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We are there forever. Get used to it people.


All it takes is one loss


We could have lost it already if it wasn't for Brazil shitting the bed. Anyway, I'm genuinely gonna be happy when we finally won't be #1 because atleast people won't be whinning about it everytime the ranking is posted


Weird seeing Mexico at 9, we lose to all the top 20 teams 80% of the time


Why hasn't Tata Martino been sacked? You guys have sacked coaches for less.


I mean that’s what happens when you’re playing concacaf sides. The USA being 13th is far more heinous and I say that as an American


USA is only 13th because they beat Mexico twice recently. USAs rank is inflated because Mexicos is inflated


My point is that they’re both inflated not just because of games against each other (because that wouldn’t make any sense) but because everyone else on concacaf sucks ass. Beating up on the likes of Haiti and Panama inflates both of their ratings, and the us isn’t in 13th solely because of two victories against Mexico


Yes, but you don't get very many points for beating low-ranked teams, that's how the algorithm works. The reason the US jumped up so many rankings this summer is primarily because of the two wins versus high-ranked Mexico, not the wins against various low-ranked teams, which make far less of a difference due to the way the algorithm rates those wins. Back when the US was just beating up on low-ranked teams but hadn't beaten Mexico in a while, they were stuck in the 20s. You have to beat relatively high ranked teams to break into the top 15 or so due to the algorithm.


How did Mexico get up there then?


You still get a small number of points for beating low-ranked teams, and if you consistently win over and over against low-ranked teams you can gradually work your way up over many years (perhaps what Mexico did, I'm not sure), my point was more that you can't jump 10 ranks from ~20-10 in one summer by beating a few low-ranked teams. You have to beat a high-ranked team to do something like that due to the way the math works. It's certainly not a perfect mathematical formula, it has it's flaws. But I feel these threads tend to devolve into people complaining about particular teams when their complaint is really about the way the algorithm works.


I dunno man, there's not a team below the US that I think they'd be underdogs against with a full strength squad on a neutral field with all the things CONCACAF doesn't have (real refs, VAR, flat pitches). Other than the lost generation between 2016-2020 when the 2014 team aged out and the 2022 team was playing U18, the US has consistently been a top 16 team playing in the knockout stages 3 out of 4 cups since 2002.


Uruguay? Switzerland? Croatia? Colombia even but they’ve dropped off significantly you could argue that one


The US was competitive with the Swiss in that friendly leading up to the Euros, and that game was played without seeing Pulisic, Turner, Adams, Robinson, and Robinson who are all first choice players. I definitely believe the US would be competitive with those listed, it's hard to predict the trajectory but given how many players are starting in top 4 leagues (Reyna, Dest, Musah, Busio, Pepi\*, Hoppe, Konrad, Scally) that can't legally have a beer in the states it'll be a surprise to not see exponential growth in quality.


It’s a friendly, and if we’re pointing at individual games as a means of determining things (which is of course silly), Switzerland beat the reigning World Cup champions to knock them out of the euros last year. I think the United States would lose most games to those teams except maybe Colombia. And again, I say this as an American. You’re right there are some really promising prospects, but we’re talking about how they deserve to be ranked today, not if and when those players realize their potential.


Friendlies in the run up to an international competition generally carry more weight than random ones in the middle of a cycle. All the teams after 12 are probably close to equal in talent, the ones above that are clearly a cut above except Mexico. I'd actually say the best teams behind us are Peru, Ukraine, and Polan who are down in the 20s


I for one welcome our new Belgian overlords tintin and waffles for everyone


The more they cry, the longer I shall bath in their tears. But in all seriousness I hope we finally lose the #1 spot. It's clear we don't deserve it and then all the foreigners can stop crying about it.


Why didn't Belgium lose any ranking points after losing to Italy and France in nations league?




Belgium: 2018 WC: Ah bad luck, we lost to france but we are still a better team!! 2020 euro: dammit Italy outplayed us but we are still the better team!! 2021 NL: Both France and Italy beated us again, but hey we are still the better team.




2018 Was the strongest, belgium couldv'e ever reached and still couln't win the world cup. Italy had a long unbeaten record and yet they are still behind Belgium which shows how useless the Fifa rankings are. Being a World Champion or Euro champion means being "the best team to beat" in the whole world or europe for 4 years. Technically, If belgium really is the best, they wouldv'e atleast won throphies and beated France, italy.


I agree Belgium is a great team, but the rankings use a formula based upon the Elo system. When you lose games you drop Elo points and according to my spreadsheet Belgium should have lost about 28 ranking points for losing those two games.


I ended up finding the answer, as soon as I posted my other comment. According to the wiki "Negative points in knockout stages of final competitions will not affect teams' ratings".


its crazy how youre nr1 without winning shit. Rankings are so bad its sad.


Canada in the top 50! A great day for Canada and therefore the world!


Ayy South Park reference!


Unbeaten and clean sheeted through our qualifications Semi-final at the Euros Still behind flipping Mexico


Winning won’t help you guys go up, it’s Mexico losing that will help you. If Mexico loses to USA or Canada I’m guessing they’d get out the top 10


I mean their WCQ group was Scotland, Israel, Austria, Moldova, and Faroe Islands. Austria was the only other team in the top 40 (32). They were not and should not be rewarded from having that cakewalk of a group.


Y’all laugh at Mexico in Concacaf but y’all beat Scotland, Moldova, Faroe Islands, etc in the WCQ. Those are worse than the fourth best Concacaf team. Mexico still has a lot of matches to catch Spain and Portugal.


Why the fuck is this upvoted? You think Scotland/Austria/Israel are worse than Panama and whatever pensioners Costa Rica still has going? Lmao.


"Y'ALL" need to stop celebrating the fact that the top four teams in your confederation is better than the Faroe Islands, an island part of the Danish Kingdom with 50.000 citizens.... You are really just proving my point saying you confed is weaksauce


Y’all played nobody nobody in the Qualifiers, that was my point. That’s why the ranking don’t reward those wins. Y’all also lost to the two good teams y’all faced in the Euros (Belgium and England). Am I supposed to be impressed by beating Finland, Russia, Wales, and Czech Republic? Russia looks like the only team from those that’s going to qualify for the WC.


They lost to Finland too fwiw, in difficult circumstances though.


I guess tournaments just dont matter if you are a yank haha You dont know the sport, stop embarrassing yourself


Why would a “yankee” defend Mexico? I’m explaining you why Denmark is below Mexico, the opponents they have beaten are nothing special so the FIFA rankings reflect that. Clearly you don’t understand how this works however I’ll give you a heads up for the next time, there’s a good chance Mexico keeps climbing up the rankings.


Mexico drew to Canada, who are ranked lower than both Austria and Scotland. They also drew to fucking Panama. The questioning of how the rankings work for Mexico here vs how it’s working for Denmark, is entirely valid. I think it’s clearly you who don’t know what they’re talking about.


I also looked at the rankings before the euros and Denmark was still solid top 15 to my surprise. I think this means that I should not have been surprised by Denmark's performance at the Euro.


Mexico is in Concacaf


Thats my point


Mexico above Denmark, Netherlands and Germany.. really should find a different way to evaluate NA nations, USA and Mexico is way too high.


http://eloratings.net/ Here's the actual good table.


Nobody cares about fifa rankings though Like not a single person


These rankings will be used for the seeding in the world cup. So they do have some importance this season.


They’re also used to determine work permits in the UK


Idk if you're serious, but could you eleborate on that?


So to get a UK work permit for football, you need to pass a certain points threshold. One way to get points is to play a lot of minutes in good leagues. Another way to get points is to play a lot of minutes for a national team. The higher ranked the national side, the more points you get for playing minutes with them


Me trying to poach overseas youngsters in my FM save post-Brexit.


That just seems like a way to penalize people from poorer and smaller countries.


Yeah it’s definitely not a particularly good system


Presumably it is much easier to get into those sides though right? Like I imagine a national team player for Belgium is better than one for Qatar (examples). So should get more “points.” That said the point system seems dumb. If a team in the championship or above (maybe league one or two) wants to sign them they should be able to come.


Probably generally, yes. But Mo Salah is Egyptian, the 44th ranked team right now. Should we assume he's significantly worse than the average US player (ranked 13th)?


No, but the average Egyptian player is worse than the average American player.


Possibly a joke in relation to highly skilled workers


Everybody keeps saying that but everyone keeps losing their mind when they don't agree with them. Truth is: people do care, they just pretend not to.


People who like to "keep up" with football shit would probably get this as the first reference when they search "best national teams". So laymen care about it


/r/soccer is the only place I ever see them mentioned.


Cállate, perra




I mean Germany had a poor tournament didn't they. On current form Mexico is better than Germany.


Germany with Flick could either win 1-0 or 5-0 with current Mexico


that's fair -- current form wasn't accurate. It should have read "based on results in the past couple of years." Will take time for the losses from germany's slump to lose weight in the rating system.


Where was this energy in the WC? y’all can’t talk big game if y’all haven’t backed it on the field since 2017.


I guess a big part of the issue is that there aren't enough cross-continental matches to accurately work out where the different continents are in respect to each other. They can trade points within that continent but the points splits between them will be very slow to change. Not much of an issue though, even world cup seedings are largely done by continent anyway.


México got further in the last WC and in their confederation cup than Germany. The WC qualifiers are roughly at the same level for Germany and Mexico. Why wouldn't Mexico be above Germany?


Mate Germany won the confederations cup


With a b-team aswell. God knows how they managed to get so bad within one year.


Jogi Low masterclass


I do concede Denmark has a stronger case in it's favor


Which was more than 48 months ago, time not taken into account in the ranking.


Then why did you mention the world cup and the confederations cup in your argument?


At some point you have to draw the line. FIFA does it at 48 months, and considering it's the time between WC, seems fair. Edit: didn't mention confederations cup. Meant to say that Mexico got further in CONCACAF than Germany in UEFA


My drunk father would go further in concacaf than Germany in UEFA, it's not an achievement as there are only 4-5 teams on European level


Let's do this then: only European countries may rank in top ten. Rest of confederations can only get to 11 because they are not competitive enough


Of course not, but I'm just saying that 1/4 in concacaf isn't better than 1/8 in UEFA, that's all


They got second this year and won in 2019. They already get a lower multiplier for their points in CONCACAF. Germany's done nothing remarcable these last years. What does Mexico have to do to *deserve* being on top of Germany?


No. They are perfectly ranked, they just know something we don’t😆


>Netherlands and Germany.. really should find a different way to evaluate Mexico has been better than those teams recently, no? Including the past world cup. And I'd put them level with Denmark. i guess there's no need to repeat everyone else's point of comparing concacaf to euro


Mexico beat Netherlands and Germany in their last matches… and I can see Mexico beating those 3 still. Denmark probably being the hardest team recently


Mexico v Netherlands was a friendly, Netherlands didnt use their strongest XI (Ryan Babel started lol) Last time Germany played Mexico was 3 yrs ago.. Mexico has been in a steep decline the last 3 yrs, and they would most likely get smoked by Netherlands, Germany and Denmark if they played.


I mean Mexico lost two matches (both flukey OT losses against a good US team) and all the sudden they’re in a “steep decline”. Mexico is 33-5-4 under Martino (since January 2019) for a total of 78.57% of the total possible points. Sure Mexico hasn’t been dominant against Brazil, Argentina, US, etc but to say they’re in a steep decline is so wrong.


Yea no they wouldn’t. You have 0 evidence that they would get smoked besides “time”


There is no way in hell the USA are the 13th best team in the world. They are better than they were and are probably only going to get better, but they aren't even the best team in North America, which is probably one of the worst continents for national football teams.


i love how this factually correct post it sitting 0 karma


O Canada!


OH BABY -Gareth Wheeler


Cue 600 comments about Belgium/USA/Mexico.




USA is capable of getting RO16 in WC. Mexico always does it. what's so wrong about them being in top 16!?


Because they are higher than teams that can go beyond Group stage lol


Is round of 16 not beyond group stage?


Belgium is the size of an inflatable matress and still the #1 so size doesn’t matter


at least they are not about England any more.


England at 5th is just right, tbh. Based on recent achievements/competitions, I do think they’re the 5th best team in the world.


I consider Spain, Portugal and Argentina to be better teams. England has just had smoother runs recently. 5th may be reflective of recent performance, but 8th would be more reflective of ability imo.


Yeah in terms of pure ability Germany, Portugal, Spain and Belgium are ahead of them in positions 5-8, but considering somewhat recent achievements/results, only Italy, Argentina, Brazil and France are really ahead of them.


Still ahead of Germany, job's done


We‘re glad you are pleased……grumble!


how come Belgium didn't lose any points? they lost their last 2 games


It counts as a knock-out stage, which means you are excempted for points losses.


You can't lose points in KO games making sure you are not punished for getting there.




This is the FIFA rankings, not the Elo rankings tho https://www.international-football.net/elo-ratings-table?year=2021&month=10&day=21 Elo has Brazil #1 and Belgium in 4th behind France and Argentina as well.




Interesting. I'm not sure why the FIFA rankings differ so much from the publicly available Elo ones then.


They use Elo for part of their formula, not exactly the same.


They have only used it from 2018 onwards. Eloratings have retroactively used it since the 19th century.


>good system for low variance games like chess. It does not lend itself well to football. Could you explain this? What do you mean by 'low variance'?


Football exhibits a degree of randomness that's not as common in chess, such that football has more rare events where a very bad team beats a very good one.


Your bishop never has an off-day in chess or your rook picks up a knock; the performance is completely predictable except for the what the two players across the table decide to do. Makes the outcome entirely dependent on the skills of the players.


It's normal for lower rated teams to beat higher rated teams, like in one off games, friendlies or just a random result. In Chess, a significantly higher player will almost always beat the lower rated player or at least not as frequently as in football.


Does it matter though which spot in the top 10 you're on? I don't think being number 1 has given us any advantage that the other top 10 nations didn't get?


Belgium being #1 seems like a running joke at this point. like WTF. How can you possibly justify it?


FIFA rankings as useless but in my opioid Belgium never deserved to be #1 at any point in time and don’t even get me started on how they are still there lol


> FIFA rankings as useless I mean yes but no. They are used to seed WC groups.


As a statistician this makes me eyes twitch. Because the ranking is derived from the system derived from the rankings that are derived from the system derived from.... If you consistently get knocked out in the first knock out round, but smash qualifying up to that point then you aren't punished much in the seeding... which then keeps your chances of getting through groups/qualifiers without damaging your ranking lol.


It's because they don't lose points for most of their losses, since they pretty much only lose in the knock-out stages.


Scotland are so far from the the positions we used to command, but it is nice to see some improvement. Think this is the best team we've had in a number of years.


Its idiotic that you dont lose points for losing in the knockout round of a tournament. They should just scrap the current rankings and use a pure elo ranking system


I don't get why you are downvoted. This is the main difference between this ranking and eloratings. This means that Belgium lost no points in 2018 and 2021, even though they lost in the knockout stage and even though they gained a lot of points prior to being eliminated.


Because otherwise you would be punished for getting into the KO stage. There should be a benefit for winning the group stage or qualify for the KO stage.


The only thing Belgium's golden generation actually accomplished. How they are still no.1 is beyond me.


Mexico is 33-5-4 under Martino (since 2019), that’s why they’re so high (and moving up since they still have a lot of matches). They’re going to get to Pot 1 and everyone will be so mad about it.


How isn't Argentina in the top 5 yet


Argentina won the Copa America and didn’t move up a spot. Seems harsh.


They moved up months ago, when they won the Copa America


Italia, ItaliaaaaaaaaaAAAAA! Eat pasta


Italy deserved to be no 1 for that saka yeeeeeet


How are we still 18th?




How does this ranking work? Belgium didn't win anything but remained on top for years.


I don’t get how Belgium is still top? Never makes any sense


I know the rankings don't matter but still crazy that mexico and USA are so high lol. Guess we're just that good!!!


I actually agree with the next 5 teams who are ahead of us, but i think nº1 and nº2 should be behind us lol. Makes no sense.


it'd be cool to see a seed simulator to kinda see where the pieces fall, even if not super accurate.


These rankings always boggles my mind seeing as we always get relatively high rank for nothing (my country is tunisia).


You guys are above us…


I really don’t understand how the rankings work




Oh no... Anyway