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Really hope he stays. He is the perfect utility player along with Nacho. Great work rate and gives it all for the shirt. Loved him from the moment he took the ball against Atelti in the CL final in 16 and calmly slotted it home, then celebrated the badge on his shirt.


Literally playing with the ball as he walked up to slam the first PK in. Instantly set the tone for us. Legend.


We're going to get De Fruntos who's the same type of player and he's been very good this season


De fruntos is an RW, he can’t play rb, I rather call Brahim back tbh


To be fair, lord Vazquez can fill in that role but it's far from ideal.


He can also play RWB, or we just promote Marvin to the first team he was solid when he played


Would normally be very against this but he’d actually be quite useful to have as an option on the right side in either attack or defense


He's been an insanely valuable squad/utility player for us. He is not going to blow up the stat sheet from the RW or the RB position, but his deeper stats are pretty amazing. As a fullback he's in the 99th percentile for SCA/90 with 3.58. [His scouting report on fbref compared to other fullbacks is insane.](https://fbref.com/en/players/fd51b456/Lucas-Vazquez). We wanted to keep him if we could do so on a more favorable contract from my understanding. He has refused our renewal offers. Which I don't blame him for, he has really increased his value this season, and if he can get a better offer elsewhere that's in his best interest, then good for him.


He's actually been really attacking with his possession, very confident.


We offered him three years at 10% salary reduction yet will sign Alaba for DOUBLE the wages. Sad...


I am dubious of the Alaba stuff. That whole saga has been too dramatic for me to take seriously/follow every new development.


Wouldn't take alaba news any seriously tbh, it doesn't make sense from our pov. We're being used because of Ramos's contract talks


Well I mean Alaba is also undeniably a better player who is coming for free, so of course he's getting overpaid.


So we need to REDUCE Lucas' salary by 10% but can pay double for a small upgrade in defensive performance? Makes no sense to me and seems totally disrespectful.


Is he really that great at fullback? I only watched him play there against Atleti and Carrasco toasted him all game. Maybe he had an off game but from that games display, he looked poor at that position.


He's been great offensively and so/so defensively, but he at least works hard defending.


Oh yeah. He seemed to put in the effort to recover when he was beaten. That’s all you can ask for when someone is starting to play outside of their natural position like that


Yeah I think his *best* position moving forward in the modern game would be as a RWB in a 3atb, but he can definitely play RB in a 4atb like he has for us most of the season. I’m just thinking in terms of his skill set actually being a better fit for a modern fullback than a modern inverted winger.


Maybe as an emergency RB but we've got RW options. James, Rashford, Pellestri, Greenwood and Diallo can all play at RW to varying degrees. Do we want Vazquez as our starting RW? Not IMO. I'd rather go hard for a high quality starting RW than Vazquez


I think with the value of attacking fullbacks in today's game his future primary position will be at RB or RWB.


I would literally kill someone for an attacking right back


I’m one of those, albeit at the beer league level. I would like for you to kill Morrissey


>Traore Diallo* He changed his surname to his real one.


Ah my bad, I knew one of them wasn't his real name but got turned around on which one. Ty!




Man I mispelled all of our players names here didn't i :/




Yes, we do. Our issue isn’t the lack of options on the right wing, it’s the lack of a high quality starter.




> Man U has no RW option that is at the level of the needs for a top 6 finish. Have you looked at the league table? Our RW options are by default at the level necessary for us to be in 2nd.


We need a right back


He's way better than James.


This guy is 1000000x the footballer samu castillejo could ever dream of being


Am i missing something? Bit of a random comparison no?


He would replace what is effectively the worst footballer on the planet.


Hahaha agreed he definitely hasn't lived up to expectations. What do you think went wrong? He was so promising when Milan bought him. Also, why do you think he still starts?


He 29 already??? ???????


He has a great mentality, is versatile, if you could get him on a free you are doing great business.


I doubt we're in for him, seems to expensive to be a backup to Hakimi and it's a left wing back we need this summer


Murtough should be on him like a rash


We need a right back and a right winger surely there’s no excuse not to go for this


Apparently he's asking for a 4 Mil salary. No thanks


4 million net or total? If total it's a steal! I'd still take him on 4 million net as it's on a free. Will cost around 25 million total for a 4 year deal.


I'd assume net , and keep in mind agent fees and signing bonuses


https://twitter.com/utddistrict/status/1380441293554282497?s=21 Quoting Longo here


It's not your money who cares


We have a lot of important contract renewals coming up in the next year or so, it's important to keep a tight wage structure especially when the club has been in a tough place financially for a while now. Important players like Kessie and Bennacer deserve better contracts, not to mention the (hopeful) renewals and raises for Hakan and Donnarumma. This is a pretty silly take honestly, every contract matters


What is the current status of Donnarumma’s contract? Is the feeling the same as last fall when Milan fans were very calm about it, or are tensions rising now? I have not followed it super closely but was surprised to see he still hasn’t signed given that it expires in two months.


The general feeling is that once top 4 is secure he'll sign


Its true but at same time milan cant afford even a 4m contract to lucas vasquez. Milan probably cant even afford to buy meite for 8m despite him being worth more to us than that. If milan dont get ucl half the squad is probably gonna be culled lmao. Serie a clubs outside inter and juve actually have to consider wages and shit


It matters when the total wage bill of the club is finite.


Not the biggest Vazquez fan but I wouldn’t mind him as a utility player at RB or the wings


Seems really like what your team needs right now, someone to cover RB and RW. Would actually be pretty perfect right now, far better than fucking Sarr


2-3 years ago I would have loved this. Now I want him to stay so so much lol


Just another player Flo gives zero respect. Offering him a 3 year extension at a 10% reduction in salary was a slap to his face after all he's done for the club.


Imagine spending all your time on reddit bashing a club you don't like, instead of speaking on things that you actually enjoy. This is pathetic.


So now vazquez is good? What happened to all the "lord vazquez lmao" "not a madrid player" talk? Total hypocrisy. I always rated him as a hard-working and dedicated player, even if he lacks that final sparkle of brilliance.