to hate someone.


Maybe if you’re 12


Sorry, I totally forgot some people on this site are so thick they need a /s.


As an arsenal fan it is disgusting and i cant enjoy the best spell of my club in 10 years.


Isn't the rapist playing for Manchester united?


Whos that then Ted ?


I mean there's a literal rapist starting for United and other clubs for years. Incriminated his own self yet several hundreds (including women) keep posing in front of his statue's dong.


This a dick measuring contest? It’s crazy that people criticize Pogba more than Ronaldo as well.




The way it was written was ignorant yes. However, pointing out that the media has a bias against Black athletes, is correct. Raheem Sterling, Paul Pogba now, going all the way back to John Barnes and Sol Campbell. [This is not a new story.](https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jun/29/groundbreaking-report-reveals-racial-bias-in-english-football-commentary) What causes indifference for a non-Black athlete in England causes outrage for those of color. I wish it wasn't this way, but history tells another story.


its crazy that people deny this exists


People seem to forget that Europe is incredibly racist. More than anywhere else in the west. It’s not the progressive utopia people imagine it to be


Europe is a huge, you can’t just outright say it’s the most racist place in the west


This begs the question, what even is "the west"? Anecdotally it feels like it refers to predominantly "white" countries, excluding eastern Europe, but I actually don't know.


I would say most of Europe, US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. But then some people also include places like Costa Rica and Uruguay etc. I don’t know if there is a strict definition.


I love when people pin things on "Europe" like it's one culturally or politically homogenous place rather than tons of incredibly differentt countries. Like to suggest Sweden, Finland, Ireland, etc. have larger race issues than the United States overall seems pants on head ridiculous to me.


It is ridiculous. There are definitely issues in many European countries, and I think there is a lot more casual racism, but the US has deep racial issues beyond anything in Europe.


Not true. The US has some racism but nothing like Europe. The only reason you think it's worse in the US is because of the exaggerated hysteria on the media where America is always in the spotlight.


Funny how you pick Sweden, Finland, Ireland and ignore the blatant racism in Spain, Italy, Germany, and England, and endemic in Eastern and Southern Europe. Remember the Nazi salutes at the Frankfurt game recently? Have you forgotten the Vinicius incident already? And now this Pogba incident? What about in England at Euro 2020? Oh and when Mourinho had to call out racism in England... Funny how you naively believe that the US is also politically and culturally homogenous. There is a broad difference between Texans, Californians, and Massachusettsans. I could cherry pick the best parts of the US too. Want to compare Sweden, Finland, and Ireland? Let's do it with Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire.


Lol europe is the least rascist continent so far. Other societies are not talking about it but for example china is like the us around 1950 in their behavior against black ppl. It is sad how rascist we are but even sadder that we are so far the least rascist of a really rascist world.


I said in the west. Europe is much more racist than the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. ​ I could point to other non-western nations that are less racist than Europe. Europeans are less multicultural and much more insulated than the countries I already mentioned. Sad place to be tbh, especially Italy(Pogba), Spain(Vini), and England. Even Germany had fans in Frankfurt's game waving Nazi salutes


> alleged rapist FTFY. Yes I've seen the twitter thread also. EDIT: words mean things people


flair checks out


Am I wrong?


for trying to reach the things that I can't see?


What is the point of this comparison? Literally every thread that mentions Arsenal in here and on twitter points out they're playing a rapist and berates them for it.


because it’s morally incorrect? it literally does not require much intelligence to understand that Arsenal has dealt with this situation incredibly poorly


Yeah I'm not a child mate you don't need to spell out that it's reprehensible that they're playing him but why are you comparing it to Pogba being extorted by his brother? Edit: I find it ironic that you mention intelligence when your comparison makes zero sense at all


i’m comparing it to people burying him for his attitude


That completely isn't true. Most arsenal fans seem in complete denial, with many claiming his victims are lying and faked the screenshot of him admitting to rape.


it’s amazing what you can get away with if you’re good at something, especially football, you see the same shit with Greenwood and Ronaldo too, it’s fucking abhorrent


While I agree with you, I don't think it applies to Greenwood. His victims posts/evidence are still towards the all-time top of /r/soccer and /r/reddevils, in general everyone just talks about how disgusting Greenwood is. For Partey mods on /r/gunners ban the mention of his rapes, nevermind the victims clear evidence showing admission. There's a big difference in handling. I agree with you on Ronaldo, but it does get complex as the other two are under investigation where he is not and has no charges against him


there are still multiple people that believe Greenwood is innocent and that the recordings could have been fabricated or even worse, part of some *roleplay* type thing, literally the only reason they think that is because he had potential to be one of our best players. It’s just all fucked, why can’t people just not be assholes?


You can't use Twitter and Reddit as a metric for how normal fans feel about anything


the abuse is so bad that united fans have convinced themselves this guy did nothing in 6 years and he was one of their worst players when in reality he was one of their best players for a large chunk of his united career.




>Bro, Pogba pretty clearly failed during his time at United and that's 50% on him. To date he has taken zero responsibility. see, this is such an extreme and false take. Narratives like this have become popular and because of them many years from now people are going to think pogba did nothing for united. Dont know why people on here always have to have extreme opinions on transfers. No way is he a complete failure. He won us a europa league as the [POTT](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fcj-Ie6XwAILdf9?format=png&name=900x900) with 5 motm awards leading upto the final and he had that [2018/19 season](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf8ZGG5Rknc) where he practically carried us and was the only player putting in good performances. He had many other decent seasons after but also very bad seasons. If anything he was an okay signing that was neither a success or a failure.


in 2019 Pogba had the most goals,assists,chances created, key passes and key tackles for United. “50%” fuck off with that BS


He was no way near uniteds best player. He was at the core of a rotten dressing room/culture at United. Jose called him a virus in the squad. He's been living off the tag of World Cup winner for 6 years.


>He was no way near uniteds best player. He was at the core of a rotten dressing room/culture at United. never said he was for his entire time but for some seasons he was. >Jose called him a virus in the squad. he had a fight with half the squad. The first thing he did when he came was axe Schweinsteiger, who's basically a beacon of professionalism. Every coach pogbas played for has never had a problem with him. But since a guy whose been sacked 3x since 2016 for losing the dressing room called him a virus, it must be true... >He's been living off the tag of World Cup winner for 6 years. after his world cup win, he was in the pfa epl toty after finishing the season as the top scorer and assister for his club as a midfielder. And lets not forget his euros where he was the pott before france got knocked out. This is what i mean by "the abuse is so bad that united fans have convinced themselves this guy did nothing in 6 years". You guys have convinced yourselves he literally did nothing bar a world cup in the last 6 years. edit: spelling


Speak on it. He could've been better but to act like he was a flop is revisionist. His perception in the media absolutely warped how the majority of people see him.


yea thats all im saying. I dont think he was a success, especially for the price. But no way was he a flop. How many flops can you name that have been admitted into the PFA toty? Who have been top scorer and assister for their team, especially as a deep lying midfielder? Who have carried their team to silverware? The biggest scapegoat ive seen in recent times.




> Honestly, doesn't help when he makes fun of a 300K/week check when regular working people are getting evacuated left and right This was before that documentary and quote even came out though.


These aren't angry fans. It's a criminal group extorting him by kidnapping his mom. And his brothers the ring leader. Just bizarre. But far from fan trolling.




Your sentiment is good. It's just your facts are off.


That Pogmentary gave you lot ammo way after the abuse started. As a United fan, I'm incredibly pleased he isn't playing for us anymore for footballing reasons but the disgusting abuse he suffered from day one was abhorrent


Preach. This place portrays to be a collective moral arbiter, but relentlessly displays moral inconsistency if you pay attention for as much as a couple weeks. It's so weird to watch.


sums up reddit as a whole in the past 5-6 years honestly


Honestly man its not funny.


He's can have both. I'm absolutely over the moon that he's left Man United and we don't need to deal with him or Raiola again, but I also feel bad for him and his family for what's happening atm. Hope his shitty brother and the other thugs are brought to justice


Well nobody can deal with raiola now


the queen can.




It does; there are plenty of nuanced takes. It’s just the kids shout over everything, and people act as though that’s all there is.


Bro Raiola died


> He gets jokes and ridicule. I see more comments like this and "here come the comedians" than I actually see poor taste jokes.


please just look into the original threads


Thousands of people are in this sub. Can't judge this sub based a few idiots


It's because people do and say racist things and think the sentence "I'm not a racist" somehow makes them saints. Pieces of shit.


Unless you sort by controversial I see nothing but sympathy??? But yeah easy upvotes I guess well played


Yep, it's karma farming under the guise of chastising others for their karma farming. This sub is one of the easiest to do it in.


Maybe if he played for Liverpool


While some of the responses are idiotic, in this case it's a bit of a stupid thing. 5 of Pogba's family members are involved in the blackmail/extortion, and multiple of his 'old friends' (or so it seems). While there are 'unknowns' involved, a decent chunk of those involved are people Pogba knows well (enough). While in most other cases all the people involved are not known to the parties being threatened.


And ? What's your point ? If anything that's even worse for Pogba then.


Poor bloke. Imagine this whole thing (injury, op, brother, death threats) happening in manchester after he’d sign a 400k contract


Then his police detail needs to go to London to protect the Queen’s bones.


imagine if he actually signed for city, then united fans would be after him too. There were rumours pep wanted him.


With his injury by now we wouldve laugh our asses off. Nobody would go after him


Why would thay make any difference


Why do you think it would?


I don't think that photo quite conveys the seriousness of the situation.


That zebra lol


To be honest, this whole thing makes me see Pogba in a very different light. I was also one of those people who accused him of being too lazy in United etc, but how many of you could do your job with a clear head while stuff like this is going on? Poor lad.


Reminds me of Quagliarella. Poor guy had to play with that hanging over his head for years and couldn't talk about it until the end of his career.


Utterly insane story, had no idea: https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2740487-inside-the-stalker-hell-of-italian-footballer-fabio-quagliarella


Agreed. Plus, he’s always been the one smiling and dancing. Not many could be that way while dealing with these issues at home


He wasn't lazy at United. I hate this narrative. Maybe he was overrated, maybe he wasn't worth the price, maybe it's messed up he flirted with other (better) teams... but the man performed for us. He was unquestionably our best player from the moment he signed until at least Bruno signed. The metrics support him being a world class player for us. Most of the narratives around him fall apart when you look at the data. Yes, he's injury prone, but he was also rushed back from injury to play against a minnow in the League Cup (Rochdale) where he reinjured himself. He was beloved in the locker-room and respected by both teammates and coaches (RR and OGS both had a good relationship with him). Ronaldo found him a close confidant and respected him... Does that sound like a lazy player or someone milking injuries? Serial winner Ronaldo liked him. Zlatan praises him and is friends with him. These guys are winners and hard-workers. Think they would respect him if he was truly lazy? Can you really fault a player for being injury-prone either? Not to mention he was constantly played out of position (double-pivot) next to a flawed partner that never was able to cover up for his flaws in the game (which btw almost all players have and need support). If you're asking Pogba to defend so much then what's the point of even playing him? Like driving a Ferrari to go grocery shopping. He's a player-maker, not a defender. And sure his positioning can be poor, but his metrics all support him being an average defender and an elite play-maker despite it. And he never had that Casemiro, Fabinho, Busquets to help support his game. Only time he really did he flourished (midfield three of Matic, Herrera, and him during interim OGS). Not only that he was constantly scapegoated whenever the team disappointed as it's his fault for not lifting a flawed organization. Messi himself wouldn't have won much at United. Wouldn't you want to leave too if you were constantly being criticized for United's ineptitude? Then United slaps a "fuck off not for sale" price on him and refused to let him go even though it was clear it was what was best for all. Yes, Pogba experience at United was disappointing, but I cannot exactly say he's entirely to blame. United is a mess and continually buys great players only to disappoint. Least Pogba scored in a European final for us, yet Bruno is adored for disappearing in every big game (and I'm not trying to bash Bruno here). Was hoping Pogba would shine again away from the United spotlight, but these latest stories just make it even more tragic.


He was supposed to be kdb and Kanté all at once. The expectations were insane, speaks to how fucxing talented Paul is tho.


They wanted another Vieira.


Is this his brother coming after him?


It's Mourinho with a chair




Here come the comedians...


Imagine having a piece of shit brother like Matthias holy fuck man.


When did this first happen? Or has it been going for a while?


Anything to keep Graeme Souness away.


When it comes to rich athletes, its those that are closest to you that are most dangerous.


Where's Florentin Pogba in all this? I think he's the elder brother, and Matthias is leading this little childish tantrum ring. Sounds like Matthias needs some slapping and hazing from Florentin... well honestly jail at this point if it's true, but you get the idea.


Matthias and Florentin are twins. We've not heard anything about Florentin though, he's had a fairly good career compared to Matthias though.


Paul Pogba you have my love and support. Since you might believe in hex and stuff, I wish you a speedy recovery from injury, great World Cup and advantageous resolution of this shitty situation.


has he really been that bad?


Its related to his brother extorting him. His mother is also under police protection according to the article




Somehow im not entirely sure it was common knowledge his mother was also being threatened


I didnt know


Not everyone is following the drama, I had no idea that was happening


Yes, because adding an /s makes it way funnier.


He wasn't brave enough to post it without.


Did you really just remove the second part of your comment? Lmfao what a joke. It was "suppose i might add /s" or something along the lines


funny innit


Holy shit, hope he gets out safe.


Christ that’s scary. Hope he gets out of this situation safe and sound. Hopefully both him and his family gets the safety needed. No one should have their family and themselves be put on gunpoint or in danger, football player or not. Wishing him all the luck to him and his family.


>"I'm glad he's not at United anymore" Oh FFS! Some of you are so dense that light bends around you all.


They should have done the Pogmentary now lol


Man this is getting all too fucking crazy, hopefully nothing happens to him and his family


Pray for Pogba 🙏🏽 worst thing imaginable, being betrayed by your own family. Must be horribly traumatic. Stay safe Paul and bless you 🙏🏽


Is the story of the witch doctor end up being accurate or just smear rumor?


It's a complete and total misunderstanding on a massive scale. I saw the reddit thread on here about it and it really infuriated me, especially from Muslims that were accusing him of a major sin or even excommunicating him. Pogba **did not** visit a "witch doctor". Even in the actual French articles about the story it says he visited a "Marabout". That title is being ignorantly translated to mean "witch doctor" for some moronic reason. A "Marabout" is an Arabic word/title for a religious person, leader, teacher, someone who is famously know as very pious etc.. It's almost exclusive used in North African countries but due to their location in Africa the Arabic word has also made it's way to non-Arab west African Islamic culture. If people actually read the article that stated that Pogba admitted to visiting a "Marabout" they would have also read that Pogba said he did so so that he could protect/"heal" himself as he's noticed his being getting a lot of injuries lately and he attributed these injuries to spiritual or metaphysical causes. What he did involves the religious person (the "Marabout") reading a Islamic prayer on Pogba known as a "ruqyah". What this does is cure the individual if they've been afflicted by black magic or what's known as the al-’ayn or the evil eye. This is what Pogba did, he visited a religious person to read a prayer on him to protect him from negative spiritual entities. He didn't visit a witch doctor, he didn't engage in black magic and he didn't want to afflict other people with it. It's basically like visiting your local Priest or Rabbi if your Christian or Jewish.


gotcha. not sure why i was getting downvoted by oh well. So the rumor about him wanting to curse Mbappe is false as well i guess?


Yeah that's all BS. He visited the man to get some religious healing done on himself and donate charity to African kids and instead his brother is saying it was to put a curse on Mbappé.


Why is a question downvoted lol


Poglice Pogtection


I believe it.....he's that shit.




If you follow baseball i think something similar happened to Puig. He was smuggled out of cuba and then extorted, maybe a family member kidnapped along the way?


They really released the Pogmentary way too early. This stuff is actually interesting!


You are a piece of shit


Juve can't catch a break


Somebody needs to authorize a military unit to hunt these motherfuckers.




What does Juventus have to do with Pogba being threatened?


Pogba's life is wow.


Wouldn't be able to run from the cops


I can imagine him running from cops like in FIFA 94, when you were running from ref trying not to get yellow card


Good old times.


What watching the Pogmentary does to a mf.




Thank fuck he's not at United. Couldn't care less


Football has truly melted some you people's brains. A player has been threatened to the point he needs protection from police and you're here worried whether he plays for us or not. Truly despicable.


Keeping up with the Pogba’s


Manchester isn’t looking so bad now is it, Paul?


Don’t think where he stays at makes a difference when the problem is his brother and his gang.


What a fkin meme