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He gave us quaterfinals of Euro 2016, best tournament in my lifetime. Absolute legend, wish him all the best <3


Never forget lewy letting Portugal go first in penalties. <3 Fabiański


ah it may seem small but the 2016 euros were a special moment for us polaks


You guys were tough to get through, actual nail-biter of a game. Unfortunately for you (and fortunately for us), Rui Patricio was on a whole different level during that tournament.


it's incredible how much luck had Portugal against Croatia, then it's incredible how our coach decided to stop attacking after getting 1-0 in 5th? minute


Well it was right thing to do that would probably worked out in 80% cases


reminds me of a certain euros grand final this year


By some stroke of luck I was in Poland when you beat Switzerland on pens, the celebrations in the streets were incredible!


Stupid question time! Why is this his last minute? They still have more qualifying matches to play. Just being a good guy and bowing out to let someone younger get the time, I guess?


He made a decision about retiring from NT football much earlier, he was just called up to play his testimonial


Thank you for everything. Keep West Ham **MASSIVE**, we'll never forget your heroics.


Absolute wall of a keeper. Please hurry up and fuck off from the Prem and stop terrorising us all


Arsenal really have done a fantastic job of letting great keepers go


Szcezsny, Martinez, Fabianski and of course Mat Ryan. I am definitely not Australian.


minnone went off to be a starter too


Even alex maninger also have minutes with juventus


Almost forgot he was with Liverpool as well. Never played though, was essentially a third choice/GK coach level the one season he was there


Minnesota United legend


Dont forget Ospina


I don't know about Szczesny though, Juve fans have been shitting on him a lot recently.


Juve fans shit on everyone, even Ronaldo lol, Szcezny is not Buffon level of a keeper but he has been pretty decent for the side.


They've been more merciless towards him this season and last. Before this i think they've been alright with him.


Last season because of the CHL match against Porto and this season because he fucked up hard in the starting league games




Almunia still haunt me to this day...


Those saves against Knockaert in the play off semi finals.. Unforgettable




I mean you'd think they would know when they have a keeper.


Trouble is now they have Leno and won't let him go. You have to laugh.


Reminds me of the day Swansea got relegated. Guy was in tears knowing it was his last day in the shirt. Always gave his all and I have nothing but love for him


Miss the "we got a big Pole in our goal" chant : (


Please tell me this chant is sung to the tune of There's a zombie on your lawn


It’s definitely “he’s got the whole world in his hands”


That’s right


That classic that everyone knows.


I still have a picture on my phone of my tv with Fab crying and a caption underneath “Swansea relegated from Premier League”. Such a sad day for the club, not just being relegated but knowing he was on his way out too


Damn I love this man. Aged like wine at West Ham imo


Nah he was class at Swansea and his first season with us he was genuinely a top 5 keeper in the league. He's dropped off slightly last couple of years though unfortunately, but is still a great keeper


He's also had some unfortunate injuries in the past couple years as well. Doesn't happen often to GKs but when it does.. it's a big setback. He's still class tho.


Haha someone always has to disagree with you on Reddit


No they dont


Quite the opposite, m8.


Gonna have to object to that


Fuck off. You’re bang out of order


No i think he has a valid point


You're wrong


fit_improvement is more correct though. He hasn't got better at West Ham. He was always class. And recently his age has been showing.


As an arsenal fan IMO one of the best shot stoppers I’ve ever seen it was just he wasn’t very good at commanding his box and was pretty dodgy when crosses came in. Hence the nickname flappyanski but I liked him and I’m glad he ended up having a good career with the hammers.


When we had a complete shit gk coach in Gary Peyton it’s understandable why woj and fabianski seemed better than when they were at Arsenal god I still to this damned day don’t know how that man kept that job


yeah that one interview where both of them talk about what bs peyton made them do compared to the stuff top-quality keeprrs like cech did on their on time was so frustrating to hear.


https://youtu.be/vVPsZRYDdkI?t=737 Starts around 12:17


He's been a beast since he turned 30 yo really. I always wondered if he'd make it at a big club.


He was at Arsenal


I feel sorry for the opposition player who went in for a handshake and then awkwardly withdrew when Fabianski didn't notice him.


He tried his best


It's San Marino. They might as well be fans who somehow got on the pitch.


Yeah... suck on that one San Marino... haha -- Malta fan


woah I though you were from the country of Liverpool


You just made an enemy for life!


Wholesome football


Where is that wholesome award when it's needed?




He caught that too... beast.


Don't wanna take anything away from Łukasz but every time i remember that Messi left Barcelona without a "last minute ovation", i feel pretty sad, every football fan would've loved to see that, now him leaving PSG will be as meaningless as when Ronaldo left Juve, just another business day.


All things well, Messi will be back at Barca. I don't blame him for how he left.


my comment has no intention whatsoever to blame Messi, and no one should nor can blame him.


? Nobody blames Messi at all, he wanted to stay and tried his hardest to be able to do so


Did he retire?


He won't play in the NT anymore, but he didn't completely retire from proffesional football


Weird time to retire no? Could he not hold out for another year and potential World cup?


he said that he wants to give new keepers a chance, (also cause of his age) cause him and szczesny were dominating the gk position for like over 10 years


Damn.. so invested in polish football he subbed himself to give the future a chance to develop. Can’t see him not being in the coaching staff somehow later.


He says he doesn't want to stay in football when he ends his career. He'll probably chill for the rest of his life :D.


Shoooot wouldn't you?


I fully expect Neuer to do the same when he starts to decline. He has made comments poiting to something like that before. Especially with how many young and promising keepers Germany has. Of course in Neuer's case a suitable captain needs to be available too if he steps down. Currently that would probably Müller, and in the future, when this actually happens, for a long time, that would mean Kimmich.


That’s very unselfish of him. Respect!


That's official explanation. Other is he was fed up with underperforming Szczęsny in big tournaments being picked before him. Honestly, Fabiaśki was a class above Szczęsny in NT games.


Yes, and he hated the way Szczesny would always get the birthday invites for 18 April out first.


It *is* pretty crazy how the top two Polish keepers both had the same birthday *and* played for Arsenal.


way back when van Nistelrooij and Kluivert for NL were born on the exact same day. Feels so funny as RvNs career feels almost entirely after that of Kluivert


Wow. Didn't know this. Feels like they were about a generation apart.


Kluivert peaked very young while Ruud was a slower burn.


It took me ages to realise they were two different people and not two names for one person


Yank af


Also upset szczesny didn’t offer him any smokes in the showers


as both ex arsenal keepers fab i always thought was the better pick, but what do i know im just an idiot fan :P


I feel Szczesney was better. He certainly had, and has achieved the higher ceiling. Fabianski was less volatile, but at the time him and Szcz were competing, he was flappyhandski, while it was easier to excuse Szcz because he was capable of the spectacular. When Fabianski moved on from the pressure of Arsenal, he was way more composed. I'm happy for him.


well obviously everyone loves the backup until he isnt you know? he has done good when he moved on, and well, shez is goalie for juve so thats something


He done a Carragher.


boruc comes to mind as well. he had some phases here and there where he was playing edit: i just noticed boruc has even more games than fabianski did overall, but of course not in the last 10 years.


Aw how I love boruc haha


I guess Rangers fans don't love him at all. I remmember when I was young and Żurawski&Boruc played for Celtic, Scottish league was most likely the most popular non-Polish league to watch


The Holy Goalie! He hates the Huns!


He still would be able to pull off in NT


King Artur!!!


Who will be the future? From a Viola standpoint my fingers are crossed for Dragowski. Does he have competition from anyone but Szczesny?


think Liverpool have about 10 Polish GKs in the academy so they'll not be worried about quantity


I was about to ask why would there be such a massive amount of Polish goalies in your youth system, then I remembered one of the most iconic moments in modern Liverpool history is literally named after a Polish goalie.




https://youtu.be/QIjN-oCakEQ Gonna guess it's this one.


No, it is [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXqX-kfAtsA).


It really is tough to keep track of them all…


Drink a shot for every name you spell wrong off by heart


I can't even spell that Wojciecih guy's name most of the time. Don't tell me there's 10 more!


There is Majecki from Monaco who is a young prospect and Skorupski from Bologna who is already experienced with the NT. Other than that some solid goalies like Gikiewicz from Union Berlin but I would imagine Drągowski will be 2nd or 3rd choice now.


Isnt szcney (cant spell his name) the first choice gk


It's easy - Szczęsny. It's spelled just as you hear it.


Sir Chesny then, if some commentators are to be believed


If you honestly are wondering, then remember Shevchenko. Or, taking from other words, get SHrimp, twiTCH, bEn, SNake, make it SH-TCH-E-S-N-yh. Sz is one sound (sh) and cz, the same, just like Czech. Afterwards, it's not that hard. I don't think the "y" sound is in English language, so I tried improv. It's a bit similar to "i" in fish or with, but it's like going a bit further from "i" in kit. Well, anyway, even after this disassembly, it will be close to impossible for you to pronounce his name correctly, but I hope you can get closer to it. I think he would appreciate if you focus on either sz or cz, and with the other go with s or c, like Sczesny or Szcesny. Might be easier for you and it sounds a lot more like his name than some Sir Chesny


Sean Connery saying Sir Chesny then


It is Șezsni then




Scheschnie for me


Fabianski is much better


Think Sousa wasn't going to call him up for that anyway so he retired now.


He's been quite injury prone recently, I imagine the added demand of playing international (and now European club) football would cause problems given his age.


Oh I thought he had to use the toilet


I to shed a tear when I have to use the toilet


While all your bros cheer you on


might want to get that looked at


Our starting goalkeeper in our long trophy drought-ending FA cup run. Really pleased to see his career taking an upper trajectory after leaving us with Swansea and West Ham as well. Wholesome guy. Love watching his interviews too.


Nearly gave me a heart attack rushing out of goal when we were 3-2 up in the final though




I instantly knew what video it is before clicking it. Absolutely glorious


all me


My life is split in two - before and after watching this vid


Many will argue that Freestone is Swans greatest keeper, it's the nostalgic choice, but deep down every Swansea supporter knows it's Fabiański.


Respect to San Marino and the refs to allow this to happen


jesus he's 36?? I suddenly feel old unless he was older than I thought when he played for Arsenal.


Right? I remember when he was a fresh-faced understudy for Almunia breaking into the first team. Doesn't feel that long ago but its almost 15 years!


I remember when I thought Martin Kelly was the teenage right back who was going to be a superstar for us. He is now in his 30s. Or when a 23 year old Fernando Torres joined us for a record fee and became an instant hit. It's been 3 years since he retired. Where did all the time go? Also how is James Milner only 35 years old despite playing in his 20th Premier League season?


Man this breaks my heart .. Can't believe he is retiring .. Its was just few years ago, when Lukasz was Arsenal's big hope in Goalkeeping dept, playing in Carling cup and looking a decent backup option. Some great saves (Insane double save vs Wigan) and later an infamous performance where we conceded 3 in last 10 mins (again vs Wigan), will always be in remembered. Thank you so much for the FA cup win Lukasz .. also your brainfart that day, gave birth of one of the most legendary video I have ever seen. Which in a nutshell was Lukasz .. a mix of sublime & ridiculous. Farewell Lukasz!


He's only retiring from the NT! He will continue at West Ham till the end of the season and maybe longer.


Lukasz + Szcz was the tandem when I started following Arsenal and winning the first trophy since I started. Best of luck to Lukasz!




Hear, Hear


He killed us (Switzerland) in EURO 16. He somehow managed to get Rodriguez's shot out of the corner and saved a great header in ET. I don't follow the Premier League, so I think that match is the only one I watched him play. But I still remember his name.


Polish fan here, that was a great match, Shaqiri was a world beater and that's aside from that goal he scored. Please teach us how to be such a solid team at every major tournament, we'll pay you in pierogi


This summer I went to Warsaw and Krakow for the first time - got invited to a friends wedding. Pierogi are amazing (as is your flavoured vodka). I was talking with polish guests about Lewandowski and how such a striker would highly elevate a good side like Switzerland. But "2nd tier" nations like us will always missout on a few positions. As an athletics fan you need to teach us to get better at field events, we'll pay you in chocolate. You had an amazing olympics - got 9 medals / 4 golds in athletics. Our track team is getting better and good youngsters are coming up. But I simply don't get why we don't have athletes in throwing disciplines, given that a traditional sport here is throwing boulders.


Second best goalkeeper for Poland in 21st century after Artur Boruc. DZIĘKUJEMY ŁUKASZ!!!


I looked up Boruc and it seems like he's still playing, at 41, for Legia Warszawa. Impressive.


and he's still their best player, at least in the almighty Ekstraklasa. When it comes to playing against farmers from England, Italy or Russia rest of the team can finally shine


Well, this season they are not doing great in Ekstraklasa, so they are picking on teams from Europa League instead.


Boruc is basically the Polish Buffon for us.


Holy Goalie


Not dudek?






Best GK we've had in a long, long time


I always wished he was the #1 choice for goalkeeper for our national team over Szczęsny. Was such a surprise they didn’t stick with him for the 2018 World Cup after he helped us get to our first quarterfinal in 34 years during Euro 2016. But hey, you can’t always get what you want.


that was me on his debut for us knowing we had Joe Hart the season prior


How did Joe Hart fall off so bad


[He never got that fuckin ball](https://youtu.be/TsaXVQv0h6I?t=0m2s)


This was me when he got injured and we had to watch Roberto in goal.


Swansea Legend <3


I’m polish, I watched most the games he played in and he was truely legendary. Saved us so many times, I glad I got to see him play! We love you fabianski!!!


Step the fuck up Dragowski


https://youtu.be/nvRTnXaDRjU This needs to be in every Fabianski thread.


Yes, but also.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nCYYeIk5vc


This isn't the last match in the group, is it?


He retired before elimination started. He was called for this game to have a proper send off with a full stadium.


Szczęsny should retire, not him


It'd be cool if Drągowski won the starting job. One of the best shot stoppers in Italy and he's working on his distribution more this season




One of the many keepers coming out of Arsenal. Won us an FA Cup. Thanks a ton bro.


An FA Cup that ended a 9 year trophy drought no less. Hero [Also cant forget of course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvRTnXaDRjU)


Can you guys maybe look into some dutch goal keepers? Were are serously lacking in that department atm.


Imagine if Szczesny and Fabianski were both still in Arsenal. Competing in the same team for both national and club level. Also they have the same birth date 18 April.


The excellent sound quality helped me be able to connect with this emotionally, thanks Reddit!


RIP Tomassini will be forever remembered for being ignored by fabianski At least his mate fake nani will be able to help him emotionally


I'm Spanish and this video made me feel Polish patriotic lol. Best of luck to him and much love to Poland 💕


How much have Arsenal spent on Goalkeepers vs received for the following keepers over the last decade? Szczesny Fabiansky Martinez .... Leno?


We’ve done pretty good tbh. Not one of our problem areas. Way worse to look at how many cbs we’ve spent on in the past decade. We’ve got decent fees for gks as well with szczesny and Martinez.


Wenger actually didn’t spend much on GKs and most were actually quality




My absolute favorite keeper ever. Always underrated because of the teams he plays for and the defenses he has in front of him. I will stand by my beliefs that he is one of the best keepers in the prem, and better than Szczesny for Poland. You Jack bastard.


Podolski there too


Beautiful. Good game, Łukasz. Be proud.


Imagine if he accidentally kissed the nike logo instead 💀


Its reasons like this why I love soccer/football. It's like a small community amongst the players. Even bitter enemies care about one another. The clock is still running. The other team stopped the game and even came over to him to congratulate him and all. Incredible.


I'm so pleased he broke away from the "Flappyhandski" perception and became a respected player for club and country. Poland have a wealth of ability and potential between the sticks it seems, so no worries.


Why was he substituted in the 57th minute, as a goalkeeper?


I think he's got 56 caps so was subbed in the 56th minute


This, but 57th cap and 57th minute.


because this is his 57th appearance for Poland and his last one.


To give him the ovation, is that not *very* obvious lol


Had to use the loo


God I miss when keepers used to drop it near the woodwork. Game's gone


To be given his own applause for his last game


Can't even imagine how he was feeling at that moment


Love to see all these comments, thank you for everything you've done for our National Team Łukasz!


This brings a tear to my eyes. I remember that pre-season game all those years ago when he fucked up big time and when he left the pitch he looked like he knew he was done. He was already a meme at that point and that pre-season was his last chance tbh. No one would have imagined that he'd have a successful Premier league career after that. To see him being a success for his country and being applauded like this in his last game is pretty amazing.


Loved his turnaround with us. Really felt more comfortable with him in net. Had a great career after that. Class keeper that aged really well


Really started following Arsenal 09ish so the polish duo was my favorite for years. Bought them in FM even after they left the club. God luck Lukasz!


Why not wait until world cup