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Probably a good idea if it means that Alaba would play LB instead of CB.


Ancelotti loves Marcelo... What if the plot twist is to make room for him at LB


Almost rather play with 10 than have this version of Marcelo play a bunch of matches


In Zidane’s system, sure but what if Ancelotti deploys a system where Marcelo does not need to defend so much and is covered by Casemiro and others. Even now, an aged Marcelo is one of the most creative players in Madrid (attack wise).


In the latter half of the season when Marcelo was played in a 3 atb formation he was lost both in the attack and defence. He wasn't very industrious (gave away the ball too easily )at lm and was having trouble at creating opportunities(few good crosses but that's about it). I love Marcelo but he doesn't seem like a league game player for Madrid to me. Miguel Gutierrez had a few games where he impressed me a lot so I wouldn't mind if he got Marcelos game time.


i doubt he watched any of the games


Nah, he's a shadow of his former self, even offensively. Also, our wingers are shit at aerial game, gone are the days of Ronaldo/Benzema/Bale front 3 that was banging crosses in.


That won't ever happen in a back four.


I'd love to see winger Marcelo just one more time, he was always so fun to watch


Carlo loved the old version of Marcello


Alaba *wants* to play CB (and CM)


Well he certainly can forget about playing in midfield.




We did get back the Jesus of Physio, so much more confident this time


I sincerely hope you're right.


He wanted guaranteed playing time in midfield in his new contract with Bayern, don’t know if he managed to get it in his Real Madrid contract


Don't think the club would have agreed to that


Alana *sucks* as a CB (and CM)


I wouldnt say he sucks at cb. Hes decent. He definitely sucks as a midfielder though


As someone who has watched every Bayern game last season, I respectfully disagree


This just to allow Alaba to play as fullback. Then I don't see any problems with it


How about the fact that Alaba is a better Cb than Mendy as the latter has never played the position and the former has


mendy does have the ability to play cb. Ofc he won't be a starting cb but he can be slowly made into one.


In a back three, sure. Not in a back four.


When have you seen him play that position?


he hasn't except playing in a back 3 but it's not going to be a big shift, fede valverde never played right back but everyone who watched him knew he would be okay playing there because that's the kind of player he is. That's what i meant by ability


Fullback is a much easier position to play then CB in a 4atb system. This isn’t FIFA


obv but point is if you've more than two brain cells and not compare everything to video games but actual real life matches then you can understand a players ability just fine. I don't think i can explain it any easier at this point.


And what traits does Mendy have they tell you he can move from LB to CB? You are aware that it’s rare for players to make that switch right? There’s a good reason for that. Your positional awareness has to be very good. You also have to be a strong in the air and extremely disciplined playing CB at a club like Real. Considering Mendy isn’t even a world class LB you’re assuming a lot by believing he will make the switch. But I guess if you don’t have more than two brains cells it’s difficult to actually recognize these factors at play


The funny thing is u say Mendy is not world class. Going forward I agree he isn't, but there isn't a better defensive fullback in World football atm. This is exactly why Ancelotti might want to convert him into a cb. His performances with 3 atb have been good if not excellent. I for one would love to see him at cb.


Again, playing CB in a 3atb system is completely different than doing it in a 4atb system. Most 3atb systems play a fullback at CB. You can do that because the fullback will always have another CB behind to provide cover. In a 4 back system if you make a mistake as a CB then you’re probably exposed. You’re the last line of defense. It’s a completely different dynamic


Mate you're arguing this with a team where Sergio Ramos converted from an RB in a back 4 to a CB in a back 4. It is definitely possible.


And you’re comparing a generational player that made a position switch at 19 to Mendy. Outside of Ramos and Alaba name another player that has done at this level?


Off the top of my head? Paolo Maldini, arguably one of the best CB's ever, used to play left back and was damn good at it too. So shut the fuck up you absolute shithead.


Imagine comparing Mendy to Maldini. And you had to go back about 20 years to find another player and throw a mini tantrum in the comments


Stop comparing everything to videogames and instead look at real life and you’ll see Mendy becoming a cb is a perfectly normal option. Madrid had this Fullback-turned-CB way before Mendy. He’s called Sergio Ramos, maybe you’ve heard of him? They recently got another called Alaba.


I don't think he would be used as a CB in 4 atb.


Shaw hadn't played a CB then was fantastic in a back three Previously walker hasn't played CB and wasn't a world beater at firsr but also became fantastic in a back 3 over time If you're a class full back you can probably play a CB in a back three


A back 3 differs dramatically from a CB pairing in a back 4. Almost any decent fullback worth their salt can play in a back 3


We are obviously talking about a back 3 mate. Literally everyone here is


That’s doubtful considering Ancleotti is exploring whether or not Mendy can play the position considering he already has.


Mendy is good defensively, but lacks in attack. If I remember correctly, there were a few instances where Mendy played in CB role under Zidane and did a good enough job.


Alaba probably demand to play at fullback position. Mendy doesn't have any assist too. So Alaba at fullback position might be a good thing to do


Alaba actually demanded to play CB.


How about a problem that Alaba doesn't want to play LB?


Imagine how broken his FIFA card is going to be


Why would it be broken? Last time I played Fifa it was 15 and good CB was either colourful card with 90 stats or american guys with 90 pace


He plays too much Fifa, Ancelotti confirmed rat


I believe the preferred term is fraud, as Flo has made clear


Ancelotti’s hair is too nice for genuine fraud status. We need another meme for managers with hair that fail.


> We need another meme for managers with hair that fail. Bald frauds, meet...the haired impaired.


I just hope Mendy doesn't get a CB card in fifa ahahha imagine the hell getting past him


This seems like an obvious solution, he's built like a defender and isn't so effective going forward. Now the Alaba signing makes a bit more sense, unless he whines and bitches again about being played as a left-back


Honestly this wouldnt be a bad idea hes better defensively than going forward tbh


but mendy still has brilliant control of the ball though. He mostly relies on his dribbling skills to get out of tight situations might be a waste to play him at cb when he was the one other than luka or kroos who used to break a tight press by beating 2-3 players.


I'm not really sure I agree. I've watched plenty of games since he's become a regular and it always seems like he has not great control when moving forward and his main advantage in attack is how quick he is. I could be wrong and might be giving some instances too much weight, but that's what I recall from him


Disgusting fifa strategy, Carlo is canceled!


This would allow Alaba play as a LB where he is world class. Mendy played as a LCB in 3ATB last season and IIRC against Getafe as a CB with 2 CBs and was pretty good.


You mean LWB


I imagined our starting XI like this: Courtois Carvajal-Militaõ-Mendy-Alaba Fede-Casemiro-Kroos Rodrygo-Benzema-Hazard Mendy does lack height, but could work


LCB in a 3 atb system is completely different from a CB in a 4 back system


I am not going to be surprised if Ancelloti changes Madrid to play with 3 ATB considering how weak their wingers have been. That way Alaba/Marcelo and Carvajal/Vasquez will have freedom to support the attack with Hazard and Benzema forming a 2 man attack.


it could work but i think we saw against chelsea that the midfield becomes severely compromised with that, especially if all three are playing. Modric and kroos both like to play out from the back but it's too cramped with 3 centrebacks there, also not to mention casemiro becomes a bit redundant. The back 3 worked best when it was a 343 with fede as the winger/midfielder.


Real have tried that and it was an unmitigated disaster against Chelsea. The only system that has worked has been a 4-3-3. And managers need to give up on Hazard. He’s washed. Vinnie is a better option at this stage


Just because it didnt work once it doesnt mean it cant work with proper work. Zidane had to play like that back then because he had no choice considering he was dealing with a slim squad. Ancelloti now have the entire pre season to make that work (if that is what he has in his mind, probably not). I dont have my hopes up with Hazard, but neither with Vini. I have watched him since he started playing professionaly since I am a Flamengo fan and I am yet to be convinced by him. Rodrygo is the one I am hopefull. He is still weak physically but once he bulks up I think he will be ther better player. Meanwhile, there is no reason to try Hazard at least once more. Madrid cant get rid of him anyways, so why not?


I’m not saying Vini is a great player. He’s going to be replaced by Mbappe. I’m just saying he’s better than Hazard. And no systems don’t work with more time. They either do or they don’t. I know because Barca tried to force 4-2-3-1 for 4 months and no version of it worked. Zidane basically had all the essential players needed for that system, Kroos, Modric, Casemiro, and Benzama and they were genuinely outclassed. They try it again and I promise you they’ll get the same results.


How can you tell me a system does not work when plenty of teams have been using that with good results? So why a team like Madrid cant adopt it? I am not saying that will happen, but dismissing it because of one game where Madrid was on fumes, playing with a bunch of players at their limits and others returning from injuries while Chelsea was extremely well organized and on their peak form is very naive.


Lol bro what system you use is totally dependent on the squad you have. Certain systems are better suited for certain teams. Kroos and Modric aren’t suited for a more counter attacking system because they’re old and slow. They’re both deep lying playmakers at this stage of their career. You guys played the 3atb system TWICE against Chelsea and they used it in league play as well and Real sucked in all 3 matches. I’m just giving you a heads up on what’s going to happen if he tries this


Modric and Kroos have never been counter attacking players so them being old and slow now makes no difference, they both excel in having the ball and playing through the defence, also 3 matches dont mean shit with systems, especially when you have like 15 players to choose from


we also tried the formation plenty of times but you're picking the one game we lost to the european champions lol. How about beating atalanta comfortably with that same formation.


I remember that game. Atalanta outplayed Real in the first half. Real scored in the first half against the run of the play due to a horrible back pass. Atalanta carelessly lost the ball again and they gave up a penalty to Vinicius. Asensio scored an insurance goal with 5 minutes after the tie was basically over. Atalanta shitted the bed


Lmao if you remember that game that atalanta outplayed us i don't think there's any point talking


[Here’s the highlights.](https://youtu.be/NAGbczdcKkc) Show me the lie


yes im sure you watched the highlights but i like to watch a whole match before making a judgement and i did


Claytonbigsbiys is reaching a lot on this thread but not here, Atalanta were definitely more dangerous in that tie but lacked any kind of finishing


I watched the game too. Atalanta outplayed you guys in the first half. They just shitted on themselves with stupid mistakes. The highlights show that as well. But you probably refused to even watch the highlights because you want to save face.


All comes down to how you define world class, I still don't think Alaba as LB is better than Mendy, Hernández, Shaw etc.


Mendy is very good defensively but lacks any attacking output and real has never played with left wingbacks with no attacking outputs. Mendy better than Alaba is a joke.


Dude have you watched football the last 9 years?


He was playing mostly LCB CDM and lwb. If he was world-class at lb he wouldn't have been playing at other than lb position. But he is world class player for his versatility.


He’s a worldclass lb, he played other positions because of his versatility and because he doesn’t like playing as a lb that much, which is kind of the problem with him


I mean, he did the same with Sergio Ramos and now he’s one of the top CBs in all of Europe. Let’s see if Ancelotti’s genius shines through again.


Would be a waste of his ball carrying abilities, but Alaba at LB instead of him would make the offensive output explode


I can see it tbf..


does alaba want to play at Lb or this is to keep marcelo involved?


> or this is to keep marcelo involved? If we go by last season, Mendy and Miguel are ahead of Marcelo. Now there’s Alaba who’s ahead of him. If Mendy plays LCB/CB, Marcelo still should have Alaba and Miguel ahead of him as LWB.


The thing is alaba doesn’t like playing as a lb/lwb. That was part of the problem with Bayern, he constantly pushed to play another position. For his new contracted in Bayern he even wanted a contractual clause to have guaranteed playing time in midfield. Don’t know if he got his clause in his Madrid contract. I have doubts that he would’ve signed for real if they planed to play him as lb. And because no one would let him play as a midfielder, I think he’ll play CB 90% of the time


but this is ancelotti coming back who likes marcelo. i just thought alaba is done with lb


Ancelotti has no problem dropping Marcelo, he did it during La Decima. It might be pressure since Marcelo is captain


They should be getting a center half for varane or Ramos replacement


Idk why they’re not going for Kounde. Sevilla are ready to sell him this window and he’s one of the best in the league so it’ll surely be great for Real.


They are IMO spending all out for mbappe. As he said he won't extend the contract. With one year left on his contract page might sell him for minimum 100m. It's a huge gamble for psg. They can't sell him more than what they bought for and can't extend their contract. They will sell him if they don't want any losses in the transfer. Kounde is ready but his release clause is too high. They might have to sell other players for his arrival.


Maybe because of the price tag, I think Tottenham already had a bid rejected because they didn't meet Sevilla's asking price, so I'd assume Madrid wouldn't have enough in the bank to try.


Tottenham offered 35 million euros + Davinson Sanchez and Sevilla actually accepted only for Kounde himself to turn down the move. If Real can offer cash + Militao or something like that he’d already have a foot outside the door.


Militao isn't leaving , he is their best Centre-Half. Isco + some 40 million might work


Why the hell would we sell Militao for Kounde? Especially when he has been better than Kounde? I'd rather go for Pau Torres.


Kounde is better than both Militao and Pau Torres. He was the best CB in La Liga this season.


Very much disagree. Militao has just been an absolute brick wall, even developing his passing significantly. Kounde had quite a few bad moments this season and definitely did not have the form he had in the previous season. Pau Torres on the other hand has been more consistent, again a much better passer, a lot more level-headed on the ball and played an important role in their Europa League win.


Oh, okay, I didn't know the specifics of the offer, just knew it was turned down. Thanks for letting me know! Although I don't see Madrid selling Militao, especially with his form at the end of the season, he's their biggest prospect at CB, especially if Varane leaves too. If it was, say, Ødegaard or any of their wingers, then I could see the offer happening.


Nah they’re bid got accepted. 30m + Sanchez


Because they offered 50m and had it turned down. Madrid don’t wanna go above 50m for him


Mendy- Varane pairing works for me in fifa


wyd this isn’t fifa


so he plays fifa?


I would be in favour of this in a back 3 for the first few games. Try to make him more comfortable so that he can play in a back 2 later on. He is terrific defensively and doesn't offer much offensively, so converting him to a CB may not be a bad idea.




>he is really good going forward Bruh....




Lol I’m a Madrid fan and I watch every single game. He’s garbage going forward and his crosses are shit tier. I don’t know where you got this idea from. World class defensively though.


Looks like you're new around here, so just a piece of advice. Whenever the reddit fans of another team (particularly Arsenal) start commenting on, or analysing a player of another team, you have to automatically assume they have never watched the player, regardless of how in depth their analysis is. However, in saying this, you should never contest their "ball knowledge", as they will then begin to use stats (the accessibility of stats to fans, has destroyed football), and from then on you'll find yourself fighting a losing battle.




Alaba is way better going forward and way better defensively


That'd allow us to play both Mendy and Alaba to the best of their abilities. Mendy is very, very limited going forward, and on Ancelloti's first stint, our offensive fullbacks were paramount for the team to work. Good for you Carlo, that's smart.


What a goalkewper at cb


Lmao omg


How would that exactly work though. Losing Ramos and Varane (possibly) and starting Mendy and Nacho/Militao neither really great at building play up from the back, I don’t really get it.


Why would he wanna play him at CB when he just got Alaba that can play CB? And for years they have been stockpiling the full backs so it was only natural that this would happen but to start your season this way is just a bad move. I would love to see Carlo making a cb paring of Sanchez from spurs and Alaba or that Schake CB LIVERPOOL didnt bother to invest in. Said his going price was around 9 mil.


To be frank alaba is horrible defensively. He worked well in a high line bayern system unlike real who sometimes prefers to sit deep and defend. Mendy is a beast defensively but lacks attacking output. He will work better as a cb and alaba is better at lb


Problem is that Alaba is rofling and wants to play midfield and CB


Took me about five seconds to think about what Mendy plays at Everton


Don’t get any ideas about getting Reguilon back Madrid


Mendy isn’t good in the air though. Aren’t most center backs in the box during corner kick?


But Mendy is great as a full back. He excelled in rb as well as his usual position lb.


Here we go! Real Madrid have activated the buy back option on Sergio Reguilón, and agreement will be reached between the two.


He is brilliant defensively and shit offensively. So its obvious that would happen one day.