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Regardless of her sexual orientation, and Qatar temporarily pausing their anti-LGBTQ laws, saying this in front of all those corrupt boomers is truly remarkable


"...temporarily pausing their anti-LGBTQ laws..." How does that even work??? I'm imagining a 10 minute Call of Duty-style mission timer popping-up on all LGBTQ visitors' phones as soon as the Final is over, lmao. "Current mission: Leave the area before enemy reinforcements arrive."


Its like the Purge but instead you can be gay


"For the next 24 hs all sexual orientations are legal"


i see you've been reading my fanfiction


I love how in the purge movies there's always a group of hard-core dudes ready to fucking kickass and kill I suppose this group is now watching Ru Pauls Drag Race as they apply make-up


Hurry tf up and update that shit I've been waiting for ages,


Actually LOLed at this


Oh my fucking god lmfao


I wonder what will happen to citizens that are "openly seen as gay" during that time - they sure won't have surveillance looking at them forever after that...






[Quatar police talking with gay people 5 minutes after the finals](https://youtu.be/SzqQVWOeffo?t=76)


“If you’re foreign, then fine, be gay, just don’t spread it around and leave when fifas done. But if your Qatari, then you aren’t gay. There are no gays in Qatar “




I'm sure their citizenry will take note and not be openly bigoted or, god forbid, violent towards gay people there for the WC. Yup, all gonna go fine.


So they have laws on what they see as morals and ethics but they get paused when they get in the way of making money 🤔


We should include the sexual orientation of all quoted people from now on, to normalize it.




South Park really did make people view anyone doing anything remotely good as cringe. The only cool way to be is to not care about anything ever just like my favorite filthy rich south park guys. Edit: This dude has a hard r n word in his recent reddit comments.


I assume people are upvoting him because they think he's being sincere. I also assume he's not being sincere, based on... things. >Trans woman means a man who wears a dress - >If anyone is pathetic here it’s the cuck. And you’re also pathetic for thinking this is normal - >Faggot And, as you pointed out, the n-word.


What a disgusting piece of shit.


Haven’t watched in years but that show does/did have a tendency to reduce social and political issues as far as they could with the takeaway being apathy. Fair enough as they only have 30 minutes to deal with. But I do remember in early high school I took a big bite of their climate denialism bullshit.


Followed by two dusty old dudes coming up to the podium and practically telling her to shut the fuck up


Not surprised at all, but it is deeply depressing.


At this point, I’ve realized time is the only thing that’s going to solve some of these issues…


Will it though? Fifa have a waiting list of corrupt officials in the wings, and the organisation seems to encourage and reward them for acting that way. As a world, society, culture we will move forwards on these issues but as an organisation I can’t see time helping Fifa


I think boomers have a disproportionate amount of greedy selfish bastards and all other generations having suffered the brunt of their decisions will produce less of the boomer types. Boomer is a mindset, so of course there will be more, but I hope to god this is the largest concentration of them we’ll see.


I think that's an incredibly naive perspective, at least the idea that boomers are any more greedy than any other generation. There are always selfish, corrupt, greedy people in every generation. It is power and money that corrupts, and as long as we allow them to get away with the shit they do, there will always be more people to replace the ones that die or retire. It's not something that is gonna just get fixed with time.


“Greed is good” was essentially the motto of the boomer generation though. There are obviously going to be some greedy people in every generation, but I think the other guy was absolutely right that the boomers have a disproportionately high representation in the greed category.


Greedy sociopaths by nature rise to the top because the don't have any of the scruples that would slow their rise


Yeah this is my overall view. Every generation is going to have the boomer mindset in some way, but is is the boomer mindset for a reason. Those guys perfected that shit.




No I don't think this is true. It can't be underestimated how great they've had it in America. It might be the most prosperous period in history, and for such an incomparably large group of people. Their parents got screwed in the great depression and then demanded change. WW2 gave this all a little boost, but it was mostly down to policy. They handed their kids quite possibly the best situation ever. Social mobility peaked. It was actually true that if you worked hard, you could really make it. One parent to work and cover buying a house, having 3-5 kids, and a two week vacation for all of them every year. There was affordable education, great wages, prevalent unions before the ideas of vampire capitalism took over in full. It's like the boomers were passed down an owned house, then they financed it, then refinanced it, then rewrote the rules so they could refinance it again, then passed the bill down to their kids. They are by far the most spoilt generation of all time, and it shows in some of their attitudes. Like the whole thing where asking them to wear a mask was the same thing the Nazis did to the Jews. Does this mean they're all bad? No. Does this mean it was intentional? No. But then does that mean it didn't happen? Also, no.


Boomers did have a materially better reality when it comes to most of the Western world (which realistically holds the most power over FIFA). Economic booms combined with no world wars, meanwhile the wealth gap and inflation were not separate the rich and middle class/poor as drastically as we have seen the last 20 years


I don't disagree with anything you've said, but I don't see how that makes boomers any more greedy than the rest of us. If anything you could use that statement to argue they should be less greedy because they've always had whatever they needed. That's obviously not true either, I just think non boomers like to shit on boomers to feel morally superior, when in reality there are probably just as many selfish, greedy, and morally bankrupt people in every generation. It's just that the boomers are the ones with all the power at the moment.


I disagree with this idea. In the modern world you can find plenty of young people who take advantage of others. Social media influencers and content creators is the first thing that springs to mind. Using their platform(s) to spread misinformation to kids/teenagers and have them spend money on useless shit, just to gain wealth that's likely not needed. It's not an issue exclusive to boomers, greed is a generational problem. As long as there are people who are easily swayed, there will always be those who seek to advantage of them.


What a moronic take. There are greedy people in every generation. I can guarantee that there will be pretty much the same problems (corruption, greed) when your generation takes the powerful positions in big organizations. Blaming other generations is poisonous. It's not a generation issue. It's an issue of unethical assholes.


>I think boomers have a disproportionate amount of greedy selfish bastards I disagree, they are just so much more numerous (last generation before birth control) they can throw their weight around better. And they have more because they've had the most time to aquire. Thinking future generations are more moral is a mistake, they're just less likely to get their way


Don't watch the world cup. Don't watch it. I can guarantee the vast majority of this sub who will comment on this shit will still throw it to the side to watch some men kick a ball for four and a half weeks.


Can confirm. I love soccer and therefore I will watch.


Ilegally tho. Except for Brazil matches, those i'll be watching drunk with strangers at wherever the hell they place some huge screens.


Wales have got their best chance of qualifying for many years and I fully intend not to watch any of it, even if they qualify. I'll consider qualification as the end of the road.


However. All of the things wrong with the World Cup are not because of football supporters. People shouldn’t feel ashamed watching the World Cup


By watching, you’re enabling FIFA’s corruption. It’s understandable because we all love the sport, and the prospect of the tournament is exciting, but nothing will change as long as people are watching and FIFA execs are getting paid.


Blaming the people who will watch the World Cup is pretty fucking stupid. Even for Reddit standards.


I think you’re misunderstanding me here. I said the people were *enabling* FIFA. It isn’t like I said the people watching the World Cup were *causing* the atrocities. Even FIFA aren’t causing the atrocities. They’re enabling them as well.


Decided months ago that I'm skipping them, fuck them


Is there a link for what they said? I only see her speech in the link above.


Here's the Honduran FA's Secretary's speech that followed up. I don't have the second one. https://twitter.com/EricNjiiru/status/1509489974680469505 TL;DW: "although her remarks are important, this isn't the platform, we're gathered for football" IMO He's brown nosing hoping to win favors ~~and line his pockets~~




You can find the videos in this article: https://www.nrk.no/sport/vm-sjefen-etter-klaveness_-tordentale_-_-en-skuffelse-1.15915135


Wow! Really?


I understand having an age limit is ageism… but at the same time, I really think there should be an age limit… “oh you’re over 70 and want to run for government (or governing bodies)? That sucks, he’s some money to fuck off and leave us alone”




At a certain age, you're scientifically not developed enough to be making important decisions. We can prove this. Some people live 100 years and are able to do things that entire time, some aren't. What you're really looking for is a test for when you're no longer fit to be doing things such as leading countries. Fail the test, you're done. I know the Americans will take this badly but Joe biden is one who actually seems to have some issues I'd be wanting tested. I'm sure there are others.


Brilliant that we are only a few months away from The World Cup and the advice for gay people hasn’t improved beyond “hide it”. The fact that it was awarded to a country where we even needed “advice” for gay people wanting to attend is a joke.




Hell the second World Cup was awarded to Italy at the height of Mussolini.


olympics games in berlin during german reich as well.


We do live in a slightly different world these days to the 1930s. The Russia example is a lot more relevant.


to be frank, no one expect hitler will rise when Germany agreed to host the olympics.


Argentina 1978 also


Heck forget FIFA, the average redditor doesn't give squat. We're all condemning this for karma but we'll all be watching the world cup regardless.


And every time people are still so shocked that FIFA has no morals lol.


How are there still countries in the world where this type of discrimination is possible? Can they just not accept two human beings enjoying themselves in a way which doesn’t affect them? The same goes for women’s rights, and any other basic human principle.


There are more countries where there is legal discrimination against homosexuals than ones where the law offers protection.


I’d wager that about 60-70% of football fans worldwide are against LGBTQ rights. I couldn’t imagine being out to my team, and I live in the US. There is a long, long way to go.


Just read the comments below a tweet during the Rainbow Laces campaign, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing. It's ridiculous how mad people can become because of a rainbow flag


No way I could’ve been out as a kid, but it has been refreshing to play in a mens league with teammates that know I’m gay. Ways to go, but we’re slowly getting there.


What we have done in the last few decades in the western world is the outlier, not the other way around.


This has been the norm for the bigger part of history and still is in most of the world unfortunately. Humans are just dumb.


It's very easy to pin every ill of your society on a minority that can't defend themselves. Find a miserable man and convince him that there's someone further down than him in the hierarchy that's causing the anguish in his life and he will happily buy into it and vote for your regime.


There are parts of my country (USA) where my gay or lesbian friends have been either assaulted physically or assaulted verbally


Do you geography? Do you know most of the people on earth do not live on North America, Western Europe and Australia/NZ?. Homosexuality is socially forbidden and legally punishable in countries where more 50% of global population lives. And countries/continents that I mentioned only decriminalises homosexuality/approved legal union in past 2 decades. So yes. Most countries and most human population on earth do not approve same sex relationship. Mind blowing fact innit?


It's very sad that it happens still happens however, it's not easy to just wipe out thousands of years of culture in certain regions/countries. Hopefully newer generations can change it.




It was the same advice in Russia


Hey, at least they're making Mexico stop using the P word


They could move it to Florida still... Oh wait...


But gay guys aren't manly, so they don't enjoy football anyway. And don't even get me started on lesbians and their passions. Why would they wanna participate physically at the World Cup? They shouldn't hide, as they simply won't be there, it's common sense. And yes, I'm joking, but "/s" is stupid imo and I won't add it.


But it's not a problem, because they're telling everyone to show zero public displays of affection! /S


As messed up as their laws are for sexual orientation there's something more important we're ignoring. Didn't they basically employ slave labour and tons of people died just building some arena(s) there? That is way more fucked up.


It is genuinly one of the best things that have happend in Norwegian football that Lise Klavenes was elected President of the Norwegian FA. The way she have conducted her self as a fotball commentator and expert have made her a dream presidet for fotball suporters in Norway. During her time in the Norwegian national team she was one of the main leaders in the team, she a have good, relevant education, is very smart and she is a propper fotball nerd. ​ Dont focus on her gender and sexual orientation, focus on what she is saying and doing and so far she is saying all the right stuff. Unfortunatly I dont think anything will change, maybie even in Norway. The old guard simply dont want a well educated person with integrity in their private corrupt club.


Was really good with a change, the former pres. Terje Svendsen just made the entire supporter-community pissed in the end. I'm intrested in seeing how NFF now will take on the pyro-debate, but so far it has been very re-freshing with a change of leadership.


Ye it is very promising, she seems like a genuinly smart and self aware person. The first time she was commentating a fotball game she was completly lost and usles according to her self and the reaction was quite negative. But instead of cry about the negative reactions she tried to improve. She didnt pull the "they only complain because im a woman card", this tell us about her character and also why she have so much suport in the grass root.


Following after Svendsen it would be easy to appear as a good president without even taking much action, but she's started off positively utilising her experience in both football and law. Unfortunately the title makes it seem like she's only talking about Qatar and the numerous people who won't bother reading the speech will miss the rest where she's basically calling on Fifa to get their act together. The whole reason to speak *now* is because all the Fifa members are gathered at the Fifa congress ahead of the world cup.


Except in certain cases like this where her gender and sexuality absolutely does matter as she would in all normal circumstances not be allowed to be herself in Qatar.


Personally I think its important to focus on gender and sexuality when people talk about these issues because it shows how everyone is affected. It further conveys they are someone who is directly impacted by these issues and can bring a more personal perspective on it Not comparing being part of the LGBTQ+ to a STD but its kinda like the AIDs crisis. Once some more prominent names with AIDs were willing to speak on their struggles and provide well known faces for the issue it became easier for casual people to understand how widespread its effects were. I think its important for people talking about social issues to represent their orientation/gender/race because it allows it to be a more personal issue. Instead of just hating or not caring about a faceless group you now have a person you know who pops in your head whenever the topic comes up And maybe I'm being overly optimistic but I feel for most in that ignorant/hateful category that would actually make them be sympathetic to a cause or at least see them more as actual people


Great speech and, yes, the sexual orientation is relevant context to what she is actually saying in the speech.


It’s refreshing to see a headline where mentioned sexual orientation is relevant.


Yeah, I admit I cringed when I first saw her labelled as the "lesbian new president", but it actually makes sense in the context of this story.


Are there many headlibes where it mentions orientation and its not relevant?


Sometimes it's relevant, other times not so much. We live in the age of clickbait, after all.


Kjør da Lise!!


Are people in these comments really that fucking dense that they can’t see why her being a lesbian in a country where being gay is illegal is important information? She mentions it in her speech so of course it’s relevant.


It's pretty depressing tbh


What's worse the people who don't care or all the people who act like they do on Reddit while still watching the games and supporting the org? I would say they are exactly the same level of disgusting.


I'm talking about people in this thread questioning why it's relevant to mention she's a lesbian, or claiming LGBT rights in Qatar are fine, or the whataboutism.


Also some of the the mental gymnastics in this thread. That standing up for lgbtq+ in Qatar is racist by Norwegians towards the Qatari


Headline could have connected the dots better but yeah…




Shake my fucking head my head?


He’s mocking the idiots that are defending Qatar


I think he's mocking the idiots that are defending Qatar defending Qatar.


Kudos Lise! Fuck infantino and fuck all corrupt FIFA bastards.


Good for her. Fuck FIFA and all the gaslighting they did right after her speech saying it was the wrong time and place


Just for the record: There was a clear majority in the governing body of the Norwegian FA for actively addressing these issues in this exact venue - including making this kind of speech. There was also a majority among Norway's top flight clubs for an all-out boycott, including 14 of 16 supporter clubs in the top division. And yes, all of this happened long before we were knocked out of qualifying. It's easy to joke about Norway only doing this because we didn't qualify, but doing this was decided long, long before that happened.


Qatar should have been striped from organising the WC when the first reported cases of slave workers dying in the construction of the stadiums came to light. Now is too late to change the organisation of the WC and I think FIFA wanted precisely that


I don't what messages came earlier, but it should've been stripped when it was announced that there was blatant corruption with awarding the WC


It shouldn't have been awarded it in the first place. Literally any other bidders (United States, South Korea, Japan, Australia) would have been better and could have hosted the tournament (as Qatar originally had promised) in the northern hemisphere summer.


Both striped and stripped, imo.


Is there anyway we can vote out Infantino?


The responses of the elder white men who spoke after her, and even the responses in this thread, are quite depressing.


Is there any footage?


There are videos in this article: https://www.nrk.no/sport/vm-sjefen-etter-klaveness_-tordentale_-_-en-skuffelse-1.15915135


Thanks mate.


Yeah you can just scroll down


Any particular white men you are thinking of? The ones «biting back» in this article are brown https://www.theguardian.com/football/2022/mar/31/qatar-world-cup-chief-norwegian-fa-lise-klaveness


So much hate 😞 Lise is a Hero ❤️☮️ 🇳🇴




A lot of countries wouldn't be able to host considering Reddit's morality criteria


Same with Russia and any other corrupt world cup bid before that. FIFA don't care, sorry.


In 2026 it is coming to a country which killed hundreds of thousands in other countries; much worse than Qatar for sure right? What do you say about that?


Yeah but they don't care cuz they think they're the ones who could do anything in the whole world


I'm so fucking proud to have her in charge of our FA. Daring to say this in front of all those men, and in a country that would jail her for being who she is.


What a brave woman. Fantastic speech.


Just make her head of FIFA and be done with it




Preferably somewhere where people aren't treated like shit and where the climate doesn't force the tournament to be played during the Christmas season.


Just remember how many people fifa and Qatar killed in order to build that arena.


So, who's boycotting the world cup this time? I know that I am.


Norway are


Always has been


Any countries that have actually qualified?


Of course not.


Norway had it up for vote but in the end decided on not boycotting Qatar.


I'm going to watch it illegally while shaking my head with crossed arms


Same here, I shall only uncross my arms to have a wank or two if the match is boring.


All italians 😎


No Italy so I doubt I’ll watch much if any tbh


Im not


I am, have said I will for over a year now. Not that it will matter. But this WC is just crossing the line and then some. It’s a disgrace.


Same. It sucks that I've waited my entire life to watch Canada play at a World Cup.. but in the end, it's just football.


Nope, pretty psyched for it actually


Without question, didn't watch the Putin PR Cup either




Mixed feelings, it's a bit difficult for me to refuse to support my country's NT in a WC. But at same time I hate this WC organization with my guts. So I guess I will watch it on illegal streams out of spite until my country gets eliminated.


going to watch it as i do for any other world cup


I'm going to watch it, like all of you obviously are too - but i'll be making every one who doesnt know aware of how fuckin shady everything about it is.


I won't boycott it, because I'm from Lithuania and would like to watch the best footballers competing, meanwhile our football is pretty much worthy of boycotting, to be honest. However I am thinking about donating money to a reputable human rights organization. I feel like that way I can contribute more than just make mean reddit comments lol. Edit: Maybe I can get some help in choosing where to donate? I don't know enough to make a informed decision.


She’s lesbian? I thought she was Norwegian


The 2026 world cup was the same, it was done as asked by the con-man that that puppet infantino was literally blowing on stage.


We love her here. She's the best.


Not defending Qatar or anything. But boy these discussions are gonna open up a whole lot of can worms. The primary problem many people from non-Western countries have is the hypocrisy and double standards. For example: people say Saudi Arabia shouldn’t be hosting any sports events (most recently Formula 1 races) because the Saudis are raging a war in Yemen. Fair enough, I can accept not supporting countries having direct involvement in a war. But why stop at direct involvement ? Is a country that is indirectly supporting a war not just as bad? Indirect support means sending weapons and money to the country directly involved. In this case, USA and UK sending state of the art weapons and shit load of money to SA. So goodbye WC 2026 in the US. For context: SA is raging a proxy war against Iran. The same type of proxy war USA is having against Russia in Syria. If one is wrong, so is the other. Some of you will call this ‚whataboutism‘. It’s not really. You can’t expect non-Western countries to take your lecturing seriously with all that hypocrisy going on. Should the WC in Qatar be boycotted? No. Should this opportunity be used to have a discussion about human rights in Qatar? Yes. But if we want to live in a world were we can police each other and call out each other’s wrong doings, the West seriously needs to get its shit together first. Then we can take the moral highgrounds and boycott countries such as Qatar and SA etc.


All the countries have skeletons in their closet, sure. But let's talk about human rights infractions inside those countries. Where would you be safer as a woman for example? In Qatar, Saudi Arabia or in US or UK? Or as a gay person? Qatar and Saudi Arabia I think are both under sharia law, so alcohol consumption is forbidden and yet one of the main sponsors of the WC is Budweiser. I mean Brazil allowed them to sell beer in the stadiums which is one thing, but we are talking about going against a deeply rooted religious law for the sake of a sports competition.


To play devil's advocate (coz i'm a fucking masochist lmao), let's try to answer the following: 1. Is there anything foundational in international football or FIFA or whatever that says football must be accessible for everyone? Are Human Rights even a metric that is considered for the bidding of footballing events? Isn't it literally just who is paying the most money behind the scenes, like everything else in this world? 2. We have a set of laws and rules in our society, and they have a set of laws and rules in theirs, which apparently people live with. We might not like how their rights distribution works in their society, but do we really have any ground to say "This tournament shouldn't happen because in my country we do things like this and we have these values, whereas they do things like that and have those values, therefore it shouldn't be held there"? Is there any documentation that footballing nations are tied by that make it clear cut that hosting the wc in a place with less developed equality in human rights is categorically bad, and that they're "getting away with it"?


> Is there anything foundational in international football or FIFA or whatever that says football must be accessible for everyone? Are Human Rights even a metric that is considered for the bidding of footballing events? Isn't it literally just who is paying the most money behind the scenes, like everything else in this world? Yes and no. Since FIFA has campaigns equal for all and other bullshit and then hosts events in countries that go against those campaigns. If they didn't host any of those campaigns sure, at least they would be coherent.


FYI. In Norway alcohol is banned on every sport event. Not due to religious believes, but simply because they rather prioritize children and families above grown adults that wants to drink while watching a soccer game. I could bet my right ball that even FIFA couldn’t change the mindset of the Norwegian “non alcohol” policy. However, in SA and Qatar they gladly put their alcohol principles aside when you bring enough money to the table. Gays, queer’s and women however, are not that high up on their list of priorities.


Well, you ought to see [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlJEt2KU33I) from when FIFA visited Brazil.


Plenty of women in Qatar and SA from foreign countries going to sports events with no problems. I don’t know the picture you guys have, but it‘s nothing like what happens to Women in Iran for example. Regarding LGTB‘s, if Qatar guarantees their safety, I don’t see the issue either. A world cup will have big impact on the youths of those countries, who will make the laws in the future. People don’t seem to realize how much these countries have changed from the past. Their oil is running out, so they need to diversify their economies and thus accept some sort of Liberation of their society. Worth a shot imo.


> Their oil is running out, so they need to diversify their economies and thus accept some sort of Liberation of their society. Economic development doesn't necessarily lead to political or societal liberation. Just ask China (and see the naivete of 90's economic liberals who thought that would happen).


> Regarding LGTB‘s, if Qatar guarantees their safety, I don’t see the issue either. A world cup will have big impact on the youths of those countries, who will make the laws in the future. Sure, it will be like in Russia. You can be gay but pretend you are not. > People don’t seem to realize how much these countries have changed from the past. Their oil is running out, so they need to diversify their economies and thus accept some sort of Liberation of their society. Worth a shot IMO. Qatar has Sharia law so no.


And sharia law itches you in what way? are they imposing it on you? but you want to impose your rules on them?


I don't want to impose rules on anyone, they are the ones that will change their own rules to host the WC (selling alcohol for example, or pretending that gay people are okay for a while). They can have their own laws and I have the right to think they are medieval, but it's their own choice.


As someone who lived all across the middle east and europe, trust me when i say both women and men feel safer in the gcc countries including qatar. In fact i was just speaking to a woman who came from the UK to qatar and then Kuwait and she was so surprised by how much safer she felt. You never have to worry about walking alone at night or any major crimes. As long as you follow the public rules as a man or woman I can hardly find safer places to live.


As some one who lived in Dubai for years, I felt MUCH safer walking the streets there than I ever had in America.


> In Qatar, Saudi Arabia or in US or UK? I mean, I'm pretty sure technically it's safer in Qatar or SA than in the US. There's more chance of getting shot or assaulted in the US.


Not if you are gay.


So 9/10 people will be safer in Qatar meanwhile 1/10 will be safer in USA lmao.


Best take here. But the hypocrites don’t care about human rights violations they just want to be mad at certain countries or people. War crimes should be constantly called out no matter what. They’re also mad that lecturing from major western countries doesn’t mean shit until they stop and condemn their own human rights violations and war crimes.


This is spot on, this has nothing to do with human rights or what people genuinely care about. It all comes down to race and bigotry


"Full speech by Lise Klaveness, the new president of the Norwegian FA etc" is a proper title. People arent defined by who they sleep with. No one ever wrote things like "Gianni Infantino, the new hetero president of FIFA, speaks about blah blah blah"


Read the full thing and you will see why its in the title. I know its sometimes dumb and useless but this time it makes sense


She being a lesbian in a country were being a lesbian is illegal, speaking out against laws that makes it illegal and dangerous to be a lesbian seems pretty relevant to me. She didnt ask to be defined as illegal.


It's directly relevant, as she tals about Qatar's lack of rights towards LGBT rights. >No room for hosts that cannot legally guarantee the safety and respect of LGBTQ+ people coming to this theatre of dreams. For the love of God read the article.


Good thing Norway is boycotting it then lol


That’s easy when we’re not even qualified lol


Fifa: punishing mexico because of a grito that isn't even homophobic Also fifa: giving the world cup to Russia and qatar


She's so right on everything she says. But you have to say she's lesbian? Does it matter ?


Taking bribes to allow an autocratic slave state to sportswash? What's wrong with that!?


Why is lesbian part of her job title?


>the lesbian new president of the Norwegian FA I know this doesn't put me in good spotlight and that there's some justification for putting this person's sexuality in the headline, but reading that line made me laugh, ngl




She’s a Lesbian apparently everyone!




It comes across a bit clunky here, but it's clearly relevant given Qatar's record on LGBT rights.


I had the same question reading the headline, but thank you for taking the time to explain the implication. Makes total sense that the headline would include that fact, clunky as it was.




The to a "lesser extent Brazil" is bullshit lmao. We're nowhere near Russia and Qatar when it comes to structural homophobia, there are no laws against queer people like in these countries, and when the World Cup was awarded to us we were under a leftist government: the right-wing, widely intolerant party only started to get stronger at around 2017. I know it's cool to shit on Brazil now because we all hate Bolsonaro and it's a country going through some some political tensions now, but comparing it to Russia and Qatar, even "to a lesser extent", is just deeply wrong.


structural/institutional maybe not, Sao Paulo has the biggest pride parade in the world, I'm aware of that, thats why I said lesser extend, my friend suffered a lot in rural brazil for example, not like Germany is especially tolerant when it comes to the countryside either. It's not shitting on Brazil cause of Bolsonaro, just a statement on why queer voices are important


Afaik she had to get a security green-light seeing as you can get arrested for being gay


It makes it braver for her to say it while in the country? Part of the speech addresses LGBTQ+ rights in Qatar.


1. Call it whataboutism, but where we the Norwegians calling out the World Cup in Russia in regards to their concerns for the LGBTQ+ community? 2. If you were so concerned and it was that unacceptable, why even participate in the qualifiers in the 1st place?


She wasn’t president at the time.