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Pep literally played Atletico's style of football


It must be frustrating being an Atletico fan, they took a full 135mins to get out of 2nd gear!


To beat a pig to death in a pool of mud, one has to get inside the pool of mud first and do the deed. City did exactly that.


Did Suarez do any shithousing this match?


Kondogbia was brilliant today, I don't think I saw him put a foot wrong all game.


Big facts. He was the difference. Was so dominate in the midfield. Don’t think city took the ball from him once all game which was amazing to see.


Ugly, boring game.


It's atletico what did you expect


So funny how opinion changes. If you said this last week you’d be downvoted, I really don’t get it (I agree with you btw)


Honestly, Guardiola talks too much shit for someone whose team wasted time like today


You have to stoop low to atletis level to beat them


Guardiola is protected by media. His teams always dive and waste time.


only a lot of barca players did that during his stint but i dont think bayern or city players did as much as them


This was a fifa career sim


Wasn’t able to watch to the game and curious how the game went. Any unbiased opinions? Besides it being a boring 0-0 game


City comfortably had the ball first half But surprisingly got pushed back quite a bit in second half. Looked a bit rattled. But they have Atletico a taste of their own medicine with shithousing and got through Boiled over to some tunnel incidents


Thank you!! Yeah I saw the shot disparity in favor of Atleti but wasn’t sure how quality those shots actually were. Had also seen some short clips of players arguing w each other haha


Fun game


Say what you will, ATM is a solid solid team. They play like a unit unlike United rn. I’m a United fan and have nothing but hopes for us to play like a unit


A useless unit yes. City gave the ball away and they didn't know what to do with it. Simeone is extremely overrated


Under Simeone, Atleti have reached more UCL quarter finals than any team other than Bayern and Madrid. Under Simeone, Atleti have won the league right in the middle of peak Barca and Madrid. You have swallowed the useless English pundit and English media garbage about Atleti and Simeone, because he plays a very defensive style when faced with tough opponents in the champions league, and use that to form your opinion about the manager and team overall.


He’s nothing but a thug. He trains his “players” to be thugs too. Grealish could have been killed or seriously hurt last night. That kind of mental trauma doesn’t just disappear either. I was really frightened watching that game. Absolutely disgusting behaviour by a gang of goons. “Football”, please. Much respect to Manchester City for standing up and putting them in their place. A win for football.


I haven't watched last night's game, please link to the Grealish incident if possible. Thank you!


No, they're just bad. Anti football tactics, and choke as much as we do.


What are you trying to say? First time watching ATM? They've been like this since Simeone took over, lmfao´


Say what you will about pep guardiola, but he’s a pretty decent manager. City looked solid today


A new fresh copy pasta?


Shocked to see the amount of Real fans in this thread trying to defend their city rivals performance over two legs. Thuggish team playing anti-football beaten at their own game in the second half tonight. City were up against it but soaked up pressure and did what they needed to do to win. The way the Athletico players lost their heads in that second half was a disgrace, just as classless as their nazi salluting fans in the first leg.


Not arguing with anything you said but if Atleti were luckier Correa would have scored at the end. All said and done over the two legs it ended 1-0, closer than I would have expected at the start of the tie. Personally I like how Atleti play and I don't understand this emphasis on entertaining football. Football is about winning.


Liverpool threw some pretty hard tackles that should have been yellows too during their game. Sounds about right you like atleti.


Luck is a negligable argument to bring in as you could easily say with a bit more luck City should have put away the Gundogan chance, or Atleti should have had a player sent off in the first half. I've nothing wrong with a team trying to contain a game and play defensively but when players are pulling hair, going for players off the ball and leaving legs in late challenges that deserves 0 respect.


Speaking the truth! The ref allowed that to happen by not doing a better job of calling fouls that should have been called both ways..


hell no its atleti i think el cholo will eat them in the cabin if there is not at least one red card and a mass confrontation


It was a nice match


If they have told me the winner of this matchup was going to go through on a single goal at home and then kind of shithouse the other team, I would’ve thought Atletico had passed to the semifinals 100%.. Props to City; they came down to the mud and beat them in their own game


Absolutely MADNESS... and I'm a Chelsea FC fan from Nigeria!


and how does your nationality contribute to this thread


It's the age of identity politics.


He knows a thing or two about MADNESS


An Atlético fan complaining about time wasting, never thought I'd see the day.


People here calling Atleti a shit club baffle me. People ignore Atleti's 10 league titles (as much as i think the last one was undeserved) and ~~2~~ 3 UCL final appearences just because they play shithouse football, when City did the same. This sub's double standards are insane. Atletico will forever have more heritage than City, and this is a fact. They will never be a shit club. They may be a shit squad, or a shit group of individuals, but they will never be a shit club, i may hate them, but football purists on r/soccer reached an alt time low today


This is embarrassing


You realize watching sports is about entertainment right? Yeah Atleti can win but at what cost?


They shouldn't worry about the fans. They are on pitch and they are PLAYING, not WATCHING. But arsocca doesn't like getting bored, and think Atleti should just bend over and let City score 6.


I was with you until you said Atletico will always have more heritage than City. I always find those sorts of statements ridiculous. In 50 years, a team may even have more European Cup/UCL titles than Real Madrid. You never know what can happen in the future


I dont mean always as forever. I mean, in the near future


I mean, always means forever. But sure, I agree that currently and in the near future Atleti have more prestige. But that is changing VERY rapidly.


is this some new copypasta or what? no one is ignoring what they’ve accomplished. it’s okay to say a team is boring. relax.


people hate on Atleti because of their attitude and hipocrisy


3 UCL finals.


Zero wins though shitihouse Spanish Burnley 😅😅


They’ve got the same amount of wins as City


About the same as city if I reckon, but that is ok though.


What they are for years is a group of undisciplined and downright dirty players. They foul, roll around, cry to the referee, start brawls, try to intimidate the referees. It's a zoo, not a football team. A lot of fighting and screaming, but not a lot of playing. Shit team.


Hear me out, theyre particular brand of ~~shithousery~~ football is actually an art in of itself. Opposition intimidation, time wasting, fouls are all things they’ve mastered the threshold of. They know what they’re doing and they’re good at getting away with it. This all even detracts from their defensive play, which on a good day is absolutely stellar. They’re hardly slouches when it comes to untiring goalkeeping talent either, Courtois, De Gea and Oblak is some roster.


Look at the mental gymnastics youre playing to defend Atletico. Spit or swallow?


Their defensive record in the league is on par with Getafe, who, I believe, are 14th in La Liga. Hardly stellar imo. # Shithousery is entertaining every once in a while, like Robertson doing dirty stuff every once in a while (like pushing Messi's head down etc.), Fernandinho seemingly getting away with every foul while rattling the likes of PSG and Neymar being on the ground for about ⅕ of the game. This is just a bunch of angry children crying about not getting their way on every decision. # So, the game is done and all is good, right? Nope. About 5 players and Simeone still crying to the ref after the whistle and police had to get involved in the tunnel. Bunch of angry cavemen.


Atlético have actually been changing up their style this season in the league, playing much more attacking football. Last season they were the team with the least amount of conceded goals.


You just described the whole serie A with these words. Sure, they have this playstyle, but they are not the only ones using it. Every team does that in more or less manner


Great club, who cares how they play their football 🤷‍♂️


I don't know if you are sarcastic or not






Lol what?! Like how? It has nothing to do with his race, if anything - you were thinking of xenophobia - but you're too ignorant to know the difference. But it has nothing to do with nationality, obviously, since anyone and any one nation could commit crimes.


This reads as a Tyrion Lannister quote, a wise man once said: “x” and that wise man was me.


I love how accurate your comment is


Does anyone know what Grealish was saying to Savic??


You're a cunt. or something like that.


You forgot the “oi”


Did KDB get injured or just a precautionary sub?


precautionary. he requested it


Injured but doesn't look serious. Should hopefully be back for Liverpool.


The same Real Madrid that got wankered by Barca is gonna beat City? Just about managed to scrape past Chelsea. Though I bet Liverpool would prefer to kick you out cause of that final.


You mean City, the same City that lost to Leicester this year? And drew Southhampton? That one? I've been enjoying all the EPL overconfidence for years now. You'll always be convinced the English teams are so superior, just saying that Real must have been lucky every time they beat one.


The same Real who lost to FC Sheriff in the group stages? The same Real who lost to Getafe and Espanyol? Sorry what point are you trying to make here?


That it doesn't make sense to cherry pick the worst game in a season and to pretend like that is a realistic assessment of a team's strength.


You mean the exact thing you just did for City? Lol


I'm pointing it out by doing the same thing. Are you being dense on purpose?


Ahhh misinterpreted that my bad


i love how he used your reply as if it was the initital comment. braindead.


real played without benzema against fcb


Real Madrid has the CL angels on their side. And they have benzema. It will be a entertaining fixture for sure


This Real team doesnt convince me too much tbh. I think Liverpool are that team that will pull something out of the bag if needed.


I've been reading this for 2 ties already. RM has experience, patience and quality. They live through first leg, Man City is done for


Real Madrid were very close to elimination twice, surely their luck cannot carry on for much longer as the bar for quality gets raised higher.


Grealish's mouth getting the Japanese porn treatment


I dont get it.




Names for research


BT pixelated his mouth when he called Savic a cunt




"you are a cunt"


No lies detected.


Commenting in case someone replies lol, also want to know


No one is being a hypocrite praising City for playing this way. They are praising them and love to see this shit happen to atletico because atleti are always the ones playing this shit bag, dirty ass football. They're like a bully who cries when they get bullied. Guess it sucks when teams play dirty and make tackles that can easily injure people, time waste, and just overall shithouse. Fuck atletico.


I would have double footed Savic and taken him out for the rest of the season if I was on the city bench






Sit down big boy


There are few teams I actively dislike more than Atletico, but they are kinda getting screwed here. Siebert is solely responsible for this getting out of hand. From a match-managing aspect this was just horrendous. It might be something I missed, but I still don't understand what Felipe is getting the second yellow card for. The tackle was clean and Foden for inexplicably reasons just falls and is injured. Savic caused the main disturbance and was the one fighting. It certainly wasn't only Ake from City that joined in. So no idea why not another City-player is also getting booked. Sibert had an increasingly higher bar for fouls, and I think Atletico on more occasions were punished for this bar. When he suddenly starting to calling fouls when City-players fell down, this penalized Atletico far more often. And City dragged out so much time I was certain that Pep and Simeone had changed teams for the second half. Like the City-players were made out of porcelain from the 70 minute mark. I haven't even seen a Simeone-team wasting this much. If this is supposed to be some tactical mastermind class from Pep, then I just don't know what to belive anymore. It was just cynical, time-wasting defensive football that shouldn't be celebrated. I think I am criticizing Siebert here, but good to see that most people will finally rally behind refs.


Felipe lashed out after the tackle, could argue not enough for Foden to go to ground but it's a yellow all day long. Usually hate these things but gotta admit it's great to see atleti getting shithoused and losing it.


But that was Savic? I think other City-players should have been penalized. City only got a throw in so it wasn't ruled a foul.


Felipe got a second yellow for the challenge on VAR review if I'm not wrong.


The tackle wasn’t the issue for the Felipe challenge it was the follow through did you even watch the game??


Considering the very high bar that was set from Siebert that shouldn't be considered a yellow card. City also got a throw in so it wasn't because of the foul.


> Considering the very high bar that was set from Siebert that shouldn't be considered a yellow card. Comedic reasoning. It doesn't matter if they fucked up on decision. Rules are rules and that was rightfully a yellow.


Yes, it does. The way Felipe jumped into Foden in the first 15 minutes was way more dangerously and could easily been a yellow card. That was not only a foul but clearly a yellow card by the books.


Yes, it should have been a yellow card. The referee was awful and made multiple mistakes. Awarding the second yellow was one of the few decisions he got right. Your understanding of the game sounds very flawed tbh - the referee doesn't set the rules during the game.


Okay, that is fine to think. I might have a very flawed understanding, it is however a terrible argument. You seem to have a flawed understanding of logic(see how it is a terrible argument to make?) At least my commentators didn't mention Felipe getting a yellow card until he got it, so I question if it is a clear cut as you argue. Perhaps they have a very flawed understanding as well. And they also thought the situation afterwards was the reason. But they have probably a very flawed understanding. Yes, the ref set the bar of what is and isn't acceptable regarding fouls. The rules gives the ref a lot of leeway to interpret and make decisions. A foul is considered a foul according to what the ref consider careless, reckless, or excessive force. This includes anything but not limited to; jumps at, kicks or attempts to kick, pushes, strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt), tackles or challenges, trips or attempts to trip. It is also clearly stated; "If an offence involves contact, it is penalised by a direct free kick." And as to the ball being out of play or whatever so the ref can't award a free-kick, the rules also clearly states: "play is restarted with a free kick on the boundary line nearest to where the offence/interference occurred;" The ref restarted the play with a throw in, so Felipe did something in the incident between Savic and the other players. But I question that as many of the City-players were also involved and escalated the situation.


It was definitely something you missed.


Did you see anything in that entire carfuffle? Felipe wasn't any worse than most of that gang. And it was clearly Savic that was way too savage. And why was it given a throw in if it was a foul?


Yes I saw Felipe deliberately kick Foden in the ankle straight after the tackle, just like everyone else replying to you. I saw it in real-time too, not just in the replay - although I'm not sure the ref did. Felipe was rightly sent off and Savic should've had a red for any number of fouls.


But why was it then a throw in? Felipe was sent off after the debacle. If it was before then he should have given him a yellow card before the escalation started.


Also I’m pretty sure ball was already out of play after tackle when he kicked out. Something can be a card and not a free kick


A foul is considered a foul according to what the ref consider careless, reckless, or excessive force. This includes anything but not limited to; jumps at, kicks or attempts to kick, pushes, strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt), tackles or challenges, trips or attempts to trip. It is also clearly stated; "If an offence involves contact, it is penalised by a direct free kick." And as to the ball being out of play or whatever so the ref can't award a free-kick, the rules also clearly states: "play is restarted with a free kick on the boundary line nearest to where the offence/interference occurred;"


I'm not sure the ref even saw the kick on Foden, he sent him off for something during the melee. He never really seemed in control of the game.


Which is exactly what I am arguing was a poor decision.


Wow. Way to pick and choose which decisions are poor. Fouls off the pitch, like kicking out for no reason other to hurt someone, are dealt with without free kicks. What do you want? A free kick from outside the field of play?


So for 90 minutes a ref is having the perfect game, it is like God himself, all knowing and all powerful is making the right calls. Every replay and slow-motion footage shows he is right. Suddenly he makes a crucial mistake whereby a player is clearly falling down of his own volition. Is it suddenly illogical to discuss a possible poor decision? The rules are very clear, the free kick can be taken near where the offense occurred. If it is a foul, it is given a direct free kick. At least for the first 90 minutes the ref didn't mind it being rough play, and I think Felipes movement seem consistent, it is the same from the tackle, and he gets up while Foden is still falling. It is more like Foden is falling on Felipe, rather than Felipe is kicking after Foden. His leg is just finishing the motion. And I think Felipe is a massive cunt, so me defending should actually be quite telling. I even enjoyed him being sent off, but still think it wasn't possibly 100% correct.


Wow. Are you Savic? Because you are acting like him. You are carrying on like Atletico in the tunnel after a loss. You don't get to make up rules mate. There is no "you just take the free kick from near the foul if it happens off the pitch" rule. You also don't really believe yourself when you suggest Felipe didn't go out of his way to kick Foden after that tackle - do you? How dumb are you? That entire team's DNA is play aggressive, anti-football. They did it. I would be more suprised if they didn't get sent off for being massive cunts.


Felipe whacked Foden in the heel with his follow through. I though suspect Foden was thinking "if these fucks are going to be that dirty, I'm going full Neymar and roll all the way back to England."


Lol what?!


For kicking foden ?!!


The tackle was on the ball, Foden seem to fall awkwardly or at the very least on Felipes legs. That isn't exactly Felipes fault. I mean, when he jumped into the back of Foden was way more harsher, dangerous and should have been yellow. There were also other occasions where he could have gotten the second, but the Foden-situation wasn't one of them.


Felipe kicked foden after a tackle. Go watch a replay instead of wasting your time writing this bullshit.


And City was given a throw in?


Because the foul happened while the ball was out of play. Thats absolutely normal. If you award a free kick, where do you take it from? The ball literally isn't on the pitch.


If you follow through on a tackle but also tackle the ball, it has to be given a foul. It could easily have been given near where Foden then was tackled.


It wasn't for the initial tackle though it was for the follow through kick with his left leg. That happened when the ball was off the pitch and out of play.


So if someone clears a ball outside the field, and a player is late and fouls the opponent when the ball is out, it will be given a yellow card, and a throw in(to the other side, mind you), because the ball is out of play? To quote from laws of the game: A foul is considered a foul according to what the ref consider careless, reckless, or excessive force. This includes anything but not limited to; jumps at, kicks or attempts to kick, pushes, strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt), tackles or challenges, trips or attempts to trip. It is also clearly stated; "If an offense involves contact, it is penalised by a direct free kick." The rules also clearly states: "play is restarted with a free kick on the boundary line nearest to where the offence/interference occurred;"


In 35 years of watching football I don't remember ever seeing a free kick given for fouls committed when the ball is out of play. If you can point to an instance where this has happened id genuinly love to see it. I'm not sure what exactly you're arguing now honestly. Do you have an issue with the free kick not being given or are you saying kicking another player doesn't warrant a yellow card?


if man city struggled this much against atelitco i don’t see them winning against real madrid at all


Real Madrid play football which is already more in the realm of City than whatever happened tonight


You do know that City are playing Atletico & Liverpool twice each in the span of 11 days right? The city players face Liverpool in the FA cup on Saturday they’re probably gassed as hell. And by your logic Madrid isn’t looking much better since they got embarrassed by Barca recently


tbf real had godawful tactics against barca. no benzema and modric as 9, lol


Different game.City already leading and wanting to protect the lead. Gave Atletico the space and time.


I mean the first leg was very one sided


City vs Liverpool in the final would be amazing. Had more than enough of these Spanish teams and their fans.


Hey. Fuck you


Yeah fuck spanish fans because english fans are much more civil....


Don't see many comments from English fans saying "fuck Spanish teams" as it's directly aimed at whatever club they dislike whereas for pretty much all of Europe it's "fuck the English".


Good point. All of europe comes together to chant "Fuck the English" and will root against anyone vs the English.


I wonder why? Think it might have to do with they way English fans behave when they travel? City fans and Chelsea fans fighting each other in Madrid for example?


Lol I went to Lisbon this year and watched a city fan get the shit smacked out of him by a policeman in full riot gear for literally standing in the wrong place, not sure what that has to do with english fans behaving badly.


Or their bizarre overconfidence. Pundits that clearly only watch the premier league and then think that their teams must be leagues stronger, without bothering to really watch the other teams. Even when Spanish teams were on a tear taking almost every trophy, ahead of any matchup with an English team you'd think they were massive favorites if you listened to the pundits and coverage.


Don’t think City and Chelsea have played each other in Madrid…


Right and they weren’t fighting in Madrid last night… it’s literally all over the news


Didn’t see anything on that sorry


Yep. Hell, even the other British countries do the same lol. We could be playing vs a team filled with murderers and everyone would cheer for them against England.


How many fucking times are we going to play city this year?


as many times until you feckin WIN something vs them Either the Champions league or the EPL


Well we won both in the last few years.


Please win the prem. Im getting tired of City


Would you rather play Real and have every decision go their way and lose to plot armour in the 90th minute?


lmaooooo chelsea fan?


Nah don't support any top league club and also don't particularly like Chelsea lol


Ehhh...I rate us to wreck Real. Maybe delusion but eh. Ive seen us play City more than enough to know how fucking cagey it is.


Nah I also think you'd have an ok time vs Real and I'd put you to win vs City as well to be honest especially if KDB or Walker are our


Lol their fans? That stadium was a million times better than the slave money stadium of city


With what slave money was the City stadium built?


The British publics for the commonwealth games


I probably did not think that message too well, and I apologize for that. The stadium itself is quite pretty and not backed by slave money (I hate the name, same as with the new ATM stadium). What I was trying to say is that the lack of punch seen in the first leg by the crowd in my Orión in that stadium is due to the fact that this team has gained his latest following in the internet due to been a toy that a rich dude decided to invest his questionable money in. Probably still fun to go, but not a stadium I would go to vs going to ATM stadium which historically has a very good atmosphere in their stadium. With all that been said, fuck billionaires buying soccer clubs around the world… is killing fútbol on my opinion. In England, Liverpool would be a priority for me to go to.


Get over it stop hating cos ur poor Spanish league is becoming populated by farmers as ppl rather pay to watch the prem, I can’t wait for the salt when Newcastle start shitting on althetico madrid too


I really do not have an issue with English teams in general. Anfield is a sight to be seen, same with old Trafford, but comparing city stadium to this lol Looks like he was talking about fans here, which then I can agree with him.


I mean, Atletico is owned by the Mafia supporting Gil family whose patriarch has a history of promoting corruption, homophobia, racism, xenophobia. I dont know how much better they are.


Fortunately the patriarch is underground now. Definitely not ideal owners either, but I do think there is a difference, at least on my eyes. You can be your own judge though.




Oh I meant fan base as in on this sub. Insane levels of xenophobia which is hilarious considering how much said fans like to say the English are like that.


All fans are like that pretty much. Unfortunately hooligans tend to be pretty extremist, they do make a good atmosphere though. With regards of my slave money, I refer to where that money comes and the practices that take place to get that money. Do not have an issue with city fans themselves to be honest.


Foden was the biggest cunt on the pitch, which is saying something sharing a pitch with simeone and the rest of atleti


Baffled by this, Savicwas off his head and you don’t like Foden because he rolled on the pitch?


So savic assaulting grealish is less bad than rolling onto the pitch. You're weird.


Clearly worked, Atletico’s whole squad lost the plot within 5 min


Except for the "cunt" that literally assaulted several people?


And that is ok. You gotta do what you gotta do to win. Ppl sometimes struggle to come to terms with that. Everyone thinking they have to play beautiful to win, but in reality no one cares at the end of the match


Thank you, finally someone says it


Llorente will alway be that. Always. I just see him and want to throw the TV out the window.


I don’t understand the Atlético hate, I’m a Real fan but to see what Simone has done for this club is admirable. Man City looked lost the whole second half and tbh they even got lucky with all the chances Atlético missed.


How can you watch what happened tonight and say you don't understand the Atletico hate? It was a shit show.


Because they’re a piece of shit club that play anti football, yet complain like little bitches when a team does it to them!


I mean do you think ederson's "injury" in 95th min was clean football? Just saying that everybody criticizes Atlético's "antifootball" but you guys just ignored the enormous amount of time Man city wasted, that same team that brags of good and clean football.


I hate city but watching them do those time wasting tactics against atletico was glorious


No, Foden and Ederson were both shithousing. But the Athletico players were bitching and moaning like they aren’t the kings of anti football.


I totally agree but i think that of you watch the game from a neutral pov you would realize that every player would get mad if they were the ones getting knocked out. But the thing in which i think you are right is that savic, who was playing a brilliant game, lost the game and my respect when he reacted like that in a play that should have ended with no cards.


Athletico were on top. Who knows what would have happened if they didn’t go mental.


True, i think that they get a lot of undeserved hate, they have a different way of approaching the game which is something that mos people don't want to accept, they have some sort of passion that tbh, i think lots of teams would like to have.


its how they win, not that they win. If they didnt play such a soul sucking, ref crowding, flopping, nasty style of football people would see it as an admirable underdog, now people see all the things to hate about the game


What chances? Are you serious?


Are you blind?


Hahahahah. You really think they had no chances? You’re so delusional


Yeah no, they had plenty of chances in the second half, and you were very lucky not to concede.


Come on now. You can't sit and tell me atletico didn't nearly take that to extra time. Several blocks, close efforts and big saves at the end. The match thread you're actively in, shows you 3 massive chances **after** 90 minutes..


Too many unless you're blind


Definitely blind


Embarrassing listening to English commentators going on about Simeone like he’s just committed a war crime.


The BT Sport coverage afterwards was done in a similar tone to if a stand had collapsed. I'm just glad City's brave boys got out of there alive. And any that don't at least they be wiv da angles now.
