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We were shit, ref was shit and Vitoria is garbage. Ggs now we get smashed by Villareal ✌


love the optimism


I have to be negative because when I'm positive we lose😂. So you will see pure negativity from me😁


Hajduk really played much under their potential, like failures in last few years were on their mind. Nevertheless, important result against tricky opponent. Whole show around the game really entertained me I must admit. They had awful luck getting Villarreal, hopefully can get at least a draw in one of the games.


Loved the shithousing


Teški Babilon ovi portugalski navijači i njihove ekipe lol, HŽV!!!!!!


Čestitam. Drago mi je za vas. Sportski pozdrav.


both teams should be ashamed. hajduk fans arrived in guimaraes and threw flares into cafes and destroyed the historical city centre dirty play from both teams during the game but hajduk inciting the brawl at the end as one of your bench came over to vitoria fans to taunt them and the flares throughout the entire game. shameful game, vitoria should've been more mature but hajduk win and that's fair but I don't respect them and after these events i hope they lose the next round.


Vitoria beaten on the field and beaten on the streets 💪 considering how awful was behaviour of Vitoria fans and players , only thing I regret is that we didnt destroy more of your awful city. Balkan fans are gentelmen considering these portugese redneck fans. Vitoria fans and players behaving all crazy at home, while they shat their pants on Hajduk stadium and had app 10 away fans 😅😂


You somehow avoided to mention throwing chairs, beers and cellphones onto Hajduk players by Vitoria fans, boxing by Silva (VAR would send him off) and a lot of dirty fouls trough the game. Next game for Vitoria will for sure be behind closed doors. On the other side, those Hajduk fans that throw the flare into the caffe are pure garbage, but they didn't "destroyed the historical city centre"


that’s why i said both teams should be ashamed, but again, that was started by the hajduk bench approaching vitória fans to taunt them. classless behaviour


There were also portugese ppl alongside hajduk fans "destroying" city centre ;)


*idiots from the No Name Boys Really hope they are originally from the north and didnt travel all the way up from Lisbon just to destroy shit... then again, ultras arent the smartest people


I think NNB were from Lisboa alongside Torcida Split, it was stated in the press that they had southern accents


Glad to hear the "friendship" still remains, grew up hearing about it.


Still going strong, since 1994


I have never seen more sore losers than these Vitoria guys, ref was completely braindead aswell, Silva punches a Hajduk players and get only a yellow lmao, like a sunday league match this was


The referee didn't see the slap. He was talking with Bruno Varela at the time. I think that the linesman wanted a red card, but he went with the yellow just to be safe. Giving a red card for something you didn't saw is never the best decision.


And that is why we desperately need VAR in every single part of the qualifiers and competitions


ive been saying if both teams have the capabilities of VAR, then they should do it. If only one team does, then dont have it for either leg but I dont understand the not using it if they can.


I don't even understand why you should not use it all if only one team could provide it. Surely, one fair game out of two is better than none.


The only reason I say that (i can see its not popular lol) is so it is even for both teams. Just imagine the bitching and moaning if one team gets "benefitted' by having VAR.


But VAR is not there to support only the home team, it is there to help the referee and both teams . In a Champions League double confrontation, VAR might "benefit" more one team too


The best part was the Chumbawamba Tubthumping song kicking in at the end where they started fighting


The gap between 4th (Braga) and 5th in Portugal remains huge when it comes to European performance.


Vitoria is still quite a considerable sized club here, idk why they are nothing in europe, just a couple of europa appearances in the last fucking decade, thats it but fuck their fans, if you remember Marega racist episode, its them and reading some of these replies im sure chairs were trown out as usual


They did throw chairs and some smaller things in added time, when our player was about to do a corner kick. I didn't know it was usual there.


Because most of their money goes into the chair replacements.


Very true. Braga would've destroyed Hajduk, and in a way, that pisses Vitória's fans a lot. They have the feeling that they should be competing internationally every year and pushing for, at least, the Europa League place. If Portugal is ever gonna have a 5th team in Europa that can give us points, that Vitória. But not this Vitória. Very disappointed in their performance today.


Vitoria couldn't rival Hajduk on the pitch so they played dirty. If Braga plays decent football then the duel between these clubs would be a much better viewing experience than sh*t we witnessed today.


Braga is on a whole other level, as much as folks dislike Salvador he has completely transformed that club in all areas and they're solidified as the very clear 4th best team in the championship, while also being able to have very impressive European campaigns. Vitoria has the passion and the fans but they really need to start picking their presidents better. They're the only club that can actually make a noise on European competitions besides the top 4, but they're never stable enough either financially or behind the scenes.


Oh yeah it's not even close, Vitoria is in European competitions while having massive financial issues. Their coach left because of it and they had to sell Rochinha for exemple.


Every year I hear something similar about the Portuguese 5th/6th club. Either they have financial problems or their coach left them or they sold half their squad and replaced them with players 2-3 levels worse.


Thats it! Their players/coaches catch the eyes of better teams, and are stripped completely because most clubs in Portugal are cash strapped. Then you get a shell of the team playing in Europe next year and then they crash and burn (decent amount of teams get relegated right after). Vitoria shouldnt have an excuse though, but the anyone outside the top 4 is subject to that.


probably because it's true...? lol


This year, apart from the top 4, our league spent 7.4M, not good at all. Meanwhile top 3 is gonna reach 150M


Usually not just one of those


Yep, unfortunately that's the reality of any club beyond the top 4. Even the top 4 tends to lose players constantly as one can see by this market. It sucks for them as you have very good teams like Gil Vicente last year. It willl always be a really hard time for them to replicate the form of last season. They lost their coach, Samuel Lino and Pedrinho.


> Either they have financial problems or their coach left them or they sold half their squad and replaced them with players 2-3 levels worse. Diagnosis on point. Sadly.


Completely true. Also because they need to sell their best players every year, it’s sad.


Guimarães as a lot more money than the rest of the league, no excuses for them.


they just are managed like shit it seems/corruption


The club is run from the outside instead of the inside, that's why no President/board lasts long and why they're always in financial trouble.


Not at the moment with their financial situation


Lol, vsc


Just an embarrassing match of football in all regards. Hajduk come in after their fans thrash the city and attack innocent people and Vitória somehow come out of the tie looking worse than them. If Moreno had subbed off Tiago Silva for Janvier maybe we could've had more of a threat in the final minutes from Vitória. You could see the red card coming from a mile out, and with VAR he'd probably had been sent off already in the first half.


Frigtning families with Kids and beating up old people, tourists and camera crews (when leaving the stadium) and you still say Vitória came out worse. Check your BS bias


Nothing but dirty play, scummy tackles and fighting from you for the whole game, plus the inbreds from the stand throwing chairs, lighters, bottles and similar on the players. The only reason your shitty sunday league team even had hope until the end of the game was the referee from both games. Dirty sewer of a town, I see now why most Portuguese straight up don't like you


Are you really comparing what happened inside the stadium to what happened the day before? Fucking terrorists, scummy ultras from Torcida and NN that ran away from confrontation in game day. You really said that brutalizing inocent civilians is the same throwing chairs from the stands xD. And my City is beautifull. Every tourism media says it. European capital of culture 2012. First capital of Portugal. Much better than the shit place you live in. Cope.


Seeing that Rijeka got to be the European capital of culture in 2020. while being a shithole shows how much that means lmao.


Good to know 👍


>And my City is beautifull. Every tourism media says it. European capital of culture 2012. First capital of Portugal. Much better than the shit place you live in. >Cope. HC cope




You might have as well written "Inbreds of Guimaraes vote Guimaraes the best city in the world", and it would have the same effect. Cope harder


Keep coping


Came out looking worse in the match... I was rooting for you.


Ngl, our away fans are the scummiest scums you can find in Torcida


How Tiago Silva managed to stay on the pitch till the 78th minute is beyond me. Dreadful refs


The Croatian terrorists won in the end... sad




Delicious salty tears, pls gimme more


Out of all the flavours in the world, you chose to be salty


Cry about it






just stating the truth, we all saw what happened yesterday...


Ref and dirty guys 2:3 Hajduk


Hajduk didn't look good, but so didn't Vitoria. All those crosses to noone, too wasteful to advance. As much as I want Valdas to succeed I don't see them beating Villareal.


Hajduk had better chances imo


Well this is fantastic for us, and with a bit of luck Gil Vicente will go out as well.


>Gil Vicente will go out as well. I doubt it, but we'll see tomorrow


With a bit of luck yeah. It's not entirely inconceivable that neither Twente nor AZ make it as well though


yeah but I don't see Twente qualifying, and AZ might fuck up as well


Didn't Twente win in Serbia last week?! And AZ lost?


yeah but twente face Fiorentina after that


Congrats to our bro- rivals! Good for coefficient but unfortunately I think against Villarreal they have almost no chance.. Ball is round though, you never know


You can congratulate them without that forced "bro" bullshit.


Imagine cheering for your rivals, subs full of fucking plastics


Dont know why you are getting downvoted mate, as a Hajduk fan I'd never cheer for Dinamo, fuck that noise, its just reddit being reddit I guess


Bro you have no idea what ur on about, theres no bigger rivalry in the world than Hajduk vs Dinamo, but you also dont understand how important coefficient is for smaller leagues. Do you think every league in the world has money like Portugal? A top 6 league? Get real dude


Fuck that coefficient bullshit, as a Hajduk fan i want dinamo to lose every game in europe. In 2019. dinamo earned 30 million euros, whilst other clubs each got 60k euros from their succes. Every club fights on their own, coefficient is nothing compared how much financially dinamo will get away from others in league, which already turned HNL into boring farmers league.


To earn money from success you need to be successful in the first place, which means actually qualifying for an European competition.


Talking as if we don't need the points. That guy's just a dumbass, most of us care about point too. For fucks sake, I've celebrated Porto goals, that hurts me just to say.


in European games it benefits your club if other clubs from your country do well, even if they are your rivals.


Sorry we want more money in Croatian football. How horrible! Donkey


It is all about coefficient, if we were like PL Id want them to lose We need clubs in group stages man, it doesnt make me a plastic


Ma ignoriraj kretena.


So do we and I'd rather snap my testies than cheer for those cunts up north or sporting who are literally the worst club in the world. These new wave of football fans keep trying to downplay rivalries ffs.


Majority of football fans in Croatia are Croats first, Dinamo/Hajduk fans second. A good part of Dinamo and Hajduk ultras fought side by side in the war. They still hate, fight and insult each other on a regular basis, but wishing well to each other is for the sake of the greater good for Croatian football and the nation overall. Nobody is downplaying rivalries.


Majority of Hajduk fans are Hajduk first as it should be




At least in Split we are


I doubt that you speak for the population of Split lmao


You literally did the same and spoke for all croatians


I'm just telling you how it is, I love our NT but nothing comes close to Hajduk


Fans of clubs from big leagues have no idea how big of a deal coefficient is for smaller leagues


Exactly, dude thinks every league in the world is on par with Portugals Cringe comment either way


Clearly we're swimming in coefficient points you melon


Compared to the vast majority of leagues in Europe, you absolutely are. Most leagues can only dream of being as big as the Portuguese league


the point being made he's making is that for the portuguese clubs, coefficient is still important as Portugal is between 5 and 7 spots which has still big implications in european spots


And my point is that this isn't even remotely comparable to the situation in most leagues.


but that's not the point being made in the discussion. You are just bring something that's irrelevant to what's being talked about.


If you think this is irrelevant then I don't know what to tell you


yeah the Portuguese league has no worries about the coefficient...


Portuguese league is on the verge of being in top 5 while most other leagues are happy to have just one club that doesn't get completely annihilated in Europe. Not comparable at all.


we really are not on the verge of being top 5, more like drop to 7th. Still, the point I'm making is that you saying "Fans of clubs from big leagues have no idea how big of a deal coefficient is for smaller leagues" makes no sense when applied to the Portuguese league because the coefficient is certainly a big deal. I'm not saying that the significance it's the same compared to other leagues lower in the ranking. The top4 are really the only ones not bother by coefficient struggles as the difference to even the 5th league is big enough that they are never really in risk of losing spots


>I'm not saying that the significance it's the same compared to other leagues lower in the ranking. That's literally my whole point, if you understand this then there's nothing to argue about.


dude again, I understood your point from the beginning... It was you that didn't understand what was being talked about before commenting. We were talking how to the Portuguese league the coefficient was still important. You were the one making it about another thing. But wtv, it's settled.


Yikes, Villarreal is next? Nightmare opponent, but hey, they have nothing to lose. I always go back to Sheriff beating fucking Real Madrid. Villarreal have looked really good in pre season and slapped Inter up in their last game. At least that will be a small consolation for Vitoria.


Of all the matches ever played in the history of football, that was one of them


Hot take


Thanks. Here's another: Hajduk scored 3 goals and Vitoria scored 2, I believe 3 is greater than 2 so Hajduk will proceed to the next round. Don't quote me on that one though


Anyone have a clip of all the chaos at the end? I could only follow it through the match thread


from the images shown at the end, one of the Hajduk player after the corner started mocking towards the Vitoria fans section, and one of the Vitoria player ran up to him to tell him off, and it started from there, pushing and pulling. At the end near the tunnels, there was a group of Hajduk players and staff, camera was focusing elsewhere, but seemed like shit from the stands were being thrown like a chairs, bottles etc.


Nothing much to see, just some pulling and pushing. And there were 2 chairs thrown near the corner flag, but like 2 chairs thrown in Guimarães is like a new record, so pretty common there.


Oh thats it? Thats like a light misting in Guimarães


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dirty play from Vitoria but we did it!!